Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 218. 2020.

O. M. Avramenko Ecological Conditions of Modern South African English Development and Functioning 

Annotation. The article discusses ecological conditions of South African English formation and functioning. It demonstrates the efficien- cy of ecological approach to the investigation of non-homogeneous forms of language, and employs a set of ecological criteria (lingvo- geographical, sociolinguistic, and structural) to analysing the modern state of English in South African Republic. The research focuses on etymological sources of the South African English lexicon, ways of its enrichment alongside with the spheres of maximum concentration of regionalisms. The results prove the significance of ecological factors that determine South African English lexicon specificity and variation. Other factors, such as genetic and typological ones, appeared less influential.  

Keywords: linguistic ecology, language contact, language variation, South African English, internal systemic variation. 

O. M. Avramenko Ecological Conditions of Modern South African English Development and Functioning

N. Bondarieva Shevchenko is named alongside Shakespeare in a critique from 1860-61: a discussion of the comparability of figures 

Abstract. The article is dedicated to determining genesis and studying further functionality in 1860-61 critique (i.e. written while he was alive and shortly after his death) which is a discreet comparison of the Ukrainian poet (by dint of being among world level writers) with Shakespeare. The reasoning of the discussion has been retraced on this basis. The particular historical-literary significance of Kulish’s assessment of Shevchenko included the fact that his critique definitively set out the right of Ukrainian literature to be included in the circle of European literature thanks to the status of its main representative.  

Keywords: literary polemic, Russian criticism, nationhood, common human motives, world significance. 

N. Bondarieva Shevchenko is named alongside Shakespeare in a critique from 1860-61: a discussion of the comparability of figures

V. B. Burbelo Poetic and Сommunicative Functions in Early French Medieval Drama 

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the communicative structure of the French medieval drama in the process of formation of poetic function and its development from the original informative and instructive syncretism. The transfer of sacred meanings to the communicative format of secular communication is accompanied by an increase in the symbolic load of dialogue, contributing to the formation of poetic function. 

Keywords: French medieval drama, communication, poetic function, knowledge, teaching, entertainment. 

V. B. Burbelo Poetic and Сommunicative Functions in Early French Medieval Drama 

S. V. De​reha The peculiarities of the functioning of parts of speech in English advertising texts 

Abstract. The paper deals with the peculiarities of the functioning of parts of speech (verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, numerals) as language means of drawing attention, consumers conviction, means of emotional and expressive coloring in advertising text. It has been defined  that  the  peculiarities  of  the  use  of  the  morphological  means  are  determined  by  the  specificity  of  the  advertised  product.  The functional  load  of  the  parts  of  speech  used  for  the  realization  of  the  communicative  and  pragmatic  goals  of  an  advertising  message  is considered. 

Keywords: advertising text, parts of speech, language means, frequency of use, impact on consumer. 

S. V. Dereha The peculiarities of the functioning of parts of speech in English advertising texts 

A. V. Gusar Mythological concept ELD/FIRE in modern Swedish song discourse 

Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of basic mythological concept ELD/FIRE and to studding of its incarnations in modern song discourse, namely, in Swedish modern discourse. Language means representing the concept ELD/FIRE are tackled within the framework of  linguocultural  studies,  linguo-semiotics  and  universological  studies.  Etymological  and  semantic  features  of  the  corresponding designation units are analyzed in the context of myth-oriented semiosis theory.  

Keywords: fire, mythic space, mythological concept, musical discourse. 

A. V. Gusar Mythological concept ELD/FIRE in modern Swedish song discourse 

V. V. Hromovenko Thematic groups of political neologisms in English and Ukrainian: a comparative approach 

Abstract. The article deals with the comparative analysis of political NEOLOGISMS from the perspective of their semantic organi- zation. A political neologism is a lexical innovation that is a part of the system of socio-political vocabulary of the language. There have been distinguished four common thematic groups; they are State, Politics, Society, and Economy. The quantitative characteristics of these groups are of allomorphic character in the languages contrasted. The common group “State” is represented by a larger number of English neologisms, and the common group “Politics” is represented by most Ukrainian new words. 

Keywords: political neologism, thematic group, meaning, seme, comparative analysis.  

V. V. Hromovenko Thematic groups of political neologisms in English and Ukrainian: a comparative approach 

V. O. Humeniak To the question of the peculiarities of the language situation in Ukraine 10-20-ies of the twentieth century 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic situation in Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. The scientific literature on the topic is reviewed, basic determinants of the linguistic situation are characterized, features of Ukrainian language spread in educational, publishing, religious and other spheres of public life are highlighted. The peculiarities of the dynamics of the linguistic situation in the aspect of increasing the importance of the Ukrainian word in the cultural life of Ukrainians of the beginning of the last century are traced. Emphasis is placed on the specifics of the language situation in the conditions of instability of political regimes in times of national liberation competitions. 

Keywords: language, nation, language situation, restoration of Ukrainian statehood, national identity. 

V. O. Humeniak To the question of the peculiarities of the language situation in Ukraine 10-20-ies of the twentieth century 

T. V. Lunyova Linguo-cognitive Structuring of Description and Narration in the Ekphrastic Space of John Berger’s Essay on Diego Velázquez 

Abstract. The article examines the linguo-cognitive means employed to structure the descriptive and narrative ekprastic elements in Jonh Berger’s essay on Diego Velázquez’s paintings. A close scrutiny is given to such essay contexts where Velázquez’s “Aesop”, “The Fable of Arachne” and portraits of the buffoons are discussed. With the linguopoetic methodology of analysis employed in the study, the ek- phrastic space has been treated as a liguo-cognitive phenomenon. The analysis has revealed that the ekphrastic space in the essay possesses two characteristic features: it allows for the intimate intertwining of the descriptive and narrative elements as well as provides room for several alternative possibilities for presenting both description and narration connected with the picture. 

