Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 34. 2014.

Bublyk T.Ye. Archetypical features of meditative parable narration

Abstract. The article analyses the main archetypical peculiarities of a traditional parable as well as their modifications and realiza- tion in meditative parables by Anthony de Mello. Any parabolic narration, meditative one including, is based on a simile of a sym- bolic meaning. That meaning is revealed not in a direct but allegorically-figurative plane and in reader’s cognition these two planes are juxtaposed. Parables, including meditative ones, are arranged around some definite idea or conviction important on both spiritual and secular levels. The events in a meditative parable are marked neither chronologically nor territorially. Contrary to the rhetoric of a traditional parable, that is imperative and instructive, the rhetoric of a meditative parable can be of an entertainment orientation. Compositionally a meditative parable consists of two parts: first – allegorical narration with the hidden symbolic meaning, second – idea revealing the meaning of that narration. However, some meditative parables are characterized by a shortened construction ex- pressing some universal idea, absence of conclusions and definite answers to the questions. In sum, a meditative parable as well as any other parable provides two levels of interpretation – an event level and a philosophical one, or outer and inner (hidden). 

Keywords: meditative parables, archetypical features, parabolic narration, rhetoric of a parable  

Bublyk T.Ye. Archetypical features of meditative parable narration 

Korotkova L. The Word and Music: a Creative Synthesis in Prose and Poetry

Abstract. James Joyce paid a great significance to the musical nature of books. Prose and poetry of the writer is an experiment with the language. Joyce’s works are studied in terms of their musicality. 

Keywords: James Joyce, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, music 

Korotkova L. The Word and Music: a Creative Synthesis in Prose and Poetry 

Rudkivskyy O. Distinctive Features in Germanic and Slavonic languages

Abstract.  In  any  language,  the  distinctive  features  and  the  phoneme  inventory  are  on  a  different  hierarchical  rank.  Owing  to  the interference effect the realization of the vowels depends from pronouncing the consonants. The oppositions and correlations of the distinctive features form the specific structure of phonemic system of any specific language.  

Keywords: distinktive/differentiating feature, phoneme inventory, neutralization, palatalization 

Rudkivskyy O. Distinctive Features in Germanic and Slavonic languages

Sivkov I.V. Somatic lexeme qalb ‘heart’ in Arabic: etymological and derivational analysis

Abstract. This article is focused on etymological and derivational study of Arabic somatic lexeme  qalb ‘heart’. The etymological connections between abovementioned lexical unit and its Semitic cognates are outlined on the basis of critical assessment of availa- ble etymological sources (e. g. etymological dictionaries of Semitic and Hebrew languages, dictionaries of Akkadian and Ugaritic languages) and some new perspectives of etymological analysis of somatic unit qalb in Semitic etymological studies are proposed. Its semantic field is thoroughly studied and relations between its direct somatic and derived from somatic figurative (namely metaphoric) valued are established. A derivational valence of somatic word qalb and common value of denominative verbs are scrutinized. A stock of somatic idioms with qalb as its core component are semantically examined.

Keywords: somatic, lexeme (lexical unit), idiom (phraseological unit), semantics, value, etymology, derivation 

Sivkov I.V. Somatic lexeme qalb ‘heart’ in Arabic: etymological and derivational analysis 

Vialikova O.O. The process of the creolised poetry writing and the creolised verse text as its result

Abstract: This article is devoted to the mechanisms of the creation of the creolised verse texts. The publication focuses on the specific features of the poetic discourse in the wide context and the creolised verse texts in particular. Under the term “creolised verse text” the author of the article proposes poly-code, non-homogeneous poetic texts like concrete poetry, shape poetry, zaum which are combined under the title visual poetry. There are analyzed the peculiar features of the visual texts, there are represented their constituents and the syncretic principle of combination of verbal and non-verbal sign systems in them. There are literary criticism, linguistic, semiotic points of view introduced, as well as the standpoits on the visual (creolised) texts of their authors themselves. The attention is paid to the semiotic structure of the text.  

Keywords: poetry writing, creolised text, visual poetry, graphic means, lexical means  

Vialikova O.O. The process of the creolised poetry writing and the creolised verse text as its result 

Yarema O.B. Applying statistical methods to the analysis of allusion in literary text

Abstract. Applying statistical methods to the analysis of allusion in literary text. The aim of this article is the study of various allusive types via the methods of statistics. The statistical methods used are chi-square criterion and the coefficient of the degree of similarity. The peculiarities of the functioning of allusions are revealed through the comparison of different allusive types in three genres of literature. The process of comparison of three genres, the identification of the nucleus of each genre and other feature are presented in the article. 

