Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 39. 2015.

Holubenko N.I. Approaches to Reproducing Nominative Representatives of Cultural Concepts

Abstract. The article focuses on the study of ontological categories of the language, the resolving or partial interpretation of which can bring us closer to better understanding the mechanism of translation. It concerns the ways and methods of reproducing in transla- tion basic conceptual notions which are the results of human cognitive activity and reflect some linguocultural values of a specific area. The paper outlines an overview of different approaches and strategies of reproducing the concept that represents conceptual and lingual picture of the world. Concepts are understood as linguo-cognitive and linguo-culturological mechanisms, the translation of which requires culture-specific knowledge and methods for organizing information in different cultures. Present-day linguists have different views as to the main approaches applied by translators in conveying ethnocultural concepts. Thus, two different approaches of reproducing a concept – cultural and cognitive – are analyzed in the article. Divergences of linguists according to definition and interpretation of the notion ‘translation strategy’ are  examined in the article. Strategy is one of the  main notions in contemporary translation studies. Basic translation strategies applied by translators in the process of the adequate transfer of ethnocultural concept are analyzed. Two opposite strategies – translation dispersion and translation convergence – are placed in a wide context.  

Keywords: adequate translation, concept, cultural and cognitive approach, translation strategies, translation dispersion, translation convergence

Holubenko N.I. Approaches to Reproducing Nominative Representatives of Cultural Concepts 

Altaeva A.G., Kalymbetova N.P. Polysemy of the image of the animals in the Kazakh animalistic prose of 1960-70s

Abstract. The article on the material of the Kazakh prose 1960-70s regarded ways to display the philosophical, moral and ethical issues through functional features images of animals. 

Keywords: animalistic image,mythological design, aesthetic ideal, personalized image 

Altaeva A.G., Kalymbetova N.P. Polysemy of the image of the animals in the Kazakh animalistic prose of 1960-70s 

O.A. Barabanova. Hedonic sketches of Ukrainian existential literature of the first half of the twentieth century

Abstract. In the article Olena Barabanova “Hedonic sketches of Ukrainian existential literature of the first half of the twentieth century” draws attention to the presence of hedonistic component Ukrainian literature first half XX century. The author analyzes relevant to contemporary literary theme as an example of poetry Ukrainian poets-emigrants. The theme is shown on the background of existential and religious development paradigm Ukrainian literature. 

Keywords: hedonism, existence, literature, religion 

O.A. Barabanova. Hedonic sketches of Ukrainian existential literature of the first half of the twentieth century 

Bondar M.V. The names of Turkish national dishes and drinks and special aspects of their translation

Absract. The article is dedicated to analysis of the names of Turkish national dishes, drinks and special aspects of their translation. The national and cultural specificity of this group of words was found. Thematic groups were analyzed. The class of high-frequency lexical items was determined and factors that determine degree of their frequency in the text were clarified. Emphasizes on the need of extralinguistic knowledge when dealing with such units is made. Special aspects of translation (translation methods, transcoding, tracing, descriptive translation, their advantages and disadvantages) are examined. 

Keywords: national and cultural specificity, transcoding, tracing, descriptive translation, names of national dishes and drinks 

Bondar M.V.  The names of Turkish national dishes and drinks and special aspects of their translation 

Volkova O.N. Аnalysis of the translation units of the portrait macroconcept on the level of word combinations in the translations of the German literary texts

Abstract.  The  article  overviewes  the  specifics  of  rendering  of  the  portrait  macroconcept  on  the  level  of  word  combinations.  The opinions of the translators concerning the detection of the translation unit status are represented and the volume of the portrait macro- concept translation unit on the level of word combinations is fixed.  

Keywords: portrait macroconcept, source text, source language, target text, target language, translation unit 

Volkova O.N. Аnalysis of the translation units of the portrait macroconcept on the level of word combinations in the  translations of the German literary texts 

Havryliuk I.S. Coreferential nomination as a poetonym opposition

Abstract. The article analyses coreferential nomination, which constitutes the microsystem of poetonymosphere. The research investigates poetonym opposition between the element of poetonymosphere and coreferential nomination as its microsystem. 

Keywords:  coreferential  nomination,  poetonym  opposition,  poetonymosphere,  microsystem  of  poetonymosphere,  oppositional connection 

Havryliuk I.S. Coreferential nomination as a poetonym opposition 

Kolkutina V.V. Urbanistic diskurs in Ukrainian literature 20-30 years of ХХ age: a reception of D.Doncov-literary critic

Abstract. In this article it’s analyzed the concept of discourse of city as the aggregate of principles and conformities of artistic organization of urbanistic poetics which allows D. Doncov – literary criticto describe and study on basis of material of the ukrainian lyric texts of 20-30 years of ХХ age basic historico-philosophical motives.  

