Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 104. 2016.

Alexandrova O. V. Typologically common features of the youth sociolect and its stylization in feature film dialogue

The article is dedicated to the analysis of typologically common features of the youth sociolect based on the material of the Ukrainian and English languages in feature films. It is stressed that the youth dialogical speech in a feature film reflects the communication function of a language naturally revealed  during the process of communication. Thus, being presented in feature films, youth spoken language proves to be a relevant source for linguistic research. The study proves the youth sociolect to be a relatively stable semi- autonomous  existence  form  of  the  national  language,  which  has  its  specific  lexical  system  and  the  inventory  of  grammatical  and phonetic  peculiarities  caused  by  sociolinguistic  features  of  the  sociolect  speakers  and  youth  communication  sociolinguistic parameters.  The  systematic  analysis  of  the  two  samples  deduced  the  existence  of  typologically  common  features  of  the  youth sociolect on all levels of language structure: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, stylistic. Nevertheless, compared to other levels, lexical level  is more closely linked to the life of society.  

Keywords: stylization, youth sociolect, typologically common features, feature film dialogue. 

Alexandrova O. V. Typologically common features of the youth sociolect and its stylization in feature film dialogue 

Avksentyeva G. A. , Avetyan K. Yu. O. Dosvitniy’s stories: aspects of poetics

Abstract.  The  poetical  aspects  of  O.  Dosvitniy’s  stories  «Alai»,  «Hyulle»  are  analyzed  in  the  article.  The  genre,  compositional, stylistic specifics of his works are studied, the psychological features of the writer’s individual style are revealed. Analyzed works are  realistic,  psychological  adventure  stories  that  marked  out  of  using  a  number  of  plot  elements,  and  the  dominant  means  of psychology is the internal monologue. 

Keywords: story, genre, composition, style,  psychology, inner monologue. 

Avksentyeva G. A.  , Avetyan K. Yu. O. Dosvitniy’s stories: aspects of poetics

Z. V. Bandurko Art tenor the "New Objectivity" as a cultural phenomenon of Germany at the time of the Weimar Republic

Abstract. The article deals with the characteristics of the tenor the “New Objectivity”. The characteristic features of its aesthetics include objectivity, relevant social issues, critical description and the prerogative of contents over the form. The authors aimed to give an objective understanding of reality and its critical assessment. The language of the tenor is viewed in lexical (historicisms, archaisms, dialecticisms, national variants, proper names, words of foreign origin, poetical lexis) and stylistic (metaphor, metonymy, epithet, reply, comparison, rhetorical question, anaphora) artistic means.  

Keywords: aesthetics, artistic means, lexis, the “New Objectivity”, syntax.   

Z. V. Bandurko Art tenor the “New Objectivity” as a cultural phenomenon of Germany  at the time of the Weimar Republic 

Bavus T. Semantic characteristic of the language image of water in Ivan Franko’s prose

Abstract. The article deals with one of the basic element of Ukrainian nature – water. The principle ways of its verbalization in Ivan Franko’s  artistic  texts  are reviewed.  The  semantic structure  of  the  lexemes,  which the  water  realities denote  is analyzed.  And  the main semes of this language units are singled out. Special attention is paid to the individual authors peculiarities in representation of the language image of water. 

Keywords: language picture of the world, language image, semantics, seme, water. 

Bavus T. Semantic characteristic of the language image of water in Ivan Franko’s prose 

Bazhan O. M. Means and forms of representation of connectivity in newspaper's text

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  research  of  means  and  forms  of  representation  of  connectivity  in  newspaper’s  text.  Views  on structure  of  the  text  of  modern  and  foreign  scientists  are  analyzed  in the  work.  Although  concept  of  “hypertext technologies  ”  is widely used, but concept of “hypertext” hasn’t get the only formulation yet. The connectivity of hypertext is realized on the semantic and  structural  levels.  On  the  semantic  level  it  is  represented  as  connectivity  of  idea  and  theme,   and  on  structural  level  it  is represented as unity of connection between phrases  

Keywords: connectivity,  means of connectivity,  forms of connectivity, newspaper’s text. 

Bazhan O. M. Means and forms of representation of connectivity in newspaper’s text 

Biloshytska V. O. Ethno-linguistic features of communicative personality as a phenomenon of political linguistic culture

Abstract. The article analyses the functional level of communicative personality in media discourse as a  type of political discourse in Ukrainian, French and English languages. The main strategies implemented in this type of discourse are: a) strategy aimed to raise the status of the analytical article’s author; b) strategy aimed to lower the status of a political opponent; c) strategy of theatricality as a way  to  attract  the  reader’s  attention.  These  three  strategies  include  a  number  of  tactics  with  different  frequencies  within  each  of political lingustic cultures. 

Keywords:  communicative  personality,  communicative  influence,  media  discourse,  strategy  aimed  to  raise  the  status,  strategy aimed to lower the status, strategy of theatricality. 

