Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 58. 2015.

O.А. Dulo, K.P. Melega, S.M. Dzhupina, O.Y. Guzak Study the level of physical health of girls, which are living in lowland areas of Transcarpathia by the metabolic level of anaerobic energy ensuring

Abstract. Was founded that the level of anaerobic productivity which depicted the physical health of girls (16-20 years) who live at lowland areas of Transcarpathia is addicted to somatotype. Studying the anaerobic productivity of organism by the relative values 10- WAT and 30-WAT showed us probably low level of indicators at representatives of endomorphic and ectomorphic somatotypes. The average indicators of 10-WAT and 30-WAT of girls with balanced somatotype are authentically higher than indicators of girls with mesoectomorphyc  somatotype  by  5,9% and  higher  by  10,5%  than  with ectomorphic  and endomorphic  somatotypes (p<0,05).  The highest average indicators of MCEWabs we could see at girls with  endomorphic somatotype – 1482,1±50,7 kgm min-1. The lowest indicators of MCEWrel. we could see at girls who live at lowland areas with endomesomorphic somatotype. The highest indicators of MCEWrel. authentically determined at girls with ectomorphic somatotype (p<0,05).  

Keywords: anaerobic productivity, physical health, somatotype  

O.А. Dulo, K.P. Melega, S.M. Dzhupina, O.Y. Guzak Study the level of physical health of girls, which are living in lowland areas of Transcarpathia by the metabolic level of anaerobic energy ensuring 

O.U. Huzak, V.G. Kudyk, O.B. Maltseva, M.U. Shcherba The impact on the performance termobalneotherapy emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Abstract.  The  research  is  devoted  to  studying  the  impact  on  thermobalneotherapy  psycho-emotional  state  of  patients  with  osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It was found out that individually tailored relaxation exercises in water and psycho-emotional adjustment of patients significantly improved sleep parameters, self-activity, self-confidence and quality of life. 

Keywords: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, psycho-emotional disorders, termobalneotherapy 

O.U. Huzak, V.G. Kudyk, O.B. Maltseva, M.U. Shcherba The impact on the performance termobalneotherapy emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine 

Z.A. Zubchenko TLR9 role in studying the efficiency of antiviral therapy application for chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection at replicative activity stage

Abstract. Tool-like receptors (TLRs) are expressed on many body cells, including immunocompetent ones, and carry out relatively specific recognition of microorganisms alien molecular structures. The results of TLR9 expression on monocytes and lymphocytes in 40 patients having chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection at the stage of replicative activity before/ after  one month’s treatment using Groprinosin and during three months monitoring have been analyzed. It has been determined that TLR9 expression on lymphocytes  before treatment was 2.4 times higher than on monocytes. After one month of treatment using Groprinosin TLR9 expression level increased on monocytes and decreased on lymphocytes, which correlated with regression of infection clinical manifestations. It is recommended to use the TLR9 expression level in the immune competent cells as a marker for monitoring the efficiency of antiviral action of immunotropic medications, and Groprinosin in particular. 

Keywords: Tool-like receptors, Epstein–Barr virus infection, immune competent cells, immunotropic medications 

Z.A. Zubchenko TLR9 role in studying the efficiency of antiviral therapy application for chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection at replicative activity stage

V.S. Lyzogub, B.A. Artemenko The use of interactive technologies for the construction of multi-parameter models of highly qualified volleyball players

Abstract. The scientific data relating to the use of methods of mathematical modeling and statistics in sport to increase the efficiency of  sportsmen’s  competitive activity  and the  optimization  of  training  process  are  analyzed  in  the article. The analyzed  constr ucted multi-parameter models of highly qualified volleyball players show that there is an interference between the varieties of thinking and the functions of space and time perception virtually in the model; the influence of upper and lower limb length on the opportunities of volleyball players’ coordination abilities is found.  

Keywords: volleyball, thinking, memory, attention, GMDH, coordination abilities 

V.S. Lyzogub, B.A. Artemenko The use of interactive technologies for the construction of multi-parameter models of highly qualified volleyball players

N.V. Malyarska Vegetative symptoms – psycho-somatic disorders

Abstract: The article presents information about the problem today – autonomic disorders, statistics, clinical features. Suprasegmental structures dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system leads to the emergence of anxiety as a phenomenon of psycho-somatic diseases. 

