Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 138. 2017.

I. O. Andrushchenko Demonstrative accentuated personalities’ intonation patterns of political speech

Abstract.  The  article  highlights  the  results  of  the  experimental  phonetic  study  in  prosodic  organization  of  public  political  speeches’ actualized by demonstrative accentuated personalities. The specificity of prosodic organization of the three structural parts of inauguration and conventional speeches is described. The invariant intonation model of realizing political speeches by language personalities with the specified accentuation of their character is given. 

Keywords: public political speech, demonstrative accentuated personalities, political speeches’ prosodic organization, inauguration and conventional speeches, invariant intonation model. 

I. O. Andrushchenko Demonstrative accentuated personalities’ intonation patterns of political speech 

L. A. Apollonova Propositional characteristics of perlocution of directive speech acts

Abstract. The article represents the analysis results of propositional content features of directive speech acts from the point of their influence on the perlocutionary effect. The propositional content has such characteristics as informativeness, action feasibility degree, beneficence, orientation to the common presupposition for both communicants. For the successful implementation of perlocutionary goals, the addressee applies optimization strategies of perlocutive influence, which are realized through various discursive tactics.  

Keywords: addressee, addressor, directive speech act, perlocutionary effect, proposition. 

L. A. Apollonova Propositional characteristics of perlocution of directive speech acts

T. A. Biletska Transposition of the locative deictic means in hypertext

Abstract.  The present study investigates into the correlation of  primary and secondary  functions of  the locative (text, discursive) deictic means used in the Internet discourse. On the basis of the analysis it is stated that the orientation centre or the reference point for the formation and perception of product descriptions (on the web-sites of online shops) is based on the usage of deictic elements. The author arrives to the conclusion that spatial parameters of communication on commercial sites are founded through the locative deictic means that correspond traditional adjectives here / there. In hypertext the former performs the dominant function of discursive deixis by setting the orientation centre for user navigation on the website. 

Keywords: hypertext, Internet discourse, descriptions of goods, deixis, deictic element. 

T. A. Biletska Transposition of the locative deictic means in hypertext

O. Chaikovska The communication process in television news

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of audiovisual media namely television news. Television connects spoken language with the written words.This paper investigates how the verbal language works together with the non-verbal means , how the messages are understood on television and tends be as objective as possible, simply and clearly accepted by viewers. One sees the text as the center of the television news, but it uses the video or photo as a tool for better understanding. 

Keywords: Media, television news, message text, spoken and written language. 

O. Chaikovska The communication process in television news 

Y. S. Chekareva Representation of the Conceptual Sphere of Space and Time in the System of Nouns and Adjectives in Ancient Greek

Abstract. The article deals with the nouns and adjectives of spatial and temporal semantics in Ancient Greek. The factors of forming of lexemes of such type are analyzed, and the most important of them are universal and ethno-specific peculiarities of space and time perception by native speakers. The connection between specific features of model of the world and their fixation in lexico-semantic system of Ancient Greek is determined. The analysis of quantitative and quality structure of noun and adjective groups in Ancient Greek indicates their active part in representation of different aspects of the сonceptual sphere of space and time.  

Keywords: noun, adjective, spatial and temporal relations, conceptual sphere, semantics.  

Y. S. Chekareva Representation of the Conceptual Sphere of Space and Time in the System of Nouns and Adjectives in Ancient Greek  

S. Yu. Danilina Parodic Nature of Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Damned’ and Approaches to Its Rendering in Translations

The article examines the parodic nature of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel “Damned” based on parodying the functional features of ecologically friendly way of life, consumerism, glamour and political correctness discourses, and the ways of achieving parodic effect in the source language. The corresponding lexico-stylistic resources of the original and their communicative function are discussed, as well as the translation methods employed in the Ukrainian and Russian texts to make them functionally adequate.  

Keywords: parody, Palahniuk, functionally adequate translation, translation transformations.   

