Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 84. 2016.

Ya. Andreiko The structures with the relation of identification in the linguistic literature

Abstract. The article analyzes the modern scientific sources to determine the meaning of identification. It was found that in various papers  constructions  of  the  identification  are  marked  in  different  ways:  scheme  of  “identity”,  sentences  of  “conditional  identity”, substantive  sentences,  binominative,  nominal  sentences,  subject-  identity  sentences  of  predicate,  nominative  model,  sentences  of “knowledge”. In the analyzed linguistic and philosophical and linguistic studies attention is mainly concentrated on the logical aspect of  the  phenomenon  of  identification.  linguistically  meaningful  criteria  are  outlined  by  which  authors  differentiate  the  structure expressing this relation. 

Keywords: relation of identification, relation of identity, demonstrative pronouns, context, addressee, addresser.  

Ya. Andreiko The structures with the relation of identification in the linguistic literature 

N. Filonenko Linguosynergetic aspect of the syntactic organization of the novel "Le Sermon sur la chute de Rome" by Jerome Ferrari

Abstract.  The  article  describes a  special procedure  of  study  of  the  syntactic  system  of  the  literary  prose  text  in  linguosynergetic aspect, in accordance with which it is studied the syntactic system of the constructions “predicate +” in the novel «Le Sermon sur la chute  de  Rome»  by  Jerome  Ferrari,  it  is  examined  the  twelve  main  types  of  these  syntactic  structures  and  dynamics  of  syntactic changes in this novel on the basis of quantitative indicators. 

Keywords: system-structural paradigm, linguosynergetics, syntax, attractor, the predicate. 

N. Filonenko Linguosynergetic aspect of the syntactic organization of the novel “Le Sermon sur la chute de Rome” by Jerome Ferrari 

Iovkhimchuk N., Daniljuk О. Nomination "Ukraine" in ukrainian folk song

Abstract. The paper discusses the semantics of word-concepts in Ukraine Ukrainian folk songs. For language folk songs typical of the use of the name of Ukraine in the truest sense as the nomen Ukrainian space, as well as a symbol of the country, the homeland, the place of birth of man, freedom, and the like. 

Keywords: word-concept, region, country, foreign country, a stranger Ukraine, native Ukraine.  

Iovkhimchuk  N., Daniljuk О. Nomination “Ukraine” in ukrainian folk song

B. Kolodii Use of comic effect methods in American sitcom and specificity of their translation into Ukrainian

Abstract.  Certain  methods  for  creating  comic  effect  are  being  studied  in  the  article  (based  on  the  American  sitcom  (situation comedy) How I Met Your Mother). Significant attention is paid to the rendering of these methods into Ukrainian. 

Keywords: comic effect, audiovisual translation (AVT), sitcom.   

B. Kolodii Use of comic effect methods in American sitcom and specificity of their translation into Ukrainian  

Yu. V. Lysanets Narrative Strategies in Web Documentaries

Abstract. The present paper discusses the features of multimedia storytelling in the interactive documentary as a rapidly developing and  promising  genre  of  the  digital  age.  The  main  narrative  techniques,  particularities  of  focalization  and  degree  of  viewers’ involvement in web documentaries have been analyzed. The material of the research is the multimedia project Prison Valley (2010) which  is  an  example  of  semi-open  narrative.  The  study  revealed that  the  analyzed  media  discourse  is  a  complex  combination  of several interactive modes (hypertext and participative), structural types (narrative and collaborative), as well as linear and non-linear narrations. 

Keywords: web documentary, narrative strategies, media discourse, interactivity, hypertext.  

Yu. V. Lysanets Narrative Strategies in Web Documentaries 

O. Р. Nahorna Utterance ambiguity as a speech strategy

Abstract.  The  article  outlines  approaches  to  the  phenomenon  of  ambiguity  from  various  language  perspectives.  It  states  that ambiguity may serve a strategic purpose in the dialogical discourse with special focus on its pragmatic use. The article introduces interlocutors’ speech strategies aimed to cause ambiguity. Also, the article argues that ambiguity can be exploited by the speaker and hearer for both cooperative and uncooperative purposes. 