Keywords: ekphrasis, essay, visual arts, description, narration, story, linguo-cognitive structuring, linguistic means. 

T. V. Lunyova Linguo-cognitive Structuring of Description and Narration in the Ekphrastic Space of John Berger’s Essay on Diego Velázquez 

N. G. Nisanoglu Communicative Strategies and Tactics of the Discursive Realization of the Concept CONSENSUS in English-Language Pub- licistic Discourse 

Abstract.  The  paper  focuses  on revealing  сommunicative  strategies  and tactics  of  the  discursive  realization of  the  concept  CONSENSUS in English-language publicistic discourse.  It has been established  that  using certain strategies and tactics provide an addressee’s garnering sympathy, achieving agreement between a speaker and a hearer, mutual understanding as the markers of consensus.  The  cited  instances  have  exposed  an  ability of  the  variety of  the  lingual  means,  that  actualize  the  concept  CONSENSUS,  to affect an addressee with a purpose to achieve successful communication. 

Keywords: communicative strategies, communicative tactics, concept CONSENSUS, discursive realization. 

N. G. Nisanoglu Communicative Strategies and Tactics of the Discursive Realization of the Concept CONSENSUS in English-Language Publicistic Discourse

N. V. Rotovа Features of the artistic picture of the world I. Senchenko (by the story "Love and Khreshchatyk") 

Abstract. Ivan Senchenko’s creativity remains poorly researched because his works did not fit into the realms of social realism. The role of mythopoetic elements and intertextuality as factors of the artistic world model is investigated in the article. It is proved that intertextuality is realized in quotations, allusions and connotative meanings. The mythology of the family – the kind – of the people, which traditionally reflects the spiritual state of the nation and has a broad philosophical and generic significance, in the story “Love and  Khreschatyk”  demonstrates  the  loss  of  cultural  traditions  of  our  people.  The  plot  unfolding  is  most  often  constructed  by  the author, with the motive of initiation, which allows the characters to go through all kinds of trials. 

Keywords: world model, mythopoetics, mythologists, intertextuality, allusion, connotational meaning. 

N. V. Rotovа Features of the artistic picture of the world I. Senchenko (by the story “Love and Khreshchatyk”)

V. G. Shkliarevski Cognitive mapping as a means of defining development trends of linguistic cognitive science 

Abstract. The presented technique of defining the trends of development of modern linguistics and neuro-cognitive science is based on cognitive mapping and applying multi-corpus of texts written by American cognitive linguistics scientists. The subject of analysis is the comparison of frequentative dictionaries of concepts, semantic connection and cognitive mapping of particular texts and sub-corpuses of the mentioned authors.The defined peculiarities of authors’ cognitive maps represent the trends of modern linguistic cognitive science. 

Keywords: concept, text,cognitive map, text concept, semantic connection. 

V. G. Shkliarevski Cognitive mapping as a means of defining development trends of linguistic cognitive science

N. V. Shvets Ichthyonyms Motivational Analysis: Interdisciplinary Cross-Linguistic Perspective 

Abstract. The paper presents a complex approach to analysing lexical groups motivation, based on cognitive onomasiological and semasiological perspectives and modern linguistics interdisciplinarity. The author develops a methodology including three successive stages, which allows to analyse lexical groups motivation in all its complexity, paying due consideration to predominant linguistic methods. To illustrate the potential of suggested methodology for conducting cross-linguistic research, the results of analysing one of the lexical groups (English, French and Ukrainian fish names (ichthyonyms)) are given in the paper. 

Keywords: motivation, semasiology, cognitive onomasiology, interdisciplinarity, fish names. 

N. V. Shvets Ichthyonyms Motivational Analysis: Interdisciplinary Cross-Linguistic Perspective 

L. M. Tkachenko, L. O. Bereza Language features of Peter Turrini's dramaturgy 

Abstract. Some aspects of P. Turrini’s work are considered and analyzed. The speech and linguistic features of the reproduction of psychology of representatives of the middle and lower strata of society are characterized. The problems of early and late plays of playwright are covered. It is revealed that with the help of linguistic aspects Peter Turrini developed his original style, characterized first  of  all  by  the  shock  effect  that  the  playwright  achieves  by  his  peculiar  writing  of  plays:  neglect  of  spelling  norms,  use  of vulgarisms,  jargonand “fecal”  expressions,  saturation of  simple  short  sentences  of  heroes  by  the  imperative,  which  in  creased  the rudeness of the statements. 

Keywords: dialect, dramaturgy, speech aspect, language features, play. 

L. M. Tkachenko, L. O. Bereza Language features of Peter Turrini’s dramaturgy 

G. Y. Spotar-Ayar, T. Pavlichenko Functioning of the –maksızın affix as a stylistic marker in official document texts of Turkish language 

Abstract.  This  article  is  devoted  to  the  study  of  the  functioning  of  the–maksızın  affix  as  a  stylistic  marker  in  the  style  of  official documents, to analyze the influence of the communicative situation on the frequency of its use. The article systematizes the material on the  components  of  morpheme,  analyzes  the  semantic  changes  of  the  components  that  have  occurred  as  a  result  of  the  process  of grammatization and desemantization. 

Keywords: converb, style, official document style, gramaticalization, synthesis, affix. 

G. Y. Spotar-Ayar, T. Pavlichenko Functioning of the –maksızın affix as a stylistic marker in official document texts of Turkish language