Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 137. 2017.

O. I. Burkovska Generalized-personal constructions as independent type of one-member sentences in ligvohistoriograhical aspect

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the problem of generalized-personal sentences in the syntactic science.  The historiographical investigation of scientists’ views development on the specific character of such type one-member sentences as generalized-personal ones was presented to determine whether such constructions are independent type of one-member sentences. The verb forms expressing the main component of generalized-personal sentences were described. The similarities of the constructions studied to other types of one-member sentence, definite-personal and indefinite-personal ones in particular were shown. Unproductive forms of generalized-personal sentences together with typical forms are pointed. 

Keywords: the Syntax, one-member sentence, generalized-personal sentence, the main part, the form of the verb. 

O. I. Burkovska Generalized-personal constructions as independent type of one-member sentences in ligvohistoriograhical aspect 

N. V. Chorna The conceptual worldview of Jorge Louis Borges’ postmodern discourse

Abstract.  The linguo-cognitive parameters of the  conceptual  worldview of  Latin  American  writer Jorge  Louis Borges have been researched. The conceptual worldview is a complex communicative cognitive mechanism of existing, preserving and demising cultural codes of a certain epoch. The conceptual worldview of Jorge Louis Borges’ postmodern discourse uncovers author’s cognitive system of artistic world through the study of text concepts which are characterized by key lexemes, conceptual metaphors and compositional structures. 

Keywords: conceptual worldview, postmodern discourse, conceptual analysis, concept, artistic image.  

N. V. Chorna The conceptual worldview of Jorge Louis Borges’ postmodern discourse 

L. A. Harutyunyan Linguistic Means of Expressing Economic Forecast in Business News

Abstract. The global processes and events in the world economy are covered through a wide range of media which exert a powerful influence on people’s opinions. This is the news that informs us about the facts of the global economy, shapes our evaluative attitude towards them, prompts the procedures of their analysis by individuals and the society as a whole. А news text covering economic events is designed for gaining, processing, preserving and conveying knowledge related to economic domain. It is characterized by the information on some economic event and the use of reasonable arguments and facts relevant to its further developments and consequences. The paper attempts to analyze the main linguistic means used to provide data related to prognostication of economic events in business news.  

Keywords: Economic Еvents, Business News, Economic Forecasting, Event-ideas, Linguistic Means for Forecasting.

L. A. Harutyunyan Linguistic Means of Expressing Economic Forecast in Business News 

I. O. Gaidenko Antonimasia as a figurative means of the author’s speech representation (based on Charlotte Bingham’s novel “The White Marriage”)

Abstract. The article is aimed at antonimasia as a figurative means of the individual author’s speech representation based on Charlotte Bingham’s novel “The White Marriage”. Approaches to the definition of term “autonomasia” and its affiliation to semantics and stylistics are analysed. The connection of autonomasia with language and speech is identified.  

Keywords: common name, proper name, speech autonomasia, language autonomasia, figurative. 

I. O. Gaidenko Antonimasia as a figurative means of the author’s speech representation (based on Charlotte Bingham’s novel “The White Marriage”) 

N. S. Isaeva Reinterpretation of the Moon Lady's Mythological Image in Chen Ran’s and Lin Bai’s Prose

Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of reinterpretation of image of the Chinese goddess of the Moon Chang’e in the prose of contemporary Chinese writers Chen Zhan and Lin Bai. The gender analysis method helps to explore the transformation of the mythologeme “flight to the moon,” based on motives of betrayal and punishment (loneliness). Writers  recover reputation of the Moon Lady from the standpoint of morality and traditions of the gynocentric culture. 

Keywords: Chinese women’s prose, Chang’e, mythologeme, Moon, loneliness. 

N. S. Isaeva Reinterpretation of the Moon Lady’s Mythological Image in Chen Ran’s and Lin Bai’s Prose 

L. V. Klymenko The Discourse About The Alterity In The French Social And Humanitarian Paradigm: Historical Aspect

Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of otherness genesis, its diachronic analysis and historical background in the French scientific social and humanitarian paradigm. Represented in the French language by the token altérité, the phenomenon of otherness has been considered as one of the French culture’s key-concepts, the ethnical reality, a special type of the national self-identification. It creates a special cognitive space within the national picture of the world.  

Keywords: otherness, altérité, picture of the world, Other’s category, ethnospecifical feature.  