Keywords: ambiguity, dialogical discourse, pragmatic strategy, utterance. 

O. Р. Nahorna Utterance ambiguity as a speech strategy 

S. Novoseletska, N. Shapran National and cultural peculiarities of etiquette communication strategies in the world of globalization

Abstract.  Communication  is  rather  complex  and  various  process,  which  depends  on  several  factors,  such  as  ethnopchycological peculiarities of the speaker, coursed by national and cultural factors. In modern world the establishment of international contacts is an essential   part of our life. When a person occurs to be in another cultural and language environment, it is actually in another world of values and the rules of com- munication. It should be taken into consideration when anyone is interacting with the representatives of different cultures and languages.  Sociolinguists have also shown that the effects of intercultural miscommunication generated in the micro contexts of talk, in turn, have an impact upon the structural circumstances of the society. Sociolinguists, however, have been slow to address how insights from their studies of intercultural communication can be used to improve the practice of intercultural communication, this slowness is because of the tendency of sociolinguists to take a stance as outsiders and in their recognitions of the integrity and equality of all cultures, to be reluctant to “meddle” with the cultures they study. Given our increasingly interdependent and intercultural world, and the rapidly accumulating evidence of the damage caused by poor intercultural communication, it is essential that those who know so much  about  intercultural  communication  contribute to  its  improvement.  Intercultural  communication  studies  are  concerned  with  a number of features of two cultural systems as they are used in a particular intercultural encounter. There are such basic sociolinguistic concepts as speech community, communicative repertoire, and communicative competence as they evolved and came to be defined in the ethnography of communication, as well as the characteristic methods and units of analysis of ethnographic research into communication-communicative situation, communicative event, and communicative act. The research approach  takes  its  cue  from  the  ethnography  of  communication  focusing  on  the  identification  and  cross-cultural  comparison  of speech acts such as on apologies, refusals, rejections, compliments, complaints, requests, and others. A great deal of cross-cultural misunderstanding occurs when the meanings of words being used by people who are speaking the same  language  are  interpreted  in  radically  different  ways.  Some  may  seem  humorous.  As  a  blend  of  scientific  and  humanistic approaches, the ethnography of communication has two foci; particularistic and generalizing On the one hand, it is directed at the description and understanding of communicative behavior in specific cultural settings, but it is also directed toward the formation of concepts and theories upon which to build a general theory of language development and use. 

Keywords: intercultural communication, culture, language, language etiquette, globalization.  

S. Novoseletska, N. Shapran National and cultural peculiarities of etiquette communication strategies in the world of globalization 

N. Panasenko, Ia. Dmytriiev Frame analysis of facetious American songs

Abstract. The song as a many-sided phenomenon, is a subject of studying of various sciences, each of which, as a rule, focuses the attention  on  one  of  its  aspects.  In  the  folk  song  the  outlook  of  peoples,  history,  life  and  material  culture,  features  of  thinking, including  musical,  moral,  spiritual,  social,  aesthetic  and  other  ideals  –  mentality  of  the  nation  in  general  are  clearly  delineated. Presence of the comical situation in the song refers it to the facetious one. 

Keywords: song folklore, American facetious song, comic situation, frame. 

N. Panasenko, Ia. Dmytriiev Frame analysis of facetious American songs 

N. Pasenchuk The peculiarities of reproducing the national and cultural component of feuilleton in translation (case study of translation of the English feuilleton of Dave Barry)

Abstract. The article highlights the problems of translation of realia as medium of national colouring in a feuilleton as it requires a special  approach  of  the  translator  to  achieve  of  the  pragmatic  adequacy  of  a  target  text.  Linguistic  and  cultural  analysis  of  the feuilleton  shows  a  key  role  of  realia  in  the  obtaining  of  humorous  effect  for  readers,  which  turns  to  be  an  obligatory  task  for  a translator. 

