Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 83. 2016.

E. M. Tikhonovа Analysis of рopulation оf Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Löve in CEREAL agrofіtotsenoses

Abstract. The paper presents the results of studies of basic population parameters of annual segetal species Fallopia convolvulus L. during  two  growing  seasons  in  five  crops  of  cultivated  plants  that  do  not  use  herbicides.  In  F.  convolvulus  appears  statistically significant  dynamics  of  indicators  of  reproduction  and  population  characteristics  of  the  background  of  changes  agrophytocenosis conditions. This is one of the objective evidence of high information content and the appropriateness of population analysis in the study  of  weeds.  It  is  proved  that  the  state  of  the  populations  of  F.  convolvulus  in  agrophytocenosis  has  a  significant  impact phytocenotic  culture  -edificator.  Among  the  investigated  agrophytocenosis  favorable  for  the  development  of  F.  convolvulus  were agrophytocenoses  in  which  the main  culture  and  edificator  is  peas  or  winter  wheat,  moderately  inhibited  the  development  of  this weed agrophytocenoses rye winter or spring barley, significantly inhibited – agrophytocenoses buckwheat. Noted that the results of population  analysis  in  general  and  in  chastnoti  identified  patterns  of  growth  and  development  F.  convolvulus  in  different agrophytocenosis  can  be  used  in  production  in  compiling  crop  rotations,  which  are  aimed  at  suppression  of  weeds  and  effective population control in crops. 

Keywords: population, Fallopia convolvulus L., production processes, the absolute growth rate, reproductive effort update index, generative index, vitalitet. 

E. M. Tikhonovа Analysis of рopulation оf Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Löve in CEREAL agrofіtotsenoses 

L. Y. Nechitaylo, I. S. Bazalytskа, N. S. Khopta, I. D. Syrotynska, A. M. Еrstenіuk The level of nitrates in ecosysteme Precarpathian regions and their intoxification effects about essential elements concentration in tissues, liver, kidney and bones of white rats

Abstract. Comparative analysis of seasonal levels of nitrates in water sources of different geographical zones of Precarpathian region is carried out. We investigated the influence of nitrate toxiсity in essential elemental composition of animals. In our invesgation we came  a  conclusion  that  there  is  significant  difference  in  the  level  of  nitrates  in  water  simple  collected  from  different  regions  in different  seasons.  The  results  of  investigation  also  showed  us  that  the  nitrate  intoxication  causes  the  development  of dismicroelementosis, accompained by violation of the standard levels of essential elements in the kidney, liver and femur of animals with the changes in biochemical parameters of blood plasma. 

 Keywords: drinking water, nitrate, essential elements, bone tissue, liver, kidney. 

L. Y. Nechitaylo, I. S. Bazalytskа, N. S. Khopta, I. D. Syrotynska, A. M. Еrstenіuk The  level  of  nitrates  in  ecosysteme  Precarpathian  regions  and  their  intoxification  effects  about  essential  elements concentration in tissues, liver, kidney and bones of white rats 

I. M. Kovalenko Structural and functional role of the live ground cover in forest ecosystems of Ukraine

Abstract: The article focuses on grass and subshrub layer of forests of Ukrainian Polissya, as well as its main structural features and functional  role.  Heterogeneity  of  flora  of  forest  phytocenosis  and  a  high  floristic  biodiversity  are  revealed  with  the  use  of comparative floristic analysis. Up to 5-6 ecological groups are allocated within each syntaxon in grass and subshrub layer, depending on the stand composition, mosaic relief and soil continuum. Undergoing of ontogenesis stages, type of morphogenesis, vital state and other factors respond to the changes in ecological and coenotic situation. Individual ecological amplitudes of forest grasses conform to the environmental regimes of the respective syntaxons, and the structure of the lower layers will retain its integrity and identity on the protected natural areas during the right economic exploitation of these forests. The composition and structure of the live ground cover largely influence the success of reduction process of tree layer. 

Keywords: grass and subshrub layer, forest phytocenosis, Ukrainian Polissya.  

I. M. Kovalenko Structural and functional role of the live ground cover in forest ecosystems  of Ukraine 

A. N. Pryshchepa, E. A. Brezhitskaya, L. N. Stetsyuk Methodological approaches for sustainable development of Urban ecosystems assessment

Аbstract. The methodological approaches, evaluation criteria and the algorithm for calculating the index of sustainable development urbosystems. The methodological approaches, assessment criteria and algorithm for calculating the index of sustainable development Urban ecosystems grounded. The system of basic indicators for determining the integral indicators of environmental, economic and social subsystems of the city offered.  It  founds  that  the assessment  of the environmental  subsystems is necessary to carry out the results of comprehensive studies of atmospheric air, soil, water, and biota. 