Keywords: allusion, genre, chi-square, coefficient of similarity 

Yarema O.B. Applying statistical methods to the analysis of allusion in literary text 

Andriichenko Yu.V. Expression of femininity and masculinity on the verbal and semantic level in Spanish

The article discusses the issue in the article discusses the features of the functioning of linguistic sexism in Hispanic texts of works of art. Draws attention to the background and causes of linguistic sexism, its development and functioning of the modern Spanish. 

Keywords: gender, gender stereotypes, communication, linguistic sexism, text, jokes, language stereotypes 

Andriichenko Yu.V. Expression of femininity and masculinity on the verbal and semantic level in Spanish

Boykarova L.R. Trade of translation in the context of accordance to the original source

Abstract. The Importance of maintenances in translation of “spirit” of original and vividness of poetic works is examined in the article. Boris Ten is a prime example the translator of “spirit” of original, which translations of plays of Shakespeare, which are marked high of translating trade, naturalness of the linguistic sounding, maintenances composition of structural features of original, exemplify. 

Keywords: translation, “spirit” of original, Boris Ten, translating trade, original source 

Boykarova L.R. Trade of translation in the context of accordance to the original source 

Bondar L. The image of the viewer in playwrights of Yaroslav Vereshtak

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of creating the image of viewer in lyrics Ya. Vereschaka. Attempt to classify images of spectators. Specified value of the data images in shaping the individual style of the writer. 

Keywords: drama, imaging system, the theater, the audience, style, game, role 

Bondar L. The image of the viewer in playwrights of Yaroslav Vereshtak

Bortnik N. The main peculiarities of the genre zuihitsu (on the material of the "Pillow Book" written by Sei Shonagon)

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main peculiarities of the genre dzuihitsu. A special attention was paid to the “Pillow Book” written by Sei Shonagon, as the most representative of this genre. Among the peculiarities we stress on at the follow: documental way of writing, the absence of the plot, mosaic way of presenting the story. 

Keywords: zuihitsu, “following the brush”, “The Pillow Book”, Sei Shonagon, dairies  

Bortnik N. The main peculiarities of the genre zuihitsu (on the material of the “Pillow Book” written by Sei Shonagon) 

Werbowetska O. Ukrainian informal akin naming (based on the basis of Ternopil anthroponomy)

Annotation.  The  article  analyzes  informal  akin  names  of  people  basing  on  the  material  of  anthroponyms  in  Ternopil  Region (Ukraine). Presents classification, reveals wordforming features of names, motivated by the names of relatives and family members. 

Keywords: antroponym, informal naming, akin names, nomination motive 

Werbowetska O.  Ukrainian informal akin naming (based on the basis of Ternopil anthroponomy) 

Garmash O.L. Verbalization of English biocentric lexical concepts of affixal type

Abstract. The article deals with the study of the influence of biological innovations on the development of linguo-mental continuum of English language. Concept BIO- is one of the most active morphological concepts, which is used in the processes of conceptual derivation of biotcentric linguo-mental units. Morphological concept ECO- provides the ecoidentification of English lexical concepts. 

Keywords: affixation, verbalization, lexical concept, morphological concept 

Garmash O.L. Verbalization of English biocentric lexical concepts of affixal type 

Gumeniuk T. Modern Linguistic Theories in Terminology

The article reviews the main modern approaches to terminology, their advantages in comparison with the General Terminology The- ory and restrictions of selected research method. 

Keywords:  General  Terminology  Theory  (GTT),  Communicative  Theory  of  Terminology  (CTT),  Sociocognitive  Terminology, Frame-based Terminology 

Gumeniuk T. Modern Linguistic Theories in Terminology 

Demska O. Language and power

The article suggests another approach to the problem of destructive internal processes in Ukrainian language in the 30’s of the twentieth; regarded the correlation between the language and the power within the concept of influence of the Norwegian scientist R. M. Blakar; suggested that russification was not the goal but the means to acquire of the power. 

