Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 190. 2019

O. M. Bondarchuk Transformation of the idea of harmonious development of the Right Bank in «Memoirs of my life. Recollections of the ma- ture age» by T. Bobrovsky 

Abstract. The article is a researcher in the topic of «Memoirs of my life. Recollections of the mature age» by T. Bobrovsky reflects positive tendencies in the author’s work and unites a number of issues, including issues of the liberation of the peasants, the Crimean War and the January uprising. The problem of the fact that the artist’s memoirs have the center of the general complex of literary problems right-bank Ukraine in the second half of the nineteenth century. 

Keywords: memoirs, positivism, problems, Ukrainian-Polish borderland literature 

O. M. Bondarchuk Transformation of the idea of harmonious development of the Right Bank in «Memoirs of my life. Recollections of the mature age» by T. Bobrovsky

E. Yu. Doubenko Remarks on different types of translator’s aberrations 

Abstract. The paper deals with those deviations from the source poetic text which take place in poetic translation owing to some specific ethnocultural  and  aesthetic  features  of  the  translator’s  world  view.  Translator’s  aberrations  are  described  within  the  framework  of hermeneutic approach to literary translation. The translator’s decisions that lead to certain tangible shifts in the conceptual content of the source text are presented from the cognitive standpoint. They are treated as an immediate consequence of those discrepancies in the source and target ethnocultural and aesthetic codes that condition only relative translatability of the original poetic text. 


Keywords: translator’s hermeneutics, translator’s aberration, conceptual world view, poetic world view, gestalt-structure of the poetic sign. 

E. Yu. Doubenko Remarks on different types of translator’s aberrations

O. M. Dubrova The status homogeneous predicates in modern linguistics 

Abstract.  The article is devoted to multi aspect description of homogeneous predicates in modern linguistics. The most complete paradigm of homogeneous predicates expression means is determined; the peculiarities of ideas evolution as to homogeneity in modern linguistics are characterized; the formation of theoretical and conceptual homogeneity basic principles is analyzed; and the correlation of its formal  grammar, semantic and functional aspects is considered. The criteria for distinction of simple complicated and composite sentences are given in details. The typology of homogeneous predicates based on morphological and structural and semantic expressions are suggested. The regularity of homogeneous predicates realization in Serhii Zhadan idiostyle is regarded. 


Keywords: sentence, a part of a sentence, homogeneous parts of a sentence, predicate, homogeneous predicates, syntactic relations.

O. M. Dubrova The status homogeneous predicates in modern linguistics

O. M. Gerashchenko, I. B. Ivanova Linguistic potential of the adjective within the limits of poetic discourse (on the materials of the works of the New York group) 

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the study of linguistic-creative potential of adjective, where the material for research is a modern poetic text. Some theoretical positions of the modern direction of linguistic research were developed; the internal organization of the groups epithets was established designation of the color palette of poetic text was found out; the features of the functioning of adjectives on the designation of colors in modern Ukrainian literary language were researched; the means of expressing in the poetic texts of the authors of the New York group were determined; the linguistic-creative potential of adjective was discovered. 


Keywords: epithet, linguistic-creative potential, adjective, color name, poetic discourse, linguistic style. 

O. M. Gerashchenko, I. B. Ivanova Linguistic  potential  of  the  adjective  within  the  limits  of  poetic  discourse  (on  the  materials  of  the  works  of  the  New  York group)

V. G. Jorayeva Reflection of Gender Stereotypes Regarding Women in Persian Phraseology and Lexicon 

Abstract. The article deals with Persian phraseology and lexicon for the presence of gender stereotypes in it that represent the image of women.. Illustrative material for analysis are the following sources: G.S. Goleva “Farsi – Russian phraseological dictionary”, H. Korogly “Persian Proverbs and Sayings”, A. Najafi “Dictionary of Colloquial Persian” («هنایماع یسراف گنهرف»). The author proposed his own classification of selected phraseological units and to model a portrait of an Iranian woman according to Persian phraseology.  


Keywords: gender stereotype, female image, phraseology, Persian proverbs and proverbs. 

V. G. Jorayeva Reflection of Gender Stereotypes Regarding Women in Persian Phraseology and Lexicon

O. L. Kozachyshyna Phonetic means in children’s poetry as a translation problem 

Abstract. The article deals with the Ukrainian translations of the English nursery rhymes. It focuses on the phonetic properties of children’s poetry from the standpoint of the psycho-physiological features of the intended audience. It has been illustrated that the translation of children’s poetry is psychologically, linguistically and culturally predetermined which leads to the inevitable transformations as a means of achieving faithfulness. 


Keywords: literary translation, text pragmatics, children’s poetry, phonetic means, faithfulness of translation.  

O. L. Kozachyshyna Phonetic means in children’s poetry as a translation problem

T. Krysanova Music in construing cinematic emotions: intersemiotic aspect 

Abstract. The paper deals with the the role of music in construing negative emotions in English cinematic discourse in terms of its intersemiotic relationship with lingual and non-lingual semiotic systems. It is proved that the film music is characterized by the non- autonomous nature and is combined with means of other semiotic systems in order to construe negative emotions. Different types of film music – diegetic and non-diegetic, on-screen and off-screen that interact with other semiotic systems in the congruent or non- congruent way have been distinguished. The film music is capable of intensifying, specificating and contrasting the actualized film emotion. 


Keywords: cinematic discourse, construing, emotion, film music, semiotic system. 

