Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 194. 2019.

V. Bazova Concept of body and sexuality in Native American novels 

Abstract. The article analyzes various options for interpreting of the concept of corporeality in the works of such prominent Native American writers as N. Scott Momaday, Leslie Marmon Silko, Ignatia Broker. The essence of the “corporality” concept is revealed, scientific developments from the mentioned problems are analyzed. Gender relations and colonialism is not a new issue in modern literary criticism, since the conquered territories in the minds of the conquerors are partly represented by the body of a conquered woman. The institutionalization of the patriarchy as a system of social control and social order in colonial studies is transformed from a low level of familyformations into the highest levels of society and is reflected in the whole system of social relations. Indian body, as a rather exotic corporeality, plays an important role in this case. Having studied the specifics of the concept corporeality use in the novels of these writers, it can be argued that this concept is divided into two components – the “body” itself, as a physical object in space, and the perception of this body, which is a manifestation of the universal “corporeality” with the perception of gender roles and sexuality in the context of the Indian cultural tradition. 

Keywords: N. Scott Momaday, Leslie Marmon Silko, Ignatia Broker, corporeality, body, Native Americans.  

V. Bazova Concept of body and sexuality in Native American novels

M. O. Belova, K. I. Shyshkina Euphemistic Lexicalization of Victorian Taboo Concepts in Cognitive-Linguistic Aspect (Case Study of Victorian Literary Dis- course) 

Abstract. The paper presents the results of the cognitive-discursive study of the euphemistic lexicalization of Victorian taboo concepts in Victorian literary discourse. A taboo concept is viewed as a unit of human mental resources representing the cultural interpretation of reality by the British society during the reign of Queen Victoria, which content is marked by negative axiological status due to the socio-cultural views formed in this period predetermining the inadmissibility of their direct naming in relevant social situations. The scope of taboo Victo- rian concepts includes the concepts of human bodily existence, the concepts of emotional states, the concepts of intimate relationships and related ones, the concepts of physiological reflexes, the concepts DISEASE and DEATH. Victorian taboo concepts are lexicalized in Victorian literary discourse with the help of euphemisms – substitute words / expressions that replace a thematically stigmatic denotate or socially incorrect antecedent changing its connotation due to ethical discomfort, feelings of fear / hostility / anger / contempt for reasons of delicacy, decency and the code of socio-cultural values that existed in Victorian society. Victorian taboo concepts are verbalized with the help of euphemisms in Victorian literary discourse on the grounding of linguo-cognitive operations as opposition, generalization, associative analogy and adjacency.  

Keywords: taboo concept, Victorianism, Victorian literary discourse, lingou-cognitive operations of opposition, generalization, associative analogy and adjacency.  

M. O. Belova, K. I. Shyshkina Euphemistic  Lexicalization  of  Victorian  Taboo  Concepts  in  Cognitive-Linguistic  Aspect  (Case  Study  of  Victorian  Literary  Dis- course) 

O. Bezzubova, S. Moiseienko Lexical reduction in German SMS communication 

Abstract. This article intends to tackle the problem of lexical reduction realisation in German SMS communication. In line with the recent events, whereby the transfer of information seems to take centre stage in society, there has been an increased usage of short forms and short texts commonly referred to as SMS messages. SMS message is a modern electronic-written form of speech interaction. In the research carried out 10 % of the researched texts contained lexical reduction. This includes graphical and lexical abbreviations, acronyms, letter-digital shortenings and syncope. The findings also highlighted that there was substantive usage of graphically shortened meaningful units accepted in literary German. Moreover, the studies found out that a peculiar feature of abbreviation in German  texts  of  SMS  messages  is  shortening  of  separate  words,  as  well  as  complete  word  combinations,  and  sentences  that  are actualized in conversational speech. Another feature that came to the limelight is letter-digital shortenings whereby a digit is used in place of the word or word part parts of the word are laterally represented in private German SMS communication. As a result of the informatization of society syncope, namely syncope and apocope, have become productive means of word-formation. Thus, shorten- ing  of  proper  names,  names  of  organizations,  establishments,  countries  and  cities  have  become  part  and  parcel  of  German  SMS communication. Aphaeresis, however, is rarely encountered in German SMS communication.  


