Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 96. 2016.

N. Barkáts Report of an unusual Palmaris longus anomaly case

Abstract: The palmaris longus muscle (PLM) is described as a slender, fusiform, superficial muscle in the anterior compartment of the forearm. It is considered one of the most variable muscles in the human body. During a study of the PLM a case was detected where the standard visual and palpation based tests didn’t make it possible to tell for certain weather the patient had the PLM or it was missing. The ultrasound examination revealed an enlarged PLM with a tendon running deeper than usual but still passing over retinaculum flexorum. 

Keywords: palmaris lonfus muscle, muscle variation, enlarged muscle, ultrasound examination.  

N. Barkáts Report of an unusual Palmaris longus anomaly case 

М. S. Berezova, S. О. Akentiev, О. А. Olenovich, А. V. Semeniak Studying peculiarities of chronic kidney disease in patients with concomitant obesity

Abstract.  Obesity  is  considered  to  be  a  risk  factor  for  the  development  and  progression  of  chronic  kidney  disease.  The  study involved 48 patients with the 2nd degree chronic kidney disease with and without concomitant obesity. The patients underwent the determination of proteinuria, blood lipid spectrum, they were also measured the glomerular filtration rate and the body mass index. The analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters in the examined patients showed a significant difference between the indices of lipid spectrum of the blood and proteinuria in patients with and without obesity. The presence of obesity may worsen the course of chronic kidney disease.  

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, obesity, hyperlipidemia, lipids.  

М. S. Berezova, S. О.  Akentiev,  О. А. Olenovich, А. V. Semeniak Studying peculiarities of chronic kidney disease in patients with concomitant obesity 

Dulo O., Stegura O. Perspectives of studying aikido as a method of scoliotic posture and teenagers’ anxiety level correction (literature review)

Abstract.  In  a  review  article  shows  the  feasibility  of  studying  and  using  aikido  techniques  as  a  method  of  scoliosis  posture  and anxiety correction in 12-14 year old teenagers. The relevance of the study caused by searching for non-drug treatments that would help  to  reduce  the  level  of  teenagers’  anxiety  and  correction  of  functional  disorders  of  the  children’s  organism,  as  well  as  the insufficient  studying  of  the  positive  and  negative  effects  ratio  of  inclusion  aikido  techniques  during  the  transition  from  primary school age to adolescence. 

Keywords: Aikido, scoliotic posture, anxiety.  

Dulo O., Stegura O. Perspectives of studying aikido as a method of scoliotic posture and teenagers’ anxiety level correction (literature review)

Honcharuk L. M. The processes of apoptosis and proliferation of gastroduodenopathies induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in patients with osteoarthritis, taking into account the pathogenic Helicobacter pylori strains

Abstract. The paper studied the processes of proliferation and apoptosis in Helicobacter-associated Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenopathies  induced  by  usage  of  nonsteroidal  anti-inflammatory  drugs  in  patients  with  osteoarthritis.  It  was  found  that patients with pathogenic and ulcerative strains of Helicobacter pylori cagA+/vacA+ demonstrated significant substantial increase in TNF-α levels, significant reduction sAPO-1/Fas levels and compensatory increase of epidermal growth factor levels comparing to patients with Helicobacter pylori strains cagA-/vacA+ and strains cagA+/vacA-. 

Keywords: Osteoarthritis, gastroduodenopathy induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pathogenesis, Helicobacter pylori.  

Honcharuk L. M. The processes of apoptosis and proliferation of gastroduodenopathies induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in patients with osteoarthritis, taking into account the pathogenic Helicobacter pylori strains 

V. T. Kulachek, L. O. Zub, Anisha Panikar, Mayur Khasiya, I. V. Kulachek Predictor factors of manifestation of сoncomitant kidney disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Abstract. Based on the latest scientific evidence on the importance of infectious trigger factors in the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis,  chronic  pyelonephritis  among  these triggers  is  one  of  the  leaders.  Great interest  is  also  the  probability  of  pyelonephritis manifestation while presence of RA. The aim of article was to investigate the possible interrelation between rheumatoid arthritis and manifestation of chronic pyelonephritis. A new method is based on cluster analysis and classification analysis, which identifies the main factors for the diagnosis and prognosis (β2-microglobulin and MDA in urine, TGF-β in blood). 

Кeywords: chronic pyelonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, clustering, β2-microglobulin.  

 V. T. Kulachek, L. O. Zub, Anisha Panikar, Mayur Khasiya, I. V. Kulachek  Predictor factors of manifestation of сoncomitant kidney disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients  

L. O. Zub, S. W. Roborchuk The Comparative description of aceclofenak and metoksikam influence on the balance of cytokines in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic kidney disease

Abstract. We investigated the effect of aceclofenac on the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic kidney disease. Influence of aceclofenac was compared with meloxicam. It is investigated to patients the content ІL-1β, ІL-10, TNFα, TGFβ1, MCP-1 in blood and urine. After two weeks of therapy with aceclofenac was revealed reduction ІL-1β, TNFα levels in blood and urine  in patients with RA and RA with CKD. Level of ТGFβ1 is reduced. Decrease in the MCP-1 level in blood (in 1,5 times) and in urine (in 2 times) is revealed. Aceclofenac for complex treatment of patients with RA and CKD improves efficiency of treatment for these patients. 