L. V. Klymenko The Discourse About The Alterity In The French Social And Humanitarian Paradigm: Historical Aspect 

I. H. Kozubska The typology of communicative strategies and tactics within the scope of text pragmatics (using English-language monographs on Information Technologies as example)

Abstract: The typology of communicative strategies and tactics within the scope of text pragmatics of English-language monographs on Information Technologies is presented in this article. The author clarifies the notion of communicative startegy and tactics, defines and describes strategies, tactics and linguistic means of their realisation in monographs. It was concluded that communicative strategies and tactics in monographs on Information Technologies are aimed at presentation and transfer of special scientific knowledge to the  reader.  The  main  strategy  here  is  informative-argumentative  strategy  which  is  realized  by  many  tactics.  The  effectiveness  of communication is also obtained by the startegies of adressing and tolerance. 

Keywords:  text  pragmatics,  communicative  strategy,  communicative  tactics,  informative-argumentative  strategy,  strategy  of adressing, strategy of tolerance. 

I. H. Kozubska The  typology  of  communicative  strategies  and  tactics  within  the  scope  of  text  pragmatics  (using  English-language  monographs on Information Technologies as example) 

T. V. Litvynchuk Binarity "the centre - the outskirts": a medieval city in the oeuvres of Pavlo Zahrebelnyy

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of the functioning of the binarium “the center – the outskirt” of the medieval city in the historical novels of P. Zagrebelny. On the example of the triad, the “castle-temple-market” (according to B. Markov) is emphasized as the actual / conditional delimitation of urban space from the outskirts, which results in their sociocultural diversity, the difference  in  economic  structure,  religious  consciousness,  etc.  and  also  their  coexistence.  Some  unique  principles  of  perception  and reproduction of urban reality in the writings of the author, which are inherent in the Old Russian consciousness and are different from the traditional ones for the world culture, are determined.  

Keywords: medieval city, P. Zagrebelny, binary, center – outskirt, interdisciplinary. 

T. V. Litvynchuk Binarity “the centre – the outskirts”: a medieval city in the oeuvres of Pavlo Zahrebelnyy 

T. Myroniuk The use of metaphor in evaluative utterances

Abstract. The present article studies the role of conceptual metaphor in evaluative utterances chosen from modern English fiction. In that connection, the author singles out typical conceptual metaphors in proper and manipulative evaluative utterances and considers their  examples.  The  research  concludes  that  conceptual  metaphors  make  proper  evaluative  utterances  more  expressive,  vivid  and creative, thus, attracting an interlocutor’s intention. As for manipulative evaluative utterances, the metaphors contained in them help to achieve quicker and greater influence on the interlocutor. 

Keywords: metaphor, conceptual metaphor, evaluation, evaluative utterance, fiction. 

T. Myroniuk The use of metaphor in evaluative utterances 

N. N. Popova Abstraction Level of Linguistic Units in Spanish Nationally-Tagged Concepts’ Representation according to Historical Cognitive Semantics

Abstract. The article deals with studying of the role of concrete and abstract nouns in the representation of nationally-tagged concepts in the Spanish language world view. The use of the synchronic-diachronic approach to the semantic-cognitive analysis of nationally-tagged concepts has allowed to prove that concrete nouns verbalize the basic prototype categories of concepts, whereas the cultural-axiological tagging and development of the associative web require a higher level generalization of the concepts and cause their verbalization by abstract lan- guage units capable to provoke associations which are meaningful for national consciousness. 

Keywords: nationally-tagged concepts, concept prototype core, abstract and concrete nouns, semantic meaning, synchrony, diachrony. 

N. N. Popova Abstraction  Level  of  Linguistic  Units  in  Spanish  Nationally-Tagged  Concepts’  Representation  according  to  Historical  Cognitive Semantics

O. B. Samborska Boiko lexical dialect words in the early prose of Ivan Franko

Abstract. The research is devoted to the analysis of the language of Ivan Franko’s early prose works. Particular attention is paid to the dialect vocabulary of the author, the part-of speech affiliation of lexical dialect words is determined and their semantic groups are given.  

Keywords: Boyko dialect, language of Ivan Franko, lexical dialecticism, Western Ukrainian variant of the standard language, lexical-semantic groups. 