Keywords: SMS communication, lexical reduction, shortening, acronyms, syncope, apocope. 

O. Bezzubova, S. Moiseienko Lexical reduction in German SMS communication 

A. Chernysh Artistic Comprehension of the Traumatic Experience in the Novels of S. Protsyuk 

Abstract.  The article is devoted to the influence of category trauma on the formation of national, cultural and psychological identity  of Ukrainians and transmission traumatic experience that led to the emergence of destructive forms of reception of reality, generational misunderstandings and gaps, distorted picture of the national history, collective consciousness on novels of S. Protsiuk. The experience of the trauma received by Ukrainians during the totalitarian period has caused numerous psychological anormalities of the heroes’ behavior, their specific psychological organization, based on the categories of fear, despair, despair of doom and inferiority. 


Keywords: trauma, transmission, identity, memory, destruction. 

A. Chernysh Artistic Comprehension of the Traumatic Experience in the Novels of S. Protsyuk 

N. L. Diachenko Application of the theory of mental spaces and blending to the analysis of French counting texts (on the material of Nous n'irons plus aux bois) 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the theory of conceptual integration and blending of G. Fauconnier and M. Turner on the basis of the theory of mental spaces of G. Fauconnier, as well as the possibilities of its application for the interpretation of the texts of French counting. In the light of the theory, the text of the French counting, Nous n’irons plus aux bois, examines its initial mental spaces, identifies their constituent elements, and analyzes the mixed space of the indicated French counting. 


Keywords: conceptual integration, blending, theory, mental spaces, output space, mixed space. 

N. L. Diachenko Application  of  the  theory  of  mental  spaces  and  blending  to  the  analysis  of  French  counting  texts  (on  the  material  of  Nous n’irons plus aux bois) 

M. M. Gnatjuk Practical modes of Mykola Zerov’s scientific concept of “Ad fontes!” 

Abstract. The article studies the practical modes of Mykola Zerov’s scientific concept of “Ad fontes!” as they relate to the study of genetic and textological, source, and receptive aspects of text. The features of the researcher’s and literary critic’s work with archival sources was revealed.  


Keywords: textology, manuscript, avtentic text, conception, sources, variant. 

M. M. Gnatjuk Practical modes of Mykola Zerov’s scientific concept of “Ad fontes!” 

O. O. Havryliuk The means of representing subjective semantics in modern English-language sports discourse 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of discursive representation of subjective semantics means. Subjective modality in the sports commentary is considered as such that is realized by metatextual, presumptive and persuasive, and meta-communicative discourse words. It is concluded that the discourse words reflect the position of the sports commentator in terms of importance, plausibility, probability of presenting the facts in the message.  


Keywords: discourse, sports commentary, modality, subjective semantics, discourse words. 

O. O. Havryliuk The means of representing subjective semantics in modern English-language sports discourse 

L. Khavrychenko The main features of the web environment and the author's component of the journalist 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the review of modern information technologies and the main features of the web environment, as well as the operative author’s work of the journalist when preparing content for Internet news. It is noted that news materials prescriptively used such forms of informative language, as a fact statements, a brief description of news and informative message. It is stated that distinctive properties of these types of broadcasting should be objective and impartial. 


Keywords: mass media, internet news, journalism, multimedia, interactivity.   

L. Khavrychenko The main features of the web environment and the author’s component of the journalist 

N. V. Kolomiiets Specifics of the verbal representation of the concept «mind» in Chinese 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of verbal representation of the «mind» as a concept of the mental plane in Chinese. In the study, a reconstruction of meaning and structure of this concept, as well as methods of their verbalization carried out. Conceptual signs of the concept are identified based on the analysis of data from Chinese dictionaries. The factual material allows us to identify conceptual signs of the «mind» concept in Chinese, as well as their degree of relevance for Chinese speakers. 


Keywords: concept, verbal representation, «mind», mentality, definition.  