S. Yu. Danilina Parodic Nature of Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Damned’ and Approaches to Its Rendering in Translations

T. Karlova, Y. Lukash Cognitive and Onomasiological Models of the Names of Pharmaceutical Forms in Comparative Perspective

Abstract. The article examines the cognitive and onomasiological peculiarities of the Ukrainian names of medicinal forms of medical preparations from the standpoint of diachronic onomasiology. The etymology of the names of dosage forms was studied, their classification by the criterion of “language-source” was undertaken. Within a cognitive approach, the division of the following nominative units into eight groups in terms of “onomasiological basis” was proposed. 

Keywords: onomasiology, etymology, onomasiological base, language-source, dosage form. 

T. Karlova, Y. Lukash Cognitive and Onomasiological Models of the Names of Pharmaceutical  Forms in Comparative Perspective 

A. M. Kishchenko The communicative roles of the author and the narrator as representations of the category of value orientation in literary discourse

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the communicative position of the addressee in the Ukrainian postmodern literary discourse. The image of the author and the speaker category as the dominant parameters of literary discourse is characterized, features of realization of the communicative role of the author and the narrator in postmodern literary discourse are determined. Presented communicative positions of the author in the main and auxiliary text of the work, determined the role of the addressee in parts of the discourse, having a different pragmatic orientation. The verbal means of expressing the communicative role of the narrator in the literary discourse is analyzed and the conclusions are illustrated with examples from the works of contemporary Ukrainian writers. 

Keywords: communicative role, literary discourse, category of addressee, author, narrator. 

A. M. Kishchenko The communicative roles of the author and the narrator  as representations  of the category of value orientation in  literary discourse

O. Kulbabska, M. Tsurkan Ellipticaland incomplete sentences in the individual language practice of Mariia Matios

Abstract. The  article  focuses  on  the  functional  and  the  semantic  peculiarities  of  incomplete  syntactic  structures  in  the  idiostyle  of  the well-known Ukrainian writer of Bukovynian origin – MariiaMatios. In the literary language these syntactic units are not accidental, but they provide a shorter way of expressing a thought, they help to avoidunnecessary repetition, they serve as an excellent means of stylizing the colloquiality, the expressiveness, and also the speech characteristics of characters. 

Keywords: stylization of colloquiality, expressiveness, incomplete and elliptical sentences, stylistic functions, author’s intentions.  

O. Kulbabska, M. Tsurkan Ellipticaland incomplete sentences in the individual language practice of Mariia Matios 

M. A. Kutsenko Nature and specificity of factors complexes influencing English sympathy utterances actualization

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of nature and usage peculiarities of linguistic and paralinguistic means expressing the English speakers’ emotional state  in situations of  sympathy utterances actualization, performed on the basis of  their pragmatic  value.  The paper advances the scheme of stochastic interrelation of communicative  factors  complexes that realize the utterances of  sympathy.  The author proves the necessity of  taking into account the  most  general patterns of  stochastic interrelation of  such complexes  while  conducting the experimental part of any phonetic research. 

Keywords: sympathy utterances, linguistic and paralinguistic means, complex interrelation.  

M. A. Kutsenko Nature and specificity of factors complexes influencing English sympathy utterances actualization 

N. O. Peredon The Persuasive Power of Stylistic Devices in the Speech of Mediators

Abstract. The focus of this article is to explore the functioning of the stylistic devices used by the mediator in the communicative situation of reconciliation. It has been determined that in the process of implementing the persuasive strategy the mediator  mostly uses such stylistic devices as metaphor, simile, quotation and repetition. They render the mediator’s speech more picturesque, expressive and emotionally coloured. They also help to persuade the participants in conflict situations to interact harmoniously. 

Keywords: mediator, stylistic devices, persuasion, communicative situation of reconciliation.  

N. O. Peredon The Persuasive Power of Stylistic Devices in the Speech of Mediators 

O. I. Pjetsukh Tactics of attack readdressing in the political discourse of the UK parliamentary debates

Abstract. This article focuses on the peculiarities of the strategy of opponent’s discreditation in the UK parliamentary debates that is realized via the blame tactics. It analyses specific stylistic means such as meiosis, hyperbole, antithesis, irony and wordplay used by the debates’ participants to discredit opponents during the meetings of the UK House of Commons in the post-Thatcher period.  