Keywords: diskurs of city, ukrainian literature of 20-30 years of ХХ age 

Kolkutina V.V. Urbanistic diskurs in Ukrainian literature 20-30 years of ХХ age: a reception of D.Doncov-literary critic

Kochukova N., Zhukova M. Active participles in Ukrainian scientific language

The controversial question about using of active participles of present time with the suffixes -uch-, -ach- in scientific texts of various branches is raised in the article, the main tendencies of their using are also revealed. The authors determined the scientists` views on the peculiarities of functiong of these participles in the structure of Ukrainian language in different periods. 

Keywords: active participles with the suffixes -uch-, -ach-, scientific language, scientific text, speech norm, compound nouns 

Kochukova N., Zhukova M. Active participles in Ukrainian scientific language 

Kuznetsova М.О. Verbalization of the hyperconcept as the basic concept in the cognitive scheme of G. R. R. Martin’s «А Song of Ice and Fire» secondary discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the structure specificity of the hyperconcept POWER in the secondary textspace of G.R.R.  Martin’s  «А  Song  of  Ice  and  Fire».  It  observes  the  main  language  means  and  methods  of  the  verbalization  of  the hyperconcept POWER as the taxon of the highest level and the key link in the conceptual framework of the secondary discourse. The author pays special attention to the dynamics of the verbal contour of the specified cognitive construct. 

Keywords: text concept, hyperconcept, conceptual structure, verbalization, secondary discourse 

Kuznetsova М.О. Verbalization of the hyperconcept as the basic concept in the cognitive scheme of G. R. R. Martin’s  «А Song of Ice and Fire» secondary discourse

Lavrynenko S.T. Folklore legal interpretation of treaties: semantic-cognitive aspect

Abstract. The article presents semantic reconstruction of the fixed in Ukrainian folklore models of contractual relationships. Lingual signs of various treaties have been investigated on the material of folk tales. The use of cognitive and interpretative methodology made  it  possible  to  prove  that  linguo-culturemes,  corresponding  folklore  ideas,  presenting  agreement  precedents,  are  based  on nominal  and  verbal  characteristics  of  mutually  profitable  contacts,  which  deal  with  marriage  contracts,  purchase  and  selling agreements, gift giving, inheritance, labour treaties and service. 

Keywords: linguistic culturology, cognitive interpretation, Ukrainian folklore  

Lavrynenko S.T. Folklore legal interpretation of treaties: semantic-cognitive aspect

Lepyokhin Ye.O. Some Reflections on the Existential Characters’ Traits

Abstract. The paper deals with the issue of identification the notion of “existential character” from the view point of the comparative literature studies. The suggested research is based on distinguishing the specific features of the characters pertain to “aesthetic existentialism”. 

Keywords:  existentialism, literature, film, character, type, trait, identity, choice 

Lepyokhin Ye.O. Some Reflections on the Existential Characters’ Traits 

Lukianets M.G. Responsive strategies and tactics in Modern English dialogical discourse: methodology of analysis

Abstract.  The article describes  methodology of responsive strategies and tactics  analysis in  Modern  English  dialogical discourse. The created methodology consists of three research phases: the selection of material for study, the analysis of cognitive-pragmatic and communicative aspects of responsive strategies and tactics implementation in the dialogue, the criteria for classification of responsive strategies and tactics. 

Keywords: methodology of analysis, English dialogical discourse, responsive strategies and tactics 

Lukianets M.G. Responsive strategies and tactics in Modern English dialogical discourse: methodology of analysis

Lukianets T.G. Close-up effect: adaptation of cinematic technique in a literary text

Abstract.  This  paper  examines  the  cinematic  technique  of  close-up  realized  in  a  literary  text.  We  have  differentiated  notions  of “close-up” in cinematography and its correlative term “close-up effect” in cognitive and poetic interpretation, and then further contrasted them to portrait description or filming as well as to literary detail. With regard to different scientific approaches we have pre- sented generalized definition of close-up effect as a cognitive and semiotic construct integrated in inhomogeneous structure of liter- ary and cinematic texts. 

Keywords: effect of close-up, portrait description or filming, literary detail, literary text, cinematic text 

Lukianets T.G. Close-up effect: adaptation of cinematic technique in a literary text

Lyashov N.N. The system synchronism literary communication in the historical novels of N. Sirotyuk and R. Chumak

Abstract. The article analyzes synchronous literary communication in the historical novels of N. Sirotyk and R. Chumac, which were published in the 80-ies of the last century. Special attention is focused on the author’s interpretation of national history. 

