Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 136. 2017.

O. Y. Bialyk The Lexical-semantic field of the word «emotion» in contemporary English

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the lexical-semantic field of the word «emotion» in modern English. The material of our investigation consists of the words, expressing human emotions, selected by continuous sampling method from the dictionary of  modern  English – Longman  Dictionary  of  Contemporary  English.  The  work  describes  in  details  the  concept  of  the  lexical- semantic field and its basic properties, pays attention to semantic unions, that are divided into synonyms, hyponyms and antonyms, provides basic classifications of emotions and describes the results of conducted research of the lexical-semantic field of the word «emotion» in contemporary English. 

Keywords: lexical-semantic field, emotions, continuous sampling, semantic unions, contemporary English. 

O. Y. Bialyk The Lexical-semantic field of the word «emotion» in contemporary English 

V. A. Bondarenko Language Interference between Ukrainian and English in Canada

Abstract. The present paper dwells upon the problem of the language interference between Ukrainian and English in Canada. It gives a concise outline of the major reasons of such a tremendous impact of the two languages on each other. A brief overview on the history of establishment of Ukrainian in the English-speaking country is given. The typical lexical, grammatical and phonetic relevant features of mixed Ukrainian-English (Ukish) are in the focus of the study. 

Keywords: language of diaspora, loanword, Ukish, language interference, Canadian Ukrainian, ethnic language. 

V. A. Bondarenko Language Interference between Ukrainian and English in Canada 

S. A. Chernyshova Professional texts: methods and work in English classes

Abstract. The recommendations on the professional texts work with the students of non-linguistic institutions have been formulated in the article. The aim of the article is to propose effective methods of work with professional texts on the basis of the main types of work with the texts. The method of professional texts analysis has been used in the article. Three main steps in work with professional texts have been used: pre-reading, reading, after-reading. Complex of tasks, designed on the basis of the book “The Use of Philosophy” by Will Durant, has been worked out. It focuses on reading skills development in professional texts through the following issues: to form the skills to create an image of foreign words; to operate with the structure of foreign words meaning; to combine words according to their lexical and grammar structure; to form thoughts and present them in foreign language; to understand professional information presented by foreign speaker.  

Keywords: professional text, skill, meaning, lexical and grammatical rules, professionally oriented. 

S. A. Chernyshova Professional texts: methods and work in English classes 

L. S. Diachuk Intertextuality in the texts of contemporary French women’s prose as a problem of translation

Abstract. The article analyzes the intertextuality, which is a characteristic feature of the postmodernist era and serves as one of the key elements of contemporary French women’s prose. The methods of rendering the intertextuality of the given texts were also under study. 

Keywords: intertextuality, contemporary French female prose, literary translation. 

L. S. Diachuk Intertextuality in the texts of contemporary French women’s prose as a problem of translation 

L. V. Drobakha Linguistic human characteristics in the light of the connotation (comparative analysis)

The article deals with the questions of the specific peculiarities’ investigation of the mentality of different native speakers. The common and specific peculiarities of the usage of the natural phenomena’ names in the connotative meanings with human characteristics in a society by the comparative analysis are analysed. The quantitative analysis of the usage of the natural phenomena’ names in Ukrainian, German, English and French in comparative aspect is carried out. 

Keywords: comparative analysis, a natural phenomenon, connotation, human characteristics, the national perception of the world. 

L. V. Drobakha Linguistic human characteristics in the light of the connotation (comparative analysis) 

M. V. Foka Subtext phenomenon: an attempt at the definition

Abstract. In the paper the available factual experience of interpretation the subtext has been systematized and generalized and its uniqueness and specificity have been established. The review and the analysis of the various approaches to the subtext have let to define the peculiarities and specific of its nature and to determine that the subtext is an implicit meaning of a piece of fiction that consciously or unconsciously created by an author and recreated by a reader, giving a literary work a special artistic energy. 

Keywords: subtext, author, reader, piece of work, artistic energy. 

