Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 161. 2018.

O. I. Ankhym Intertextuality of the play "Frau Flinz" by Helmut Baierl 

Abstract. The article analyzes the intertextuality of the play “Frau Flinz” by Helmut Baierl on internal textual and intertextual levels. Different types of intertextuality and their influence on the comprehension of the text are investigated on the basis of the play. Attention is focused on the creative dialogue between Bertolt Brecht and Helmut Baierl and its influence on the formation of the Baierl’s style of writing. 

Keywords: Helmut Baierl, intertextuality, creative dialogue, epic theater. 

O. I. Ankhym Intertextuality of the play “Frau Flinz” by Helmut Baierl 

G. A. Avksentyeva The aspects of poetics of Oles Gonchar’s narratives 

Abstract.  The  features  of  poetics  of  Oles Gonchar’s  narratives  are  analyzed  in  the  article.  The  peculiarities  of  author’s  works  is investigated. The attention is focused on the following terms of poetics as psychology and symbolism. The place of the landscape and portrait as means of revealing characters is learnt. 

Keywords: poetics, psychology, symbol, portrait, landscape. 

G. A. Avksentyeva The aspects of poetics of Oles Gonchar’s narratives

O. M. Bashkyrova The feminine reading of history in modern Ukrainian novels: demythologization and poetics of quotidian

Abstract. In the article the peculiarities of the feminine approach to the artistic comprehension of the problem of human in history represented by modern Ukrainian novels are investigated. Special attention is paid to the role of the feminine prose in overcoming of the traumatic postcolonial experience. It’s proved that the feminine way of rereading of national and world history differs by attention to the domestic sphere  and private life.  This  approach correlates  with the  worldview peculiarities of postcolonial literatures  where  the “great history” is represented by local family stories. The productive artistic strategies of the feminine representation of gender and postcolonial problems are quotidian, corporality and fantastic counteracting the stereotypes of mass cultural consciousness.  

Keywords: gender, novel, postcolonial novel, quotidian, corporality.  

O. M. Bashkyrova The feminine reading of history in modern Ukrainian novels: demythologization and poetics of quotidian

V. M. Bohutskyi Interpreting of discourse as a type of cognitive human activity 

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problems of cognitive conditionality of linguistic structures and problems of representation of knowledge using in the process of interpreting of discourse. Within the framework of this work one of methods of forming, storage and representation of knowledge about outward things and language in human consciousness is given – an organization of knowledge in the so-called “packages of information” (frames). By activating of the proper situations-frames a researcher interprets discourse, while adequacy of interpretation depends on “quality” of the  chosen strategies of the processing text. In this work an interpreter is examined  as  “cognizing  subject”  (according  to  cognitive  tradition),  and  interpretation of  discourse  in  a  great  deal  depends  on  his personal knowledge, ideas, settings, i.e. the components of “basis of knowledge” of a concrete interpreter.  

Keywords: discourse, frame, strategy, cognitive strategies, concept. 

V. M. Bohutskyi Interpreting of discourse as a type of cognitive human activity 

A. A. Chebotaryova Differentiation of synonymic terms in the legal eurolect translation into Ukrainian

Abstract. The article analyzes some terminological phrases and synonymous terms of the English legal eurolect with a view of their adequate  translation.  A  descriptive-comparative  analysis  of  such  terms,  taken  from  the  English  and  the  Ukrainian  versions  of  the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, shows what sort of problems similar terms and term phrases can pose in trans- lation and how they can be handled. 

Keywords: term, legal eurolect, translation, equivalent, synonym. 

A. A. Chebotaryova Differentiation of synonymic terms in the legal eurolect translation into Ukrainian 

M. R. Ivasyshyn Implementation of verbal and visual-graphic means of multimodality in “Captain America” comic book 

Abstract. The article deals with the use of verbal and visual-graphic means in “Captain America” comic book. A comic book as a multimodal text includes both verbal and paralinguistic means of transferring the information. Verbal elements are represented by words, phrases and sentences used to convey the message, while the means of a graphic game are characterized by the use of paralinguistic (non-verbal) means. 

Keywords: text, comics, multimodality, verbalization, image, visualization, font.

M. R. Ivasyshyn Implementation of verbal and visual-graphic means of multimodality in “Captain America” comic book 

F. Karagozly (Gedil) Features of speech communication of senior preschool children in the family 

Abstract.  This  article  discusses  the  nature  and  formation  of  verbal  communication  as  a  potential  basis  of  children’s  speech,  the principles of speech communication of preschool children in the family, the role of adults in the development of language abilities of children.  Features  of  linguistic  communication  of  preschool  children  are  singled  out:  the  linguistic  form  of  communication  is  not given to the child initially; linguistic communication is not only a component of linguistic development, but also an important factor in the holistic development of personality. The stages of development of the need for communication between the child and the adult are considered. 

