Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 29. 2014.

Bezrukov A.V. The Metaphysical Poetry as a Peculiar Trend of the Baroque Art

Abstract. The Metaphysical poetry is concerned with the whole experience of man, but the intelligence, learning and seriousness of the poets means that the poetry is about the profound areas of experience especially – about love, romantic and sensual; about man’s relationship with God – the eternal perspective, and, to a less extent, about pleasure, learning and art. The Metaphysical poets created a new trend in history of English literature. These poems have been created in such a way that one must have enough knowledge to get the actual meaning. The Metaphysical poets made use of everyday speech, intellectual analysis, and unique imagery. The creators of the Metaphysical poetry, John Donne along with his followers, are successful not only in that period but also in the modern age. 

Keywords: Metaphysicals, poetry, conceit, Baroque, word, image, religion, death, love  

Bezrukov A.V. The Metaphysical Poetry as a Peculiar Trend of the Baroque Art 

Hudz N.O. Visual and Linguistic Profiles of Environmental Blogs

Abstract. The article describes visual and linguistic peculiarities of environmental blogs. Our analysis illustrates that segmentation of blogs covering environmental issues is based on a system of hyperlink. On the morphological level environmental blogs make extensive usage of plural forms of nouns, degrees of comparison, Past Simple and Future Simple tenses and imperative  mood. Lexical stylistic peculiarities of environmental blogs are characterized by employment of neologisms, colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions.  Enumeration,  parenthesis  and  repetition  are  expressive  means  most  frequently  met  on  syntactic  level.  Being  comparatively poor in stylistic devices on syntactic level, environmental blogs are extremely rich in figures of speech, namely metaphors,  epithets and metonymies. 

Keywords: environmental blogs, genres, stylistic analysis, environmental awareness, human-nature relationship  

Hudz N.O. Visual and Linguistic Profiles of Environmental Blogs

Kapak J. Special Characteristics of Actualization of Gender Specific Idioms in the Modern German Discourse

Abstract. The article focuses on the research of the gender component of semantics of idioms in  the modern German language. It reveals the identified gender marked idioms and presents the research of the specifics of actualization of these units in the modern discourse. The article deals with the observation of preservation and removal of pragmatic restrictions of the units under study; it reflects  the  detection  of  actual  and  archaic  stereotypes  and  the  tendency  to  the  relativization  of  the  androcentric  character  of  the German idiomatic thesaurus. 

Keywords: gender markedness, gender / pragmatic restrictions, male/female referent, connotation, stereotype 

Kapak J. Special Characteristics of Actualization of Gender Specific Idioms in the Modern German Discourse 

Navrotska I.M. Distinguishing polysemy from homonymy of the English nouns by means of semantic analysis

Abstract.  The article proposes to take a view of a possible way of distinguishing such semantic phenomena as polysemy and homonymy by means of profound semantic analysis of some nouns. These nouns were chosen from four lexicographic sources using several criteria,  among  which the etymological one is the  most important at this level of research. The  methods are based on  the classification of inner semantic categories of the lexical meaning of the noun which consists in portioning all meanings of the noun into regular polysemes, lexico-semantic variants, syncrets, heterosemes and homonyms. 

Keywords: polysemy, homonymy, syncretism, heterosemy, lexico-semantic variation, lexico-semantic unit   

Navrotska I.M. Distinguishing polysemy from homonymy of the English nouns by means of semantic analysis 

Nykytchenko K.P. Traditional and cognitive approaches to occasional word-formation

Abstract. The article deals with scientific research on the occasional word-formation in the light of cognitive paradigm. The differ- ence between classical (taxonomic) and cognitive word-formation is analyzed and the interpretation of cognitive word formation of our own is proposed. It is revealed that the semantics of occasionalisms in the traditional sense is opposed to quantum of knowledge in cognitive linguistics.  

Keywords: occasional word-formation, cognitive semantics, quantum of knowledge, conceptual integration theory  

Nykytchenko K.P. Traditional and cognitive approaches to occasional word-formation

Prihodko A.A. The Role of Antinomies in Language

Abstract. This article is dedicated to the research of the role of antinomies in the modern language. The main cases of antinomies and oppositions were observed in the article. Antinomies play a very important role in the process of development of the language and without them language wouldn’t be as colorful as today.