Keywords: autonomic disorders, anxiety, suprasegmental structures, psycho-somatic illness  

N.V. Malyarska Vegetative symptoms – psycho-somatic disorders 

K.P. Meleha, O.A. Dulo, M.M. Dub, L.P. Rusyn, O.B. Maltseva Problems and perspectives of formation of health culture of students’ youth

Abstract. The study of certain aspects of lifestyle of the students according to a survey’s data has showed that professional training of students, future specialists on human health, promotes in making of purposeful orientation in the vast majority of young boys and girls on the observance of basic principles of healthy lifestyle. 85% of young men and 75% of young women lead physically act ive lifestyle what helps to maintain good level of health, normal weight of body and beautiful appearance. 

Keywords: students, health, lifestyle, physical activity, leisure  

K.P. Meleha, O.A. Dulo, M.M. Dub, L.P. Rusyn, O.B. Maltseva Problems and perspectives of formation of health culture of students’ youth

M. S. Shorobura Recommendations for correction of neuropsychological disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis

Abstract. The article presents data on the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychological disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis. The main stages of psychotherapeutic treatment, based on combined pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy techniques. 

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, treatment, neuropsychological disorders 

M. S. Shorobura Recommendations for correction of neuropsychological disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis 

I.I. Savka The morphometric analysis of the bloodstream of white rat testis in normal conditions and in experimental diabetes

Abstract. The paper presents the results of research links bloodstream white rat testis in normal blood supply to the testicle and ways rat in experimental diabetes. White rat testicle blood supply testicular artery, which branches off from the abdominal aorta of, artery ejaculatory ducts and muscles lifts testicular artery. The morphological and morphometric analysis angioarchitectonics testicles allowed to estimate the state of its normal vascularization and under the conditions  streptozotocin-induced diabetes. The depth of the structural changes links bloodstream white rat testis diabetes correlated with morphometric parameters. 

Keywords: testicle, diabetes bloodstream 

I.I. Savka The morphometric analysis of the bloodstream of white rat testis in normal conditions and in experimental diabetes 

V.S. Lizogub, M.V. Makarenko, J.V. Koval Accuracy sensorimotor reactivity as a criterion steadiness of nervous processes

Abstract. Based upon the results of our own research and literature data, a possibility of using the test «of reaction to a moving object» as an adequate and informative methodological technique for determining one of the main individually-typological characteris- tics of human HNA – balance of nervous processes – was proved and established. Index of stability of motor response with account of percent of exact responses (≥33% of total sum of presented signals) is recommended for use as a criterion of this feature. It has been argued that in unbalanced nervous system predominance of premature reactions over deferred reactions indicates predominance of suppression over evocation and, conversely, higher percent of deferred reactions indicates predominance of evocation process. 

Keywords: reaction to a moving object, balance of nervous processes, individually-typological characteristics of higher nervous activity 

V.S. Lizogub, M.V. Makarenko, J.V. Koval Accuracy sensorimotor reactivity as a criterion steadiness of nervous processes 

O. V. Kоrolyova Dothіdeomycetes of the Botanical Gardens and Arboreta of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine

Abstract. As a result of mycological studies it was found the species diversity of fungi (Dothіdeomycetes), which includes 74 species from 30 genera, 18 families, 5 orders, 2 subclasses. Analysis of the taxonomic structure of the investigated mycobiota shows that its core consists of representatives of the order Pleosporales comprising 48 species (65%). In the ecological structure it was established the dominance of saprotrophic xylotrophs (63%). Identified species of micromycetes have consortial association with 67 species of the introduced plants. Ontogenetic features of certain species of pleomorphic Dothіdeomycetes are considered. 

Keywords: Dothіdeomycetes, species diversity, introduced plants, Steppe zone 

O. V. Kоrolyova Dothіdeomycetes of the Botanical Gardens and Arboreta  of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine

E.N. Grechko, A.N. Dyomin Physical efficiency and skin blood flow dynamics

Abstract. The article examines the characteristics of the skin blood flow dynamics during the bicycle stress exercise, depending on the level of physical performance. It showed higher increases in skin blood flow at a high level of physical efficiency. 

