Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 125. 2017.

T. M. Agibalova, O. V. Alpatova Language Mind as a Mediator of Culture Interiorization

Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of language mind as a mediator of speakers` intellectual capacity in discourse of language  intellectualization.  The  objective  of  investigation  is  focused  on  speaker`s  interpretation  of  lingual  symbols`  transferred sense,  and  therefore,  his  language  behavior.  Verbalized  symbols evolve  in  time  and  space  of  culture  that defines  coordinates  and patterns of languages functioning, such as civilizational, aesthetic, idiostylistic factors. Verbal forms of mentality reveal the inherent peculiarities of intellection in the development of language personality from nomination to the symbol, from physically appointed picture of reality to the structured semantic and conceptual paradigms. 

Keywords: language cognition, language behavior, mentality, verbalized symbol, language intellectualization.   

T. M. Agibalova, O. V. Alpatova Language Mind as a Mediator of Culture Interiorization  

A. G. Baghdasaryan Some problems in the translation of national peculiarities of fairy tales

Abstract: The fairy tale is a unique form of the worldview modeling of a given nation, during its translation special importance is given to the equivalence of linguo-cultural elements. The present paper examines the translation problems of stylistic-figurative system, traditional formulas and of some cultural terms, based on the material of Spanish and Italian translations of the fairy tales of the great Armenian writer H. Tumanyan. During the translation of national peculiarities of the fairy tale special attention is given to the pragmatic adaptation of the text which is conditioned by the communicative-functional value of the utterances, linguistic and extralinguistic factors and by peculiarities of the mentality of target-language and source-language native speakers. 

Keywords: fairy tale, national cultural component, translation, pragmatic adaptation, linguistic and extralinguistic factors   

A. G. Baghdasaryan Some problems in the translation of national peculiarities of fairy tales

T. J. Bandura, N. V. Yaremchuk The originality of the artistic part in blowing in the system of lyrical narrative of the collection Y. Schoholev’s «Vorsklo»

Abstract. The article is sanctified to research of originality of artistic detail in lyric text. The role of poetic detail is determined in creation of lyric character. Aesthetic functionality of detail is set in the system of poetics facilities. Greater part of poems in collection of «Vorsklo» a poet devoted to the sing of the heroic past of the Ukrainian people, his history, especially Zaporizhzhya cossacks. Yakov Schoholev does not aim to represent actual historical events or concrete historical persons. In his poems on this theme the generalized lines of the Zaporizhzhya cossacks, separate details of their way of life, ceremonies, traditions, character, specific way of their life, are reproduced. In these works a poet underlines the typical lines of the Zaporizhzhya cossacks is their patriotism, boldness, decision, contempt to death, loyalty in friendship. Poeticizing of labour, the romantic sing of labour process of Schoholev in poetic collection goes from the folk, folk-song understanding of work. One of characteristic features of realism of the best poetries of Scho- holev is brightly visible in poems – veracity of details teams up with the harmonious reproducing of unit, specification  – with the romantic key. With large love Y. Schoholev draws a tireless worker. A poetic detail, however, is not an end in itself for a writer. She gives the image of specification and locality of поэтичной picture. And this specification, locality again goes from the народнопоэ- тического arsenal of image to reality. It is marked that the landscape in the poems of collection is bright, multicoloured, saturated by voice and colour details and, that it is very important to mark, realistic. Exactly in the landscape lyric poetry of Y. Schoholev proved as a singer of love to nature, as master is in the image of emotionally saturated landscape, in ability thinly and talented by means of artistic detail to imprint colors and tints, paints and sounds on that nature of Ukrainian earth is rich. Artistic functionality of poetic detail was considered on material of concrete lyric works or their parts, the varieties of artistic details were determined on their basic functional destinies, the rich was demonstrated, innovative in bases and beyond measure productive in the real results creative ingenuity of poet Yakov Schoholev. It was set that an artistic detail in the poetry of Y. Schoholev often appears as non-permanent. But there is the repeated detail that for a writer most saturated. However it is necessary to understand her literally as a reiteration of the name of some object, sense, characteristic sign. It can be both symbolic intension and fragment of meditations of lyric hero, and substantial element of narration. Author as though as returns us to already said, wants once again to accent attention on before the said idea, maybe, completer to expose her, underline meaningfulness of said. Such detail aggravates an implication, does it visible, uplifts us  to  the  level  of  authorial  vision,  understanding  of  situation,  shades  something  important,  even  qualificatory  in  lyric  characters. Therefore Yakov Schoholev left original and unique standards to highly artistic lyric. 

Keywords: lyrical plot, lyrical character, narrative, poetic, artistic detail. 

T. J. Bandura, N. V. Yaremchuk The originality of the artistic part in blowing in the system of lyrical narrative of the collection Y. Schoholev’s «Vorsklo» 

N. Bondarieva Through bans and silence: references to the works of Taras Shevchenko during his exile

Abstract.  The  article  examines  the  critical  reception  of  Shevchenko’s  works  during  the  period  of  his  exile  (1847-1857),  which, according to our thesis, is an integral text, reflecting all aspects of the perspectives of the Ukrainian poet at this time and in particular the separate defects of the artist’s integral character. 