N. V. Kolomiiets Specifics of the verbal representation of the concept «mind» in Chinese 

L. Kopanytsya Typology of the genre and the principles of analysis of the lyrics 

Abstract. The article outlines the perspective lines of genre interpretation of the traditional lyrical song and the basics of its analysis. The genre features as a type of folk lyrics are singled out: syncretism of verbal and musical creativity, predominance of pragmatic functions of poetic functions. The peculiarity of the themes, poetics, mannerisms of the songs guides the principles of their analysis as “integrity”: the sense and formulation, “mobility” of verbal and musical text, the combination of individual and collective foundations  of  creativity,  the  inseparability  of  the  text  and  melodies,  forms,  styles,  local  style  of  performance,  historical  and  social- household context on the basis of the ideological-emotional assessment through the lyrical image. 


Keywords: genre, text, melody, individual, collective. 

L. Kopanytsya Typology of the genre and the principles of analysis of the lyrics

N. H. Kravchenko Extrapolation of the synergetic paradigm into modern linguistic science 

Abstract.  In  modern  linguistic  science  transdisciplinary  methods  in  the  process  of  studying  linguistic  and  speech  aspects  gain ground.  The  priority  is  given  to  cross-disciplinary  scientific  researches  that  determine  the  systematic  and  comprehensive consideration of linguistic phenomena in correlation with synergetic methodology. In this sense, the language is investigated as an object  of  a  synergetic  paradigm  built  with  a  complex  megasystem  of  a  fractal  organization  capable  of  self-regulation,  self- development,  and  self-improvement.  These  characteristics  point  to  the  openness,  non-linearity,  dynamics  of  the  language  system, which functions in conjunction with the intra- and extralingual factors. 


Keywords: synergetics, system, dissipativity, fractal organization, self-regulation, self-organization. 

N. H. Kravchenko Extrapolation of the synergetic paradigm into modern linguistic science 

O. O. Kurchenko Verbalisation of Emotions as an Element of Politeness Strategies in Contemporary Spanish 

Abstract. The article deals with the function of verbalisation of emotions as a tool of politeness, using the approach of Lisa Feldman Barrett’s Theory of Constructed Emotions, as well as that of Pragmatics and Politeness theories, in particular the three Lakoff’s politeness maxims, on the corpus of the cycle of broadcasts of the popular cooking talent show Masterchef 6 (TVE channel, 2018). 


Keywords: Pragmatics, politeness, verbalization of emotions, positive face, negative face, Theory of constructed emotions. 

O. O. Kurchenko Verbalisation of Emotions as an Element of Politeness Strategies in Contemporary Spanish 

V. V. Kuz The Story «Snowflakes in a Blizzard» by Alla Tsivchynska: stylistic specificity and poetics 

Abstract. The name of Alla Tsіvchynska is now forgotten, her works for the modern reader are still «terra incognita». Therefore, our article is an attempt to get closer to the figure of the writer, briefly reveal some aspects of her creative destiny, the female fate of the writer. Due to socio-political, historical and global changes, she was forced to emigrate to the West, where her talent was revealed. The research outlines the creative space of  A. Tsіvchynska, based on the analysis of the documentary  and artistic story  «Snowflakes in a Blizzard» (Snizhynky v Khurtovyni) the genre-style aspects, the poetological parameters of creation of the middle prose are described, the process of the emergence of key motives, mood in the creative consciousness of the writer, the artistic credo, the principles of life are outlined and persuasion. 


Keywords: genre, style, narrative strategy, creative motives, poetics, time and space, the narrator. 

V. V. Kuz The Story «Snowflakes in a Blizzard» by Alla Tsivchynska: stylistic specificity and poetics

I. L. Prylipko The peculiarity of the topos of steppe in Oles Honchar’s prose 

Abstract. The paper exposes peculiarities the topos of steppe as important part of the world’s model of O. Honchar’s work. The topos of steppe representation as sacred, many-sided, open, integrity’s, dynamic in the works of writer. As threated space the steppe representation over the perception of the representatives of others geospaces, over representation nature’s elements, ecology’s problems, violent’s of history events. Steppe as the many-sided space representation over his exposes through prism different of sensation and impression, in different season and part of day, about different state of nature. Steppes space connected with the images of man, way, sea, sky and representation as the part of Universe, actualizes on the connection of nature and man, the past and present-day, local and global, national and interhumanity. 