Keywords: skin blood flow, veloergometry, physical efficiency, adaptation 

E.N. Grechko, A.N. Dyomin Physical efficiency and skin blood flow dynamics

O. A. Katsaraba, O. J. Dmytriv, Ya. S. Stravskiy Indicators blood infertile cows in the diagnostic stage obstetric clinical examination

Summary. Equally important in preventing obstetric-gynecological pathology given the planned health center, one of the stages of which are blood tests. Timely such studies can detect subclinical forms  of metabolic disorders, prescribe the use of  causal group, replaceable  and  pathogenetic  therapy.  Therefore,  followin  gour  task  during  obstetric  clinical  examination  cows  to  study  blood parameters in fertile cows for 2-3 months after calving compared with cows that showed characteristic signs of sexual arousal stage of the cycle. It was established that the increase in blood cows sialic acids content above 253.0 USD, circulating immune complexes above 16.0 c.u., malondialdehyde levels above 8.14 mmol/L, diene conjugates above 2, 11 mmol/l and the average molecular weight of more than 1.05 indicates the course of inflammation in the development of sexual system and infertility. 

Keywords: obstetric–gynecologicalpathology, blood, wholeprotein, sialicacids, lipidperoxidation 

O. A. Katsaraba, O. J. Dmytriv, Ya. S. Stravskiy Indicators blood infertile cows in the diagnostic stage obstetric clinical examination

O.V. Bilyi, R.L. Galagan, N.E. Karlovska, O.A. Lut Application of chronopotentiometry with controlled alternating current for the investigation of electrochemical properties of o-dihydroxybenzene

Abstract. The fundamental role of derived hydroxybenzenes in biological systems, as well as their value in the development of new electrochemical methods used in studies of the kinetics and the mechanisms of electrode processes call for the creation of analytical techniques for dihydrobenzene determination [10,11].  The  use  of  the  “rate  of  potential  change-potential”  version  of  chronopotentiometric  method  resulted  in  cyclic  differential chronopotentiometric curves dE/dt = f(E) for acidic and approxymate to neutral chloride solutions of o-dihydroxybenzene on platinum microelectrode. The influence of background chloride ions concentration and the pH level of the solution on the curve parameters was carefully studied, allowing to determine optimum conditions for platinum indicator microelectrode and chloride background use. The data obtained were consequently compared with the results obtained in the investigation of  o-, p-dihydroxybenzene [1-3] and o-benzoquinones [11, 12, 15, 18] solutions via direct current methods. 

Keywords: “о-dihydroxybenzene о-benzoquinone” system, microelectrode, chronopotentiometric curve dE/dt = f(E) 

O.V. Bilyi, R.L. Galagan, N.E. Karlovska, O.A. Lut Application of chronopotentiometry with controlled alternating current for the investigation of electrochemical properties of o-dihydroxybenzene 

B.V. Kunshenko, I.I. Gaydarzhi, B.B. Kunshenko, L.A. Motnyak Synthesis of aliphatic amines containing perfluoroalkoxy-groups

Abstract. The methods of synthesis of secondary and trietary aliphatic amines containg perfluoroalkoxy-groups were developed. The synthesis was carried out by trifluoroacetylation of respective ethanolamines and subsequent fluorination of obtained trifluoroacetyl derivatives with sulfur tetrafluoride in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride medium. It was shown that secondary aliphatic amines containing perfluoroalkoxy-groups can be sythesised by treatment of trifluoroacetyl-derivatives of saturated aromatic trietary amines with sulfur tetrafluoride in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride medium. During this treatment reactions of nucleophilic substitution of ammonia group occure and aromatic compounds containing fluorine in aromatic ring are formed.  

Keywords: sulfur tetrafluoride, hydrogen fluoride, fluorine-containing amines, fluorine-substituted aromatic compounds 

B.V. Kunshenko, I.I. Gaydarzhi, B.B. Kunshenko, L.A. Motnyak Synthesis of aliphatic amines containing perfluoroalkoxy-groups 

S.V. Roman Research of the directions and depth of the oxidizing transformations which are functionally substituted 7-alkylseleno-1,4-dihydro-1,6-naphthyridines

Abstract. For the first time for oxidation of partially hydrogenated naphthyridines the method of acid dehydrogenation and nitrite of sodium are used. Thus it is established that the acid force, amount of nitrite and a condition of carrying out reaction define the direction and depth of oxidation that allowed from 5-amino-7-benzylseleno-2-methyl-4-(2-furyl)-8-cyano-3-ethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydro- 1,6-naphthyridine  to  receive  a  number  of  remote  derivatives  5-amino-7-benzylseleno-2-methyl-4-(2-furyl)-8-cyano-3- ethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydro-1,6-naphthyridine, and also 4-not substituted 5-amino- and 5-hydroxy-1,6-naphthyridines. 