Biloshytska V. O. Ethno-linguistic features of communicative personality as a phenomenon of political linguistic culture  

Bokhun N. V. Semantics of evaluative anthroponyms in character’s portrait description (on the basis of Spanish authors’ works of the 19th-20th centuries)

Abstract.  The  article  investigates  the  semantic  and  stylistic  features  of  anthroponyms  in  character’s  portrait  descriptions.  The specifics of own names in the Spanish Belles-Lettres of the 19th-20th centuries has been determined. The anthroponoms have been analyzed  as  intertextual  allusions.  The  classification  of  anthroponimical  allusions  based  on  the  information  of  anthroponoms significance has been offered. The social and stylistic function of anthroponyms   in the character’s portrait has been studied. The influence of a particular pragmatic author’s aim for choosing of imaginative literary heroes’ titles has been proved. 

 Keywords: proper name, anthroponym, intertextual allusion, nomination, social and stylistic function.

Bokhun N. V.  Semantics  of  evaluative  anthroponyms  in  character’s  portrait  description  (on  the  basis  of  Spanish  authors’  works  of the 19th-20th centuries) 

Boguslavska L. A. Cognitive analysis of rendering puns-malapropisms in the English-Ukrainian translations of the novel «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland» by Lewis Carroll»

Abstract. The article presents the results of implementing instruments of the conceptual blending theory in the analysis of English- Ukrainian translations of L. Carroll’s puns-malapropisms. These instruments of analysis explain cognitive mechanisms which trigger activation  of  the  non-conventional  lexical  meaning  incongruent  with  its  conventional  linguistic  form  and  thus  ensure communicatively successful translation. Applying the instrumental notions of the conceptual blending theory in translation analysis builds the algorithm of analysis to avoid subjectivity.  

Keywords: conceptual blending theory, form / meaning, malapropism pun, translation.  

Boguslavska L. A. Cognitive analysis of rendering puns-malapropisms in the English-Ukrainian translations of the novel «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland» by Lewis Carroll» 

Bondar N. Polysemy of terms of Gastroenterology in modern German language

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the multiple meanings of German medical terms in the field of gastroenterology. It was  identified  the  concept  of  terminological  polysemy.  It  was  analyzed  the  semantic  structure  of  multiple  meanings  of gastrointestinal terms, it was found correlation of selected lexical-semantic variants with different concepts of scientific fields. The main  types  of  terminological  polysemy  were  considered  and  peculiarities  of  its  manifestation  in  German  terminology  of gastroenterology were found. The reasons of multiple meanings of terms studied area were found. 

Keywords: medical term, polysemy, lexical-semantic variant, invariant seme, differential seme, type of polysemy. 

Bondar N. Polysemy of terms of Gastroenterology in modern German language 

Buialska T. I. Illocutionary aspect of the communicative support speech act in the discourse interpersonal intercourse

Abstract.  The  article  investigates  the  illocutionary  force  of  the  speech  acts  of  communicative  support  in  interpersonal communication.  The  multi-illocutionary  capability  of  the  investigated  units  has  been  defined.  The  multi-illocutionary  potential asserts the speech acts of support both as the syncretic combination of optional and dominating illocution and as a generalized type of intentionally dependable communicative units. The article presents the classification of the investigated speech acts according to the criterion of the communicative functioning ability of the relevant utterances. 

Keywords: communicative support, speech act, multi-illocutionary capacity, intention.  

Buialska T. I. Illocutionary aspect of the communicative support speech act in the discourse interpersonal intercourse

Bystrov Ya. V. Coreferent nominations in the structure of fractal concept GUSTAVE FLAUBERT

Abstract. The article reveals the role of textual coreference in the structure of fractal concept in the light of linguosynergetic theory. It is proved that coreferent nominations are the means of fractal conceptualization of information in biographical narrative, and the fluctuations of the referent zone of the concept facilitate the duplication of coreferent nominations of the biographical subject. 

Keywords: fractal concept, coreference, biographical subject, biographical narrative, linguosynergetics. 

Bystrov Ya. V. Coreferent nominations in the structure of fractal concept GUSTAVE FLAUBERT 

Davydiuk N. Hashtags as performative metadata that organizes political media discourse of Twitter (based on hashtag coverage of municipal elections campaign in Paris in 2014)

Abstract. The article explores nature of hashtags as organizing elements of Internet-discourse that form discussion channels in the space of social media network Twitter, as performative metadata and as subjectively  verbalized nominations of reality (processes, events, attitudes / evaluations, personalities), analyses popular hashtags of municipal elections campaign in Paris in 2014 as well as presents their thematic and word-formation classifications. 

Keywords:  hashtag,  techno-morpheme,  hypertext,  Twitter,  Internet,  media  political  discourse,  techno-discursive  act,  word formation, manipulative strategies. 