Кeywords: chronic kidney disease, pro – and antiinflammatory cytokines, rheumatoid arthritis.  

L. O. Zub*, S. W. Roborchuk The Comparative description of aceclofenak and metoksikam influence on the balance of cytokines in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic kidney disease 

L. O. Zub, S. D. Novichenko Age characteristics of lipid imbalance in the blood of patients with diabetic nephropathy and arterial hypertension

Abstract. Age and gender characteristics of blood lipid imbalance in patients with diabetic nephropathy of IV stage and hypertension against the ground of type 2 diabetes mellitus were established. The intensity of lipid imbalance in patients was found to depend not only onthest age of chronic kidney disease and degree of hypertension but also on their age and sex. 

Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, lipid imbalance, chronic kidney disease. 

L. O. Zub, S. D. Novichenko Age characteristics of lipid imbalance in the blood of patients with diabetic nephropathy and arterial hypertension  

D. Holis Influence of Cu on the survival rate and heart rate of guppy larvae

Abstract: the copper has a strong toxic and corrosive effect on the water life. Its effects on nature and ecosystem is described in many studies. This paper is dealing with the effect of the copper ions in water on the fry of guppy (Poecilia reticulata), namely on the survival rate and heart rate of the fish fry. The research showed that the copper has negative effect on both the survival rate and the heart rate of the Poecilia reticulata fryes. The mortality rate was higher in the fish kept in higher concentration copper solution. The effects on the hearth rate were different in different concentrations, but we could see in both solutions the corrosive effect of the copper, which manifested in the appearances of hematomas in the tissues of the fish which were in direct contact with the solution. 

Keywords: Poecilia reticulata, toxicity, haevy metals, Cu, water polution 

D. Holis Influence of Cu on the survival rate and heart rate of guppy larvae 

I. Dolynskiy The system of information translation environment

Abstract.  Written  translator  is  an  independent  professional  activity  and  precedes  in  certain  the  professional  environment.  The researchers note that professional environment is the heterogeneous notion. It highlights the subject subsystem, which includes the object itself, means, tools, and social subsystem that consists of interpersonal relationships, the labor climate, subjective perception and awareness by the participants of the different labor parties [10].The professional translation environment includes conditions of professional translation activities, interpreter tasks, and tools used to achieve the objectives [5]. 

Keywords: technology, information environment, future translators, ICT. 

I. Dolynskiy The system of information translation environment 

D. P. Kucherov, I. V. Ogirko, O. I. Ogirko, K. O. Morgun, T. I. Golenkovskaya Calculation of integrals by Monte Carlo in the illumination problem of synthesized objects

Abstract. The problem of calculation of multidimensional integrals by the Monte Carlo method, which is the most often used in the calculation of global illumination synthesized objects created by different software system knownas thesingletask of rendering. The equation global illumination transformed to a form suitable for the application of the Monte Carlo method. We are proposed method and algorithm for calculation ofsuch integrals.The problems of constructing a solution of the algorithm on a personal computer are considered. Modeling results are proposed. 

Keywords: Monte Carlo method, illumination problem, synthesized objects, equation of illumination. 

D. P. Kucherov, I. V. Ogirko, O. I. Ogirko, K. O. Morgun, T. I. Golenkovskaya Calculation of integrals by Monte Carlo in the illumination problem of synthesized objects

T. Dets, T. Bukhalska, O. Yanchuk, Zh. Nakonechna Conceptual model of territorial development in the NPP observation zone (based on the example of Khmelnitskyi NPP)

Abstract. The article proposes a conceptual model of territorial development in the nuclear power plants observation zone taking into account technogenic, social and environmental conditions. Sustainable development of the areas exposed to constant radiation pollution could be achieved through the system of conventional and special events. These measures aim to improve the state of the territory  through  the  main  factors  that  influence  territorial  development  in  the  NPP  observation  zone  and  ensure  optimal  land organization and land use. 

Keywords: territorial development, NPP observation zone, land organization. 

T. Dets, T. Bukhalska, O. Yanchuk, Zh. Nakonechna Conceptual model of territorial development in the NPP observation zone (based on the example of Khmelnitskyi NPP) 

G. A. Shyshkin, I. G. Kosogov, V. Y. Korobchenko Physical and technical simulations in educational process of pedagogical universities

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of formation of physical and technical simulation skills while teaching students of physics and mathematics and technological specialties at pedagogical universities. It describes the dependence of students abilities to apply  theoretical  knowledge  of  physics  in  practice  from  skills  to  model  technical  objects  and  processes  based  on  integrated knowledge from educational disciplines. It is proposing the concept of designing the structure and content of physics that aims to the improving methods of forming physical models of technical objects. 

Keywords: skill, simulation, integration, teacher, educational process, the course of physics.  

G. A. Shyshkin, I. G. Kosogov, V. Y. Korobchenko Physical and technical simulations in educational process of pedagogical universities