Keywords: sustainable development, Urban ecosystems, evaluation index of sustainable development. 

A. N. Pryshchepa, E. A. Brezhitskaya, L. N. Stetsyuk Methodological approaches for sustainable development of Urban ecosystems assessment 

O. Belikov, A. Roshchuk, V. Havaleshko Ways of correction of the oxidative-antioxidant hemostasis and detoxification mechanisms in the patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer with fixed metal dentures

Abstract. The efficiency of restoring glutathione (hepaval) in the treatment of the patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer with the presence  of  fixed  metal  prostheses  has  been  studied.  It  was  established  that  the  use  of  hepaval  is  significantly  more  effective compared with the effect of vitamin E on the stable braking of the lipid peroxidation processes because it restores the activity of the natural system antioxidant protection and detoxification factors with probable decrease of oxidative and nitric oxide-induced stress markers, metabolic intoxication and elimination of negative, prooxidant influence of fixed metal dentures.  

Keywords: gastric ulcer, fixed metal dentures, restoring glutathione. 

O. Belikov, A. Roshchuk, V. Havaleshko Ways of correction  of the  oxidative-antioxidant  hemostasis  and  detoxification  mechanisms in the  patients with gastric  and duodenal ulcer with fixed metal dentures 

M. Berezova, L. Zub, N. Abramovа, S. Akentyev The study features of chronic kidney disease patients with concomitant obesity

Аbstract. Obesity is considered  as a risk factor for the development and progression of chronic kidney disease. The study involved 48 patients with chronic kidney disease 2 degrees with and without concomitant obesity. Were determined proteinuria, blood lipid spectrum,  measured  glomerular  filtration rate and body  mass index in the patients.  Analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters examined patients showed a significant difference between indicators of lipid profile and proteinuria in patients with and without the presence of obesity. The presence of obesity can worsen chronic kidney disease. 

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, obesity, dyslipidemia, lipids. 

M. Berezova, L. Zub, N. Abramovа, S. Akentyev The study features of chronic kidney disease patients  with concomitant obesity 

O. Dulo, K. Melega, O. Guzak Study the level of physical health of boys, which are living in lowland area of Transcarpathia by the metabolic level of anaerobic energy ensuring

Abstract. The work is devoted to study the level of physical health of boys of the age of 17-21 which are living in the lowland area of  Transcarpathia.  Level  of  anaerobic  productivity  of  lowland  boys  is  addicted  to  their  somatotypes.  Determinating  the  power  of alactate    10-WAT  and  lactate  30-WAT  anaerobic  processes  by  the  relative  value  showed  us  probably  low  level  of  the  results  of endomezomorphic somatotype and high level of mezoectomorphic and mezomorphic somatotypes. High avarage results of MCEWabs  had  persons  with  mezoectomorphic  2418,7±63,1  kgm min-1  somatotype  (p<0,05).  Low  results  of  MCEWabs    had  boys  with endomezomorphic  somatotype  (1884,2±44,3  kgmmin-1).  High  avarage  results  of  MCEWrel    had  persons  with  mezoectomorphic 33,6±1,43 kgm min-1 kg-1 somatotype (p<0,05). Low results of MCEWrel  had boys with endomezomorphic somatotype (22,6±0,77 kgm min-1 kg-1). Doing exercises in anaerobic mode needs energy which is accrued in muscles. So, the presence of fat in lowland boys is like ballast which cause worse results of work for 1 min to boys with endomezomorphic somatotype. Result of this work is a power supply indicator of anaerobic lactate processes capacity. 

Keywords: anaerobic productivity, physical health, somatotype.  

O. Dulo, K. Melega, O. Guzak Study  the  level  of  physical  health  of  boys,  which  are  living  in  lowland  area  of  Transcarpathia  by  the  metabolic  level  of anaerobic energy ensuring

O. Huzak, O. Dulo, O. Maltseva, K. Meleha The therapeutic exercise as a mean of influence on indicators of emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Abstract. The subject area of this article is the impact of therapeutic physical training on psycho-emotional state of patients  with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It was established that individually tailored exercise program and psycho-emotional adjustment significantly improved patients psycho-emotional indicators and their quality of life. 