M. V. Foka Subtext phenomenon: an attempt at the definition

Yu. Ya. Godis The Generic Structure of Self-Help Book Blurbs

Abstract. The present research investigates the generic (rhetorical, move) structure of blurb sections in motivational self-help books. The structure is represented by four rhetorical moves (identified on the basis of semantic and functional criteria), namely book description, book promotion, information about the author and website/blog. Each of these moves is realized by means of certain rhetorical steps (rhetorical strategies that realize a particular communicative intention at the level of a move) and has its own communicative goal. The goals of four moves constitute the communicative purpose of self-help blurbs, namely to persuade the potential addressee to read/buy the book. The frequency of book description (100%) and book promotion (86%) moves is noticeable. Accordingly, two distinctive features of blurbs as a paratextual element and as an individual genre are information and persuasion. Although book description is the most frequent rhetorical move in the generic structure of self-help blurbs, these texts can undoubtedly be called evaluative and persuasive ones as evaluative language is vital even to the description of the book (which is mainly the summary of the book content). 

Keywords: motivational self-help genre, blurb, generic structure, rhetorical moves, rhetorical steps. 

Yu. Ya. Godis The Generic Structure of Self-Help Book Blurbs 

L. A. Harutyunyan Research of events’ evaluation criteria

Abstract. The present paper addresses the basic evaluation tools applied by the journalist to highlight economic events. The category of evaluation is considered to be one of the most important factors of any economic event. Among the existing approaches to the theory of evaluation, the pragmatic aspect is considered to be the most interesting one, as it is related to the factor of the influence on the addressee. Evaluation directly impacts on the formation of the society’s evaluation and stereotype system. Through evaluation the addresser explicitly or  implicitly  presents  an  object,  phenomenon,  or  an  event.  When  highlighting  an  economic  event,  the  journalist  uses  a  wide  array  of techniques  and  tools,  such  as  evaluative  lexical  units,  metaphor,  citations,  which,  in  this  case,  perform  evaluative,  expressive  and argumentative functions. Via these tools, the addresser tries to predetermine or change the reader’s attitude and disposition to the current economic changes. 

Keywords: evaluation, economic events, evaluative lexical units, metaphor, citations. 

L. A. Harutyunyan Research of events’ evaluation criteria 

O. M. Khomyshyn System genesis of Fedir Dudko’s author thinking on the narrative structure level (the narrative cycle “In Glow”)

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the analysis of the system genesis of Fedir Dudko’s artistic thinking on the narrative structure level “In Glow”. It has been proved that the polyphonic structural principle is dominating in narrative strategy, that reveals itself in editing  and discretion  of  the depicted  picture.  Changing  of  the  “points  of  view’,  the  polyphony,  range  of  pathos, the  syntagmatic structure of the text, the principle of editing and inner creation of shots produce the impression of dimensions of the events, help the author to reproduce the many-sided picture of the epoch. 

Keywords: communicative space, narrative, polyphony, editing, system genesis, point of view, pathos. 

O. M. Khomyshyn System genesis of Fedir Dudko’s author thinking on the narrative structure level (the narrative cycle “In Glow”) 

O. V. Khvischuk Novovolynsk surnames of mixed origin (Bab−Bai)

Abstract. The analysis of Novovolynsk surnames of mixed origin has discovered an extensive system of word stems that indicaties the nature and long process of their formation. Such anthroponomies are very heterogeneous as they represent different semantic and thematic  layers  of  common  lexis,  describe  language  speakers  according  to  their  psychology  and  behavior.  Names  that  convey negative  assessment  are  more  common  than  names  that  describe  positive  characteristics.  The  dominance  of  negative  evaluation vocabulary  is  obviously  related  with  the  emphasis  on  speaking  deviation  from  the  norm,  where  the  norm  is  mostly  positive evaluation. 

Keywords: anthroponym, anthroponymicon, appellative, onym, surname. 

