Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 48. 2015.

Goncharenko Ya.V., Sushko O.S. The formation of goals and learning results of financial mathematics to students of the program "Bachelor of mathematics and economics"

Abstract. The developed system goals and expected learning results of financial mathematics to students of the program “Bachelor of mathematics and economics”, considered with program results and competencies, classification formulated goals, in particular on the basis of the taxonomy by B. Bloom. 

Keywords: competence, financial mathematics, goals and learning results, taxonomy purposes, teaching methodic 

 Goncharenko Ya.V., Sushko O.S. The formation of goals and learning results of financial mathematics to students  of the program “Bachelor of mathematics and economics” 

Ivanova V.A. Academic fraud

Abstract. The article aims to define academic fraud in higher education, describe the most commonly used methods of committing it and search for the reasons causing this problem. This work presents a survey investigating the personal experience of  tertiary education students in practicing academic fraud and includes an analysis of the results. The ultimate purpose of the author is to find ways to minimize academic fraud in order to enhance the efficiency and quality of higher education. 

Keywords: academic fraud, cheating, plagiarism, efficiency, code of ethics 

Ivanova V.A. Academic fraud 

Nemchenko S.G. Periodization of the process of formation and development of the system of training of leaders of general educational institutions

Abstract. The article by Nemchenko S.G. examines the problems of periodization of the process of formation and development of the system of training of heads of educational institutions. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the process of periodization, its structure, typology, peculiarities of schemes constructions of periodization. The periodization of the system of managers’ training on the basis of binary type and structure of the disciplinary matrix is considered.

Keywords: periodization, disciplinary matrix, linear periodization type, binary types, organizational and performing culture, reflexive culture 

Nemchenko S.G. Periodization of the process of formation and development of the system  of training of leaders of general educational institutions 

Nikonenko T.V. Theoretical Aspects of Problem of Technology of Context Teaching within the Process of Training Magister of Primary School Education

Abstract. Article deals with the theoretical aspects of implementation of technology of context education within the process of training of Magister students of primary school which are revealed in psychological-pedagogical literature. There are proved advantages of educational environment of context type. The role of quasi-professional activity at the level of primary school magister (within the pedagogical educational institution) is determined. 

Keywords: technology of context education, problem situation, quasi-professional activity, educational context environment, textbook of context type

Nikonenko T.V. Theoretical Aspects of Problem of Technology of Context Teaching within the Process of Training Magister of Primary School Education

Blagova T.O. Dynamics of formation of the theoretical foundations of dance education: historical and cultural context

Abstract. The article investigates the process of formation of the theoretical foundations of dance education in a broad cultural context. Lit historical background of the development of the theory of dancing art, reveals the interconnectedness and interdependence of cultural and educational processes in the field of choreography at different historical stages. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the works  of  prominent representatives  of  the  choreographic  pedagogy  defines their  contribution  to  the  development  of  the  theory  of dance, studied the structure, the content of textbooks.

Keywords: choreography, dance, the dancing master, the terminology, the recording system of dance, dance education, choreographic training 

Blagova T.O. Dynamics of formation of the theoretical foundations of dance education: historical and cultural context  

Burko O.V. Teaching of romantic poetry at the Ukrainian literature class in context of the European romanticism at the secondary school

Abstract.  The  article  outlines  the  triad  of  Ukrainian,  Polish,  German  romantic  poets:  P. Gulak-Artemovskij  –  A. Mickiewicz  – J.W. Goethe; the dyad of Ukrainian and Russian romantic poets: L. Borovkovsky – V. Zhukovsky; the triad of Ukrainian, English, Polish Romantic poets: T. Shevchenko – G.G. Byron – A. Mickiewicz. We focus on the reason of Ukrainian artists’ interest to the works of European Romanticism. The scheme for teaching of Ukrainian romantic poetry of secondary school pupils and its comment is valuable. According to it, the teacher assumes the use of innovative teaching methods: message of search mini-group, radio advertisements, “Intellectual circle of romantic poetry connoisseurs”, literary game “Symbols of romantic poetry”, “Mental gymnastics”. Mastering them will help educators and teens entry into the European educational space. 

