Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 112. 2017.

Barbashova I. A. Forms of teaching primary school children perception

Abstract. Article’s author determined the overall form of training younger pupils at the level of perception studies, training sessions, educational activities. Exposed sensory and developmental potential lessons, extracurricular lessons (homework, study excursions, subject groups, counseling), certain types of teaching and perceptual activities (frontal, group, individual) in the context of children perception processes of different modalities. 

Keywords: pupils of elementary school, learning, visual perception, auditory perception, tactile perception. 

Barbashova I. A. Forms of teaching primary school children perception 

M. A. Boichenko Gifted education in Ukraine: history and modernity

Abstract. The article highlights the peculiarities of gifted education development in Ukraine during the second half of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century. Traditionally, pedagogical support for gifted children and youth was differentiated according to the types of giftedness. Secondary schools provided pedagogical support for intellectually and academically gifted in regular classes and extracurricular activities. The most common form of pedagogical support was optional special courses of different types and duration, Olympiads and competitions. In modern Ukraine special educational services for gifted students are carried out in specialized schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, collegiums, as well as at different types of education institutions and associations. Important role in gifted children support at present stage plays Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 

Keywords: giftedness, gifted child, gifted education, history of gifted education, Ukraine   

M. A. Boichenko Gifted education in Ukraine: history and modernity  

L. Holubnycha Using Case Studies at Foreign Language Classes in Nonlinguistic Higher Educational Institutions for the Purpose to Intensify Students’ Cognitive Activity

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of intensification of students’ cognitive activity at foreign language lessons where situational exercises are used. The author determined the structure and set the requirements for the use of situational exercises to enhance learning of students of non-language universities at foreign language lessons. The paper presents examples of situational exercises in the classroom with students of non-linguistic specialties for teaching communication skills and activities which prepare students for speaking. 

Keywords: case studies, intensification of cognitive activity, student, non-linguistic universities, teaching foreign languages.  

L. Holubnycha Using Case Studies at Foreign Language Classes in Nonlinguistic Higher Educational Institutions for the Purpose to Intensify Students’ Cognitive Activity 

S. D. Isaieva The role of pedagogical strategies of effective communication in the process of teachers interaction with students

Abstract. The importance of effective pedagogical interaction between teachers and students is underlined in the article. A number of theoretical generalizations of research results of home and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogical communication is provided. A great attention is paid to the importance of scientific heritage of the American scientist Thomas Gordon in the development of new ways of successful pedagogical interaction and communication. The role of proposed by Thomas Gordon pedagogical strategies of effective communication during the teachers’ interaction with students is studied. 

Keywords: Thomas Gordon, pedagogical strategies, teacher, students, communication, interaction.   

S. D. Isaieva The role of pedagogical strategies of effective communication in the process of teachers interaction with students  

L. M. Karakasheva Individualisation and Differentiation through Individual Work in Teaching Mathematical Disciplines in Higher Education

Abstract:  The  article  discusses  some  options  for  applying  a  differentiated  approach  in  teaching  university  students.  It  contains models of tasks for individual work, which take into account students’ level of mathematical knowledge.  

Keywords: differentiated approach, teaching in higher education, individual work  

L. M. Karakasheva Individualisation and Differentiation through Individual Work in Teaching Mathematical Disciplines in Higher Education  

O. M. Khoma, Т. V. Khoma Сulture of speech as a component of culture of personality

Abstract. In this article was considered the concept of “culture”, “culture of speech” and their interconnection. Identify factors that affect to culture of students’ speech and investigated methods of its formation in the conditions of higher school. There is characterized some methods of teaching by counting of cognitive activity of students. The attention is focused on methods of formation the culture of speech. It is found out the types of language and speech exercises and communication tasks. There were suggested the ways of improving their own culture of students’ speech. 

Keywords: culture, culture of speech, methods, exercises and tasks  

O. M. Khoma, Т. V. Khoma Сulture of speech as a component of culture of personality

Kikina N. M. The Content and Structure of Manuals for Teaching of Professional Foreign Language Communication in Technical Univer- sities of the USA

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of creation manuals of foreign languages for the students of technical universities in the USA. It is determined the main components of manual’s content which aim is teaching professional foreign language communication of students in American technical universities. This textbooks are based on the modular principle. The author has analyzed different types of exercises and tasks which are oriented on the formation of foreign language communicative competences of the future professionals.  