Davydiuk N. Hashtags  as  performative  metadata  that  organizes  political  media  discourse  of  Twitter  (based  on  hashtag  coverage  of municipal elections campaign in Paris in 2014) 

Diachuk O. Universal values in the Public Service Advertising Discourse in the USA

Abstract. The article is devoted to exposing universal values which are introduced in the USA advertising discourse. The principles of  universal  values  are  humanistic  conception  of  humanity  about  wealth  priorities  of  life,  health,  human  rights  regarding  the development,  finding  aptitude,  communication,  travelling.  These  values  are  systems  of  axiology  maxim,  their  content  is understandable and acceptable for more people, regardless of race, nationality, age and etc. Universal values which are represented in the USA advertising discourse with the help of different unities positive-evaluation  semantics are such concepts: family (сім’я), love (любов, кохання), friendship (дружба), life (життя), health (здоров’я). 

Keywords: universal values, public service advertising discourse, humanity, axiology. 

Diachuk O. Universal values in the Public Service Advertising Discourse in the USA 

Dmytrenko Ya. M. Linguopoetic demantios of psychologism analysis in a literary text

Abstract.  The  article  analizes  principles  of  linguo-poetics  formations  as  a  separate  branch  of  linguistics,  it’s  also  found  out  a scientific apparatus and directions of its research. Based on major categories of linguo poetics studying, it’s formed the basic means and methods of production a literary text psychologism. It can detect the full image of this phenomenon because of polyaspectual researching of language means in creation the psychological stress.   

Keywords: psychologism, linguopoetic, character, mental health, emotions, literary text. 

Dmytrenko Ya. M. Linguopoetic demantios of psychologism analysis in a literary text  

Dorofeeva M. S. Translation equilibrium in the system of specialized translation

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  peculiarities  of  translation  equilibrium,  realized  in  translates,  as  a  manifestation  of  the specialized  translation  system’s  disequilibrium.  During  the  comparative  analysis  of  the  technical  source  text  and  its  multiple translations  the  four  types  of  translation  equilibrium  were  defined,  namely:  stable  equilibrium,  unstable  equilibrium,  indifferent equilibrium, disequilibrium. The information factors of instability in the specialized translation’s system were outlined. The causes of translation  disequilibrium  according  to  the  criterion  of  translation  competence  were  founded  out.  The  linguistic  factors  of  the system’s disequilibrium which lead to translation mistakes were shown on examples. 

Keywords:  system  of  specialized  translation,  disequilibrium,  bifurcation  point,  translation  equilibrium,  factors  of  system’s disequilibrium, information, translator’s competence. 

Dorofeeva M. S. Translation equilibrium in the system of specialized translation 

Doroshenko O. Lexical units used to define the portrait characteristics of the linguocultural type of ‘der deutsche Bürger‘ as a representative of the German burghers’ community

 Abstract.  The  article  states  emotional  expressive  linguistic  and  non-linguistic  means  of  expressing  the  portrait  characteristics  of  the linguocultural type  of ‘der deutsche Bürger‘ as a representative of the German burghers’ community.  It defines that the clothing  of the linguocultural type is subjected to certain regulations, some elements and attributes of his appearance correlate with his character traits.  

Keywords: linguocultural type, German burgher,  lexico-semantic analysis, language means of expression.

Doroshenko O. Lexical units used to define the portrait characteristics of the linguocultural type of ‘der deutsche Bürger‘ as a representative of the German burghers’ community 

Drobotun V. Semantics of ‘age’ to indicate British people in literature about British India

Abstract. this article is devoted to the analysis of the sorted out vocabulary from literature to define words which were used to name the age of British people who worked in British India. The study will help to single out the structure of the semantic field ‘age of British people. 

Keywords: age, chronological age, biological age, social age, semantics. 

Drobotun V.  Semantics of ‘age’ to indicate British people in literature about British India 

T. A. Druzhyna Communicative features of the folklore discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the definition of the folklore discourse and its dynamics, with the consideration of the specifics of the  folklore  discourse  and  folklore  communication,  with  the  formation  of  its  sociocultural  factors  and  the  analysis  of  its communicative  specificity  (the  communicative  goal,  the  communicative  oral  strategies,  the  values  of  the  discourse,  the communicative participants and the type of communication, the communicative channel, the coded system and the genre content of this discourse). 

Keywords: discourse, folklore text,  folklore discourse, modern folklore, folklore communication.  

T. A. Druzhyna Communicative features of the folklore discourse 

Dyakov A. I. Etymological model of english loan-words

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  etymological  model  of  anglicisms,  which  allows  offering  a  more  consistent  and  adjusted definition of the phenomenon under consideration, to get rid of the subjectiveness factor in defining the borrowed unit origin. Direct, indirect as well as pseudo-anglicisms are analyzed in the article. Direct Anglicisms are defined through formal peculiarities, indirect and pseudo-anglicisms are determined in accordance with the etymological backgrounds of the borrowing process. The analysis of lexical and semantic derivation of a loan-word allows defining the etymological essence of a lexical unit. Finding out of English roots of loan-words regulates the process of including them into dictionaries of foreign words, facilitates the work of linguists.

Keywords: Anglicism, English loan-word, etymological model, direct Anglicism, indirect Anglicism, pseudo-Anglicism. 

Dyakov A. I. Etymological model of english loan-words