Keywords: antinomy, opposition, language  

Prihodko A.A. The Role of Antinomies in Language 

Prihodko A.I. On the Merge of Cross and Interdisciplinary Study: Cognitive and Ecological Linguistics

Abstract. This article is dedicated to the research of the role of antinomies in the modern language. The main cases of antinomies and oppositions were observed in the article. Antinomies play a very important role in the process of development of the language and without them language wouldn’t be as colorful as today. 

Keywords: antinomy, opposition, language  

Prihodko A.I. On the Merge of Cross and Interdisciplinary Study: Cognitive and Ecological Linguistics 

Shumylo M.Y. Etymological and semantic changes of the English medical terms

Abstract. The article highlights the semantic changes of the English vocabulary, in particular, medical terminology and causes by which these modifications occur. Any language is constantly changing under the influence of borrowings, dialects, due to cultural, historical and social development. Thus, lexemes change their meaning in different ways: specialization, generalization, pejoration or amelioration.  The  meaning  of  words  can  be  completely  modified  throughout  the  history.  Semantic  changes  can  be  also  based  on metaphor and metonymy. Word meanings may become more positive or negative, broader or narrower, and may be caused by factors within or outside languages. 

Keywords: amelioration, generalization, lexeme, pejoration, semantic changes, specialization  

Shumylo M.Y. Etymological and semantic changes of the English medical terms 

Galij L.G. Semantic and genetic characteristics of personal pronouns in modern English and Ukrainian

Abstract This article is dedicated to the semantics and etymology studies of personal pronouns in English and Ukrainian languages in order to define the factors that could influence their status as a part of speech and combinatory potential.  

Keywords: etymological analysis, combinative power, part-of-speech potential, possessive pronouns 

Galij L.G. Semantic and genetic characteristics of personal pronouns in modern English and Ukrainian 

Grybinyk Y.I. Affixation as one of the most productive morphological methods in geodetic and cadastral terms formation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of affixation as one of the most productive methods in the process of morphological word  building  in  modern  English  language  of  geodesy  and  cadastre.  Special  attention  is  paid  to  groups  of  affixes  and  structural patterns of terminological units, built on their basis. 

Keywords: morphological word formation, derivation, affix, prefix, suffix, structural patterns of terminological units  

Grybinyk Y.I. Affixation as one of the most productive morphological methods in geodetic and cadastral terms formation 

Gurskaya D.V. Linguistic realization of pragmatic potential "good – evil" dichotomy in the Bible

Abstract. The research exposes the nature of “good – evil” dichotomy, its language realization in the Bible using biblical sentences as actual material. 

Keywords: language picture of the world, good, evil, opposition, sentence, dichotomy  

Gurskaya D.V. Linguistic realization of pragmatic potential “good – evil” dichotomy in the Bible 

Yelovska Yu. Taboos in scientific discourse

Abstract.  The article deals  with the notion of taboo in the prism of  scientific discourse.  Scientific discourse  is understood as the unity of scientific communication and scientific texts which reflect updated scientific knowledge. The concept of taboo is interpreted as a strict ban or situational limitation of certain linguistic speech units (sounds, letters, words, phrases, etc.) and phonetic units (tone, pitch of voice, tone, intonation, etc.), topics and avoiding some communicants caused by different extralinguistic factors, including religious and magical, social, political, cultural, moral, ethical reasons. Taboo is mostly often perceived as categorical prohibition, violation of which is invalid because  of unwanted and disastrous consequences. Taking into account specific characteristics of the taboo phenomenon this paper attempts to distinguish direct and indirect prohibitions on the material of Ukrainian scientific discourse and to determine probable consequences of their violation. In addition, it determines the categorical degree and actualization features of  these  taboos.  Important  role  in  prohibition  fixing  belongs  to  scientific  discourse  specific  components  such  as  participants, discourse-space  conditions  and  communicative  situations, texts  as  the productive  discourse  outcome.  There  are  two  groups in  the Ukrainian  scientific  discourse.  The  first  group  covers  imlicite  categorical  warnings  in  oral  scientific  speech.  These  are  taboos associated with the addressee type and specific communicative situation, existing in etiquette formulas, pronoun usage and tactics of scientific disputes. The second group includes prohibitions which arise in the process of scientific text creating. These taboos pre- serve  from  violating  structural  and  compositional  construction  of  scientific  texts,  lexical  and  grammatical  content  deviation  and technical text formatting faults. Taboo violation causes negative emotional communicants reaction and  evokes the research results rejection among the scientific community. 