Keywords: manual, professional foreign language communication, content, structure, communicative orientation, technical universities.  

Kikina N. M. The Content and Structure of Manuals for Teaching of Professional Foreign Language Communication in Technical Univer- sities of the USA 

T. V. Koval The systems of preparation future teachers of schools of the first degree to work with parents in multiethnic environment

Abstract. The article highlights the experience in preparation of teachers school first degree to work with parents in today’s multi- ethnic environment. The system of training future teachers of schools of the first degree to work with parents in a multi-ethnic environment. 

Keywords: preparation future teachers, system, school first degree, work with parents, the multi-ethnic environment. 

T. V. Koval The systems of preparation future teachers of schools of the first degree to work with parents in multiethnic environment

Kozak A. V. Game technologies as a mean of students’ readiness formation to intercultural communication

Abstract. The article deals with the functional orientation of game technologies to the formation of the students – the future specialists in the field of international relations – the readiness to intercultural communication. The attention is focused on game technologies as the educational systems of using a variety of games which actualize communicational needs, intercultural potential of students as  teaching  methods  of  effective  communication,  which  allow  the  partners  of  communication  to  acquire  the  necessary  skills  and experience to communicate and interact, develop self-confidence, the ability of flexible relationship. Enhancing of students’ readiness  to  intercultural  communication  is  illustrated  by  the  example  of  special  educational  game  “Bafa-Bafa”,  communication  game “The disaster in the desert ‘, role-plays and exercises as an attempt to” gain the experience of different behavior , “cultural mentality, language knowledges and communicative skills . 

Keywords:  game  technologies,  intercultural  communication,  educational  game,  communicative  game,  role-play,  game  participants, foreign language culture. 

Kozak A. V. Game technologies as a mean of students’ readiness formation to intercultural communication 

Kushnareva N. The essence and structure of future teachers’ of technologies preparation for the development of pupils’ technical way of thinking in the process of constructing and designing the sewing wares

Abstract. Scientific approaches to the selection and forming the essence of professional preparation of future teachers’ of technologies to the development of pupils’ technical way of thinking are lighted up and summarized; the essence of  future teachers’ of technologies preparation to the development of pupils’ technical way of thinking in the process of constructing and designing the sewing wares at the example of the course “The methodology of the development of pupils’ technical way of thinking at the lessons of technology (Constructing the sewing wares) is grounded; the main tasks, essence and structure of this special course, taking into account future  teachers’  specific  of  activity  concerning  organization,  guidance,  control  and  coordination of  mentioned  type  of  activity  are determined. 

Keywords: essence, structure, preparation, a teacher of technologies, technical way of thinking.  

Kushnareva N. The  essence  and  structure  of  future  teachers’  of  technologies  preparation  for  the  development  of  pupils’  technical  way  of thinking in the process of constructing and designing the sewing wares 

O. Martynenko Organization of a distance listening comprehension course for future interpreters

Abstract. The article examines the process of organization of a distance listening comprehension course for future interpreters.  A systemic and systematic principle, a communicative principle, a principle of interconnection of the types of speech activities, and a principle of realization of the strategic actions, typical for the research, are analyzed. A list of prerequisites for purposeful application of the listening comprehension strategies by future interpreters is specified. Distribution of hours for teaching listening comprehension at initial, basic and advanced stages is given. 

Keywords: distance education, listening comprehension course, future interpreters, genres of audio texts, types of listening.

O. Martynenko Organization of a distance listening comprehension course for future interpreters 

G. V. Mukhina About the construction of didactic model for implementing of the personality-oriented educating

Abstract. In the article on the basis of system approach to the personality-oriented educating the analysis of didactic model of realization  of  educating  of  students  is  made  in  higher  educational  establishments.  System  approach  allows  to  structure  the  process  of educating in general and every component separately. The system factors of construction the didactic model are identified and char- acterized in the research. The personality-oriented educating owns both general didactic regularities and specific regularities. Analyzing the structure of educating, an author characterizes such system factors as principles of the personality-oriented educating in detail. Principles are decisive for the choice of methods and forms of the personality-oriented educating.  

Keywords: the personality-oriented educating, a didactic model, system factors, student, teacher, subject, subject of educating.  

