Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 225. 2020.

V. Ye. Bielinska Verbalization of the conceptual category «Space» in the language of thought by A. Kychynskyi and P. Perebyinis 

Abstract. The peculiarities of spatial description in the texts of Ukrainian poets A. Kychynskyi and P. Perebyinis are analyzed in the article. The use of temporal elements – the concepts «Road», «Space», «Time», which not only describe the realities of reality, but also realize the author’s intentions, are investigated. The role of toponyms and astronyms as specifiers of author’s language of thought, in particular autobiographical character, is determined. It is a comparative conclusion that space is closely related to time in both poets and therefore acquires dimness. 

Keywords: A. Kychynskyi, P. Perebyinis, category «Space», concepts «Road», «Space», «Time». 

V. Ye. Bielinska Verbalization of the conceptual category «Space» in the language of thought by A. Kychynskyi and P. Perebyinis 

O. O. Borovska Classification of participle clauses in the role of adjunct by the functional criterion (on the material of scientific texts of contemporary German) 

Abstract. The article deals with the classification of participle clauses (PCl) by functional criterion.  According to new approaches to the classification of adjuncts and taking into account the specific relations of the action of the particle PCl and the action of the matrix predicate, three main functional types have been distinguished: PCLs, extending the action of the matrix sentence (temporal adjuncts; causal adjuncts; final adjuncts; adjuncts of accompanying circumstance); PCLs modifying the action of the matrix sentence (modal adjuncts; instrumental adjuncts; conditional adjuncts; adjuncts of partial action), and PCLs, relating to the entire matrix sentence. The range of verbs that most often form the basis of participles of PCl of different types, as well as the main extending elements of the participles, have been determined. Functions of different types of PCL in the texts of modern German are described taking into account the peculiarities of texts of scientific style. 

Keywords: participle I, participle II, participle clause, adjunct, functional classification, functional types of participle clauses. 

O. O. Borovska Classification of participle clauses in the role of adjunct by the functional criterion (on the material of scientific texts of contemporary German) 

N. Ye. Doronkina Elementary discourse unit in the context of Rhetorical Structure Theory 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of elementary discourse units’ extraction in the purpose of discourse simulation in terms of Rhetorical Structure Theory. The correlation between the concepts of clause, predication, productiveness and proposition is analyzed. The role of elliptical constructions and zero syntactic units in discursive units’ formation is clarified. The constrains imposed by Rhetori- cal Structure Theory on the rules of elementary discourse units’ definition are explained. Much attention is given to causal constructions in connection with their property of isofunctionalism. Finally, seven possible types of elementary discourse unit structure are defined. 

Keywords: clause, proposition, predication, predicativeness, elliptical construction. 

N. Ye. Doronkina Elementary discourse unit in the context of Rhetorical Structure Theory

O. V. Dudina Linguistic features of speech acts of praise and criticism in English pedagogical discourse (based on genre “Lesson”) 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the lexical and grammatical features of speech acts of praise and criticism in contemporary English-language pedagogical discourse. It is identified the means of verbalizing evaluating communicative strategy of pedagogical discourse through continuous examine of vocabularies and communicative analysis of texts of English language lessons. We found out the frequency of using the speech acts of evaluating and controlling communication strategies at English lesson. 

Keywords: speech act of praise, speech act of criticism, evaluating communicative strategy, pedagogical discourse, English lesson, communicative roles. 

O. V. Dudina Linguistic features of speech acts of praise and criticism in English pedagogical discourse (based on genre “Lesson”) 

D. O. Gulieva Expressing a Communicative Impairment Strategy with Expressive Vocabulary and Gender on Friends 

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  implementation  of  the  communicative  strategy  of  impairment  in  English  language  discourse, including the role of expressive vocabulary and gender in its expression. It is well known that the communicative intention of impairment is to express a negative sense of attitude rooted in the humiliating subjective judgment of the referent. This attitude is disrespectful, disrespectful, and often turns into anger, anger, rage and even hatred. The reason for the feeling-attitude of impairment is to express an object of disrespect in accordance with the ethical standards of the subject, thus manifesting its superiority over it. Expressive vocabulary allows you to change the degree of aggression in the implementation of a communicative strategy of impairment, and the gender aspect influences the ways in which the strategy is expressed during a communicative act. 

Keywords: communicative strategy, expressive vocabulary, communicative act, evaluation, feelings-attitude, impairment, gender.  

D. O. Gulieva Expressing a Communicative Impairment Strategy with Expressive Vocabulary and Gender on Friends 

I. Hrachova, A. Mosiichuk, O. Radudik The Status of Quantifiers in the English Language in the VII-XVII centuries 

Abstract. The article deals with the problems of the language status of quantifiers during their formation during the VII-XVII centu- ries. Diachronic studies are an important link in modern linguistic science, since without them it would not be possible to understand the current state of the language, in this case English. The syntactial distribution allowed us to separate quantifiers into a separate class. 