Keywords: teenagers, romanticism, poetry, Romantic poet 

Burko O.V. Teaching of romantic poetry at the Ukrainian literature class in context of the European romanticism at the sec- ondary school 

Venevtseva E.V. Peculiarities of the bilingual communication typical of the students who get their higher education at peda- gogical institutions

Abstract. The present article deals with the main peculiarities of the bilingual communication typical of the students who get their higher education at pedagogical institutions. Different classifications of bilingualism being analysed, the peculiarities of the future teachers’  bilingual  communication  are  described.  The influence  of  the  bilingual  communication  on  personal  and  professional  students’ development is considered 

Keywords: bilingualism, bilingual communication, peculiarities of bilingual communication typical of the students who get their higher education at pedagogical institutions 

Venevtseva E.V. Peculiarities of the bilingual communication typical of the students who get their higher education at peda- gogical institutions 

Graboviy A.K. Theoretical and methodological foundations for improving experimental and methodological training of fu- ture teachers of chemistry

Abstract. The article highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations improve experimental and methodological training of future teachers of chemistry. Methods of preparing future teachers of chemistry based on strengthening the professional direction of the educational process in methods of teaching chemistry, purposeful formation of experimental teaching skills students. Designated didactic approaches to forming experimental teachers skills of future teachers of chemistry. Autor determined factors contributing to the improvement of experimental methodical and methodological training of future teachers of chemistry.

Keywords: theoretical and methodological foundations; experimental and methodical preparation; future teachers of chemistry; teaching approaches; factors experimental and methodological preparation

Graboviy A.K. Theoretical and methodological foundations for improving experimental and methodological training of fu- ture teachers of chemistry

Zhuk I.V. Relationship between radiannoyu and degree measure of the angle in terms of approximate calculations.

Abstract. The issue on converting radian measure of an angle to degree measure and back using the methods of approximate calcula- tions is considered in the article. For this purpose, the method of calculating the correct digits and the method of limits are used. The author has developed the guideline rules for recording the angle expressed in decimal fraction, degrees, minutes and seconds. 

Keywords: Degree measure of an angle, radian measure of an angle, degrees, minutes, method of calculating the correct digits, method of limits, absolute limit of error, correct digits, doubtful digits, accuracy of results 

Zhuk I.V. Relationship between radiannoyu and degree measure of the angle in terms of approximate calculations.

Ivanchuk S.A. To the problem of the interaction between pre-school educational establishment and family on the problem of preschool children’s economic education

Summary. The article is devoted to the problem of pre-school education at present stage – economic education of preschool children. It is stated that family has a great impact on the development of economic culture of the child. On the basis of the works devoted to the problems of effective interaction of pre-school educational establishment with family and the problems of economic education of preschool children the attempt to investigate the emergence and development of interaction forms between the teacher and families for economic education was made. 

Keywords: pre-school educational establishment, interaction forms, parents of preschool children, preschool children, economic education 

Ivanchuk S.A. To the problem of the interaction between pre-school educational establishment and family on the problem of preschool children’s economic education 

Konovalchuk I. I. Methodological approaches to researching the innovative processes in secondary education schools

Abstract. The  topicality  and  possibility  of  using  the  heuristic  resources  and  tools  of  interdisciplinary,  system  and  synergetic  approaches to the study of the problems of implementation of innovations into secondary schools are substantiated in the article. The use of interdisciplinary approach is determined with the need for analysis and synthesis developed in different scientific fields theo- retical concepts and innovative technologies of the educational processes. Interdisciplinarity in setting complex tasks and approaches to their solution is shown in the analysis of innovation theories from various scientific  spheres as well as in revealing the content, logical, and functional relations between them, in the synthesis of the views on innovative processes and grounding new theories and concepts of innovation in education. Extrapolation of the principles of system approach to the problems of innovative development of educational institutions allows to establish a holistic, interconnected nature of innovations as well as structural and functional chang- es in pedagogical system of the school. Thus the subject of any system researches are innovations, pedagogical system where they are implemented, and the nature of the relationship between them, as well a as the processes of their joint development. The problematic loci  of  the  studies  of  innovative  educational  processes  that  can  be  solved in the  coordinates  of  synergetics  are  differentiated.  The conceptual and methodological novelty of the ideas of self-organization makes it possible to identify and learn the general laws of self-development of innovative pedagogical systems, the evolution of their structures at the expense of internal capabilities and  resources.  The  synergetic  approach  allows  to  reveal  the  inner,  immanent  to  innovative  pedagogical  systems  mechanisms  of  self- organization and self-development. In accordance with the principles of system synergy  the innovations are characterized  by self- determination, organic self-organization, the nonlinearity, probability, bifurcation, the multiplicity of changes and creativity of their subjects. 

