Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 166. 2018.

O. K. Antonova «Balcanism» In A Modern Serbian Prose

Abstract. The article is devoted to the generalized theoretical concepts of the manifestation of such a specific phenomenon as the discourse  of  “Balkanism”  in  contemporary  Serbian  prose.  On  the  example  of  the  Serbian  bestseller  of  the  last  decade  M.  Bobić Moisilović “The Diary of a Serbian Housewife” examines the artistic reflection of the Balkan crisis of the 90s of the 20th century. 

Keywords: Balkans, Serbian literature, “Balkanism”, discourse. 

O. K. Antonova «Balcanism» In A Modern Serbian Prose

M. P. Brus Feminitive-russisms in the history of Ukrainian language 

Abstract. The article reveals the history of feminitives of Russian origin in the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian-Russian linguistic and extralinguistic communication of preliterate and written epo have been analyzed. It is emphasized that the specific Russian feminitives were not fixed in the Ukrainian language in preliterate and early literate periods. Therefore it’s history should be analyzed only since the old Ukrainian era, especially during the new and modern Ukrainian periods. The attention is focused on that fact that the main stream of Russism feminitives in the Ukrainian language was fixed in the 20 th century. Modern Ukrainian language tries to deal with it in the 21st century to show it’s own lexical abundance and it’s identity.  

Keywords: the history of the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian-Russian language links, feminism-russism, borrowing. 

M. P. Brus Feminitive-russisms in the history of Ukrainian language 

A. A. Chebotaryova Cognitive mapping as a process of human cognition: J. H. Miller’s approach

Abstract. The article offers a review of the fundamental works of the outstanding american critic J. H. Miller. In the course of the research, the stages of development of the scientific activity of the critic are outlined, his ideas on cognition of human consciousness from  the  literary  point  of  view  are  singled  out,  and the  role  and tasks  of  translation  in  the process  of  cognition  of  the  author  are clarified. 

Keywords: consciousness, Miller, Shakespeare, literary criticism, cognitive science, deconstructivism, translation. 

A. A. Chebotaryova Cognitive mapping as a process of human cognition: J. H. Miller’s approach 

A. Kryvenko Benchmark keywords in European integration discourse

Abstract. This paper adopts a keyword approach to the identification of nodal points – sites of a particular discursive concentration, which have to do with the reproduction and construction of theories of European integration in written academic discourse. It lays out a comprehensible methodology for singling out relevant keywords in comparable specialized sub-corpora on European integration, which allows reducing subjectivity during the selection process.  Quantitative data obtained from  multiple sub-corpora allow for a layered  comparison  and  potentially  facilitate  a  qualitative  analysis  of  the  construal  of  European  integration  in  various  discursive practices.  

Keywords: European integration discourse, corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS), specialized corpus, nodal points, keyword analysis. 

A. Kryvenko Benchmark keywords in European integration discourse 

N. I. Liutianska On using ethnonyms in the cooperative situation of interethnic interaction

Abstract. The present paper deals with the notion of ethnonyms and their usage in the cooperative situation of interethnic interaction. The latter are studied on the basis of British and American media discourse, which spreads information about life in ethnically heterogeneous countries. Typology of the ethnonyms used in British and American media is given in the present paper. Moreover, vivid examples of different types of ethnonyms are considered.  

Keywords: media discourse, ethnonym, cooperative situation, interethnic interaction, reference.

N. I. Liutianska On using ethnonyms in the cooperative situation of interethnic interaction 

Yu. A. Loboda, A. O. Vlasiuk Current State of Court Interpreting in Ukraine and Prospects of Its Further Development

Abstract. The article gives a brief overview of the current state of court interpreting in Ukraine and outlines its further development prospects. It stresses the need for Ukraine to create a nationwide system of court interpreters’ certification with clear-cut professional standard requirements. Besides, we offer a set of norms to be included in professional interpreter’s training program at higher educational institutions. The notion “court interpreter” is viewed in terms of professional competence criteria.  

Keywords: court interpreting, criminal proceedings, professional competence, translation studies. 

Yu. A. Loboda, A. O. Vlasiuk Current State of Court Interpreting in Ukraine and Prospects of Its Further Development 

T. Ye. Naberezhnieva Translation of Consumer-Oriented Texts in Theory and Empiry

Abstract. The article analyses the main requirements for translation of consumer-oriented texts as discussed in theoretical Translation Studies and describes the adoption of a specific translator’s approach that enables the sender of the target text to exert an influence on a consumer of goods and services in practice of translation. It also explores linguistic and extralinguistic factors determining the way this translator’s approach is applied in translation of banking and finance related consumer-oriented texts.  

Keywords: translation, consumer-oriented text, cultural adaptation, usus, influence. 

T. Ye. Naberezhnieva Translation of Consumer-Oriented Texts in Theory and Empiry

N. A. Onishchenko HUMAN as the basic concept verbalized by Oscar Wilde’s eptonyms in German

Abstact. This article deals with the phenomenon of eptonyms within the framework of the ecolinguistics. Eptonyms result from the influence of cognitive, social and cultural factors of adapting new phenomena to the existing linguistic environment. The paper dwells on conceptual factors integrating eptonyms to the German-language environment. The study reveals the configuration of concepts verbalized in eptonyms by O. Wilde in German. Dominating is the megaconcept HUMAN subordinating such concepts as MAN-WOMAN, MENTAL ACTIVITY, MORAL QUALITIES, INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, LIFE, SOCIETY.  

