Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 240. 2020.

О. V. Chuyeshkova Language legislation and language policy in Ukraine (within the context of the civil society formation) 

Abstract. The article considers the language policy peculiarities in Ukraine at the end of the XX, beginning of the XXI century. The language  legislation  is  analyzed,  the  important  role  of  the  public  in  its  development  is  emphasized.  The  integral  function  of  the Ukrainian language is underlined, the necessity of its existence as a single state language in connection with numerous attempts to provide  the  Russian  language  with  the  status  of the  official  (second  state)  languageis  emphasized.  Assumptions  on  the  Ukrainian language policy further dependence upon public opinion and the activity of non-governmental organizationsare made.  

Keywords: public opinion, civil society, state language, language policy, language legislation.  

О. V. Chuyeshkova Language legislation and language policy in Ukraine (within the context of the civil society formation) 

N. M. Hrytsiv Metacultural (ethnolinguistic) competence and translation: classroom experience 

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to outline the place of metacultural (ethnolinguistic) competence in teaching translation, to trace and identify features of coexistence of related research priorities (culturological, anthropological, ethnolinguistic) on one educational ground and to characterize achievements of ethnolinguistics as a multidisciplinary discipline as applied in translator training classroom activity. From didactics perspective, prioritized was the necessity to investigate whether students perceived the language as an important element of the culture of a given community (here, English and Ukrainian). Findings have proven that ethnolinguistic competence  helps  students  to  identify  lexical  connotations  established  in  the  transitive  sense  of  a  word;  recognize  ethno  specific elements of a given language; and suggest a well-considered translator’s choice.  

Keywords: translation, translator training, ethnolinguistic competence, cultural linguistics, anthropological linguistic.  

N. M. Hrytsiv Metacultural (ethnolinguistic) competence and translation: classroom experience 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Secrets of stylistic coloring (A. Barbusse, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar) 

The  article  is  devoted  to the  study  of  the  secrets  of  stylistic  coloring  in  the  anti-war  novels  of  A.  Barbusse,  E.  Remarque  and  O. Gonchar.  It  was  found  that  the  writers  creatively  use  the  dialogue  and  monologue  speech  of  the  characters,  their  portrait characteristics,  metaphorization  of  texts.  Their  focus  is  always  on  the  individual  as  the  object  of  concentration  of  the  forces  that characterized and shaped a particular period of time. The correlation of such literary concepts as the author and the hero is traced. Particular attention is paid to the powerful transforming force of O. Honchar, which does not leave unchanged any motive or image of predecessors. It is proved that the author-narrator of these artists is a kind of conductor who organizes human voices into a single whole. It is noted that the poetics of the analyzed novels is brought closer to the poetics of folk poetry by the richness of detailed comparisons, parallelisms, personifications, the presence of folk symbols. 

Keywords: author’s digressions, personality, concrete-historical conditions, author, hero, tradition, metaphorization. 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Secrets of stylistic coloring (A. Barbusse, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar) 

K. R. Khachaturian Chronotopic features of Panas Mirnyi novel «Poviya» 

Abstract. The article is devoted to a problem of artistic time continuum and space in Panas Mirnyi’s works «Poviaya». Detailed studying of these questions allows to describe and to interpret properly not only important features of novels` tectonics, a basis of characters of the writer, to understand the nature of a writing realistic manner in Ukrainian option. t is artistic development of reality that assumes development, a certain modifi cation of all elements of artistic system, in particular chronotope. The chronotope of Panas Mirnyi`s novel corresponds to the general orientation of literature of this period, to creation of typical pictures of reality, typical characters in typical circumstances.  

Keywords: novel, realism, chronotope, artistic time and space.  

K. R. Khachaturian Chronotopic features of Panas Mirnyi novel «Poviya»

V. P. Khoma Means for Expressing an Emotive Aspect of the Concept SELF-ALIENATION in English Science-Fiction 

Abstract. The article is aimed at the analysis of means for expressing a set of psychological and emotional states of human beings in modern English fiction discourse in terms of the concept SELF-ALIENATION, which is explicated by lexical units and stylistic devices related to self-alienation. Personal loneliness is verbalized by means of lexemes ‘alone’ and ‘lonely’, as well as such devices as gradation, antithesis and various types of repetition. Text analysis allows concluding that loneliness has both positive and negative senses, since self-alienation may cause either self-destruction or self-strengthening of a personality. 