Keywords: verbal communication, language abilities, family, family education.  

F. Karagozly (Gedil) Features of speech communication of senior preschool children in the family 

A. Kondruk The peculiarities of the visual behaviour of a hypocrite

Abstract. The article deals with the nonverbal communication. Significant attention is devoted to the peculiarities of the visual behaviour of a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is determined as a negative moral quality that hides insincerity. It often serves as an impetus for manipulation. The basic functions of the eye behaviour have been mentioned. Eyes  are the  window to  the soul. They speak even when the mouth doesn’t. In the examples that have been given, the visual behaviour reveals the true feelings, which a person tries to hide. 

Keywords: hypocrisy, hypocrite, nonverbal means of communication, visual behaviour, look, eye expression, communication, manipulation.

A. Kondruk The peculiarities of the visual behaviour of a hypocrite 

V. V. Korotieieva Mythologem of sea in the lyrics of V. Stus and A. Tarkovskyi 

Abstract.  The  paper  studies  the  peculiarities  and  functional  variants  of  the  reception  of  the  mythologem  of  sea  in  the  lyrics  of A. Tarkovskyi and V. Stus in a comparative aspect. It details the place and role of the authors’ interpretation of the image of sea in the artists’ mythopoetical picture of the world. The paper also looks at the specifics of the interaction of the mythologem of sea with other mitho-structures which are the basis of the authors’ mythological thinking. 

Keywords: mythologem, sea, mythopoetical picture of the world, image, elements. 

V. V. Korotieieva Mythologem of sea in the lyrics of V. Stus and A. Tarkovskyi 

A. O. Kucherenko Lexical Features of Arabic Internet Sayings for Women

Abstract. This paper deals with lexical means of Arabic Internet sayings for women. The study refers to modern aphorisms, witticisms, motivational phrases and so forth. They reflect the language utilized in everyday communication.  On the one hand, Arabic variety covers standard and colloquial languages which can be mixed to facilitate the understanding between Arabs from different countries. A special attention is also given to the code-switching and the code-mixing between Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic.  On the other hand,  we consider the impact of  the Internet on  Arabic and analyze the creative aspect that affects the female discourse online.  

Keywords: Internet saying, female discourse, Arabic variety, lexical interference, colloquialism.   

A. O. Kucherenko Lexical Features of Arabic Internet Sayings for Women 

Y. V. Lysetska Positional characteristics and functions of the epistemic discourse markers in Early New English theological discourse 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the functions and positional peculiarities of the epistemic discourse markers in the Early  New  English  theological  discourse.  The  types  of  epistemic  discourse  markers  and  their  position  in  the  works  of  Thomas Browne are analyzed. The typical positions of epistemic discourse markers are initial and medium. Types of the epistemic discourse markers are stated: the matrix clause of a main clause, an adverbial clause, a nominal relative clause and to-infinitive clause.  

Keywords:  Early  New  English  theological  discourse,  epistemic  discourse  markers,  matrix  clause,  adverbial  clause,  nominal relative clause, to-infinitive clause. 

Y. V. Lysetska Positional characteristics and functions of the epistemic discourse markers in Early New English theological discourse 

O. I. Siomina Ways of expressing a predicate in the Eastern Podillya dialects of the Ukrainian language

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the use of various types of sentences in the Eastern Podillia dialects of the Ukrainian language. It is noted that the dialectal features of the Ukrainian language were actively studied on the phonetic, lexical and morphological levels, but dialectal syntax in the scientific literature is not systematically presented.  The source for the investigation were dialectological texts collected in the Eastern Podillia. The article represents all kinds of both simple and complex predicate in the dialects of Eastern Podillia, and it is also determined that all of them are widely used in the Eastern Podillya. 

Keywords: syntax, predicate, types of predicates in dialects, verbal predicate, nominal predicate, Eastern Podillia dialects. 

O. I. Siomina Ways of expressing a predicate in the Eastern Podillya dialects of the Ukrainian language

Y. Tkachenko Specifics of Rendition of Ukrainian Realia in German-Language Academic Texts (Based On A. Jensen’s Monograph Ein Ukrainisches Dichterleben) 