Keywords: Criticism, recall, references, censorship.  

N. Bondarieva Through bans and silence: references to the works of Taras Shevchenko during his exile

S. K. Gasparyan, A. T. Knyazyan Gender features of aggressive verbal behavior of men and women

Abstract: The article covers the problem of the aggressive verbal behavior of men and women in English and Armenian anecdotes. The fact that swearing is gender-related and serves to reinforce social status leads us into a notion that traditional stereotypes are still present in English and Armenian society. Gender characteristics are manifested as language stereotypes, which affect the behavior of men and women. In English and Armenian anecdotes women’s and men’s linguistic strategies differ: the greatest number of obscene language is dominant in male’s speech.  

Keywords: gender; anecdote; humorous discourse; bad language; stereotype; verbal aggression. 

S. K. Gasparyan, A. T. Knyazyan Gender features of aggressive verbal behavior of men and women

A. L. Gіdora-Shyshkovska The structural analysis of the terms of EU legal acts (based on English, French, German and Ukrainian languages)

Abstract. The article is distinguished the types of terms of EU legal acts, determined the term-word combinations and differentiations by the type of their structure, explored the syntax methods of the formation of two-component terms in Ukrainian and classified the term-word combinations by grammatical categories and syntactic features. 

Keywords: types of terms EU legal acts, term system, one-word terms, two-component terms, multi-type terms.  

A. L. Gіdora-Shyshkovska The structural analysis of the terms of EU legal acts (based on English, French, German and Ukrainian languages) 

L. H. Halii The evolution of pronominal constructions with 4 and more components in English

Abstract: The study deals with structural, functional, stylistic and genetic features revealed by the pronouns in their context formed by based on subordinate or coordinate connections between pronouns and other components of the 4- and more component structure. The frequency of usage and the nature of these connections are also taken as factors influencing the structure. 

Keywords:  pronominal  constructions,  vector  of  connection,  subordinate  connection,  coordinate  connection,  multi-component, ability to combine. 

L. H. Halii The evolution of pronominal constructions with 4 and more  components in English 

N. I. Ivanotchak Concept Bullying in Juvenile Fantasy Prose: Cognitive Discursive Approach

Abstract. The article deals with the concept BULLYING in juvenile fantasy prose. The relevance of the research is determined by the  cognitive  discursive  perspective  within  the  activity-based  approach  to  language,  which  addresses  the  intersubjective  meaning construal in discourse. By means of componential analysis the logical notion bullying is researched. Using the cognitive discursive interpretation, the conceptual features of the concept BULLYING are determined.   

Keywords: bullying, empathy, cognitive discursive approach, componential analysis, cognitive discursive interpretation.  

N. I. Ivanotchak Concept Bullying in Juvenile Fantasy Prose: Cognitive Discursive Approach 

T. A. Lasinska General principles of translating archaic words

Abstract: The article deals with the issue of specificity of conveying archaic vocabulary of the English language in Ukrainian translations, taking into account lexical, semantic and stylistic features of the target and original languages. The article also  outlines the tendencies of the main modern studies and approaches in the theory and practice of translating historically marked vocabulary.  

Keywords: archaisms, obsolete vocabulary, old words, historical words, archaic vocabulary, translating historical and archaic words. 

T. A. Lasinska General principles of translating archaic words

O. A. Okhrimenko The specific of texts of fiscal law of German law

Abstract. This article discusses the text type “fiscal law” of German law. Based on the conception text, which is the initial in linguistics. We understand text not only as a word, a phrase, a paragraph but as an organized semiotic communicative system. This system is characterized  with the presence of some specific  elements,  which are different for different texts, and have special structure of relations of these elements. The text is built as a form of organization as a defined system of constituent’s relations of its material units. We consider the text from the standpoint of its influence and cooperation with defined speech phenomenon. So the law texts instigate the German citizens to the execution directions of the state, to lead the right legal life. The texts of tax law have as the dis- tinctive lexis layer tax terms, which represent all dynamical processes, that take place in the tax law their usage is occasioned by the functional  communicative  feature  “official”.  Functional  communicative  feature  “directive”,  “formalized”,  “official”,  “authentic”, “reproductive” represent the specificity of the type text “tax law”, which are presented by the linguistic means.   

Keywords: text, taxes, fiscal law, official, KSF, FKF.  

O. A. Okhrimenko The specific of texts of fiscal law of German law

M. Onyshchuk Rendering indefinite-personal actant subjects: the English-Ukrainian language-pair translation

Abstract.  The  article  considers  the  English-Ukrainian  language-pair  specific  contrastive  research  on  rendering  the  indefinite- personal actant subjects, focusing on lexically unexpressed or pronominal types with the ‘one’ component. It discusses the influence which the semantic sentence structure produces on subject transformations application in the English-Ukrainian language-pair translation, reviewing reasons and principles of their application. The study also discusses the ways of rendering the category of definite- ness/indefiniteness concerning non-related language pairs on the basis of fiction prose, and illustrates how structural and semantic properties are tackled for achieving translation ecology.  