Keywords: taboo, discourse, scientific discourse, communication, bans in scientific discourse  

Yelovska Yu. Taboos in scientific discourse 

Lekhnitska S.I. Morpho-synthatic features of the termelements in the Latin names of drugs

Abstract. Observed the theoretical foundations of the concept “term-element”, defines the types of termelements, the languages that are used to create termelements in the names of drugs. Analyzed morpho-syntactic features of termelements in the names for medicines group of analgesics and antipyretics. 

Keywords: termelements, names of drugs, “semantic” and “auxiliary” termelements, analgesics and antipyretics 

Lekhnitska S.I. Morpho-synthatic features of the termelements in the Latin names of drugs

Leshchenko A.V. The Concept of Suspense in Modern Research

Abstract. The article deals with the definition of suspense in the framework of modern research. The concept of suspense is viewed from two basic perspectives: psychological and narratological. As a result, suspense is considered as a complex cognitive-affective phenomenon which characterizes the degree of narrative tension, the latter is created by the two narrative modes, namely strategic incompleteness and strategic delay. 

Keywords: suspense, interest, narrative tension, strategic incompleteness, strategic delay  

Leshchenko A.V. The Concept of Suspense in Modern Research 

Masel Y.S. Systematic relationships of substandard English units

Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of systematic relationships within the English substandard lexicophraseological corpus. In subsystem of substandard English, synonymic, antonymic, taxonomic, network, frame-based, chain, cyclic relationships are dis- played. They indicate the relative autonomy of this subsystem. Main focus is on paradigmatic relations between substandard units of English language. 

Keywords: synonymic, antonymic, taxonomic, network, frame-based, chain, cyclic relationships  

Masel Y.S. Systematic relationships of substandard English units 

Melekh H.B. Motivational base for the German gastronomic idioms

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the motivational foundations of the German gastronomic idioms. The basic compo- nents of phraseological units are grouped into certain thematic units and analyzed from the positions of anthropocentrism. In each block revealed a positive or negative connotations. 

Keywords: thematic unit, metaphor, phraseology unit, motivational base

Melekh H.B. Motivational base for the German gastronomic idioms 

Mikhaylova E.V. From the history of the formation of the part of speech classification: Turkish grammatical tradition

Abstract. The history of formation parts of speech theory in modern linguistics is viewed in the erticle. The basic grammatical works of  Russian  and  foreign  linguistics  are  analyzed.  As  well  Turkish  grammatical  tradition  of  the  definition  of  parts  of  speech  is  described.  

Keywords: parts of speech, grammatical category, classification criteria, and homogeneous and heterogeneous classifications  

Mikhaylova E.V. From the history of the formation of the part of speech classification: Turkish grammatical tradition 

Nestelieiev M.A., Moskalenko M.N. The mythologem of water in V. Stus`s book of poems „Palympsests”

Abstract. The mythological symbol of water in the Ukrainian poet of sixties V. Stus`s book of poems „Palympsests” is analyzed in the article. The invariants of this mythologem and the frequency of its use are studied. The features of the image and context using of mythologem of water in the V. Stus`s poetries are determined.  

