Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 98. 2016.

Adjabi Y. The Use of Arabisms in the modern German discourse

The  first  introduction  of  Arabisms  in  the  German  language  returns  to  the  seven  century,  when  the  most  scientific  fields  of  the German language community were affected by new Arabic lexical unities. Because of the considerable and significant development of scientific researches while the middle age in the Arab countries, several Arabism were been introduced in the German language, which belong to different scientific domains, like Medicine, Chemistry, Mathematics, Literature, Religion, Astronomy, Linguistics, Philosophy. Besides, the translations movement during middle age from Greek and Latin languages into German participated to the appearance and the use of those Arabisms in the German language. In the modern German language are Arabisms an inseparable linguistic  part  of  the  communicative  behavior  in  the  German  language  community,  because  of  the  enormous  influence  on  the semantic level of the intercultural communicative processes.  

Keywords: Arabisms, communication, intercultural communication, semantics, language.   

Adjabi Y. The Use of Arabisms in the modern German discourse  

S. M. Albota Interpretative features of the Faustus symbol in early English Faustiana

Abstract. This article deals with the lingual-and-semiotic analysis usage in order to reveal the peculiarities of the “early-Faustus” symbol verbalization in the English play “John a Kent and John a Cumber” by  Anthony Munday published in 1851. Through the analysis  of  cultural  interpretants  of  the  text  and  compared  to  those  of  the  original  source  by  Christopher  Marlowe,  interpretative features of the “early-Faustus” symbol are discovered. 

Keywords: the “early-Faustus” symbol, interpretative features, cultural interpretant, lingual-and-semiotic analysis, the “early- Faustus” symbol verbalization. 

S. M. Albota Interpretative features of the Faustus symbol in early English Faustiana 

Yu. S. Belova About the concept of a dialogism in the postmodern literature based on material of E. Grishkovets prose

Abstract. The article considers the concept “dialogism” in M. M. Bakhtin, F. Ebner, F. Rosenzweig, M. Buber’s researches and it’s role  of  creation  the  art  text.  The  relations  of  “I”  to  “You”  and  to  “Other”  within  internal  and  external  dialogues  of  the  text  are investigated.  The  contextual  relationship  “author  –  hero”  and  “author  –reader”  based  on  E. Grishkovets’s  prose  is  analyzed.  The conclusion is drawn about the place of the dialogism in prose of the writer. 

Keywords: dialogism, author, hero. 

Yu. S. Belova  About the concept of a dialogism in the postmodern literature based on material of E. Grishkovets prose 

Bondarenko O. W. The infrastructure elements in documentation texts

Abstract. The article deals with the study of parenthetical constructions in documentation texts according to the two-level syntax concept  by  D. Barannyk  (the  intrastructure  and infrastructure).  It has  been  proved  that  documentation  text  infrastructure  elements comprise parenthetical words, clauses and sentences to provide complementary information, such as notes, remarks, place and time specifiers etc. supplementing the sentences or their parts. These situational complements to the linear sentence content actualize the semantic augment, forming the infrastructural units of the modifying and concomitant level.  

Keywords: documentation texts, two-level syntax, intrastructure, infrastructure, parenthetical words, clauses, sentences. 

Bondarenko O. W. The infrastructure elements in documentation texts 

Bylinska O. S. Typology and linguistic features of genres of political campaign discourse

Abstract. The article presents a definition of campaign discourse and highlighted the system of its genres with an inherent linguistic characteristics.  Traced  the  development  of  the  theory  of  speech  genres  in  the  framework  of  linguistics  and  in  the  context  of  the development  of    the  modern  linguo-pragmatic  and  communicative  linguistics.  Analyzed  Ukrainian  political  propaganda  texts  of different genres that were collected during the election campaign 2010-2015, aimed at the impact and conviction of the recipients. On the basis of the allocation of campaign genres of political discourse defined communicative-pragmatic aspects of their differentiation. 

Keywords:  propaganda,  political  discourse,  communicative  situation,  speech  genre,  the  linguo-pragmatics,  typological characteristics, a pragmatic setting. 

Bylinska O. S. Typology and linguistic features of genres of political campaign discourse

O. Cherkhava Teological linguistic principles of religious popular discourse study in the context of cognitive matrix reconstruction

Abstract.  The  article  examines  linguistic  reconstruction  analysis,  starting  from  classic  epoch  and  structuralism,  going  forward  to axiomatic anthropological functionalism period, up to modern anthropocentric, text-discursive, cognitive and conceptual linguistic world  view  approaches,  showing  changes  in  the  notional  kernel  of  the  following  phenomenon.  Linguistic  reconstruction,  as polyparadigmatic  theoretical  and  methodic  problem,  is  associated  with  interdisciplinary  linguistic  approach  and  conceptual  world view, as the constituent architectonic model/matrix of philosophical discourse sense, and is presupposed by the dominant lines of general linguistic science development, especially nowadays by cognitive comparative linguistics. The definition of religious popular discourse, as one of four varieties of religious discourse type of institutional discourse, is presented. The kernel criteria of religious popular  discourse  identification  is  suggested  and  religious  popular  texts  classification  is  provided.  The  descriptive  term “theolinguistic matrix” is proposed, showing special religious popular discourse model in it. The reconstruction of religious popular senses  of  the  kernel  basic  concept  INCLINATION  TO  CHRISTIAN  FAITH  and  the  mechanism  of  the  basic  RELIGIOUS BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE metaphorization are identified. The importance of inner and outer motivational reconstruction of lexical and  discursive  items,  that  actualize  these  senses,  is  emphasized.  Types  of  metaphoric  models  in  English,  German  and  Ukrainian religious popular discourse are singled out. Differentiation between terms “reconstruction” and “matrix reconstruction” in the scope of the following article is stressed. 