T. Krysanova Music in construing cinematic emotions: intersemiotic aspect 

О. K. Kuvarova Discursive specificity of the “Sevastopol letters” by N. I. Pirogov 

Abstract. The article deals with the discursive specificity of the “Sevastopol Letters” of an outstanding Russian doctor, teacher, scientist N. I. Pirogov. It is shown that in these letters three types of discourse are presented: 1) the epistolary discourse of a private letter, 2) a report discourse, 3) an expedition journal discourse. Synthesis of various discursive forms in epistolary texts has become a means of reflection of the scientist regarding his activities, the basis for the continuation of his written work and the expansion of the genre-stylistic range of the texts created. 


Keywords: letter, epistolary, discourse, epistolary text, diary, genre. 

О. K. Kuvarova Discursive specificity of the “Sevastopol letters” by N. I. Pirogov

Z. Nasikan Phonosemantics: Ongoing Issues and Modern Perspectives 

Abstract. This paper deals with the most burning issues of phonosemantics, iconicity, and sound symbolism. The problem of iconic nature of a linguistic sign is capturing the attention of more and more linguists. Widening the perspectives of phonosemantics and studying it not only as phoneme semantics but as prosodic semantics as well, could open new challenges for the linguists in the future. As a matter of fact, segmental phonology has already gathered a vast majority of works dedicated to sound symbolism, whereas suprasegmental phonology lacks thorough investigations of the iconic nature of all the prosodic features.  

Keywords: phonosemantics, iconicity, sound symbolism, mimetics, semantics of prosody.

Z. Nasikan Phonosemantics: Ongoing Issues and Modern Perspectives 

V. Romanenko Conceptual space of resilient woman character in novel by Joyce Carol Oates "We were the Mulvaneys" 

Abstract.  The  paper  focuses  on  the  conceptual  space  of  the  RESILIENT  woman  character  in  novel  by  modern  American  writer Joyce Carol Oates “We were the Mulvaneys” (1996). The analysis of the components of the conceptual space of the artistic concept RESILIENCE and their synonymous and associative series is made. The lingual means of the analyzed concept are revealed. The nominative  field  of  the  articulated  concept  RESILIENCE  is defined,  which  is defined  by  definition  and  summing  up of  semantic signs fixed in the interpretative and synonymic dictionaries. 


Keywords: artistic image, artistic concept, conceptual space, conceptual plane of the concept, nominative field of the artistic concept. 

V. Romanenko Conceptual space of resilient woman character in novel by Joyce Carol Oates “We were the Mulvaneys” 

О. О. Salamatina, A. V. Markowska, O. V. Artyukhova, Zh. V. Ihnatenko Communicative intentions and pragmatic objectives realizing in the interview by its collective authors 

Abstract.  The  article  reveals  the  communicators’  interaction  specificity  in  modern  publicistic  interview.  By  analysis  of  the  interviews in the modern English-language press the interviewer’s and respondent’s strategies are determined and compared: the speech strategies of information  getting and  granting, the point of view  expression strategies which depend on desire or unwillingness to give the socially important information. Interviewer’s and respondent’s speech tactics, aimed at realizing their communicative intentions and pragmatic objectives have been characterized. 


Keywords: interviewer, respondent, communicative intention, speech tactics, pragmatic objective.  

О. О. Salamatina, A. V. Markowska, O. V. Artyukhova, Zh. V. Ihnatenko  Communicative intentions and pragmatic objectives realizing in the interview by its collective authors 

Yu. A. Shovkoplias Linguistic features of the adaptation of Spanish borrowings in American English 

Abstract. The article deals with the linguistic features of the adaptation of Spanish borrowings and their functioning in American English.  It  is  presented  information  about  the  main  lexical  and  thematic  groups  of  Spanish  borrowings  in  AmE.  It  is  paid  attention  to determining the types of Spanish borrowings and the criteria for their assimilation in AmE. The derivation potentialities of the Spanish borrowings and the mechanisms of semantic derivation are described. 


Keywords: borrowing, types of borrowings, lexical-phraseological derivation, semantic derivation. 

Yu. A. Shovkoplias Linguistic features of the adaptation of Spanish borrowings in American English 

M. M. Vergalyuk Biblical phraseological units in the Additional volume to the Ukrainian Dictionary 

Abstract. An additional volume to the 11-volume Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, the most authoritative today’s Ukrainian Glossary, is a standardized explanatory dictionary. The article examines how the phraseology of the Biblical origin of the Ukrainian language is represented in the supplementary volume, their significance, the nuances of the meanings, the peculiarities of use, which were not recorded in the previous 11 volumes of the Ukrainian Dictionary. 


Keywords:  Bibleism,  Biblical  phraseological  unit,  Biblical  phraseology,  Additional  volume  to  the  Dictionary  of  the  Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language dictionary, transformation, phraseologism of biblical origin. 

M. M. Vergalyuk Biblical phraseological units in the Additional volume to the Ukrainian Dictionary 

N. Yu. Zhluktenko Concepts of ecotext in T.C. Boyle’s novel The Tortilla Curtain 

Abstract. The article is based on the principles of ecocriticism as a relatively new tendency in literary studies in Ukraine. A novel by a present-day American writer T. Coragessen Boyle The Tortilla Curtain has been treated in the perspective of ecocritical interpretation, with a stress on the concepts of ecophilosophy. It is proven that the concept of apocalypse is the most important structural element that influences the implementation of the novel’s message – an appeal to human responsibility and to global revision of understanding the cause of ecological catastrophes. 


Keywords: ecocriticism, ecotext, concept, idyll, apocalypse, new regionalism. 

N. Yu. Zhluktenko Concepts of ecotext in T.C. Boyle’s novel The Tortilla Curtain