Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 176. 2018.

G. A. Aleksandrova Positivist stage of Ukrainian comparativist: vectors of development 

Abstract. The principles and specifics of Ukrainian comparative literary studies are analyzed; substantiates its periodization. Attention is concentrated on the positivist stage, which covered the 80s of the nineteenth century – the first third of the twentieth century. The emphasis is placed on research problems and their determinants, polyvectorality, the connection of Ukrainian comparative literature with world science and its national originality. 

Keywords: comparative studies, stages of development, positivism, influence, history of literature. 

G. A. Aleksandrova Positivist stage of Ukrainian comparativist: vectors of development 

T. O. Anokhina, I. K. Kobyakova, S. O. Shvachko Lexical Lacunicon: Lexicographical Experiment in the Ukrainian Studies

Abstarct. The subject matter of this paper is the category of lacunarity, its concept in the scientific picture of the world (he Ukrainian discourse). Attention is being paid to the dimention analysis of lemmas and allonyms in the wein of lexicographic endozone. Perspective  of  the  paper  envisages  the  compiling  lacunarity  dictionary  including  the  gains  of  the  modern  scientists  and  the  modern methodological grounding into that.  

Keywords: lacunicon, scientific picture, Ukrainian studies, lexicographic experiment, dimension, lemma, allonym.  

T. O. Anokhina, I. K. Kobyakova, S. O. Shvachko Lexical Lacunicon: Lexicographical Experiment in the Ukrainian Studies

V. P. Atamanchuk Symbols and Paradoxes in Tragicomedy of Mykola Kulish “The National Malahii”

Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of essential ideological changes in the consciousness of the protagonist in literary work by Mykola Kulish “The National Malahii”. Attention is paid to studying of artistic means in reflection of deformation in the sphere of ideas.  Symbols  and  paradoxes that  author  uses  to  emphasize  moral,  psychological,  cultural distortions are explored. The specific features of the ontological paradigm reflected in literary work are determined.  

Keywords: tragicomedy, idea, protagonist, action, person, conflict, Mykola Kulish. 

V. P. Atamanchuk Symbols and Paradoxes in Tragicomedy of Mykola Kulish  “The National Malahii”  

I. S. Bakhov Innovative approaches to assessing quality of translation on Facebook 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the innovative approach to assessing the quality of translations using Facebook social network with the active community of users voting for the proposed translations. An approach is described that combines and crystallizes some of the best aspects of several previous evaluative translation suggestions, such as user-based approaches, functionalist approaches, or housing-based approaches. It has been found out that these models were strongly criticized previously, because they clearly did not specify how they can be professionally imple- mented. In this paper, a critical review of the model for attracting Facebook resources is made in the light of the quality of translations and describes how the mechanisms proposed in the theoretical approaches are actually implemented in the Facebook model.  

Keywords: translation, social networks, Facebook, quality, body, localization.  

I. S. Bakhov Innovative approaches to assessing quality of translation on Facebook  

V. V. Balabin Theoretical foundation of military translation in Ukraine

Abstract. Being a special branch of translation studies or translatology, the military translation theory does not stand out today as a complete set of summarized facts, hypothetical principles, theoretical judgments and methodological provisions, coherently integrated into one consolidated system. On the contrary, it lacks many units of its conceptual construct, which should encompass not only the traditional realm of military translation and interpreting, but also the entire domain of the linguistic support for forces. As such, the military translation theory does not  hold its theoretical foundation that ought to substantiate the essence and specificity of the military interpreter’s professional duties and tasks. The author focuses on key elements and specific features of military translation theory that present its conceptual construct and lay its theoretical foundation.  

Keywords: translation studies, military translation, military translation theory, conceptual construct, terminology, definition. 

V. V. Balabin Theoretical foundation of military translation in Ukraine 

N. V. Chorna Postmodern perception in the Language worldview of Gabriel Garcia Márquez (based on the story “Chronicle of a Death Fore- told”)

Abstract. The article focuses on the study of postmodern perception of Gabriel Garcia Márquez in the story “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”, whcich is a vivid example of postmodern narrative text. The author’s worldview is characterized by fantasy, plural interpretations, constant balancing between imaginary and real world, irony, interest to the magical and unknown, appeal to the game, theatricalization, centricity of the text, active interaction of the different literary systems. 