Keywords: cognitive comparative linguistics, linguistic reconstruction, theology and religion, religious popular discourse, matrix reconstruction. 

O. Cherkhava Teological linguistic principles of religious popular discourse study in the context of cognitive matrix reconstruction  

Chorna N. V. Linguo-cognitive aspect in expressing “possible worlds” in the Postmodern Spanish-language discourse

Abstract. The article focuses on the study of the linguo-cognitive parameters in expressing “possible worlds” in the Postmodern Literary Discourse in the materials of Latin American short stories. The Postmodern Literary Discourse is considered as a specific open literary structure with instable textual structure, which assumes the plural interpretations. Fundamental plurality of interpretations and text centrism realize practically the communicative strategies of the “possible worlds” semantics in the textual space.    

 Keywords: postmodern literary discourse, semantics of possible worlds, possible world, text centrism, open discourse. 

Chorna N. V. Linguo-cognitive aspect in expressing “possible worlds” in the Postmodern Spanish-language discourse 

Dobrovolska D. M. Translation research methodology of advertising texts: main translation strategies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the basic methodological approaches to the translation of advertising texts. The basic scientific approaches that define the methods and principles of translation  are specified and the concepts of leading scientists describing major translation trends examined. The concept of translation strategies in light of communicative and pragmatic approach to the study of linguistic  phenomena  is  defined  and  the  nature  of  the  translation  strategy  is  described.  Communicative  approach  to  translation, including translation of advertising texts is actualized. Two opposing trends are delimited: focus on the original text and focus on the addressee, providing isolation in the translated text of the information of various kinds. The usage of both methods in the translation of advertising texts is analyzed. The expediency selection of translation strategies mainly focused on the recipient of the advertising message is grounded. The article sets out the basic theoretical and methodological aspects of the translation of advertising texts, so it can be used in the development of the theoretical basis of translation of texts designed for the mass addressee. 

Keywords: advertising text, translation, translation strategy, the structure of the text, micro text, addressee.  

Dobrovolska D. M. Translation research methodology of advertising texts: main translation strategies 

Dobrovolska O. Methods and stages of investigation of the Middle English occupational terms

Abstract. The article deals with the methods and stages of linguistic investigation of the Middle English occupational terms on the basis of the principles of the functional-systemic approach to the language, especially the communicative and historical approaches to the study  of  multiple  examples,  longitude  chronology  and  several  functional  layers  of  the  Middle  English  vocabulary.  Such  an investigation  is  aimed  to  give  a  whole  reconstruction  of  the  history  of  Middle  English  occupational  terms etymology,  functional variability,  lexical-semantic  distribution,  structural-  semantic  characteristics  of  the  word-building  and  the  chronological stratification. 

Keywords: Middle English, occupational terms, methods of investigation. 

Dobrovolska O. Methods and stages of investigation of the Middle English occupational terms 

Dorofeeva M. S. The nonclassical type of scientific rationality in translation synergetics

Abstract. The article is an attempt to use the philosophical categories of “subject”, “object”, “research operations (tools)” as units of translation comparative analysis within synergetic methodology of translation studies. During the evaluation of translation quality the cognitive  principles  of  nonclassical  scientific  rationality’s  type  are  applied.  The  typical  objects  and  research  operations  tools  of nonclassical type  in  translation  studies  were defined as  well.  The  evaluation  matrix  of  special  purpose  text’s  translation  based  on textual genre “homily” was looked upon. 

Keywords:  translation  synergetics,  type  of  scientific  rationality,  translation  of  special  purpose  texts,  evaluation  criteria  of translation quality, genre and stylistic markers, discourse markers. 

Dorofeeva M. S. The nonclassical type of scientific rationality in translation synergetics 

Yuldasheva L. P. Title as a Textual and a Metatextual Components

Abstract. The article deals with the textual and metatextual peculiarities of the titles of modern Ukrainian text works. Its functions are defined. The perspective-retrospective relations of titles and texts are analyzed. Features of actualization of main text categories (informing,  modality,  integrity,  relative  completeness,  connectedness,  pragmatics,  prospection  and  retrospection)  are  researched through titles. The specific of perception of the title and text before and after reading the text is determined. 

Keywords: title, text, textual component, metatextual component, sign.  