Keywords: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, psycho-emotional disorders, therapeutic physical training.  

O. Huzak, O. Dulo, O. Maltseva, K. Meleha The  therapeutic  exercise  as  a  mean  of  influence  on  indicators  of   emotional  state  of  patients  with  osteochondrosis  of  the cervical spine 

L. Honcharuk Genetic factors of Helicobacter pylori pathogenicity at gastroduodenopathies induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with osteoarthritis

Abstract. The paper investigated pathogenic strains of Helicobacter pylori vac A and cag A in feces, blood and biopsy specimens of gastric  mucosa  by  polymerase  chain  reaction  at  gastroduodenopaties  induced  by  nonsteroidal  anti-inflammatory  drugs  in  patients with osteoarthritis. It was found a high frequency of  cag A + / vac A + strains of Helicobacter pylori in erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach in the patients examined. 

Keywords: Osteoarthritis, gastroduodenopathy induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Helicobacter pylori. 

L. Honcharuk Genetic  factors  of  Helicobacter  pylori  pathogenicity  at  gastroduodenopathies  induced  by    nonsteroidal  anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with osteoarthritis 

Y.V. Kokhaniuk, O.R. Liuta, O.I. Kostenko Functional state of endothelium in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and diabetes mellitus type 2

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  study  of  changes  in  endothelial  function  in  patients  with  gastroesophageal  reflux  disease against  a  background  of  type  2  diabetes  without  comorbidity.  The  results  of  research  suggest  that  at  this  comorbid  condition endothelial  function  much  broken  and  evident  vascular  endothelial  low  sensitivity  to  shear  stress,  weak  ability  to  vasodilation  of blood vessels, pathological hyper endothelin – 1 and decreasing the content of nitrogen monoxide stable metabolites in plasma. 

Keywords: gastroesophageal reflux disease, type 2 diabetes, endothelial dysfunction, vasodilatation.  

Y.V. Kokhaniuk, O.R. Liuta, O.I. Kostenko Functional state of endothelium in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and diabetes mellitus type 2  

V. I. Krivenko, I. S. Kachan, O. V. Nikituk, E. V. Kotlyarevska The dynamics of the quality of life in patients with essential hypertension depending on the features of treatment

Abstract.  The article is devoted  to optimize the quality of life of patients  with essential hypertension.  Revealed  that a significant factor in improving the quality of life of patients is acceptable adherence to medication and lifestyle modifications. The fixed drug combination ACE inhibitor/diuretic or ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker with taking 1 pill a day is the best variant of therapy to improve quality of life and maintain adherence to treatment. 

Keywords: hypertension, quality of life, adherence to treatment.  

V. I. Krivenko, I. S. Kachan, O. V. Nikituk, E. V. Kotlyarevska The dynamics of the quality of life in patients with essential hypertension depending on the features of treatment 

N. O. Slyvka, N. G. Virstyuk, A. V. Maletska, L. I. Shmetanka Hepatic blood flow in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Abstract. This research is devoted to studying of hepatic blood flow in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC). The presence of endothelial dysfunction (ED) in cirrhotic patients directly correlates with the diameter of portal vein (r = 0,673) (p <0.05) and with the level of nitrogen monoxide (r = -0,821) (p <0.05) and the indicator endothelium dependent vasodilation (EDVD) (r = -0,657). So, ED is an additional independent predictor of portal hypertension (PH) forming in patients with ALC, as the expression of nitrogen monoxide in ED patients is significantly reduced, which creates prerequisites for the growth of resistance in the portal vein system and forming PH. 

Keywords: alcoholic liver cirrhosis; portal hypertension; hepatic blood flow.  

N. O. Slyvka, N. G. Virstyuk, A. V. Maletska, L. I. Shmetanka Hepatic blood flow in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis 

L. D. Todoriko, I. O. Semianiv Analysis of the GSTM1 gene polymorphism in patients with tuberculosis with regard to the version of MBT resistance

Abstract. An analysis of the occurrence  of alleles and genotypes of GSTM1 gene in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis regarding the MBT resistance version allowed to establish that under the conditions of pulmonary tuberculosis infection GSTM1 gene deletion mutation can be found in one out of five (21.87% of cases), and the occurrence due to the MBT resistance version is: with NDTB – 17.39%, with MDR-TB 35.0%  and – PRTB 20.0% respectively. According to the nature of the distribution of allelic gene GSTM1 a favorable  functional  1  allele  prevails  (73.29%)  in  the  normal  inbreeding  among  patients  and  deficiency  of  heterozygosity  among healthy people, which generally forms a normal population distribution for the European race.  

