Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 117. 2017.

Chaiuk T. A. Modern views on children's speech in linguistics and psycholinguistics

Abstract.  The  article  considers  and  discusses  modern  approaches  to  the  study  of  children’s  speech  in  linguistics  and psycholinguistics. The main directions of research in the linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects have been highlighted. It has been established that there is a special system of knowledge and skills in the linguistic aspect of the children’s speech in accordance with certain  linguistic  rules.  According  to  psycholinguistic  aspect  children’s  speech  is  a  special  stage  of  ontogenetic  development  of children’s  speech  of  preschool  and  early  school  age.  It  is  concluded  that  for  comprehensive  analysis,  adequate  conclusions  and recommendations a complex approach is necessary. 

Keywords: child speech, linguistics, psycholinguistics, ontolinguistics.   

Chaiuk T. A. Modern views on children’s speech in linguistics and psycholinguistics 

М. Dubasevych «Es gab kein Dunkel und es gab kein Licht»: Visual markers of «mythical» space

Abstract. The paper focuses on structuring specifics of “mythical” space in literary text on an example of Hans Erich Nossacks prose as  a  type  of  “mythical”  literature  of  the  20th  century.  Specific  functioning  of  visual  components  (illumination  and  color)  in  the “mythical”  space  system  was  analyzed  on  the  base  of  the  formal  myth  theory  and  the  linguo-stylistic  method.  Linguo-stylistic devices  and  techniques,  witch  integrate  empiric  incomprehensible,  “mythical”  reality  into  the  rational  valid  literary  space,  were detected. 

Keywords: formal myth, mythical space, color, illumination, Nossack.   

М. Dubasevych «Es gab kein Dunkel und es gab kein Licht»: Visual markers of «mythical» space 

I. S. Havryliuk Creation of the comicality in postmodern poetry by means of poetonymy (based on the collection of poetry “Nineties forever” by S. Prylutski)

Abstract.  The article analyses  the potential of the literary onym to create comicality in a postmodern text.  The role of poetonym oppositions, contaminations with proper name components, high and low style combinations, combinations of onyms belonging to different socio-cultural realities, proper names-allusions, etc. in creating the emotional coloring of text is analyzed. Thanks to these and other means the author achieves parody, absurdity and comicality of expressions. 

Keywords: literary onym, postmodernism, comicality, allusion, poetonym opposition. 

I. S. Havryliuk Creation of the comicality in postmodern poetry by means of poetonymy (based on the collection of poetry “Nineties forever” by S. Prylutski) 

N. S. Isaeva Particularities of female physicality imaging in the Tie Ning prose of the second half of 80-ies of the 20th century

Abstract. Prose of modern Chinese writer Tie Ning provided insight into the process of formation of an “internal” women’s view on their own physicality and sexuality. The article is devoted to the definition of women’s physicality in the stories «Wheat Straw Stack» (1986), «Cotton Stack» (1988) and the novel «Rose Door» (1988). On the basis of gender analysis defined the traditional models of female physicality in the “rural prose” and their erosion manifested in the motives of loneliness and violence-murder. In the “urban novel», the female body is interpreted in the discourse of “recognition-resistance” and aesthetic rehabilitation. 

Keywords: Chinese women’s prose, physicality, sexuality. 

N. S. Isaeva Particularities of female physicality imaging in the Tie Ning prose of the second half of 80-ies of the 20th century

O. L. Kozachyshyna, O. O. Zmievska Gender Aspect of Focalization in a Literary Text : Individual Author’s Aspect

Abstract. The article analyzes gender aspect of the narrative perspective in the novels “Tender is the Night” by F.S.Fitzgerald and “Save Me the Waltz” by S. Fitzgerald. The research proves that the gender of the main character-focalizers in these works is conceptually significant in terms of securing the efficiency of a literary dialogue. The article describes the basic gender related features of these characters and defines their functions in the given texts. 

Keywords: gender, language personality, focalization, narrative perspective, literary dialogue.   