Keywords: feuilleton, realia, background knowledge, reproducing, adequacy.  

N. Pasenchuk The peculiarities of reproducing the national and cultural component of feuilleton in translation (case study of translation of the English feuilleton of Dave Barry)

N. Pidhirna Syntactical compression means in the French language: the structural-semantic aspect

Abstract.  The article outlines the main syntactical compression means in the French language illustrated in the modern literary texts. We  revealed  that  the  syntactical  compression  besides  elliptical  constructions  includes  also  others  models  such  as  nominative, truncated structures and  zeugma. The article presents an analysis of semantic and structural peculiarities of these phenomena and their classification in the French modern prose text. The research is conducted based on M. Levy, G. Musso, A. Nothomb A. Gavalda novels. 

Keywords: syntactical compression, elliptical constructions, zeugma, nominative phrases, truncated structures.  

N. Pidhirna Syntactical compression means in the French language: the structural-semantic aspect  

I. Pryshchepchuk Retrospective semantic models of Germanic and Slavonic lexemes denoting light

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  elaboration  of  the  semantic models  of  the  lexemes    denoting  light in  English  and  Ukrainian against the background of other Germanic and Slavonic languages beginning with the Proto-Indo-European period up to the present taking into account the key periods in the development of the aforementioned languages. The elaborated schemes are contrasted with a  view  to  finding  common  and  specific  features  in  the  development  of  the  protostems  and  their  continuants  in  the  contrasted languages.  The  article looks  into  the  hypotheses about the  motivational  features  which  underlie the  meaning  of  light in  the  Indo- European languages. 

Keywords: protostem, semantic model,  motivational feature, continuants, diachrony.  

I. Pryshchepchuk Retrospective semantic models of Germanic and Slavonic lexemes denoting light 

R. Savchuk Possible Worlds’ Simulation in Narrative Space of French Literary Text of XX century (on the Material of the Novel by A. R.– Grillet « Dans le labyrinthe »)

Abstract. The paper has outlined and has analyzed the basic narrative and semiotic mechanisms of possible worlds’ creation in a French literary text of modernism of the period of Nouveau Roman from the point of view of semiotic studies. For the purpose of determining principal tendencies of the possible worlds forming and formatting by French author A. R.–Grillet in his novel « Dans le labyrinthe » have  been  found  out  the regularities  of  the  creation  and  the  development  of  text  possible  worlds  as  some  simulacrums  through  the process of simulation of the narrative reality in a narrative. It has been pointed out that in the analysed novel the semiotic canal of possible  worlds’  constructing  is  a  monochromatic  engraving-simulacrum  « La  défaite  de  Reichenfels»,  having  a  function  of figurative sign, deliverd from any reality, which it named and designated.    

Keywords: narrative, narrative space, possible world, simulacrum, simulation, narrative reality, framing, semiotic canal. 

R. Savchuk Possible Worlds’ Simulation in Narrative Space of French Literary Text of XX century (on the Material of the Novel by A. R.– Grillet « Dans le labyrinthe ») 

T. Semashko Perceptual content of ethnic stereotypes flavoring mode of perception (on lexicographical material)

Abstract.  The  article  on  the  materials  «Dictionary  of  Ukrainian  language:  in  11  volumes  (1970-1980)»  considered  ethnic  and cultural stereotypes flavoring mode of perception, which play an important role in the linguistic representation of reality. The author defined the specificity of language representation of sensory systems, which are the perceptual ethnic stereotypes; іt noted a potential area  of  stereotyping;  isolated  multilevel  language  tools  that  contribute  to  the  gradation  characteristic  touch.  Stereotypes  of  the flavoring component is concentrated in its semantic field is a kind of palette of taste sensation, different from other cultures, form field distinctive taste preferences, which brings together representatives of the Ukrainian ethnos. 

Keywords: sensory perception, dense mode of perception, perceptual stereotypes, anthropostereotypes.