Keywords: postmodern literary discourse, postmodern perception, language world picture, conceptual analysis, narrative analysis. 

N. V. Chorna Postmodern perception in the Language worldview of Gabriel Garcia Márquez (based on the story “Chronicle of a Death Fore- told”)

Y. N. Derevianko Speech Etiquette and Politeness: conceptual differentiation

Abstract. The concept of etiquette is the key to understanding the culture of society. Linguistics focuses on the concepts “speech etiquette” and “politeness”, taking into account the norms of behavior and the rules of communication. The article analyzes the relation parameters of the concepts “speech etiquette” and “politeness”. It also proposes the criteria for differentiation of these phenomena.  

Keywords: linguistic etiquette, politeness, etiquette formula, cultural code, communication, cooperation.  

Y. N. Derevianko Speech Etiquette and Politeness: conceptual differentiation 

A. V. Grachova Functional-semantic and structural characteristics of the adverbial time indicators of correlation of the event with the set point (on the material of Ukrainian, Italian and English journalistic texts) 

Abstract. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of Ukrainian, Italian and English temporal adverbs, functionally disposed to mark time relations between a particular process and the set point. Special attention is paid to the systematization of these part-of- speech elements within the classification complex, established by them, as well as to the thorough elucidation of the basic differences of the use of the defined variety of adverbial time pointers in linguistically specialized journalistic texts. 

Keywords: adverb, set point, temporal correlation, orientation point. 

A. V. Grachova Functional-semantic  and  structural  characteristics  of  the  adverbial  time  indicators  of  correlation  of  the  event  with  the  set point (on the material of Ukrainian, Italian and English journalistic texts) 

B. Kolodii, I. Kozhanova Specifics of Rendering Movie Character’s Linguistic Portrait as an Image-Creating Element in Audiovisual Translation

Abstract. Certain individual language characteristcs of a movie character in audiovisual translation are being studied in the article based on the American web-series ‘House of Cards’. The authors offer their insight into lexical and stylistic means most widely used by the main character of the series; attention is riveted to the translator’s strategies and mistakes.  

Keywords: linguistic portrait, character, audiovisual translation (AVT), series.  

B. Kolodii, I. Kozhanova Specifics of Rendering Movie Character’s Linguistic Portrait as an Image-Creating Element in Audiovisual Translation 

О. V. Marchuk Lexical matrix of the English-language novel "Harry Potter" by J. K. Rowling

Abstract. This paper deals with lexical-semantic composition of the text “Harry Potter”, the dynamics of the lexical units use, in order to build a magical world. The study describes the combination of the denotative and connotative components of the lexical units thematical group “Good world / Evil world”. The results show this linguistic phenomenon of our knowledge in the world organization. The denotative structure serves as the basis for the analysis of “good / evil”, since it creates an integral structural model, which allows one to speak about the author’s attitude to the literary text, while the connotative characteristic of “good / evil” reproduces the author’s attitude toward the world, which he depicts and makes accessible to each reader. 

Keywords: fantasy, textosphere, denotation, connotation, good, evil, lexical units. 

О. V. Marchuk Lexical matrix of the English-language novel “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling

O. S. Mosur Variants of microtoponyms of Sambirskyy cyrkul in the end of XVIII – the beginning of XIX cc.

Abstract.  It  is  analyzed  phonetic,  word-formational,  lexical,  morphological  and  syntactic  variants  of  historical  microtoponyms  of Sambirskyy cyrkul in the end of XVIII  – the beginning of XIX cc., fixed in Josyphinska  (1785–1788) and Francyskanska (1819– 1820) metrics. There are two groups of factors of denotative variation of nomination: extra lingual and lingual. It is found out that tendency of parallel nomination is the opposite process to the phenomenon of transmicrotoponimisation. It causes renewal and en- richment of the microtoponymic system.  

Keywords: microtoponym, variant, Josyphinska (1785–1788) metric, Francyskanska (1819–1820) metric, Sambirskyy cyrkul. 