O. V. Khvischuk Novovolynsk surnames of mixed origin (Bab−Bai) 

I. A. Red’ka, A. V. Gaidash Imagery’s gravity in the textual modification/s of ageism: linguistic and cognitive perspectives (a case study of May Sarton’s poem “Old Lovers at the Ballet”)

Abstract. The article tackles linguistic and cognitive means of restructuring of ageist imagery in the poem. The authors of the article study  the  textual  strategies  of  imagery  gravity  within  the  ageist  stereotypes.  The  analysis  demonstrates  that  the  modifications  of  the stereotypical constructs are built via the complex of mental operations – anti-gravity metaphors and conceptual blend. The findings of the article detect diverse stylistic devices of imagery’s gravity in the poetic modifications of ageism. 

Keywords: ageism, gravity of imagery, anti-gravity metaphor, conceptual blend, stylistic device. 

I. A. Red’ka, A. V. Gaidash Imagery’s gravity in the textual  modification/s  of  ageism:  linguistic  and  cognitive  perspectives (a case  study of May Sarton’s poem “Old Lovers at the Ballet”) 

O. Yu. Roshchupkin Narrative pattern: a construction-based approach to frame semantics

Abstract. The article elaborates on the idea that it is possible to arrive at schematic representations of conventionalized discourse units, which arise through use and due to certain genre expectations. Such identifiable recurring patterns are posited to be  real construction-like  entities,  predicated  conceptually  upon  the  existence  of  image  schemata  and  coding  basic  event  patterns,  which  are subsequently inherited by frames. The article tests and expounds this idea on the example of two early 19th century Gothic stories, which leads to the identification of a discrete narrative schema, based on the use of spatial language. 

Keywords: construction grammar, frame semantics, discourse analysis, image schemata, spatial language. 

O. Yu. Roshchupkin Narrative pattern: a construction-based approach to frame semantics 

T. V. Rudiuk Epithet in the System of Poetic Text of Anatoliy Moysienko

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of epithets in poetic text of Anatoliy Moysiyenko. It was done semantic and functional analysis of researched structures. The author determined their expressive possibilities and showed own individual use of epithets in poetic language. 

Keywords: epithet, epithet structure, signified word, poetic text. 

T. V. Rudiuk Epithet in the System of Poetic Text of Anatoliy Moysienko

O. V. Slon'ovska Mythema, mythologema and the frame of a city in the literature of Ukrainian Diaspora during 20th-50th years

Abstract. The research is dedicated to the varieties of a city and its characters according to the myth’s laws in the prose texts in the literature of Ukrainian Diaspora. Real national cities such as saint Kyiv, eternal Jerusalem are considered as cities-virgoes. Modern urban centers is going to look like cities-harlots or cities-tricksters. Ukrainian immigrants appear as participants of author’s and life survival experiments in the twentieth century on diaspora prose pages. 

Keywords: mythema, mythologema, frame, city-trickster, opposition combination “City/Village”. 

O. V. Slon’ovska Mythema, mythologema and the frame of a city in the literature of Ukrainian Diaspora during 20th-50th years

M. R. Tkachivska Is «naïve cow» the same as «naïve sheep»? (on the problem of zoonymic invectives translation)

Abstract. The  article  highlights  the  problem  of  translation  of  zoonyms  which  denote  negative  personal  characteristic  features.  It provides the analyses of the zoonymic invectives reproduction on the material of German translations of works by Ukrainian writers, it also defines the ways and techniques of zoonymic invective translation.  

Keywords: zoonym, invective, negative characteristic feature, translation, ways of translation. 

M. R. Tkachivska Is «naïve cow» the same as «naïve sheep»? (on the problem of zoonymic invectives translation) 

M. V. Voitenko Pragma-semantic schemes of advertising slogans construction in French advertising texts of «luxury products»

Abstract: The article deals with advertising slogans of French advertising texts in the field of «luxury products». Semantic, pragmatic and general communicative senses of the advertising slogan message  are singled out. And also there is created the typology of pragma-semantic  schemes  of  advertising  slogans  construction,  which  are  the  mostly  used  in  the  French  advertisement  of  «luxury products».  

Keywords:  advertising  text,  semantic,  pragmatic  and  general  communicative  senses,  pragma-semantic  schemes  of  advertising slogans construction.

M. V. Voitenko Pragma-semantic schemes of advertising slogans construction in French advertising texts of «luxury products»