Keywords: parliamentary debates, strategy, tactics, performative, quantitative arguments, stylistic figure, communicative move, speech act. 

O. I. Pjetsukh Tactics of attack readdressing in the political discourse of the UK parliamentary debates 

I. V. Pogrebnyak Historical codes of the epistolary intellectuals of the late XIX - early XX centuries

Abstract. The article analyzes the Borys Grinchenko correspondence from semiotic perspective, his letters are presented as semiotic (symbolic) formation. Historical code is defined as fundamental concepts in semiotics, epistles signs are considered as information containing codes. It defines that letters contain various ideas, motives, subjects,  which are characterized by inner plot. The letters demonstrate moral and philosophical, merry and melancholy coloration, which is rooted in literary tradition, daily life and culture of Ukrainian nobility. Borys Grinchenko communication codes with significant representatives of the end of the XIX-XX centuries are deciphered. 

Keywords: semiotics, нistorical code, letter, the intellectuals, еpistolary. 

I. V. Pogrebnyak Historical codes of the epistolary intellectuals of the late XIX – early XX centuries 

O. O. Rohach Symbolic and Idiomatic Study of a Linguistic World View

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the correlation of such notions as a nation, national world view, linguistic mapping of the world, lexicon. A special attention is paid to the linguistic means with the help of which a national community can understand and express the surrounding world, its culture, traditions, values, beliefs, and fantasy. It is pointed out that a very important role in the process of the cognition of the world is played by idioms and phraseological units that preserve and encode national experience, world view, and culture.  

Keywords: cognition, nation, culture, verbalization, linguistic world view, phraseological unit. 

O. O. Rohach Symbolic and Idiomatic Study of a Linguistic World View 

O. O. Shukhova Quantitative Characteristics of Word Order in Modern Ukrainian Scientific Texts (Based on the Material of Simple Two-Member Sentences)

Abstract. The article studies the occurrence of different types of word order in modern Ukrainian scientific texts. The statistics of simple two-member sentences have been given. Special attention has been focused on word order changes depending on the genre of the scientific text. The peculiarities of word order in different types of simple two-member sentences have been analysed. It has been found out that simple two-member sentences corresponding to the syntactic structures SPO and SP are predominant.  

Keywords: simple two-member sentences, direct word order, indirect word order, parcels, conjunctive constructions.  

O. O. Shukhova Quantitative Characteristics of Word Order in Modern Ukrainian Scientific Texts (Based on the Material of Simple Two-Member Sentences) 

S. E. Slaston Gender motifs: Theoretical and Methodological aspects

Abstract. Definitions of “gender” are developed in a number of works on gender sociology, and in literary criticism – well-known as the gender poetics. Where gender is considered as a complex of gender-labeled meanings, including gender connotations, associative potential and gender symbols. However, the obligatory functional features of this notion in literature are not yet detailed, which determines the aim of our study. For the analysis of poetic text through all text levels and context in literary criticism. It combines steady and formal features, can be applied to any literary epoch, national culture and genre paradigm. Combining two terms: “gender” and “motif” which are content from the existential side and flexible in application, we get the most functional notion for literary analysis – the “gender motif”. Consequently, each element of the text can carry gender semantics and therefore become the subject of gender analysis of poetic texts, analysis which unites sociocultural and literary methods. 

Keywords: gender, motif, poetry, masculine, feminine, author and character.  

S. E. Slaston Gender motifs: Theoretical and Methodological aspects 

O. O. Zhykhareva The structure of English Biblical Ecodiscourse

This paper focuses on the structural modeling of English biblical ecodiscourse with regard to main features of religious discourse in terms of its content and form. The content parameters include participants of ecological situation, its topic, ecological topos and val- ues; the formal parameters are strategies for ecodiscourse construction, its genres and narrative techniques. 

Keywords: Bible, biblical discourse, biblical ecodiscourse, content parameters, religious discourse, formal parameters.  

O. O. Zhykhareva The structure of English Biblical Ecodiscourse