O. B. Samborska Boiko lexical dialect words in the early prose of Ivan Franko

O. V. Shapochkina Distribution of voice precategorical constructions with participle II and copular verbs «to be»/«to become» in the Old Germanic languages

Abstract. The article investigates voice precategorical constructions with copular verbs and participle II on material of Gothic, Old English, Old Saxon, Old  High German,  Old Icelandic. Similar constructions were productive formations, they acted as one of the main actualizers of the development of the category of voice of modern German languages, in particular, they became the basis for creating an analytical paradigm of passive voice. It is proved by the author that among the variously structured voice constructions involved in this process, it alone was a stable link that was common to all, without exception, the ancient Germanic languages that were explored. 

Keywords: category of voice, precategorical structure, distribution, copular verb, participle II. 

O. V. Shapochkina Distribution of voice precategorical constructions with participle II and copular verbs «to be»/«to become» in the Old Germanic languages

T. V. Syvets Conceptual analysis as a method of researching of the homiletic literature in the Kyiv Russ

Abstract. The article investigates a definition of “conceptual analysis” and its actuality among other traditional and modern methods in  the  researching  of  the  Old  Ukrainian  literature.  The  specificity  of  the  phenomenon  is  revealed  by  differentiating  the methodological components: “analysis” and “interpretation”. Main attention is devoted to motivation of the conceptual direction in the  genre of  homily.  It  is determined  a  direction of  concepts  and  genre  in  the  works  of  Ilarion  Kyivsky,  Klym  Smolyatych,  Kiril Turivsky and Pheodosiy Pechersky.  

Keywords: conceptual analysis, the Middle Ages, interpretation, the Kyiv Russ, concept, homily.  

T. V. Syvets Conceptual analysis as a method of researching of the homiletic literature in the Kyiv Russ 

I. Y. Tishchenko Artistic parameters of socio-political and religious-moral foresight in the legend “Destruction of Hell and Restoration of It” by L. N. Tolstoy

Abstract. The article explores the range of artistic means that contributed to the realization of the predictive function of literature in L. N. Tolstoy’s legend “Destruction of Hell and Restoration of It”. Aesthetically determined features of the genre, composition, style, system  of  images,  narrative  are  revealed.  A  special  place  in  the  structure  of  the  text  is  occupied  by  the  images  of  “Beelzebul’s children”, which are clearly individualized through capacious subject details. Thanks to the application of receptive poetics, it was revealed which exactly ideological and political threats the writer most accurately predicted, that allows us to state the relevance of this poorly studied work and its originality, revealed at all levels of the text in economical but emotionally saturated use of techniques and means of artistic writing. 

Keywords: foresight, legend, narrative, antithesis, system of images, fantastic, conflict, artistic detail. 

I. Y. Tishchenko Artistic parameters of socio-political and religious-moral foresight in the legend “Destruction of Hell and Restoration of It” by L. N. Tolstoy

O. L. Vechirko The problem of moral choice of a man in the destructive-ambivalent state (based on W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet” and M. Khvyliovyi’s novel “I (Romance)”)

Abstract. The article examines the works of English classic W. Shakespeare and Ukrainian artist M. Khvyliovyi, who considered human problems in the world of crisis. The tragedy “Hamlet” and novel “I (Romance)” are deeply psychological, their common features are situations of moral choice different in scale, intensity and significance, which is an integral part of human life and the embodiment of eternal drama of a Man experiencing internal conflicts and being ambivalent. 

Keywords: problem of choice, ambivalence, crises, mental state, value paradigm

The problem of moral choice of a man in the destructive-ambivalent state (based on W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet” and M. Khvyliovyi’s novel “I (Romance)”) O. L. Vechirko 

O. M. Zaitseva Features of variant phonetic norms actualization and word change forms in the language of modern Ukrainian television

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  variant  phenomena  in  the  language  of  modern  Ukrainian  television;  some  variant  phenomena  are analysed that belong to the phonetic structural level of Ukrainian. The article deals with the researches of tendencies that arose up at the level of  word  change  paradigm  of  journalist  word  using.  It  was  found  out  that  in  the  modern  language  of  Ukrainian  television  channels language variants are presented: phonetic, formal grammar, word change, that with distribution in language practice and in mass media are changing language norms of modern Ukrainian and are autochthonous Ukrainian features. 

Keywords: Variant, doublet (duplicate), phonetic norms, forms of word change, language of modern Ukrainian television. 

O. M. Zaitseva Features of variant phonetic norms actualization and word change forms in the language of modern Ukrainian television