Keywords: innovation, innovation process, interdisciplinary approach, system approach, synergetic approach 

Konovalchuk I. I. Methodological approaches to researching the innovative processes in secondary education schools

Korkishko O.H., Korkishko A.V. Management as a basis of organizing the effective self-study of university students

Abstract. In the article there are analyzed the theoretical bases of organizing the self-study work, and there is offered the whole set of the stimulating conditions which are created by the teacher to organize the effective work with students. There is defined that the realization of these conditions will depend on the teacher’s position, his help in organizing the student’s self-study work.   There is focused attention on the tutor’s work on realizing and giving help in organizing self-study work which can be fulfilled by any teacher of  the  higher  educational  institution.  There are disclosed  the  role  positions  of  the  teacher providing  the appropriate  level  of  self- dependence of the student. 

Keywords:  teacher, students’ self-study work, management of self-study work, stimulating conditions, role positions 

Korkishko O.H., Korkishko A.V. Management as a basis of organizing the effective self-study of university students

Krivosheia N.B. The formation of figurative thinking at the senior preschool children by means of Ukrainian folklore

Abstract. The author of the article identified the scientific and theoretical approaches to the problem of figurative thinking formation at preschool children. The experimental work of  building character is presented,  where the objectively existing law of relationship and mutual enrichment of art and lifestyle images are determined as the basis. The techniques and methods of the development of creativity, imagination, which teach to improvise and feel the situation, develop children’s thinking  are highlighted. In the article it is also observed pedagogical conditions  and ways of the development of artistic and creative thinking at senior preschool children by means of folklore. 

Keywords: means of musical expression, music folklore, poetic and figurative conversation, artistic image, artistic and creative thinking, holistic perception 

Krivosheia N.B. The formation of figurative thinking at the senior preschool children by means of Ukrainian folklore 

Mardoyan R. A. The issues and functions of pedagogical axiology in Armenia at the period of globalization

Abstract: The most important issues of Pedagogical Axiology in Armenia at the period of globalization are observed in the article. The functions of Pedagogical Axiology, which can contribute to the solution of the mentioned issues, are presented here.

Keywords: globalization, Axiology, human values, national values, functions of Pedagogical Axiology 

Mardoyan R. A. The issues and functions of pedagogical axiology in Armenia at the period of globalization

Roman S.V. Research activity in an arsenal of technologies of formation of ecological and humanistic values of school stu- dents in the course of chemical education

Abstract. The research technology is one of leading ways of formation of ecological and humanistic values in after-hour – facultative – work on chemistry as opportunity visually to see positive results of own research and nature protection activity develops at school students a sense of responsibility for the actions in environment, helps the statement of ecological imperatives, and personal understanding of the received results promotes formation of the corresponding valuable orientations of school students, practical experience of the correct behavior in environment and further vigorous nature protection activity. Planning and the organization of research activity of school students in a context of formation of ecological and humanistic values taking into account requirements to the maintenance of the chemi- cal and ecological material which disclosure through statement of experiences will have the highest valuable result, and also level of knowledge and experimental abilities of school students are characterized; the possible directions of interrelation of fixed and extracurricular research activities, expediency of active introduction in research activity of elements of environmental monitoring are shown. The approximate scope of after-hour pilot chemical studies of ecological character and the general scheme of studying of influence of chemi- cal pollutants corresponding to them on objects of environment is offered: choice of a chemical pollutant → modeling of a source of pollution (imitation) → research of real influence of this pollutant on vegetable, animal objects and ecosystems → selection of optimum nature protection actions → modeling of these actions and the analysis of consequences of their realization for live objects → conclu- sions → practical value of the conducted research and prospect of new researches 

Keywords: research technology, ecological and humanistic values, school chemical education 

Roman S.V. Research activity in an arsenal of technologies of formation of ecological and humanistic values of school stu- dents in the course of chemical education

Sayapina S.A. Fundamental Ideas, a Variety of Experimental Searches in the Scientific and Research Program by Alexandr Zaporozhets (the 30-70s of the 20th Century)

Abstract. In the article there is introduced the scientific and research program by the famous native scientist-researcher, Alexandr Zaporozhets. There is proved that with his name it is connected the central idea of theory of psychological development of a child – the approval of the qualitative uniqueness and enduring value of certain periods of childhood, unique opportunities created by them for the formation of the corresponding mental processes and qualities. IT is underlined that A. Zaporozhets was the recognized leader of all the native research and practical work in the field of preschool age in the 30 – 70s of the 20th century.  