Keywords: symbol, mythologem, poets of sixties, invariant, water 

Nestelieiev M.A., Moskalenko M.N. The mythologem of water in V. Stus`s book of poems „Palympsests” 

Panova N.Y. Suicidal tendencies in the story of R. L. Stevenson “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

Summary. The story of R. L. Stevenson “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is one of the most famous works of the au- thor. It is a psychological drama that takes place in one and the same person. Stevenson masterfully depicts state of mind and inner world of the hero, who understood that negative and shameful sides of his personality captured him and involved into abyss, and he wasn’t able to cope with them. In the story R. L. Stevenson touches upon the problem of duality of human nature. Famous and re- spected doctor Henry Jekyll and cruel Edward Hyde is one and the same person. The author expressed the great tragedy of the situa- tion. According to A. Lavrov, Henry Jekyll and his despicable double Edward Hyde reflected diversity and multidimensionality of Stevenson’s inner world, they combine the most common situations, concentrated a social and psychological picture of the giving situation, gave opportunity to distinguished apparition and essence, obvious and hidden in moral lifestyle. In the story “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” mysticism and psychology are integrated. Mysterious events described in the work are given with a great number of real details which increase the sharpness of general impression. Figure of dual in his nature Dr. Jekyll is a  good example of modern man’s soul. A. Koroleva correlates the story of R. L. Stevenson with S. Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. In her opinion, Stevenson by his story ahead S. Freud, in a short and visual way he outlined practically all of his theory, which was quite unfamiliar for him. 

Keywords: state of mind, inner world, suicide, duality, motive, duality of the soul 

Panova N.Y. Suicidal tendencies in the story of R. L. Stevenson “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” 

Polishchuk (Shadchina) A.S. Semantic transitions in the names of animals Caniformia and Feliformia (on the material of the Nostratic languages)

Our study focuses on the semantic typology of transitions in the names of wild animals (the types Caniformia and Feliformia) in the Nostratic languages. The purpose of the work is to determine the “Nostratic” status of IE zoonyms, frequency of semantic transitions among five animal groups – Canidae, Mustelidae, Felidae, Hyaenidae, Viverridae and to elaborate the classification of these shifts. As  a  result,  it  has  been  concluded  that the  most  likely  IE  roots  of  Nostratic  origin  are:  *sinĝho- ‘lion’, ‘tiger, leopard’,  *luќ-(s/n) ‘small predator, lynx’; *kun- ‘dog, wolf’; *keun-/*koun- ‘marten’; *mel- ‘marten, badger’; *bhe(H)l- ‘marten’, *stib(h)-yo- > OSl *stbj ‘wild cat. Migration terms in the IE languages, given the under-representation of the branches of Nostratic languages or later fixation, may be *lew-(on-) /*luw-(on-) ‘lion’, *kat(t)- ‘house cat’, *H2wis-(yo-/-elo) ‘weasel, cat’. This proves that the ancestral Indo-European vocabulary includes mainly the names of Mustelidae and Canidae families, whereas the names Felidae could be either inherited from Nostratic  languages  or  borrowed.  For  the  Afro-Asiatic  languages  are  more  typical  three-  or  four-component  series  of  semantic transitions  (Canidae  –  Viverridae  –  Felidae  –  Hyaenidae),  whereas  for  the  other  Nostratic  languages  –  mostly  two-component (Canidae  – Mustelidae and  Felidae  – Hyaenidae). Furthermore, in the Indo-European  lexics greater productivity  of the  equonimic shift Mustelidae – Felidae is observed, compared with the rare transition Canidae – Felidae, more characteristic for the Afro-Asiatic languages. Thus, we might assume that the semantic typology among the names remains at Eurasian linguistic macrofamily, but not at the level of the Nostratic. 

Keywords: Indo-European languages, Nostratic languages, the names of wild animals, the semantic derivation, semantic typology 

Polishchuk (Shadchina) A.S. Semantic transitions in the names of animals Caniformia and Feliformia (on the material of the Nostratic languages) 

Popova N. The phenomena of polysemy from the point of view of concepts’ synchronically-diachronic analysis (on Spanish language materials)

Abstract.  This article deals  with the phenomenon of polysemy  from the point of view of  cognitive semantics.  Application of the synchronically-diachronic analysis for studding of the concepts reflected in Spain language picture of the world indicates that poly- semy as a field structured semantic category from the cognitive point of view is the most effective mean to accumulate information, leading to a wide divergence of lexical units’ meanings due to the existence of several concept’s prototype cores. 