Keywords: language, power, ukrainization, russification, language policy 

Demska O. Language and power 

Kryvenok Yu.S. Pragmalinguistic markers of stylistic tonality and atmosphere of authorial preface

Abstract. The article is devoted to the topic of stylistic tonality and atmosphere of authorial preface, which show the author’s aim to support the definite type of relations with the reader – either cooperation or confrontation. It is proved that tonality is verbalized in authorial preface via a range of lexico-stylistic means, e.g.: emotionally coloured lexical units, diminutives, lexical markers of hesitating, vagueness, evaluative attitude, subjective statements. 

Keywords: authorial preface, atmosphere, tonality, discourse  

Kryvenok Yu.S. Pragmalinguistic markers of stylistic tonality and atmosphere of authorial preface

Krylov V.S. Computer-paralinguistics: event-oriented approach of modeling the relationship of verbal and nonverbal communication channels

Abstract. Information technology (IT) have formed a global infrastructure that provides advanced services through the organization of communication between people and even between things physical or virtual. In the networks of the Internet emerged and are ac- tively developing various kinds of contact languages like Pidgin and Creole. The syntax and grammar of languages differs from the syntax and grammar of the base language. The message texts are complemented by various types of signs, symbols, emoticons. Messages are presented in two streams with different sign systems. These streams are merged into a single stream of events with verbal and nonverbal behavior. The proposed global infrastructure tools and technologies allows us to develop and experiment with models such as the integrated flow of events and real krealizovannymi texts. In the educational process, in working with these models for future IT specialist acquires skills event-oriented software design, one of the most difficult to master.  

Keywords: computer paralinguistics, event-oriented approach, krealizovanny language 

Krylov V.S. Computer-paralinguistics: event-oriented approach of modeling the relationship of verbal and nonverbal  communication channels 

Lysenko N.V., Chechikovа A.V. Olena Pchilka's book “Stop, children, to sleep!”: esthetic and informative value

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  complex  research  of  the  collection  of  Olena  Pchilka  “Stop, children,  to  sleep!”.  Researchers defined groups of works for children and systematized its genre-style and ideological thematic features. Authors of article grounded the esthetic and informative value of the collection of children`s education.  

Keywords: collection, poetry, fable, story, folklore records  

Lysenko N.V., Chechikovа A.V. Olena Pchilka’s book “Stop, children, to sleep!”: esthetic and informative value 

Maslyuk M. The eduction of the implicature types in the Ukrainian and English languages

Abstract. The article presents the implicature classification in the modern linguistics. The author identifies the notions of metaphor- ic, euphemistic and antiphrastic implicature types. The thorough attention is paid to the process of implicatures elicitation. The paper provides  eleven  possible  implicature  types  that  are  formed  due  to  the  violation  of  Grice’s  maxims:  maxim  of  Quality,  maxim  of Quantity and maxim of Manner. The examples which illustrate the  metaphoric, euphemistic and antiphrastic implicature types are taken from the English and Ukrainian folklore. 

Keywords: implicature, Gricean maxims, Cooperative Principle, violation of maxims, metaphoric implicature, euphemistic impli- cature, antiphrastic implicature 

Maslyuk M. The eduction of the implicature types in the Ukrainian and English languages 

Petryk T.V. Channeling-discourse: structure and pragmatics

The article speculates upon the discourse definition, introduces the typological features of channeling-communication, resulting in channeling-discourse. On the material of Kryon’s channeling there were described the peculiarities of the language personality of the addresser, the typology of the addressee, characteristics of the channeling stages as well as the degree of interaction of the addresser and the channeler at each of the stages. The article proves the postulate that channeling is the synthesis of mental-communicative activities of addresser and chan- neler. Main structural and semantic peculiarities of lingual means rendering the addresser intentions are subjected for analysis. 

Keywords: discourse, channeling, channeler, addresser, addressee, communicative intentions 

Petryk T.V. Channeling-discourse: structure and pragmatics 

Roman V.V. National and cultural specificity of adaptation of lexical borrowings in the language-recipient (the end of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst century)

Abstract. The article focuses on the scientific investigation dedicated to the process of adaptation of lexical borrowings in the lin- guistic works (the end of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst century). The main peculiarities of investigation of national and cul-tural aspect of adaptation of lexical borrowings in the language-recipient are taken into consideration. The author states the lexicological works (the end of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst century) dealing with the problem of  interlingual contacts outline the investigation of linguistic facts in close relation particularly to cultural phenomena as well. The peculiarities of using lexical borrowings and their contextual meaning are illustrated on the basis of practical material. It is grounded that the lexical borrowings are considered one of the most important cultural aspect of the development of the language structure and socially significant element of language behavior of the native speaker as well as the source reflecting the national culture. A group of words can be certainly qualified as the lexical elements of full adaptation whereas they are fixed by graphic means of language correlated with the grammar classes and categories peculiar to definite language, reveal word formation activity and bear definite cultural and scientific information.  