Keywords: science fiction, explication, self-alienation, loneliness  

V. P. Khoma Means for Expressing an Emotive Aspect of the Concept SELF-ALIENATION in English Science-Fiction

I. V. Khrin Binomials in English and specifics of their using 

Abstract. Due to the expansion of using binomials in advertising and business, these specific expressions leave a fairly unexplored phenomenon in the English language. It has been found that binomial” is a combination of two words or two phrases that belong to the same grammatical category, carry a certain semantic load, and are connected by a conjunction. It is determined that the criterion for classification of binomials is their lexical meaning and belonging to a certain part of speech. Among the binomials are the follow- ing types: synonymous; antonyms – composed of service parts; unconnected – with the use of the same words, etc. Synonymous are binomials, which consist of words close in meaning and perform the function of complement and amplification. Antonymous bino- mials emphasize the difference between objects, phenomena, or concepts. Unconnected are stable phrases in which the meaning of the statement does not depend on the conjunctions. 

Keywords: binomials, classification, phraseology, semantic meaning, stable word formation. 

I. V. Khrin Binomials in English and specifics of their using 

I. V. Kovalchuk Means of object characteristics verbalization in the consumer goods labelling 

Abstract. The article deals with the verbalization of object characteristics in the verbal elements of labelling such as “description” and “narration” printed on the packaging of consumer goods. The article presents the list of parts of speech that are often used to characterize the object and describes common morphological characteristics and semantic content of the selected groups. It is shown that the greatest concentration of lexical units describing the object characteristics is observed in such verbal elements as the product name,  advertising  statement  and  advertising  message.  It  is  concluded  that  object  characteristics  are  verbalized  with  the  help  of adjectives, participles and nouns. 

Keywords:  verbal  elements  such  as  “description”  and  “narration”,  advertising  discourse,  advertising  statement,  advertising message. 

I. V. Kovalchuk Means of object characteristics verbalization in the consumer goods labelling

N. V. Krupei The reproduction of the verbalized concept Woman in the Anglophone translations of T. Shevchenko’s story “The Artist” 

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of reproduction of the verbalized concept Woman in the Anglophone translations of T.  Shevchenko’s  story  “The  Artist”.  In  the  article  the  author  considers  the  fact  that T.  Shevchenko  represents  a  strong  Ukrainian national  elitist  linguistic  personality  with  a  high  level  of  intercultural  communication  competence,  which  is  reflected  in  T. Shevchenko’s conceptual picture of the world that in fact embraces the two worlds – the Ukrainian and the Russian one. The author also  analyzes  the  peculiarities  of  verbalization  of  the  concept  Woman  in  the  story  “The  Artist”,  as  one  of  the  main  constituent concepts of T. Shevchenko’s linguistic personality and thus one of the key concepts in his poetic and prosaic legacy. The article also discusses the methods of translation applied by P. Selver, John Weir and A. Bilenko in the process of reproduction of the verbalized characters  of  Pasha,  Emiliya  and  Agatha  in  the  Anglophone  translations  of  T.  Shevchenko’s  story  “The  Artist”,  and  how  the translators’ choices were influenced by the peculiarities of their own intercultural communication competences.  

Keywords: linguistic personality, concept, image, verbalization, method of translation, correspondence, descriptive translation. 

N. V. Krupei The reproduction of the verbalized concept Woman in the Anglophone translations of T. Shevchenko’s story “The Artist”

K. V. Lysenko Problems of phonetic identification of emotional states of the speaker with the help of linguistic and paralinguistic means 

Annotation. The article considers the problems of determining  the emotional states of the speaker with the help of linguistic and paralinguistic means. As we speak, we convey to our listeners information about our emotional state and attitudes toward both our listeners and what we say. Although in general the specific ability to decode the emotional component of the utterance depends on the individual emotion.It is known that native speakers, when listening to actors who read an emotionally neutral text, while depicting emotions, perceptually are not always able to correctly identify them. Even if the emotional expression through prosody may not always be consciously recognized by the participants in the conversation, it may be subconsciously influenced by other indicators, such as the tone of voice, for example, or facial expressions. This type of expression follows not only from linguistic or semantic effects. The ability of an average person to decipher emotional states during conversations is less developed than the traditional ability to identify facial expressions. Whether a person perceives prosody as positive, negative or neutral, he always coordinates  with facial expressions. If it becomes closer to neutral, the interpretation of the emotional state is influenced by prosodic interpretation. To decide on the level of emotionality, listeners are often forced to listen to the prosody of the statement. To be able to determine the level of affectivity of the statement, listeners need at least 600 milliseconds of prosodic information, below which there is not enough time to process the emotional context of the statement. As previous research has focused on such prosodic features of speech as basic average frequency and range, tempo and intensity, it is now necessary to analyze data using a wider range of voice effects, including paralinguistic. Such studies have not been conducted in the past, although they play an important role in the depiction of emotions. Having developed a scale with a gradient distinction between prosodic and paralinguistic features in speech, researchers placed into- nation with its indicators, which indicates its linguistic character, at the prosodic end of the scale, and at the other end of the scale – such features as voice quality, or noise and all sorts of clicks as  paralinguistic features. Nonlinguistic or paralinguistic features are classified  into  two  types:  individual  variations  and  reflexes.  Individual  variation  includes  the  effects  of  phonation  and  resonance through the physiology of the speaker and the features of his vocal tract. Reflex states should also be considered, as they are often an involuntary sign of true emotional stress. In general, it should be noted that emotional or affective prosody is manifested in both lin- guistic and paralinguistic aspects of speech, which allow and help both to convey and understand emotions. It includes an individual tone of voice, which is transmitted through changes in pitch, volume, timbre, speech rate and pauses. 

