Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 122. 2017

A. A. Akimova Disclosure of the theme "Earth and Man" in the play Jin Yun "Nirvana "Dog"(1986)

Abstract. The article analyzed and disclosed the theme “Earth and Man” in the play Jin Yun “Nirvana” Dog “(1986), highlights the genre especially in classical and colloquial drama based on the theories in the Chinese drama and highlights playwrights innovation in  the  image  of  feelings  and  emotions  in  love  heroes.  Taking  into  account  the  scientific  concept  of  work  on  the  formation, development  and  current  state  of  drama  in  China,  in  our  opinion,  is  allocated  substantial:  a  weighty  and  undeniable  influence  on fiction, and hence on the drama took place through the political and social events that have been in China for the last time; artists striving to renew and go beyond the usual boundaries of the genre of classical drama was caused by the passage of time. It is proved that the combination of visual and verbal is the key to understanding the specifics of the theme of contemporary dramatic works. 

Keywords: the latest Chinese drama, Chinese literature, the synthesis of visual and verbal, plays avant-garde, experimental, new generation, image-level hearing. 

A. A. Akimova Disclosure of the theme “Earth and Man” in the play Jin Yun “Nirvana “Dog”(1986) 

I. V. Bondarenko To the question of the semantic parameters of proper names (on the example of the morphological homonymy as part of the anthroponyms)

Abstract. The article analyzes different types of homonymy included in the structure of anthroponyms, gives a classification of morphological  homonyms  (speech,  related,  linguistic  homonymy),  establishes  the  functioning  principles  of  homonyms  in  the  given  class  of lexical units. 

Keywords: anthroponyms, speech, related, linguistic homonymy, concepts of language and speech, act of nomination, divergence, convergence. 

I. V. Bondarenko To the question of the semantic parameters of proper names (on the example of the  morphological homonymy as part of the anthroponyms)

N. A. Bondarieva Study of Shevchenko’s "South Russian Primer" in 1862-1914

Abstract. The article examines the reception of the ” South Russian Primer” in the years 1862 to 1914, which was in a way a step towards the recognition of Shevchenko’s contribution to the development of public education. Publications demonstrate the general view on the “Primer”, which over the following decades set the direction for the scientific study of the poet’s textbook. 

Keywords: Primer, review, Ukrainian grammar, textbook. 

N. A. Bondarieva Study of Shevchenko’s “South Russian Primer” in 1862-1914 

M. B. Bulakh Linguistic aspectology of research of media style language

Abstract.  In  this  paper  it  has  been  analyzed  characteristics  of  the  media  language.  The  analysis  determined  that  the  tendencies inherent  in  the  language  of  the  mass  media  are  the  democratization  and  standardization.  Also  characteristic  tendencies  of  media language are: dynamic update of language, the creation of new language units or semantic transformation of existing ones. The main tendency of media language such as tendency to secondary nomination, especially for units with a strong emotional and expressive color is emphasized. This trend is commensurate with the basic functions of the media style influence and information. 

Keywords: language of mass media, media style, functions of media style, secondary nomination, manipulation. 

M. B. Bulakh Linguistic aspectology of research of media style language 

O. Cherkhava Сomparative cognitive methodology of the religious popular discourse matrix reconstruction procedure

Аbstract.  The  aim  of  the  following  article  is  caused  by  impetuous  ongoing  research  approach  to  cultural  scope  of  religious  popular knowledge  in  language  through  the  matrix  format  –  system  of  the  interrelated  cognitive  contexts  (religious  popular  discourse  texts classification). The  upcomming  complex  analysis  methodology  for  such  type  of  matrix  composition  could  have  its  start-up  from  the evolutional observation of cognitive matrix analysis, which represents discourse as the conscious structure (with its kernel-notion and parameter periphery). Such approach displays language form sequences and their mental representations in the concrete culture and in the projection to other cultures. Deep mechanisms of religious esthetics formation in the believers consciousness (European languages speakers) are identified.The major evolutional premise of reconstruction methodology forming in the Cognitive Comparative Study are discovered. Archetype-stereotype sense reconstruction (identified in religious agitational and informative texts) is preconditioned and is suggested  to  be  presented  as  the  fractical  matrix  table.  Main  research  stages  of  Theological  Linguistic  Matrix  Composition  and  its Reconstruction are provided.  

Keywords:  cognitive  linguistic  comparative  study,  theological  religious  popular  matrix  composition,  matrix  reconstruction, archetype-stereotype sense reconstruction, methodology. 