Keywords: diachronic, distribution, quantifiers, proto-quantifiers.  

I. Hrachova, A. Mosiichuk, O. Radudik The Status of Quantifiers in the English Language in the VII-XVII centuries

K. O. Humenna The semantics of author’s archaisms in Ch. de Coster's novel «The Legend of Ulenspiegel» and its restitution in translation 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the  historical francophone novel’s vocabulary. The supplemented classification of obsolete  vocabulary  is  presented,  taking  into  account  the  emphasizing  in  the  work  of  a  layer  of  author’s  archaisms.  The  ways  of creation of such archaisms, their semantic features are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the techniques of reproduction of the features of a distant and stylized original in the language of translation, tracing certain differences in the two translations into the Ukrainian language of the same novel. 

Keywords: historical francophone novel, historical stylization, obsolete vocabulary, translation, author’s archaisms.  

K. O. Humenna The semantics of author’s archaisms in Ch. de Coster’s novel «The Legend of Ulenspiegel» and its restitution in translation

A. Klymenyuk, A. Kalyta Synergetic features of contradictions’ self-development in cognition 

Abstract. In the paper, the authors of the main stipulations of speech energetics theory offer a new approach to a comprehensive analysis of synergetic features of contradictions’ self-development mechanism in cognition which is advanced on the basis of a number of theo- retical-and-hypothetical as well as conceptual methodological research and is viewed from the standpoint of classical philosophy. The paper presents a three-dimensional generalized model of the megasystem of polylectic interaction of contradictions, comprising its super- systems,  systems  and  subsystems.  The  authors  developed  the  methodology  for  complex  modeling  of  contradictions  systems’  self- developing  processes  according  to  the  three  main  schemes:  linear  (one-dimensional),  plane  (two-dimensional)  and  spatial  (three- dimensional). A unified complex of models for each scheme is offered in the paper. This complex allows a researcher to describe the features of the relationship and interaction of the opposites within each of the three schemes of contradictions’ self-development on the grounds of systemic (a systemic model) and cybernetic (the black box model) knowledge. It is shown in the article that the energetic approach to the study of synergetic features of contradictions’ self-development mechanism in cognition can become one of the most productive directions in search of the new interdisciplinary knowledge about the human’s speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-acting phenomena.  

Keywords: speech energetics, cognition, self-development of contradictions, research methodology, interdisciplinary study, systemic and cybernetic models. 

A. Klymenyuk, A. Kalyta Synergetic features of contradictions’ self-development in cognition 

L. M. Kulakevych Adventurism: Thesaurus of the Meta-scientific Concept 

The semantics of the word «adventurism» as a meta-scientific concept (psychological, philosophical, political, sociocultural) have been analyzed. Adventurous prose, films and critical works about them have been investigated. As a result, it is found out that the term «adventurism» is now used in two meanings. Firstly, adventurism is a tendency to dishonest, questionable affairs for the purpose of easy money, career, change of social status. The same as swindle, cheating. Secondly, adventurism is a person’s natural inclination to take risky, life-threatening actions to get thrill and excitement. It is adrenaline dependency. In this sense, the adventurous hero with adrenaline dependency is very close to the hero of the adventure novel. So the term «adventurous adventure novel» was not accidental, though it would be more logical to speak of an adrenaline adventure novel. The last one is most clearly represented by films with a happy ending. 

Keywords: adventure genre, adventures, adventurism, heroi-adventurer 

L. M. Kulakevych Adventurism: Thesaurus of the Meta-scientific Concept 

S. A. Matvieieva Translation of Legal Terms: Bilingual Dictionary vs Parallel Corpus 

Summary. The article explores  the use of bilingual dictionaries and  parallel  corpora for translating special texts.  The specifics of translation of a legal term from Ukrainian into English with the help of traditional dictionaries (component analysis) and text corpora (corpus analysis) is studied. The author proves that only a large array of examples of the use of the word provides the translator with sufficient material for a deep semantic analysis of the related language units and making the right translation decision. 

Keywords: bilingual dictionary, parallel corpora, translation, legal term, equivalent.  

S. A. Matvieieva Translation of Legal Terms: Bilingual Dictionary vs Parallel Corpus 

G. S. Palytsya Representation of lexeme book in German and Ukrainian quotations of famous people 

Abstract. The article reveals the peculiarities of lexeme book functioning in the German and Ukrainian quotations of famous people. It  presents  a  quote  as  a  way  of existence  of  intertextuality,  as  a unit that  reflects  the  relation  between  language  and  culture.  It  is emphasized that the double function of the book as the central means of transmitting the meanings of a particular culture, on the one hand, and as a teaching tool, on the other, is also reflected in famous German and Ukrainian quotations of famous people. Common to the two meanings is the evaluative nature of the quotations, expressed implicitly and explicitly. A common means of imagery in these  units  is  the  metaphor,  in  particular,  anthropomorphic,  resulting  in  the  study  component  book  being  given  human  qualities, human behavior, as well as its kind – personification.  