Keywords: concept, ecolinguistics, eptonym, quotation, verbalization. 

N. A. Onishchenko HUMAN as the basic concept verbalized by Oscar Wilde’s eptonyms in German 

B. O. Pliushch Exploring translator disparity

Abstract. The article focuses on translator disparity as a notion inherent to the translation of the so-called small literatures. It considers the role of a translator disparity in the representation of Ukrainian literary prose as well as explores its correlation with other marginal translation practices such as indirect translation. Ukrainian literature represents an illustrative material of this article since Ukrainian does not belong to the range of widespread languages and is rarely learned as a foreign language by English native speakers.  

Keywords:  translation,  translator  disparity,  indirect  translation,  translator  ethics,  agent  of  translation,  translator’s  responsibility, paratexts. 

B. O. Pliushch Exploring translator disparity  

A. V. Prokoichenko Invective emotive lexical units in D. H. Lawrence’s short stories

Abstract. The article describes the emotive idіоstyle of one of the most unique British modernist writers of the XX century D. H. Lawrence. The article also contains the examples of invective lexical units, which are used to reproduce the emotional state of the characters of short stories. It is proved that the invective lexical units are a productive means of revealing the category of emotiveness in D. H. Lawrence’s short stories. 

Keywords: invective lexical units, emotiveness, short story, emotions. 

A. V. Prokoichenko Invective emotive lexical units in D. H. Lawrence’s short stories 

G. V. Syngayivska Precedent name Don Quixote in today's Spanish press

Abstract. The article grounds on a usage of proper names in the journalistic discourse as a precedent names, attended that availability in the structure of names some axiological meanings actualizated the name precedenting. The object of the research is a precedent name “Don Quixote”. The authors of the article analyze particularities of that precedent name in today’s Spanish press. The authors pay special attention to what precedent situations related to the name “Don Quixote” have been actualised in Spanish press media and what impact it was supposed to made on readers. As a result of the research, the authors demonstrate that the precedent name “Don Quixote” actualises such representations as “idealist, noble, generous person” and “dreamer who fights in vain for unrealizable ideals that are far from real life” while for precedent situations a compositional and aesthetic organization of the text and increase its pragmatic potential. 

Keywords: journalistic discourse, precedent phenomenon, precedent name, Don Quixote, Spanish culture. 

G. V. Syngayivska Precedent name Don Quixote in today’s Spanish press

A. I. Temchenko Body text: the opposition "pure / unclean" in the mythological representations of the Slavs

Abstract. In mythology, a dual attitude to the body is fixed, which ranges from positive, useful, pure to negative, harmful, unclean. In the first case, the semantic codes determine the processes of conception and birth, in the second, getting rid of impure and superfluous. Mythology of conception correlates with agricultural cults and is represented by the example of the poppy seeds. In the birth rites, the symbolism of the body in certain aspects intersects with the semantic field of the mythological top. The magical actions of getting rid of the unclean are “used” by the rite as a way to destroy the disease. 

Keywords:  myth, body, poppy, King’s gates, sacred patrons.  

A. I. Temchenko Body text: the opposition “pure / unclean”  in the mythological representations of the Slavs 

M. V. Voitenko Creolization as a feature of French advertising texts in the field of «luxury goods»

Abstract. The article deals with creolization as a feature of French advertising texts in the field of «luxury goods». The presence of verbal and visual components is considered in the modern print French advertisement of «luxury goods». And also the main reasons why the addresser prefers to use creolized advertising texts with an iconic component to valorize products in  the field of  «luxury goods» and maximize the impact of advertising on potential recipients are singled out.  

Keywords: сreolization, creolized advertising text, iconic component, creolized communication, «luxury goods».  

M. V. Voitenko Creolization as a feature of French advertising texts in the field of «luxury goods» 

D. O. Votinova Comparative Analysis of the Genre and Stylistic Dominants of the XXth Century Dystopian Novels in the Light of Translation Studies

Abstract. The article revolves around the genre and stylistic dominants of the novels in the genre of dystopia and the problems of their reproduction in Ukrainian translations. The comparative analysis is based on the three most famous dystopian novels “We” by Eugene Zamiatin, “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “1984” by George Orwell and is carried out through the lens of translation studies. The  dystopian  genre  and  stylistic  peculiarities  are  mainly  represented  in  the  authentic  texts  by  means  of  quazirealia,  which  are subdivided in this article into various categories denoting the objects of the fantastic world. Thus, attention is paid to the problem of the identification and interpretation of these lexical units in the Ukrainian translations. 

Keywords: dystopia, genre and stylistic dominant, Zamiatin, Huxley, Orwell, literary translation. 

D. O. Votinova Comparative Analysis of the Genre and Stylistic Dominants of the XXth Century Dystopian Novels in the Light of Translation Studies