O. Cherkhava Сomparative cognitive methodology of the religious popular  discourse matrix reconstruction procedure 

Yu. V. Chernova England, France and Spain as competitors in the New World (based on the novel by Beth White “The Creole Princess”

Abstract. The struggle of the monarchs of Spain, Britain and France for new lands of American continent is analyzed in the article based on the novel by Beth White “The Creole Princess”. The authoress’ style with which she conveys both historic events and feelings of the characters occurring against the background of an important period of the USA becoming an independent state is analyzed. The empha- sis is on the names of American heroes who are mentioned by the novelist for the purpose of truthfulness, prevailing public sentiment and the role of the United States Declaration of Independence which became preconditions of the acceleration of the USA independence. 

Keywords: American literature, historical novel, independence, the Declaration, the New World, Canada. 

Yu. V. Chernova England, France and Spain as competitors in the New World (based on the novel by Beth White “The Creole Princess” 

N. Darchuk The Corpus of texts of Taras Shevchenko as the source for linguistic studies

Abstract. The article reviews linguistic principles of design and development of electronic Corpus of Taras Shevchenko poetry as the basis for study of linguistic pecularities of the writing style. The developed software for study of morphological, syntactical and semantic structures of the writing style will enable to receive immediately under request the lists of lexemes, word forms, morphs, word  combinations,  lexical-semantic  groups  with  statistical  indicators.  The  text  Corpus  including  dictionaries  are  located  in  the World Wide Web resource ( 

Keywords: The Corpus of Ukrainian texts, morphological annotation, syntactical annotation, morphe annotation, semantic annotation. 

N. Darchuk The Corpus of texts of Taras Shevchenko as the source for linguistic studies 

E. Doubenko Poetic split reference as a translation problem

Abstract. The article focuses on poetic split (or double) reference in Robert Frost’s poem “One acquainted with the night” as that quintessentially poetic phenomenon that can be rooted in certain specific features of the source language system which are not always available in the target language, It analyses the chances of conveying these language-bound structures of poetic meaning in the languages that do not give corresponding grammatical forms at the translator’s disposal.  

Keywords: split reference, parallax, language-bound split reference.  

E. Doubenko Poetic split reference as a translation problem 

K. O. Fartushnyak The main ways of studying Ukrainian surname system

Abstract. In the article the basic views on the history of the formation of surname system. Outlined the achievements of scientists onomastic and their main areas of research of names that have contributed to the development the anthroponym system of Ukrainian language. 

Keywords: Ukrainian language, anthroponym, anthroponimics, surname system, areas of study. 

K. O. Fartushnyak The main ways of studying Ukrainian surname system 

S. V. Formanova, E. V. Boieva Linguistic map of reality among the students (based on the study of the Turkmen and Ukrainian groups)

Abstract. The article is devoted to linguistic maps of reality, two microgroups students of Philology (Ukrainian and Turkmen) enrolled in the same academic group. Were analyzed the most frequent token used these communicants in their practii on the perception of the surrounding reality, language adaptation in a comparative perspective. It is proved that the modeling of linguistic maps of reality, different ethnic and social groups is an efficient and promising way to study them linguaitaliana, communicative and psiholog- icheskih features. Reviewed and tested various methods of communication based on verbal maps of reality actors. Specificity of interaction with different maps of reality (subject-object interaction). In the process of research, we determined what types of language often use the students of the Turkmen in real communication. To determine the ratio of communication errors and system interactie. Describes the problems that arise in communication situations.  

Keywords: linguistic map of reality, modeling, neuro-linguistic programming, a microgroup, communicant, language adaptation.  

S. V. Formanova, E. V. Boieva Linguistic map of reality among the students (based on the study of the Turkmen and Ukrainian groups)

K. H. Havrylieva, M. P. Melaschenko Peculiarities of narration forms in A. Chekhov’s stories: typology and poetics

Abstract. The article reveals a peculiarity of the narrative structure of A. Chekhov’s stories. The narration forms, their typological and poetic peculiarities (in different narrative focuses) are determined. The dynamics of narration forms in A. Chekhov’s stories is determined. Types of narrators are characterized. The peculiarities of an organization of time, space, motive system in the narrative plan  are  revealed.  The  interaction  between  realism  and  modernism,  different  genres  and  stylistic  tendencies  in  creative  work  by A. Chekhov is marked. The role of narrative forms as a factor of novel thinking formation of the writer is determined. The peculiarities of an individual style and artistic innovative activity of new narrative strategies in the transitional day are revealed. 

Keywords: individual style, narration, narrator, narration forms, story.   

K. H. Havrylieva, M. P. Melaschenko Peculiarities of narration forms in A. Chekhov’s stories: typology and poetics  

L. N. Kopanytsya Art space oral folk lyric in relevant methodological perspective

Abstract. The article on the material of Ukrainian folk songs and scientific trends highlights promising lines of genre interpretation of oral poetry, the study of dialectics and the evolution of poetic thinking in her reasoning and needs of ethno-cultural, social, psychological and aesthetic dimensions of the song works. The meaning and study the artistic nature of lyrical songs directly motivates the need for a broader approach – semiotic, psychological, aesthetic, incorporating both historical and other methods, first of all, to underline the ontological and axiological status of a folklore phenomenon in a national cultural space. 