Keywords: polysemantic words, concept, prototypal core, homonyms, synchrony, diachrony  

Popova N. The phenomena of polysemy from the point of view of concepts’ synchronically-diachronic analysis (on Spanish language materials) 

Smolyana T.A. Precedent of a German maxim as an eptonym in paremiological and phraseological founds

Abstact.The article analyses maxim as an eptonym, that is an explicator of national and universal values of people. maxim is ex- plored as precedent phenomenon, its functional features are distinguished. 

Keywords: eptonym, proverb, maxim, paremiology, precedent statement, precedent phenomenon, phraseology 

Smolyana T.A. Precedent of a German maxim as an eptonym in paremiological and phraseological founds

Sudus Y.V. The communicative style of the US diplomat Samantha Power in public speeches

Abstract.  The  article  focuses on the idea that language activity  of a diplomat involves influence on public consciousness, and to achieve  the  goal  diplomats  try  to  influence  the  audience  verbally.  The  article  highlights  the  features  of  communication  styles  in diplomatic speech. The author analyzes basic communication styles and approaches to their study. A special attention is paid to the varieties of verbal communication styles in modern English diplomatic discourse. The author views certain linguistic features of the speeches by the diplomat as a tool of possible manipulation with public opinion. The investigation was carried out on the basis of transcripts of Samantha Power`s public speeches concerning the events in Syria in 2013 and 2014. The author has established that such communicative verbal styles as direct, succinct, personal and instrumental are the most common for the studied speeches. According to the author, one of the means of influence which is used in diplomatic speech is their verbal communicative style.

Keywords: communicative style, diplomatic discourse, verbal means of influence  

Sudus Y.V. The communicative style of the US diplomat Samantha Power in public speeches 

Khomenko A.Ye. Stylistic means with a symbolic "water" component in the early twenty-first century media texts

Abstract. The article deals with verbal symbols that form and translate ethnic and national collective experience of certain ethnic group.  The  symbol  is  not  a  static,  “frozen”  phenomenon,  its  dynamics  is  caused  by  both  external  (social,  cultural  and  historical changes  in  the  society),  and  linguistic  reasons.  Symbol  can  extend  the  semantics  and  imagery  of  tropes,  figures  or  means,  and enriches  the  word  semantic  meaning  due  to  additional  connotation  that  can  be  included  in  the  core  of  the  trope,  figure  or  means semantics. Simultaneously symbols remain on the meaning edge neutralizing the basic trope, figure or means  content semantically “overshadowing” it. The article analyzes modern Ukrainian media texts and investigates tropes, figures and means with reproductive and transformative symbolic meanings of the “water” word-symbol. It also highlightes reproduced-mnemonic function as dominant one  in  mediatexts  tropes  and  figures  with  symbolic  semantics.  Reproduced-mnemonic  function  appeals  to  the  person’s  cultural experience,  national  consciousness  and  motivates  to  intellectual  “straining”  in  successful  mediatext  information  decoding  due  to collective  historical  background referring,  cultural  and  ethno-cultural  experience  and  rethinking  its  reorientation  within  a  specific mediacontext. This investigation has revealed in the semantics of these expresssive means text optional transformational symbolic meanings with a single text appearance, constant symbolic meanings implemented despite the context and frequent transformation meanings operating in large groups of media texts. Thereafter two groups of symbols can be distinguished. The reproductive symbols are used in order to realize communicative and pragmatic tasks of the author. The transformation symbols contribute to the growth, increment, implantation and deepening a common set of meanings of the word symbol. 

Keywords: trope, figure, symbol, function, expressiveness, mediatext  

Khomenko A.Ye. Stylistic means with a symbolic “water” component in the early twenty-first century media texts

Shevchuk Z.S. The precedent phenomena as the sign of the socialization of the linguistic identity of the woman (based on the Iren Rozdobudko’s works)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the precedent phenomena as references which create contents, whose meaning express the direct and indirect relationship to the linguistic identity of the woman, her social role in the society; the range of estimates (positive and negative), depending on the used lingual tools and their implementation in the language material. 

Keywords: anthropocentrism, precedent phenomena, allusion, reminiscence, play of words 

Shevchuk Z.S. The precedent phenomena as the sign of the socialization of the linguistic identity of the woman (based on the Iren Rozdobudko’s works)