Abstract. Realia are mostly studied in terms of their functioning and reproduction in works of art. However, texts of literary study have not yet attracted sufficient attention from researchers. This article focuses on the phenomenology of Ukrainian-language realia in Taras Schewtschenko.  Ein  Ukrainisches  Dichterleben  – a  biographical  study  written  in  German  language  by  Alfred  Jensen,  the  famous Swedish literary critic, and published in Vienna in 1916. A. Jensen was one of the first Western European researchers to have written a major research monograph about a Ukrainian author. Despite the fact that in this work there are many realia incomprehensible  to the German-speaking  reader,  his  merit  is  that  apart  from  T.  Shevchenko,  he  also  disclosed  a  large  stratum  of  Ukrainian  culture  to  the European literary critical community. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the types and functions of Ukrainian-language realia as they appear in the given academic text, as well as to discuss approaches to adequate tactics of their rendition in German. The achievement of this goal involves solving the following tasks: to identify Ukrainian-language realia in A. Jensen‘s work; to classify them according to existing  typologies;  to  characterize  ways  of  their  rendition  in  the  German  language;  as  well  as  to  determine  in  which  way  the reproduction of realia influences  representations of the general image of Ukraine  and its  culture in  this  German-language  work.  The specific nature of the studied material is that, while A. Jensen widely used Ukrainian realia in his original work, he was not a professional interpreter. Yet for the German reader the author materialises as a kind of a “translator” of the Ukrainian language, its national colouring, and the Ukrainian culture as a whole. Discrepancies in the linguistic-ethnic character between the native speakers and speakers of the language of translation have both a cultural and a historical basis. In addition, difficulties do not only lie in the language plane, but also in the  plane  of  differences  in  cultures  with  their  specific  ideological,  social  and  behavioural  aspects.  Therefore,  when  using  realia  in translation, it should be borne in mind that what is understandable to a native speaker of the language may cause misunderstanding with the recipient of the translated text due to the differences in worldview, initial knowledge, culture-specific metaphoricity and behavioural norms. In short, the perception of the same text by different audiences may not be the same.  

Keywords: language realia, onyms, methods of translation, scientific style, semantic-thematic classification. 

Y. Tkachenko Specifics of Rendition of Ukrainian Realia in  German-Language Academic Texts (Based On A. Jensen’s Monograph Ein Ukrainisches Dichterleben)  

І. V. Tkalych The role of the irony in the novels "Jeanne Battalioner" by Geo Shkurupiy and "Goliandia" by Dmitriy Buzko 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of artistic specificity of irony in the Ukrainian literature of the 1920s of the twentieth century. In the author’s view, the irony takes a prominent place in the system of moduses and involves significant variability: from tragic to romantic. These kinds of the irony have polar positions in the complex of modifications of the specific integrity of works of art, where the balance of the inner I fluctuates between the romantic self-affirmation of the subject and the tragic self-denial of it. Life-affirmation  irony  was  revealed  in  the  texts  by  D. Buzko,  tragic  irony  was  found  in  the  novels  by  V. Pidmohylnyj, M. Mohylianskyj. The researcher traced the combination of both types in the novels by G. Shkurupij. 

Keywords: art mode, novel, tragic irony, vitality irony, absurdity, paradox, polarity, modernism. 

І. V. Tkalych The role of the irony in the novels “Jeanne Battalioner” by Geo Shkurupiy and “Goliandia” by Dmitriy Buzko 

M. Vintoniv, M. Doroshenko Functional and semantic load of particles in expression of negative emotions in political discourse 

Abstract The article offers insight into the status of auxiliary parts of speech in contemporary Ukrainian linguistics. It also highlights key conceptions of the types of particles and provides analysis of their differentiated attributes. The articleis focused onmeans of assessment of information, functional and semanticload of particles in expression of negative emotions in Ukrainian political discourse. 

Keywords: particle, sentence, speech, function, discourse. 

M. Vintoniv, M. Doroshenko Functional and semantic load of particles in expression of negative emotions in political discourse 

N. V. Virich Phraseological units as a linguistic wealth (based on the material of V. Nestayko's works) 

Abstract. The article studies peculiarities of the phraseological  units in the works by V. Nestayko. Special attention is paid to the functioning of phraseological units in his prose. Deepened and expanded the idea of the artistic specificity of the writer’s  works. In the article it is found out that V. Nestayko’s works  in which phraseology is skillfully used awaken motivation to world  – and self- knowledge,  to  creation  of  good,  self-improvement,  promote  intellectual  and  emotional  development  of  the  young  personality-the recipient. 

Keywords: the artistic world, phraseological units, spiritual values, personality, self-knowledge. 

N. V. Virich Phraseological units as a linguistic wealth (based on the material of V. Nestayko’s works) 

N. S. Zhmayeva, K. Ye. Gokhman Discourse Analysis (conceptual framework) 

Abstract. The article deals with modern approaches to discourse analysis. Authentical spontaneous discourses are proved to be the main objects of the modern linguistics. Discourse is treated as a holistic system of verbal and non-verbal communication. Observation, experiment and methods of corpus linguistics serve as the main methods of discourse analysis. The principles of defining discourse structure and discourse unit are analyzed. 

Keywords: discourse analysis, language system, speech system, discourse structure, discourse unit, discourse analysis methods. 

N. S. Zhmayeva, K. Ye. Gokhman Discourse Analysis (conceptual framework)