Keywords: lyric song, genre paradigm, myth and ritual, mythological thinking, functions lyric songs, psychocultural phenomenon. 

L. N. Kopanytsya Art space oral folk lyric in relevant methodological perspective

Y. Krysalna Representations of concept NUN in contemporary English-language communication (based on English media)

The paper provides comparative analysis of representations of a concept NUN in 7 spheres of contemporary English communication. The basic groups of nominations representing the concept NUN are outlined. The concept development is presented in cultural and historic retrospective, new tendencies of its communicative representations are defined. 

Keywords: NUN, religious concept, concept verbalization, media discourse.  

Y. Krysalna Representations of concept NUN in contemporary English-language communication (based on English media) 

O. V. Kulyna English Last Wills and Testaments: towards the systemic description of the genre vocabulary

Abstract.  This article is  aimed at the systemic description of the body of  words used  in English Last  Wills and Testaments.  The corpus of research contains 100 English Last Wills and Testaments written between 1837 and 2000. The suggested approach to the description is based on the notion of semantic field. Having accepted the traditional definition of semantic field as a group of words possessing  the  same  conceptual  meaning,  characterized  by  certain  relations  between  lexemes  and  belonging  to  the  same  part  of speech, the author singles out seven semantic fields which occur in English Last Wills and Testaments: 1) process/circumstances of testament; 2) testator and heir; 3) object of testament; 4) death and funeral; 5) execution/witnessing of testament; 6) date of making a testament; 7) geographical names. It is substantiated that the relations between the lexemes in each field are mainly based on synonymy and hyponymy. Some subfields are defined by relations of antonyms, or arranged in a cycle.  

Keywords: semantic field, synonymy, hyponymy, antonymy, Last Will and Testament. 

O. V. Kulyna English Last Wills and Testaments: towards the systemic  description of the genre vocabulary 

A. F. Nechyporenko Media language and its influence on the formation of speech

Abstract.  In  the  article  features  of  modern  broadcast  media  and  the  nature  of  their  impact  on  changing  the  language  rules  and  the formation of speech competence of speech. Examples of lexical and grammatical tumors, variant forms, defined their basic semantic groups and model creation. Attention is paid to the result of implementing certain rules Kharkiv spell through television, reactivation process of lexical items and grammatical forms. The nature of the typical mistakes in speech in the genre of TV interviews.  

Keywords: style language, literary language, speech culture, language media, linguistic norm growths divergent forms, derivational model. 

A. F. Nechyporenko Media language and its influence on the formation of speech

M. Ya. Salamakha Secondary Nomination as the Way of English Environmental Term-Formation

Abstract. The present paper deals with one of most productive way of formation new Environmental Protection terms  – semantic way,  which  in  our  case  has  been  presented  in  metaphorical  and  metonymical  transfers.  Some  lexical  units  are  selected  from  the generally  used  words  and  undergo  specific  semantic  changes  in  meaning  thus  forming  new  Environmental  terms.  Three  ways  of metaphorical  transfer  have  been  analyzed:  1)  appearance,  2)  functional  similarity  and  3)  simultaneous  functional  and  external similarities. The most productive model of metonymical transfer is “the process – the result”. 

Keywords: term, terminological phrase, metaphorical transfer, metonymical transfer.

M. Ya. Salamakha Secondary Nomination as the Way of English  Environmental Term-Formation 

M. V. Tsurkan The category of spoken language in the dynamic structure of the linguistic science (knowledge)

Annotation. In the article the category of spoken language is analyzed through the prism of the history of the literary language, the process of introduction of the folk linguistic items in the fiction  is described, the functional and stylistic settings of the spoken language. 

Keywords: the category of spoken language, folk linguistic items, fiction, the functional and stylistic settings of the spoken language.

M. V. Tsurkan The category of spoken language in the dynamic structure of the linguistic science (knowledge)

V. V. Veduta Figurative manifestation of the “Violation of Ethical Norms” textual situation in Modern English journalistic and documentary discourse

Abstract. This paper addresses cognitive mechanisms of native English speakers’ imaginative conceptualization of their ethical ex- perience. Specificity of verbal manifestation of these mechanisms is studied through their linguistic representation in Modern journalistic and documentary discourse in the context of the “Violation of ethical norms” situation. 

Keywords: moral imagination, conceptual metaphor, textual situation, violation of ethics, “Moral Law Falk Theory”. 

V. V. Veduta Figurative manifestation of the “Violation of Ethical Norms” textual situation in Modern English journalistic and documentary discourse