G. V. Mukhina About the construction of didactic model for implementing of the personality-oriented educating

A. S. Olkhovska Translation Industry Standards and LSPs requirements as Formulators of Translation Competence Content

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of determining the translation competence content. The author of the research stresses that determination of the content has to be made on the basis of translation industry standards and LSPs requirements to professional translators. To this end she studies and analyses the requirements of modern foreign and domestic LSPs as well as European standard EN 15038 and Ukrainian standard СТТУ АПУ 001-2000. The comparison of the requirements of modern foreign and domestic LSPs to professional translators with the requirements of translation industry standards shows that EN 15038 is the most accurate in enumerating all the skills desired by LSPs so its requirements to translation competence have to lay the basis for determining the content of future translators’ training.

Keywords: translation competence, translation industry standards, LSPs requirements, future translators’ training.  

A. S. Olkhovska Translation Industry Standards and LSPs requirements as Formulators of Translation Competence Content 

Sidorenko N. Organizational and pedagogical conditions formation and development of Jewish professional schools in Chernihiv in the 20s-30s of the 20th century

Abstract. In the article on the basis of archival materials reviewed problems of formation Jewish professional schools in Chernihiv in the 20s-30s of the 20th century. Determined socio-economic conditions of formation and organizational-pedagogical peculiarities of development of these institutions. The author found that among the achievements of professional schools during the mentioned period was an organic combination in the content of education theory with practice, including internships and manufacturing practices and implementation of pedagogical innovations. 

Keywords: national minorities, professional education, professional schools,  institutions of professional education for national minorities, Jewish professional school.

Sidorenko N. Organizational  and  pedagogical  conditions  formation  and  development  of  Jewish  professional  schools  in  Chernihiv  in  the 20s-30s of the 20th century

S. A. Skvortsova, Y. S. Gaevets, Y. S. Vtornikova The formation of future teachers’ professional competency

Abstract. The paper presents the author’s model of formation of primary school teachers’  methodical competency to teach pupils Mathematics.  Based  on  the  National  Qualifications  Framework  the  result  of  learning  at  every  educational  level  is  a  competency; scholars identify a methodical competency as a part of teacher’s professional competency; the formation of a methodical competency is a goal of the presented model. To achieve this goal  means to implement the methodical system, presented as a composition of interrelated and interconnected components: tasks, educational and informative resource (training content and organizational forms of training), technologies and learning tools. 

Keywords: primary school teacher, methodical competency, teaching Mathematics, formation of methodical competency.  

S. A. Skvortsova, Y. S. Gaevets, Y. S. Vtornikova The formation of future teachers’ professional competency 

G. Didenko Stages of research of traumatic events in psychological science

Abstract. In the article the theoretical analysis of the stages of research actions and the consequences of traumatic events in a person. Four stages of the analysis of these problems and outlined the prospects for further research. Revealed difficulty in differentiating the concepts of «trauma» and «psychological trauma» as a response to the effects of traumatic events. 

Keywords: trauma, traumatic event, a traumatic experience, personality, psychological trauma.   

G. Didenko Stages of research of traumatic events in psychological science 

V. S. Godoniuk Empiric research of self-affirmation of a child preschool age, based on his creative activity

Abstract. In this article we have studied the main strategies of self-affirmation of a child preschool age, we have analysed the manifest of a child’s self-affirmative behaviour on a base of the method of observation and drawing test “Nonexistent animal”, the empiric method (discussion) and analysis of product’s activity of a child. We have found the connection between self-affirmation and self- appraisal of a child this age group.  

Keywords: self-affirmation, self-appraisal, constructive and destructive behaviour. 

V. S. Godoniuk Empiric research of self-affirmation of a child preschool age, based on his creative activity 

L. N. Tsibuh The practical psychologist`s work with teenagers who have overcome the psycho-traumatic situations

Abstract. The author consider concept of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in article and its characteristics. Also the features of children`s and teenagers` PTSD are described. The purpose of article is to identify influence of continuous stay in the zone of antiterrorist operation which is performed in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine on teenagers` emotional state. During empirical research of teenagers group, living in the respective territory and having survived a fight situation, the author comes to a conclusion that most of the teenagers having taken part in research have the following symptoms of PTSD: nightmares, behavior disorder, aggression.  

Key words: posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic stress, psychological trauma, teenagers, zone of anti-terrorist operation.  

L. N. Tsibuh The practical psychologist`s work with teenagers who have overcome the psycho-traumatic situations