Yuldasheva L. P. Title as a Textual and a Metatextual Components 

І. M. Feltsan New approaches to foreign language teaching for adults

Summary.  The  below  presented  article  touches  upon  the  peculiarities  of  foreign  language  teaching  for  adults.  Leading  European educational institutions are focused on the adjustment of teaching methodology to the demands of an adult student, demanding new skills for a successful professional activity. There’s a tendency for renewal of a study content and change of study prerogatives. The already formed professional applying for foreign language skills has a complex motivation system which differs from that of a child or  a  teenager.  Thus, under these  conditions, teacher takes  over the  function  of  an  adragogue  –  term  widely  used  in  modern adult pedagogy,  describing  a  teacher-supervisor  having  good  psychological  competence,  emotional  intellect  and  modern  technologies awareness  to  enlist  a  student  into  the  world  of  new  professional  challenges.  We’ve  pointed  out  the  main  approaches  to  foreign language study process of adults which should be implemented at classes. 

Keywords: adult education, lifelong study, andragogue, humanitarian approach, motivation, individual centered activity, foreign language competence, media pedagogy. 

І. M. Feltsan  New approaches to foreign language teaching for adults 

Havryliuk I. S. Proper name and its transformations in slangs, argot and other marginal lexis (comparison based on the material of Ukrainian, French and English languages)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of semantics of proper names used in socio-lects of three languages which are not closely  related:  Ukrainian,  French,  and  English.  Different  cases  of  proper  name’s  meaning  loss  or  meaning  preservation  in  the process of connotonymization or inclusion into a phraseological unit are analyzed. The functions of proper names in slangs, argot and other socio-lects are considered. 

Keywords: socio-lect, slang, crypto-lect, proper name, appellative, onym semantics.  

Havryliuk I. S.  Proper  name  and  its  transformations  in  slangs,  argot  and  other  marginal  lexis  (comparison  based  on  the  material  of Ukrainian, French and English languages) 

Kapranov Y. V. Scientific Debate on the Nostratic Hypothesis

Abstract.  This  article  represents  a  critical  view  of  researchers  of  different  generations  on  the  Nostratic  hypothesis,  i.e.  the hypothetical  macrofamily  of  languages,  combining  several  language  families  and  separate  languages  in  Europe,  Asia  and  Africa, which probably derive from the Nostratic Proto-Language. Based on the numerous attempts to prove the possible relationship of the Indo-European and Semitic (G. Ascoli, F. Delitzsch, R. von Raumer), Turkic (H. Pedersen), Uralic (B. Collinder), Finno-Ugric (N. Anderson, G. Moller, G. Sweet, H. Pedersen, B. Thomsen), when the comparison was made between three or more language families (A.B.  Dolgopolsky,  V.A.  Dybo  H.  Pedersen,  S.A.  Starostin,  A.  Bomhard,  G.  Greenberg,  A.M.  Ramer  et  al.),  contributed  to  the formulation of the provisions of the Nostratic theory, which was perceived ambiguously and caused mostly skeptical attention from individual representatives (G. Doerfer, P.A. Michalove, J. Puhvel, B. Vine et al.) to this vision of linguistic relationship. The main controversial  problem  deals  with  the  temporary  depth  of  reconstructed  features,  because  the  alleged  ancestor  existed  before,  the lower the number of signs that can be reconstructed with some certainty. There are also researchers among representatives of Indo- European Studies who do not share the views of representatives of this theory, suggesting that the Nostratic methodology does not have the necessary rigor. The main debate are going on over major language families, included in the Nostratic macrofamily, i.e. the expansion of the number of languages involved in the comparison. 

Keywords: Nostratic theory, Nostratic Proto-Language, scientific debate, etymon, reconstruction, comparison. 

Kapranov Y. V. Scientific Debate on the Nostratic Hypothesis 

Kashchyshyn N. On the Problem of Differentiation of the Diplomatic Discourse

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the study of the English diplomatic discourse, its features and parameters that allow to set it apart  as  a  separate  type  of  discourse.  It  is  discussed  that  distinctive  features  of  the  diplomatic  discourse  are  prescriptiveness, institutionality,  rituality,  international and intercultural  character. It  is  suggested that  among  taxonomic  parameters  of  the English diplomatic discourse a special role is occupied by modus. It is proved that the means of four functional styles (publicistic, epistolary, belles-lettres and official) are used in the texts of the diplomatic discourse. The ratio of these styles largely depends on the genre. 

Keywords: diplomatic discourse, diplomatic language, modus, conceptual unit, functional style.   

Kashchyshyn N. On the Problem of Differentiation of the Diplomatic Discourse 

Khanykina N.V. Current apprehension of the concepts of “nomination and” “motivation” in linguistics

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  correlation  and  apprehension  of  the  linguistic  concepts  of  “nomination  and”  motivation in modern linguistic science. The article provides distinction between an artificial and natural nomination. The author specifies the place  of  motivation  in  the  nominative  process,  and  points  out  the  most  modern  view  on  the  problem  of  motivation  items  – motivational mechanisms. 

Keywords:  primary  nomination,  secondary  nomination,  natural  nomination,  artificial  nomination,  motivation,  motivational mechanisms. 

Khanykina N.V. Current apprehension of the concepts of “nomination and” “motivation” in linguistics