Keywords: prosody, emotional reaction, linguistic and paralinguistic features, segmental and suprasegmental functions and features, voice modification. 

K. V. Lysenko Problems of phonetic identification of emotional states of the speaker with the help of linguistic and paralinguistic means

O. Novikova Inserted constructions in modern Ukrainian literary language: typology, functions 

Abstract. The article examines current issues related to the formation of the category of insertion. The history of development of the doctrine of insert constructions in modern linguistics is analyzed, the structural organization of sentences with the specified syntactic components is considered; the semantics of the inserted constructions, their communicative and textual potential are characterized. Keywords: category of insertability, insertable words, insertable word combinations, insertable sentences, syntactic unit, functions, semantic group. 

Keywords: category of insertability, insertable words, insertable word combinations, insertable sentences, syntactic unit, functions, semantic group. 

O. Novikova Inserted constructions in modern Ukrainian literary language: typology, functions 

B. O. Pliushch Zeitspiel in German and English translations and retranslations of Lesya Ukrainka’s “Lisova Pisnya” 

Abstract.  The  article  focuses  on  exploring  Zeitspiel  in  German  and  English  translations  and  retranslations  of  Lesya  Ukrainka’s drama “Lisova pisnya” by doing a comparative translation analysis of the original source text of 1911 and its German and English translations (1931, 1950) as well as retranslations (2006, 2018 respectively). The article also scrutinizes the potential implications of a translation tendency towards Zeitspiel. 

Keywords: translation, retranslation, retranslation hypothesis, Zeitspiel. 

B. O. Pliushch Zeitspiel in German and English translations and retranslations of Lesya Ukrainka’s “Lisova Pisnya” 

S. I. Siechina National and cultural component of the concept "identity" in the linguistic picture of the world of Spain, Mexico and Chile 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of culturological marking of lexical units that denote the concept “identity” in the linguistic picture of the world of Spain, Mexico and Chile. The study was based on three thousand words-reactions obtained by conducting an associative experiment among speakers of the peninsula, mexican and chilean national variants of the Spanish language. The analysis of the results of the study revealed common and different conceptual features that define the concept “identity” in the linguistic picture of the world of Spain, Mexico and Chile. 

Keywords: concept, identity, linguistic picture of the world, culturological marking. 

S. I. Siechina National and cultural component of the concept “identity” in the linguistic picture of the world of Spain, Mexico and Chile 

M. M. Vasylchuk Story of Meni Myuriel Dovey “A Girl in the Carpathians” (1891) as a sample of Hutsul travelling prose 

Annotation. The peculiarities of the artistic projection of the Hutsul region in the traveling prose of the Scottish writer Maine Muriel Dovey  (1867–1945)  are  considered  in  the  article.  The  features  analysis  of  studying  of  the  region  and  the  transformation  of  local realities of the Carpathians into a cognitive and ethnographically authentic text is presented. One of the “dark places” of the work is revealed. The spheres of author’s interests are shown: from nature and material culture – to the fair formation of the price for decorative and applied arts and immersion in the peculiarities of the Hutsul mentality. 

Keywords:  horse,  «doppelmauser»,  saddle,  boarding  house,  sandals  (strapped  to  the  feet),  zapaska  (National  Ukrainian clothes)*, keptar, plebania**, church, mountains, mushrooms, Hutsul region. 

M. M. Vasylchuk Story of Meni Myuriel Dovey “A Girl in the Carpathians” (1891) as a sample of Hutsul travelling prose 

H. Vozniuk Buddhist and Shinto influences on Yosano Akiko's "The Tangled Hair" poetry collection 

Abstract. The article deals with the influences of Buddhist and Shinto religion on the debut collection of tanka poetry called “Midaregami” (“The Tangled Hair”, 1901) by famous Japanese poetess Yosano Akiko. We have analyzed the primary religious terms that were used in the collection. We have also distinguished the main reasons for the religious influences and the origins of the literary images. Our research shows part of the complicated process of the renovation of the traditional tanka genre. During it, the poetess managed not only to make tanka poetry more up-to-date but also saved its unique features and topics.


Keywords: tanka verses, Buddhism, Shinto, religion, poetry. 

H. Vozniuk Buddhist and Shinto influences on Yosano Akiko’s “The Tangled Hair” poetry collection