O. L. Kozachyshyna, O. O. Zmievska Gender Aspect of Focalization in a Literary Text : Individual Author’s Aspect 

O. Kravets, I. Sviridenko Technology of cultural public speaking development among students of non-linguistic faculties on professional topics in a foreign language classroom

Abstract. The modern world is characterized by intensive global processes, one of which is the desire of experts in various areas of employment to communicate on professional topics. In this case, knowledge of a foreign language (English) is a kind of the key to the world of science and technology  where  a specific role for the awareness of a  young scientist with contemporary standards of public speaking is stated. The article presents the  technology of the culture of public speech development in the foreign language classroom among senior students for those departments where a foreign language is not a specialty. The construction of the technology by the university teacher is justified in the course of professional pedagogical activity. The ways of its implementation in educational process are presented. 

Keywords: technology, public speaking, professional themes, presentation. 

O. Kravets, I. Sviridenko Technology  of  cultural  public  speaking  development  among  students  of  non-linguistic  faculties on  professional  topics  in  a foreign language classroom 

E. Leontieva Functional-semantic category, identity and its representants

Abstract.  The  article  analyses  the  distinctive  features  of  identity  categories  that  allow  to  distinguish  it  from  the  categories  of qualitative, similarity,  comparison and evaluation, and in the brief overview  which is presented by  formal  means of verbalization concept. The predicates are classified which characterise the subject in terms of identity.  

Keywords: semantics, predicate, subject, category identity, comparison, representant. 

E. Leontieva Functional-semantic category, identity and its representants 

O. Novikova The problem of linguistic limitation: historical-philosophical analysis

Abstract. The specified research initiated a number of investigations into the problems relating to the category of limitation. The views of leading philosophers and linguists on the problem of limitation and language limitation in particular are analyzed.  A hypothesis regarding the category of limitation as the basic category of human thinking is suggested. There outlined the appropriateness and relevance of the study of the specified category based on this theory. Different approaches to the definition of the category of restrictions are demonstrated. The causes of the appearance of the specified category are determined. The definition of the categories ″restrictions″, ″language restrictions″ is given. 

Keywords: speech, thinking, restrictions, limiting design, language restriction.   

O. Novikova The problem of linguistic limitation: historical-philosophical analysis 

L. Pelekh The peculiarities of approaches to translation in the frames of cross-cultural communication

Abstract. The article deals with peculiarities of “cross-cultural communication” phenomenon as an important aspect of contemporary reality  and  presents  the  relationship  and  interdependence  between  culture  and  language,  which,  in  its  turn,  is  reflected  in  the translation process. Several approaches and theories of translation have been analyzed and their relationship with cultural background of languages has been proved. The problems and challenges that may be arisen in cross-cultural communication process have been defined and approximate tasks for students’ skills in cross-cultural communication formation have been presented. 

Keywords: cross-cultural communication, text, translation, culture.  

L. Pelekh The peculiarities of approaches to translation in the frames of cross-cultural communication 

T. L. Polyakova Digital genres through linguistic approach – problems and prospects

Abstract. The article deals with the issues of Internet-communication. A great variety of texts in this communicative environment has led to the appearance of the system of digital genres. It contributed to the development of studying digital genres through linguistic approach – a new field of Internet linguistics. The issues associated with working out unified terminology in this sphere, common criteria to identify digital genres, making up their classification are analyzed. It is proposed to classify digital genres into genres of web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0 – a classification based on the technological criteria. 

Keywords:  digital  genres  through  linguistic  approach,  Internet-communication,  digital  genre,  classification,  classification  parameters. 

T. L. Polyakova Digital genres through linguistic approach – problems and prospects 

L. M. Pradivlianna Philip Lamantia and American surrealism

Abstract. The article analyses surrealistic poems of American poet Philip Lamantia whose works are discussed in the context of the surrealistic ideas in the USA. The author studies the extension of the principles of French surrealism onto his poetry of 1940-1960 and defines the linguistic dominants of his poems: the use of metaphors,  synesthesia, combination of mutually exclusive concepts into an integrated suggestive image,  with strict adherence to the linguistic norms. It is proved that the automatic image became a dynamic center of F. Lamantia poetry. 

Keywords: surrealism, American surrealism, Philip Lamantia, Andre Breton, automatic writing. 