Keywords: national and cultural aspect, process of adaptation, lexical borrowings, stages and degrees of adaptation, language- recipient, linguo-historiographic aspect 

Roman  V.V. National and cultural specificity of  adaptation  of lexical borrowings in the  language-recipient (the end  of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst century) 

Slabouz V.V. Theoretical and historical premises of the research of the problem of lexical meaning of proper names

Abstract. In the article there are viewed the priority ideas concerning the theoretical and historic premises of the investigation of the lexical meaning of proper names. There is given the detailed analysis of the viewpoints of the scientists of the different schools, and there is made the conclusion that proper names have both the language and speech meanings. 

Keywords: proper name, lexical meaning, onyme, language, speech, designator, denotative, connotative 

Slabouz V.V. Theoretical and historical premises of the research of the problem of lexical meaning of proper names 

Turanska V.L. Functioning of expressive units in the text: semantic and evaluative aspects

Abstract.  Emotionality  (emotivity),  expressiveness,  stylistic  colouring,  figurativeness  have  been  considered  the  basic  elements  of connotation in linguistics. Emotional elements name emotions, feelings, emotional and spiritual state; expressive means emphasize thematic and conceptual word’s nucleus more often by contrasting with generally accepted, standard. The article deals with the place and role of expressive seems in the development Ukrainian lexico-semantic system and peculiarities of their adaptation in the literary historical language of the XXI century.

Keywords: emotionality, emotivity, assessment, functional-stylistic components 

Turanska V.L. Functioning of expressive units in the text: semantic and evaluative aspects

Fedorenko O.B. Outstandingness of the hero in the novel „Ivan Sirko” by V. Kulakovskiy

Abstract. In the article we research the character of cossack leader Ivan Sirko – the hero of V. Kulakovskiy’s novel. Special attention is  paid  to  his  outstanding  abilities,  features  and peculiarities  of  his mind,  such  as  the  ability  to mobilize  his physical and spiritual energies in supercomplex situations, showing determination, inventiveness and will. 

Keywords: character, trait of character, outstandingness, outstanding-kosac 

Fedorenko O.B. Outstandingness of the hero in the novel „Ivan Sirko” by V. Kulakovskiy 

Khomichenko V.V. Polyphonic potential of polysemantic words in the text (based on the modernistic novel)

Abstract. The article deals with the polyphonic potential of the polysemantic word which can be realised in the context. Special at- tention has been paid to the differences between word-play and the polyphonic word. The author has analysed such aspects of con- textual realization of polysemantic word as double actualization of the meaning of the word and development of its meaning in the context. Moreover, the article suggests that there are other means of realising among which contamination of the narrator’s and personage’s speech plays the leading role. 

Keywords: polyphonic word, polysemantic word, context 

Khomichenko V.V. Polyphonic potential of polysemantic words in the text (based on the modernistic novel)

Chystiak D.А.The functioning of textual concepts in the poetry of Charles Van Lerberghe

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of functioning of textual concepts in the poetry of the Belgian symbolist Charles Van Lerberghe (collections of poetry “Entrevisions” and “La Chanson d’Eve”, several publications in literary reviews and autographs). The most important aspects of traditional and original elements in the author’s conceptual sphere are shown in their connection with worldviews of other French-speaking symbolist authors.  

Chystiak D.А.The functioning of textual concepts in the poetry of Charles Van Lerberghe

Shevchenko V.M. Performative speech acts in the German dialogic discourse: diachronic aspect

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the performative speech acts at the diachronic level in the network of historical pragmalinguistics. Diachronic changes concern mainly the locutionary component of the performative speech acts viz performative verbs and their forms as well as performative utterances frequency. These changes are caused by the development of the social and cultural communication conditions specifically intensification of the role of the politeness principle. 

Keywords: performative utterance, performative speech act, performative verb, diachrony 

Shevchenko V.M. Performative speech acts in the German dialogic discourse: diachronic aspect