Keywords: intertextuality, citation, axiologicality, anthropomorphic metaphor, zoometaphor, personification.  

G. S. Palytsya Representation of lexeme book in German and Ukrainian quotations of famous people 

N. Pohosian Meaning Correlation of Novel Titles and Concept of Protagonist in “Shevchenko” Dilogy of Vasyl Shevchuk 

Abstract.  The article focuses on the comprehension of the essential features, the place and function of a literary work title and its possible correlations with the whole artistic text of the same work, particularly, considering its genre-specific characteristics. The dilogy of Vasyl Shevchuk, namely, artistic and biographical novels about Shevchenko “Son of Will” and “Thorny World”, is chosen for a specific analysis. Based on a careful, including textual, analysis of each of the novels, it is proved that the title of the first novel is much more clearly and reasonably correlated with the semantics of the protagonist image of Taras Shevchenko,  as well as with the famous biographical canvas of his life.  Instead, the title of the second novel of the dilogy is seen in the realized semantics of the protagonist image realized somewhat more general (“more distant”) and wider than in the first novel. However, both titles are symbolic and reflect the author’s concept of Shevchenko’s fate. 

Keywords: title, novels, Taras Shevchenko, correlation, image.  

N. Pohosian Meaning Correlation of Novel Titles and Concept of Protagonist in “Shevchenko” Dilogy of Vasyl Shevchuk

M. Saiko Eponymic discrepancy through the prism of translation 

Abstract. The suggested research introduces the category of the eponymic discrepancy. This phenomenon derives from the integration of the conjugated  eponyms  to  multilingual  terminological  systems,  in  particular  the  medical  one.  Eponymic  discrepancy  is  considered  to  be  a natural phenomenon resulting from ethnocentrism, terminological patriotism and various interpretations of the science history. The article defines the terms «eponymic discrepancy», «terminological patriotism» as well as demonstrates the conjugated eponymic terms in the multilingual benchmarks of the medical terminology. 

Keywords: translation, medical terminology, eponymic terms, eponymic discrepancy, terminological standard. 

M. Saiko Eponymic discrepancy through the prism of translation 

O. Skliarenko German political discourse and its innovations 

Abstract.  In  addition  to  informative  and  correlated  functions,  the  main  characteristics  of  media  discourse  include  suggestive  and manipulative functions. Of particular interest is the consideration of the previous two in the relationship among linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. Most clearly, the creative nature of media discourse is manifested at the lexical level, which is associated with the emergence of new units, in particular, deonyms. Such new entities represent simultaneously means of linguistic economy, expressiveness and discredit of the concept. These provisions are illustrated on the examples of the political discourse of the German language. 

Keywords: German language, vocabulary, terminology, deononym, media discourse.  

O. Skliarenko German political discourse and its innovations 

T. Zabolonta Speech peculiarities of American political pre-election discourse 

Abstract. This article describes the main peculiarities of the U.S. pre-election political discourse and linguistic analysis of the texts which American politicians have declared in their campaign speeches has been researched. The material of the research was taken from pre-election speeches of D. Trump and H. Clinton. According to the study the definition of pre-election discourse was given and the main morphological, lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the campaign speech texts were identified.  

Keywords: political discourse; pre-election discourse; linguistic analysis; political language; language; linguistics.   

T. Zabolonta Speech peculiarities of American political pre-election discourse 

D. M. Zaporozhska Theoretical foundations and essence of rock-poetry 

Abstract.  This  article  provides  an  overview  of  definitions  of  concept  rock-poetry  in  reasearches  in  different  disciplines: culturologists, art critics, musicologists, sociologist, literary critics and linguists. Some views of journalists and rock-poets on rock-poetry are considered. Synthetic work of rock-poetry is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the specificity of rock-poetry. Definition of the rock-poetry term in linguistics is formulated. Definition of Ukrainian rock-poetry term is considered and specified. Focusing on synthetic work of rock-poetry some general and individual features are isolated. General features are protest, epatage, anomalies, dialogic work, fragmentation, publicity, contrast, escapism. Individual features include author’s position, individual author’s style, outlook and linguistic features. 

Keywords: rock-poetry, Ukrainian rock-poetry, rock-culture, rock-music, publicity, dialogic work, fragmentation, syncretic work, synthetic work. 

D. M. Zaporozhska Theoretical foundations and essence of rock-poetry