T. Semashko Perceptual content of ethnic stereotypes flavoring mode of perception (on lexicographical material) 

I. Tishchenko Synthetism of thanatological theme in prose by Nikolai Gogol

Abstract. This article studies the issue of artistic interpretation of death as a phenomenon and a process in a literary work in terms of distinction of thanatological theme of prose by N. Gogol. Content and form dominants of the following text blocks were discovered: short story collection “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”, namely “St John’s Eve”, “A Terrible Vengeance”, “May Night, or the Drowned Maiden”, “The Old World Landowners”; the short novel “Viy”, the novel “Dead Souls”. On the basis of structural and semantic analysis typological belonging of thanatological theme in Gogol’s prose to the archetypical theme with obvious components of  folklore  and,  naturally,  literary  ones  were  defined.  From  the  topical  point,  emotionally  accentuated  aestheticization  or horrorization of death as a process prevail in Gogol’s works. 

Keywords: thanatological theme, archetype, aestheticization / horrorization of death. 

I. Tishchenko Synthetism of thanatological theme in prose by Nikolai Gogol 

M. Voina Image as a tool of self-knowledge in Can Xue’s novels (on a basis of mirror image)

Abstract. The works of contemporary Chinese writer Сan Xue are characterizing by the complexity of reading and understanding, particularly  through  intentional  accumulation  of  images  and  symbols.  The  paper  pays  attention  to  mechanism  of  psychological connotations of the mirror image in the stories “Ох”, “Gate”, “The moment when  the cuckoo cried” and so on. The article analyzes metaphorical content of an  archetypal image of mirror and its functional role on the basis of the principles of psychoanalysis. 

Keywords: image, consciousness, psychoanalysis, mirror, «Self».  

M. Voina Image as a tool of self-knowledge in Can Xue’s novels (on a basis of mirror image)

L. Yudko The Concept “Tolerance” in the Discourses of Security and Intelligence Services of Germany and the UK

Abstract. cognitive-discursive classification of verbalizers of the concept “tolerance” in the institutional discourse is studied in the article; by means of discourse analysis there has been confirmed the assertion that conceptual-semantic groups are represented not only by   the  synonymic  row  of  the  concept  verbalizer,  but  also  by  groups  of  antonyms  and  lexemes  which  are  correlated  by subsumption relations, i.e. they may be correlated by hyponymy or conversion. 

Keywords: lexico-semantic group, conceptual-semantic group, discourse, discourse of tolerance, discourse analysis, content analysis.  

L. Yudko The Concept “Tolerance” in the Discourses of Security and Intelligence  Services of Germany and the UK  

K. Yurovskykh Egocentrism and cooperation within the communicative situation of misunderstanding

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  concepts  of  egocentrism  and  cooperation  in  communication  in  general  and  in  the  situation  of misunderstanding  in  particular.  Based  on  the  principles  of  the  sociocoginitive  approach,  the  constituents  of  communication  are graphically represented. The areas with a high probability  of misunderstanding appearance are detected, and the specific problems that  lead  to  misunderstanding  are  identified.  The  results  of  the  research  are  supported  with  the  examples taken  from  the  English dialogical discourse. 

Keywords: egocentrism, cooperation, misunderstanding, situational context.  

K. Yurovskykh Egocentrism and cooperation within the communicative situation of misunderstanding 

I. Zabuzhanska Tempo fluctuations as a means of giving prominence to semantically significant speech fragments

Abstract. The article investigates the features of modern tempo of poetic speech on the material of the American postmodern poetry texts. The article presents the results of the acoustic analysis of the duration of the rhythmic units of different levels of complexity, which form the tempo of the speech. Particular attention is paid to the role of tempo to highlight semantically significant fragments in the poetic speech. 

Keywords: tempo, rhythm, poetic speech, acoustic analysis, fluctuation.  

I. Zabuzhanska Tempo fluctuations as a means of giving prominence to semantically significant speech fragments