Keywords: topos of steppe, space, time, author, hero, novel. 

I. L. Prylipko The peculiarity of the topos of steppe in Oles Honchar’s prose

L. M. Rusynko-Bombyk Ukrainian linguistics in Czechoslovakia of interwar period: intralinguistic and extralinvist factors 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of Ukrainian linguistics in Czechoslovakia of interwar period. The author analyzed the state and aims of Ukrainian linguistic studies in the beginning of 1920-s and the political context of the USSR, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. 


Keywords: intralinguistic parameters, extralinguistic parameters, Ukrainian studies, language policy.  

L. M. Rusynko-Bombyk Ukrainian linguistics in Czechoslovakia of interwar period: intralinguistic and extralinvist factors 

R. I. Savchuk Linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of the narrative strategy «expression» realization in the 20th century French literary text forming 

Abstract. The research paper deals with the main linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of the modernist narrative reality construction in  the  20th  century  French  literary  discourse.  For  the  purpose  of  determining  the  narrative  strategy  «  expression  »  text  forming potential in Françoise Sagan novel « Les Merveilleux Nuages », has been reconstructed its frame structure and have been found out the  principal  regularities  of  the  psycho-narration,  witch  is  characterized  by  the  character’s  emotional  experience,  feelings  and sensations heterodiegetic narrator textualization. It has been pointed out that in the analysed novel the emotions and feelings external expression is the most significant modernist text formation mark.  


Keywords:  literary  narrative,  narrative  strategy,  psycho-narration,  expression,  frame,  grammatical  slot,  lexico-semantic  slot, terminal.  

R. I. Savchuk Linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of the narrative strategy «expression» realization in the 20th century French literary text forming

M. V. Telychko, O. V. Abramiv, M. S. Haiduk To the problems of compiling terminological dictionaries 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of compiling bilingual terminological dictionaries. It summarizes the experience of compiling such dictionaries in Ukraine and abroad, describes the problems that arise during this process, and proposes some solutions for these problems. The peculiarities of work on the English-Ukrainian dictionary are described on the basis of own experience of compiling terminological bilingual dictionary. The research results can be used for compiling new dictionaries for every terminology. 


Keywords: terminological dictionary, terminology system, dictionary article, semantic value, ways of translation. 

M. V. Telychko, O. V. Abramiv, M. S. Haiduk To the problems of compiling terminological dictionaries 

I. Tyshchenko The peculiarities of V. F. Odoyevsky`s didactic tales poetics 

Abstract. The article reveals the main features of the poetics of V. F. Odoyevsky`s tales, published in the book “Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus.” The language of fairy tales, their subjects, plots, ways of narration, the system of characters, the presence of fantastic elements are analyzed. The connection of V. F. Odoyevsky`s tales poetics with the folklore and literary romantic tale is established. It is concluded that the analyzed texts correspond to the concept of a didactic literary tale, related in part to a subgenre of a scientific and popular science tale. 


Keywords: Russian literary tale, the work of V. F. Odoyevsky, literature of Romanticism, Russian folk tale, scientific and educational tale. 

I. Tyshchenko The peculiarities of V. F. Odoyevsky`s didactic tales poetics 

M. I. Zhadlun For the issue on the methodology of linguocultural concept analysis in a fiction text 

Abstract.  The article presents the  methods of analysis of the linguocultural concept in a poetic text. Applying this  method to the description of the concept of “water” in the poetic texts of M. Tsvetaeva allowed to represent its structure, which includes  such aspects of the concept as notional (mythological, folk, etymological and lexicographical concepts of water), axiological (the relevance of the M. Tsvetaeva’s personality to the analyzed concept) and metaphoric (perceptive and figurative-metaphorical characteristics of water). Thus we traced its “way” from the Russian national culture to the individual consciousness of the author. 

Keywords: concept, linguoculturological analysis, view of the world, concept “water”, M. Tsvetaeva.   

M. I. Zhadlun For the issue on the methodology of linguocultural concept analysis in a fiction text