O. S. Mosur Variants of microtoponyms of Sambirskyy cyrkul in the end of XVIII – the beginning of XIX cc. 

T. V. Naumovych The derivational base of the phraseological units (on example of the phraseological units which belong to the concept SPACE in the German language)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the derivational base of the phraseological units that belong to the concept SPACE in the German language. The peculiarities of the derivational base of phraseological units in the German language are revealed due to the interconnection between lexical and phraseological system of the language. The derivational base (component structure) of the phraseological units is characterized due to the semantic significance of the component structure of three types: negative, indirect and direct. 

Keywords: phraseological unit, derivational base, semantic significance of components, negative, indirect and direct type of semantic significance, integral meaning of phraseological unit, variability. 

T. V. Naumovych The derivational base of the phraseological units (on example of the phraseological units which belong to the concept SPACE in the German language) 

A. D. Onopriienko Motive of self-damage in the poetry of French and Russian symbolism

Abstract. The paper studies the invariant and variants of the motive of self-damage in the poetry of French and Russian symbolism (Ch. Baudelaire,  A. Rimbaud,  V. Bryusov,  F. Sologub).  Some  semantic  and  image  pecularities,  typological  similarities  and differences of the artistic usage of the motive of self-damage in motive and image complex «ennui de vivre» are also discovered. 

Keywords: ennui de vivre, motive of self-damage, symbolism, decadence, invariant. 

A. D. Onopriienko Motive of self-damage in the poetry of French and Russian symbolism

O. S. Petryna Leading characteristics of terminology and terminology system

Abstract.  The  concept  of  the  terms  “terminology”  and  “terminology  system”  is  disclosed  in  the  article  and  their  main  characteristics  are determined. The directions of terminology development are investigated, and the stages of formation and functioning of terminology system are considered. The clear distinction between the concepts of “terminology” and “terminology system” is drawn. It is determined that terminology system is constructed in the result of ordering of terminology by terminologists and specialists of the corresponding scientific fields. 

Keywords: term, terminology, terminology, systemic. 

O. S. Petryna Leading characteristics of terminology and terminology system 

A. V. Sheliakina Culture-loaded words as a cognitive component of cross-cultural communication (based on American English)

Abstract. The article illustrates some examples of culture-loaded words which are typical for American variant of the English language. The spheres of culture-loaded words concentration are considered in the article as well as their role in the process of crosscultural communication. Taking into account the experience of working in a higher education institution, some previous linguistic researches on the topic are presented in the article.  

Keywords:  cross-cultural  communication,  culture-loaded  words,  Americanism,  spheres  of  culture-loaded  words  concentration, phraseological unit, toponym, etc. 

A. V. Sheliakina Culture-loaded words as a cognitive component of cross-cultural communication (based on American English) 

Yu. Shtoltsel Verbalization of the concept People in Politics with the help of phraseological units of the English language

Abstract. The given article focuses on the verbalization of the concept People in Politics with the help of phraseological units in the modern English press. Having analyzed the most serious readable British and American newspapers, the author has found 13 exam- ples of phraseological units characterizing concept People in Politics which were divided into 3 frames: a Political minority, a Political majority, People in Politics. According to the results of the analysis, we can conclude that idioms are common in political discourse as they make the language of the press richer and emotionally coloured. We analyzed the concept, frame and phraseological unit definitions. We selected the phraseological units from the newspapers to refer to the concept of People in Politics within the English-language newspaper discourse. Also, we showed the negative and positive connotation of the idioms. Further prospects we see in the study of the idioms within the socio-political vocabulary. 

Keywords: phraseology, concept, verbalization of the concept, frame. 

Yu. Shtoltsel Verbalization of the concept People in Politics with the help  of phraseological units of the English language 

I. I. Shyrokova Model of the world, image of the world, worldview: differentiation of the concepts

Abstract. The article deals with the notion of a worldview and related concepts of a model of the world and image of the world and explores their correlation. It gives the analysis of modern conceptions on understanding of these notions. The article proves the necessity of differentiation of model, image of the world and worldview and justifies that they are nonidentical according to such indications as sketchiness / pithiness, universality / specificity and dynamism. 

Keywords: anthropocentric approach,, correlation, sign representation, not identity. 

I. I. Shyrokova Model of the world, image of the world, worldview: differentiation of the concepts