Keywords: psychics, preschool childhood, science, experiment, scientific activity, results of investigation  

Sayapina S.A. Fundamental Ideas, a Variety of Experimental Searches in the Scientific and Research Program by Alexandr Zaporozhets (the 30-70s of the 20th Century) 

Tamozhska I.V. Modern methodological and methodical aspects of pedagogical management in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION.

Annotation. In the article the basic concepts of pedagogical management, their essence and the characteristic are considered; there are planning questions of educational and methodical and educational work at the structural educational and methodical division (the department «Language and Literature») in the Kharkov motor transportation technical school by S. Ordzhonikidze with interrelation of forms and the subjects activity content at this department. The educational and methodical and bringing up plan of the department «Language and Literature» in 2014-2015 academic year is proposed. 

Keywords: educational process, pedagogical management, planning, structural educational and methodical division 

Tamozhska  I.V.  Modern  methodological  and  methodical  aspects  of  pedagogical  management  in  HIGHER  EDUCATION INSTITUTION. 

Tymchuk L.I. Education of adults in educational establishments of the system of liquidation of illiteracy in Ukraine (20-30th ХХ of century)

Abstract. Coming from actuality  of problem of illiteracy on the modern stage, paid attention to expediency  of study  of historical experience, achievements and lessons of campaign from liquidation of illiteracy in Ukraine of 20-30th of ХХ of century. Essence of the system of education of adults formed by then is exposed, realization and the observance of that largely provided success of fight against illiteracy and increase of educational level of population. The different types of educational establishments of the  system of campaign against illiteracy are described: points of liquidation of illiteracy (schools of deed), school for of little education,  groups of individually-group studies, sunday-schools, groups of self-education. 

Keywords: history of adult education, liquidation of illiteracy, system of universal education of adults, types of educational establishments of the system of campaign against illiteracy 

Tymchuk L.I. Education of adults in educational establishments of the system of liquidation of illiteracy in Ukraine (20-30th ХХ of century) 

Uysimbayeva M.V. Upbringing of senior pupils' social activity in the project activities

Abstract. The article identifies the benefits of social projects, as an upbringing technology, in comparison with traditional forms of upbringing in extracurricular educational work of the school. It is noted that the purpose of the application of a method of projects in the educational process of educational institutions is to encourage the interest of senior pupils to specific social problems and the solution to these problems in transformational socially significant activities. 

Keywords: social activity, social experience, the project activity, social projects, social activities, project method 

Uysimbayeva M.V. Upbringing of senior pupils’ social activity in the project activities

Alieksieieva Y.A. Psychological peculiarities of faith formation in the early ontogenesis

Abstract. The paper analises the question of the specifics of the development of faith as an integral formation at the preschool age children. It notes the connection of the faith dynamics with indicators of mental development (tumors, leading activities) specific to each age period. The preconditions of  faith development in the early age (feeling of trust to adults, positive self-conception, self- dependence and self-control) is defined. The article considers the development of structural components of faith of the under eschool age child’s personality (cognitive, emotional, value-motivational, behavioral) and kinds of faith (belief in yourself, in others in social values, spiritual and religious, mystical). 

Keywords: faith, faith in oneself, faith in the other, the belief in social values, spiritual and religious faith, mystical faith 

Alieksieieva Y.A. Psychological peculiarities of faith formation in the early ontogenesis

Arabadji-Sapunkova Svetlana G. Psychological factors of relationship stress with features of adaptive personality

Annotation. The article presents the results of studies of the personality psychologists with different levels and types of professional adaptation,  the  characteristic  of  the  personal  profile  of  each  type.  Found  that the  most  crucial in terms  of  professional  adaptation serve individual psychological characteristics of personality adaptability. Factor analysis identified four structures and psychological factors  that  determine  the  relationship  of  adaptability  and  stress the  individual.  The  structure  includes  four-factor  structure  of  the following  factors:  the  level  of  personal  development,  psychological  lability,  motivation  to  overcome  setbacks  achieves  the  goals, multi independence of the personality. 