Keywords: tuberculosis, deletion  polymorphism, GSTM1, resistance, MBT.  

L. D. Todoriko, I. O. Semianiv Analysis of the GSTM1 gene polymorphism in patients with tuberculosis with regard to the version of MBT resistance  

L. D. Todoriko, О.V. Pidverbetska Clinical features of the drug susceptible, multi drug resistant and HIV- associated pulmonary tuberculosis depending on the degree of colon dysbiosis

Abstract.  The  article  describes  the  results  of  the  investigation  of  colon  dysbiosis  impact  on  the  clinical  course  of  pulmonary tuberculosis depending on the resistance of MBT and HIV-status. It`s established that colon dysbiosis affects adversely on the course of pulmonary tuberculosis, in particular, contributes to strengthening the manifestations of intoxication syndrome and, in a case of severe dysbacteriosis – to strengthening the bronchopulmonary syndrome. Dysbiosis of the II-III degrees contributes to a prolonged duration of the tuberculous inflammation and is one of the factors of reducing the effectiveness of treatment. 

Keywords: colon dysbiosis, lung tuberculosis, clinical features.  

L. D. Todoriko, О.V. Pidverbetska Clinical features of the drug susceptible, multi drug resistant and HIV- associated pulmonary tuberculosis depending on the degree of colon dysbiosis 

L. A. Voloshyna, S. I. Smiyan Osteoarthritis and comorbid diseases: peculiarities of blood cytokines changes in the dynamics of treatment

Abstract.  The article shows the  results  of research of  the  cytokine  blood levels of  80  patients  with  osteoarthritis (OA) in age from 37 to 76 years. It was found that progression of OA leads to increase of range and severity of comorbid diseases, an imbalance  of  pro-  and  anti-inflammatory  cytokines  in  the  blood,  slowness  of their  regression  during  the  30  days  of  traditional treatment. The most important influence on the torpid regress of imbalance cytokineshas presence of metabolic syndrome. 

Keywords: osteoarthritis, comorbidity, cytokines, treatment.  

L. A. Voloshyna, S. I. Smiyan Osteoarthritis and comorbid diseases: peculiarities of blood cytokines changes in the dynamics of treatment 

I. M. Yaremii, O. Yu. Kushnir, K. O. Kharchenko Effect of melatonin on the functioning of glutathione system in the liver of alloxan diabetic rats in lighting conditions around the clock

Abstract. Insertion of melatonin for 7 days helped to reduce 1,7 times basal glucose level in the group of animals with overt diabetes. Activity  of  glucose-6-phosphate  dehydrogenase,  glutathione  peroxidase  and  glutathione  reductase  in  the  liver  of  rats  with  overt diabetes was on 47%, 33%, and 35% respectively lower than in control rats that were under artificial equinox. In rat liver with overt and latent diabetes occurred reduction of reduced glutathione content on 25% and 41% respectively compared with those of control. Insertion of melatonin to diabetic rats helped in normalization of parameters. 

Keywords:  melatonin, alloxan diabetes, glutathione system, liver, rats. 

I. M. Yaremii, O. Yu. Kushnir, K. O. Kharchenko Effect of melatonin on the functioning of glutathione system in the liver of alloxan diabetic rats in lighting conditions around the clock  

S. O. Zubchenko Lymphogram features in patients with allergic reactions on the background of Epstein-Barr viral infection

Abstract.  Analyzed  the  results  of  lymphogram  and  activated  lymphocyte  markers  in  62  patients  with  chronic  Epstein-Barr  virus infection (EBV) in various stages of activity. In 51,6% of patients with EBV infection detected in stage of replicative virus activity, in  25,0%  of  them  –  on  the  background  of  allergic  symptoms.  In  these  patients  found  a  significant  increase  of  T-helper  and  T- cytotoxic  lymphocytes  with  activation  of  humoral  immunity,  installed  increasing  the  number  of  activated  and  immunoregulatory lymphocytes. 

Keywords: Epstein-Barr virus infection, lymphocytes, allergy syndrome, total serum IgE. 

S. O. Zubchenko Lymphogram features in patients with allergic reactions on the background  of Epstein-Barr viral  infection