L. M. Pradivlianna Philip Lamantia and American surrealism  

Ia. M. Prosiannikova The role of indexical similes in a personal space creation of an addresser

Abstract. The article is aimed at revealing of indexical nature of simile as a verbal sign. A definition of “indexical simile” is provided in the article. Indexical classification of similes with their division into pronominal, temporal and spatial is presented. It is studied the role of pronominal indexical similes in creation of a personal space of an addresser in a poetic text, whereas the addresser is defined as the center of this space. 

Keywords: index, simile, personal, demonstrative pronouns, personal space.   

Ia. M. Prosiannikova The role of indexical similes in a personal space creation of an addresser 

І. Tkalych Tradition of the Menippean satire of the novel «A Travel of the Scientist Dr. Leonardo and his Future Mistress Beautiful Alchesta in Slobozhan Swatzerland»by Mike Johansen

In the story by M. Johansen “Journey scientist Dr. Leonardo …” Menippean satire can be called in many of signs. In the story by M. Johansen the humorous element is represented mostly ironic intentions of the narrator, who is both the author and the character at a time. A significant sign a Menippean satire genre is a fantasy and an adventure; it is justified by the ideological and philosophical purpose. However, some the ironically masked problems hidden behind the obvious story:  the national identity, the provincialism, the love and sex, the political and literary situation. 

Keywords: memory literature, memory genre, Menippean satire, fiction, experiments.  

І. Tkalych Tradition  of the Menippean satire of the  novel  «A Travel  of  the Scientist Dr. Leonardo and his Future Mistress Beautiful Alchesta in Slobozhan Swatzerland»by Mike Johansen 

L. V. Tokarieva The main components of character’s artistic world of the novel «Hourglass» by D. Kiš

Abstract. The article researches the artistic world of the novel.  The paper defines it like schizoid, full of delusions, hallucinations and visions. The author achieves an atmosphere of tension through listing, cubist method and reflectivity. The character acts as a “desiring machine”, reality in itself. Exile, alienation, the problem of the other and inability to escape death are connected with his Jewish origin. Using elements of «reduced fiction» the author represents the idea of doppelganger and lunatic man. The Hourglass symbolizes duality, interrogator and defendant, executioner and victim, eternal return.  

Keywords: postmodernism, Jews, trauma, alienation, «desiring machine», «body without organs».  

L. V. Tokarieva The main components of character’s artistic world of the novel «Hourglass» by D. Kiš 

D. O. Chystiak Studies of literary conceptualization in Ukraine: critical analysis and perspectives of researches

Abstract. Article is devoted to the critical study of the structure of literary concept in the contemporary Ukrainian linguistic studies. It is observed that an important gap in cognitive studies is the absence of formulated correlation between the imaginative and the cognitive processes in the textual production. It is delimited that the analysis of literary concept in cognitive linguistics should be made in the integrative way studying the structural organization of images, themes and ideas as well as the mental schemas of pro- duction of the textual semantics.  

Keywords: textual concept, poetics, symbol, author’s worldview, conceptual linguistics.  

D. O. Chystiak Studies of literary conceptualization in Ukraine: critical analysis and perspectives of researches 

K. Tyshchenko Main features of the functioning of the concept of HOMELAND/VATAN in the memoirs of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Abstract. Article deals with conceptualization processes of the homeland in the memoirs named “Nutuk” (“Speech”) of the famous political figure and founder of the Turkish Republic M. K. Atatürk. Within the scope of the research key lexemes, through which the concept  is  verbalized,  have  been  identified,  as  a  result  of  text  analysis  words,  related  grammatically  and  semantically  to  the  key lexemes, have been marked out, and on the basis of received material conceptual structure of homeland has been modelled.  

Keywords: M. K. Ataturk, homeland, concept, conceptosphere.  

K. Tyshchenko Main features of the functioning of the concept of HOMELAND/VATAN in the memoirs of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk  

М. Vozna, A. Haponiev Translation of spoken English business jargon into Ukrainian

Abstract. The article studies certain issues in the translation of English business speech into Ukrainian, in particular such components as loanwords and business jargon which spring from figures of speech with different degree of idiomaticity and acquire  new meanings in business communication. 

Keywords:  English  business  discourse,  business  jargon,  figures  of  speech,  idiomaticity,  semantic  meaning,  loanwords,  transcoding, descriptive translation, demetaphorisation. 

М. Vozna, A. Haponiev Translation of spoken English business jargon into Ukrainian