Keywords: professional adaptation (PA), adaptability, levels and types of PA, resistance to stress 

Arabadji-Sapunkova Svetlana G. Psychological factors of relationship stress with features of adaptive personality 

Kuznetsova O.V. Psyhobiografic personality correlates of adaptability

Abstract.  The  paper  presents  the  results  of  theoretical  and  empirical  study  of  relationship  between  the  adaptability  and  psyhobiohrafic characteristics that represent both formal and content aspects of subjective picture of personality life course. It was specifically found that adaptability to some extent regulates: own life course images productivity; unique relationship to the past, acceptance of personal history, its assessment and a sense of satisfaction; realistic view of life itself; focus on a sense of  events by their type and sort; diversity and differentiation of subjective picture of life course. Research of psyhobiohrafic characteristics showed the steady trend of prevalence of overall satisfaction, positive aspects of relationship to own lives for people with high level of adaptability. 

Keywords: adaptability, psyhobiohrafic characteristics, subjective picture of life course, subjectivity, life satisfaction 

Kuznetsova O.V. Psyhobiografic personality correlates of adaptability 

Melnichenko O.I. Results of correlation analysis for the study "Psychological factors of innovation adoption research and teaching university staff"

Abstract.  The  paper  presents  the  figures  obtained  by  the  study  of  the  psychological  factors  of  innovation  adoption  research  and teaching university staff, which was carried out on the basis of ten methods and questionnaires. Individuals have a clear methodology allowed us to examine the degree of expression of the social attitudes of teaching staff; their value orientation in real conditions of life;  psychological  defense  strategy  in  communication  with  partners;  degree  of  professional  burnout;  properties  of  temperament; rigidity; rate of reaction; activity; openness; degree of overall satisfaction with individual life; labor motivation and so on. Analyzed correlations between parameters of a particular method. 

Keywords: correlation coefficient, correlation analysis, general indicator of innovation adoption, index methodology, Pearson’s correlation coefficient 

Melnichenko  O.I.  Results  of  correlation  analysis for  the study  “Psychological  factors  of innovation  adoption  research  and teaching university staff”

Neurova A. B. Synergetic-system model of emotional stability support of specialists of the state emergency during the execution of the eliminable tasks

Abstract. Synergetic-system model of psycological-pedagogical emotional stability support of specialists of state fire and salvage units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine while rectifying the consequences of natural, environmental, technical or technological accidents and disasters is substantiated. Synergetic-system model of psychological- pedagogical emotional stability support includes  a  chain  of  structural elements  and  the  system  of  relations between them.  The structural  elements are  operational  extreme- psycological training, operational psyco-diagnostic support, operational restored-rehabilitative support. 

Keywords: emotional stability of emergency specialists, extreme working conditions, methodical system, synergetic-system model, psychodiagnostic operational support 

Neurova A. B. Synergetic-system model of emotional stability support of specialists of the state emergency during the execution of the eliminable tasks 

Pakhomovа V.G. Impact of virtual reality on the formation of the image of "I" younger students - active users of computer games

Abstract. The article is devoted to empirical study of the effect of virtual reality on the formation of the image of “I” younger students – active users of computer games. Reveals the views of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem of the impact of gam- ing on the formation of a virtual reality image of the “I” of children of primary school age. Highlighted the psychological components of the image of “I” younger students – active users of computer games. Empirically the factors that determine the impact of virtual reality image of the “I” younger students – active users of computer games, such as: “Individual psychological characteristics”, “Vio- lation of identification”, “Socio-psychological maladjustment” and “parent-child relationship.” 

Keywords: image of “I”, virtual reality, the younger student 

Pakhomovа V.G.  Impact of virtual reality on the formation of the image of “I” younger students – active users of computer games 

Popchuk M.A. Metacognitive approach of learning lexical material

Abstract. The article discusses studies of the student’s metacognition. The scientific approaches which are characterized reflect the problem of the research. Special attention is paid to the psychological features of mastering vocabulary. 

Keywords: features, vocabulary, lexical material, metacognitive approach 

Popchuk M.A. Metacognitive approach of  learning lexical material