Keywords: category of definiteness/indefiniteness, indefinite-personal actant subject, syntactic transformations, translation ecology. 

M. Onyshchuk Rendering indefinite-personal actant subjects: the English-Ukrainian language-pair translation 

M. M. Pauk From paradoxicality to aphorism – one way of creating Ukrainian proverbs

Abstract:  The  article  is  about  syntactic  and  semantic  mechanisms  of  aphoristic  appearance.  The  research  under  consideration  is based on proverbs semantics. One of the common way of giving to expression, that has a form of a simple sentence, some aphoristic quality is unexpected combination of two proposals. One of these proposals is expressed by predicative basis, while the other contains in a variety of restrictive syntaxems. The main types of restrictive syntaxemes are shown, their syntactic and semantic features are defined. 

Keywords: proverb, syntactic and semantic structure of sentences, restrictive syntaxems.  

M. M. Pauk From paradoxicality to aphorism – one way of creating Ukrainian proverbs 

O. V. Slon'ovska Mythological holograms as essential tools of archetypical critics (on the basis of literature of Ukrainian diaspora in the 20- 50th years of XX century)

Annotation. The role and the place of the artistic truth and artistic speculation are a promising area of theoretical and practical explorations. The focus of this study is on the mythical-poetic hologram of the human body as a specific information carrier which comprises a range of important markers. 

Keywords: literary text, mythical-poetic hologram of the human body, methodology of archetypal criticism, erotica.  

O. V. Slon’ovska Mythological holograms as essential tools of archetypical critics (on the basis of literature of Ukrainian diaspora in the 20- 50th years of XX century)

O. V. Uzlova Sexuality as ‘universal illness’ in David Lodge’s novels

Abstract. The paper tackles the problem of correlation between sexuality and illness in the writings by contemporary British author David Lodge. In his novels body is represented in the narrative, discursive and aesthetic strategies, as well as underlying semantic structures of the text. Drawing upon the novels Therapy, Thinks, Author, Author, Deaf Sentence and A Man of Parts, it is argued that sexuality is regarded as a ‘universal illness’. The analysis of the texts under consideration shows that sex in the novels of former Catholic David Lodge is often considered to be a sin or a moral crime that should be followed by punishment.  

Keywords: D. Lodge, body, illness, disease, sexuality 

O. V. Uzlova Sexuality as ‘universal illness’ in David Lodge’s novels 

N. V. Virich Ekzistencia spravania prose V. Nestayko

Abstract. The article analyzes the work of V. Тestayko in the existential aspect. Special attention is paid to the skilful modelling of situations and characters, explores the ways art impacts on zamestnavani personality. The article deals with the abandonment of the hero in an unfamiliar world, hostility of environment, the loneliness, the meeting in the sacred place with wonderful assistants who help the hero overcome the path of self-development and gaining Self. Each walk offered an old clown, the hero, gives him a new lesson in humility and learning, makes teenagers intellectually and morally enriched.  

Keywords: existence, choice, motive, self, archetype, art world.  

N. V. Virich Ekzistencia spravania prose V. Nestayko

K. V. Vitriv, O. H. Pylypiv Terms-synonyms in latin juridical terminology

Abstract. The problem of functioning of synonyms in latin juridical terminology is considered. The theoretical foundations of synonymic relation, their semantic and functional peculiarities are discovered. 

Keywords: term, legal terminology, synonymy, dublication.  

K. V. Vitriv, O. H. Pylypiv Terms-synonyms in latin juridical terminology 

M. H. Yatsymirska The new concepts of representation language of Ukrainian mass media

Abstract. The article is focused on a speech of the current Ukrainian mass media. The updated politic vocabulary under the influence of the extra linguistic factors is analyzed (including Revolution of Dignity on Maydan of Independent in Kyiv, ATO (anti-terrorist operation) and the international events). Based on the materials of the network speech, comment and discussions, in the article are ascertained the key neologisms, expressive lexemes which have appeared in the last few years. The author raises a question about problems of the linguistic codification of new words in Ukrainian language and proposes the ways of its solution. 

Keywords: media language, new words, expressive neologisms, Ukrop, post-truth, trumpisation. 

M. H. Yatsymirska The new concepts of representation language of Ukrainian mass media 

O. R. Zubchenko In-house Review as a Subtype of Translation Studies Analysis

Abstract:  The  article  characterizes  the  Translation  Studies  review  on  the  basis  of  the  in-house  reviews  for  translations  from  the American prose (1960-80ies). In particular, the author describes the role, structure as well as main and optional microtopics of the in-house translation reviews. It has been defined that they bear prospective character and aim to improve the quality of translation. 

Keywords: in-house translation review, review-recommendation, translation, microtopic, American literature 

O. R. Zubchenko In-house Review as a Subtype of Translation Studies Analysis