Keywords: historical novel, synchronic, communication and consistency, N. Sirotyuk, R. Chumak 

Lyashov N.N. The system synchronism literary communication in the historical novels of N. Sirotyuk and R. Chumak

Pavliv U.S. National colourfulness of English

Abstract. The article highlights the wealth of the English language. Also the colourfulness of the language is explained. The process of enrichment of English is being researched at certain levels. The effect of borrowings and some ways of word formation on the language development is characterized. It is proved that these things have great influence on the colourfulness of English. 

Keywords: colourfulness, wealth, borrowings, word formation, innovations  

Pavliv U.S. National colourfulness of English

Slobodyan O. Specificity of the geographical significance of the term левада shidnoslobozhanskyh dialects in Luhansk

Abstract. This article describes the specific geographical significance of the term meadow in Lugansk shidnoslobozhanskyh dialects; analyzed areal variation and lexical-semantic peculiarities of national geographical term; discovered parallels in modern literary language and dialects. 

Keywords: folk geographic terminology (FGT), lexical meaning, lexical-semantic group (LSG), sam, sam integral, differential seme, semantic syncretism 

Slobodyan O. Specificity of the geographical significance of the term левада shidnoslobozhanskyh dialects in Luhansk 

Sushko O.I., Turkina J.M. Phraseology in the context of social and political communication (on the basis of official docu- ments of the first half of XX century)

Abstract. The article continues the cycle of publications of the author, devoted to the research of the features of political communication by facilities of phraseology based on the material of official documents of the first half of the ХХ century. On the basis of theoretical studies in this work the role of phraseology formations of social and political debate is found out in the speech of politicians, publicmen in a period of activating of the searches of new ideology, new view of the idea of state formeng in the first half of the ХХ century. 

Keywords: political communication, social and political debate phraseology, education, cemantic-specific opposition  

Sushko O.I., Turkina J.M. Phraseology in the context of social and political communication (on the basis of official docu- ments of the first half of XX century)

Tenditna N.М., Povolocka N.O. Investigation of crimes of maniacs-killers in the novels of O. Ul'yanenko «Dauphin of Satan» and T. Harris «Silence of lambs»

Abstract. Novels combine stories about monsters-killers, which long time remained unattainable for punishment, with vital histories of investigators and histories of parents. In offenses of the main characters of works of O. Ul’yanenko and T. Kharris, prose writers show а display of dangerous dark forces with the naturalistic details of all villainies in the man. However, maniac and necrophiliac inclinations in histories of Ivan Bilozub and Dzheym Gamba are given authors thus, to explain a pathological train to death and dead world. 

Keywords: pathology, narcissism, involution, naturalism, anatomy of human destructiveness 

Tenditna N.М., Povolocka N.O. Investigation of crimes of maniacs-killers in the novels of O. Ul’yanenko «Dauphin of Satan» and T. Harris «Silence of lambs»

Tishchenko O.O. Grammatical means of expressing semantics in Comparative poetic heritage of Emma Andiyevska

Abstract. Semantic depth of comparative speed, allowing “vividly convey associative links between concepts to turn these relations into a source of verbal expression” is typical for poetic language of Emma Andiyevska. Ambiguity , semantic and stylistic multiplicity of tokens that are part of the structure of comparisons, act as “source of specific sensory imagery of artistic speech, signal of unexpected connections between comparable word-concepts .”In the lexical-semantic structure of comparisons” logical and conceptual universal of creative thinking are reproduced. In its specific verbal implementations they reflect national language world”. 

Keywords: semantics, stylistics, comparison , word creativity , poetic 

Tishchenko O.O. Grammatical means of expressing semantics in Comparative poetic heritage of Emma Andiyevska

Khomenko A. The current state of the format and content in Ukrainian media

Аbstract. The article concerns with Ukrainian language media. It focuses on analyzing the evolutionary language shifts in the media- texts of late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries caused by historical and political, economic, social and cultural society changes. This research traces genre deformation in speech structure, journalist creative and free way mediatexts making. It also emphasizes mass speech vocabulary updating and reorientation of functional body in media language. Moreover this article outlines the specific media networks and gives the classification of Ukrainian mediatexts. 

Keywords: media language, media discourse, mediatext, function, genre  

Khomenko A. The current state of the format and content in Ukrainian media 

Shtanhret H.Z. Metaphorical representation of figurative component of concept Relationships in works by John Gray

Abstract. The article deals with the research of figurative component of the concept Relationships based on the selection of conceptual metaphors. The notion of metaphor is viewed from the cognitive linguistics’ position. The main components of cultural concept are revealed. The peculiarities of forming and functioning of the author’s conceptual metaphors with the help of such key concepts as Relationship, Love, Romance are analysed. 

Keywords: concept, conceptual metaphor, author’s conceptual sphere, concepts relationship, love, romance 

Shtanhret H.Z.  Metaphorical representation of figurative component of concept Relationships in works by John Gray