Keywords: 7-alkylseleno-1,4-dihydro-1,6-naphthyridines, oxidation, acid dehydrogenation, oxidative dehydrogenation, diazotization 

S.V. Roman Research of the directions and depth of the oxidizing transformations which are functionally substituted  7-alkylseleno-1,4-dihydro-1,6-naphthyridines 

V. Sidletskyi, S. Kirienko, O. Rybchinskaya Research on coke production wastes of РJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”

Abstract:  Coking  industry  is  one  the  main  pollutants  due  to  the  variety  of  complex  operations.  Beside  coke  it  produces  significant quantities of waste material or by-products every day such as coke gas, coal tar, coke oven sludge, benzene, anthracene, that are used as raw materials for medicaments, dyes, binders, antiseptics etc. In this article the main type of wastes were investigated, their chemical and physical properties. This paper outlines the recycling system on the example of the coke plant РJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” and notes that some of wastes are not put in use. Therefore further development of rational utilization schemes is necessary. 

Keywords: coke plant, coal tar, coke oven gas, coke sludge, emission, wastewater, utilization 

V. Sidletskyi, S. Kirienko, O. Rybchinskaya Research on coke production wastes of РJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” 

O. Kozenko, H. Sus, N. Magrelo, U. Vus Hygienic assessment of soil individual farms Lviv and Rivne regions the contents of heavy metals

Abstract. A study of heavy metals in soils from farms located in different ecological zones. In particular, in the areas of radioactive burden of enterprises mining and chemical industries and in relatively pure ecological zone. Since entering into soil, heavy metals are constantly  migrating,  moving  to  some  form  of  chemical  compounds  included  in  the  biological  cycle,  transmitted  by  food  chain. Plants can accumulate a large number of them, which in turn leads to increased content in animals. It is therefore necessary  to sys- tematically analyze the chemical composition of food (especially in the blanks) and according to plan preventive measures preventive animal health and hence productivity and quality and product safety. 

Keywords: animals, feed, soil, heavy metals and human impacts 

O. Kozenko, H. Sus, N. Magrelo, U. Vus Hygienic assessment of soil individual farms Lviv and Rivne regions the contents of heavy metals 

T. Kupach, D. Kupach The point of disclosure in landscapes

Abstract. The article proposes to consider the analysis of the connection between spatial, morphometric and qualitative indicators of landscape and aesthetic qualities of the latter. Discusses landscape diversity as a property of the landscape that is determined by the sign of their aesthetic qualities, which makes it possible to realize an aesthetic environment assessment as close to objectivity. It presents the method of identification of the points disclosure using instrumental and analytical apparatus available GIS. Disclosed and described the structure of the structure of the composition on the most expressive examples of test plots. 

Keywords: the aesthetic quality of landscapes, the aesthetic attractiveness of the landscape, landscape variety, the point of disclosure in landscapes, the structure of the landscape compositions 

T. Kupach, D. Kupach The point of disclosure in landscapes 

E. J. Sadowska Design of the Miniature Park of the Buildings of Zakopane

Abstract. The design of a miniature park featuring buildings that are the hallmarks of Zakopane was developed as means of complementing the already existing museum class protection of the built environment of the region and its educational character during the stocktaking practical course, a part of the third year of study at the Cracow University of Technology, in 2010 for the Skansen National Foundation. 

Keywords: Design of the miniature park of the buildings of Zakopane, vernacular architecture, Podhale region, Zakopane style 

E. J. Sadowska Design of the Miniature Park of the Buildings of Zakopane 

A.G. Shtainer Sustainable development or irreversible destruction? (Theory of relationship between the categories of "external" and "internal" in an urban space composition)

Abstract. The problem under study is an image destruction and loss of the semantic aspect of an urbanized space. This aspect has a traditional basis that embodies social and cultural values of the urban environment. Transformation of the same urban space according to the semantic basis will preserve a stable image typical of the traditional environment created by one of the semantic aspects – categories of internal and external. Considered here are the categories that can improve the semantic component of the modern archi- tectural environment from a region to a local object, and link different levels of the urban structure.  

Keywords: historical environment, semantic aspect, categories of «internal» and «external» 

A.G. Shtainer Sustainable development or irreversible destruction? (Theory of relationship between the categories of “external” and  “internal” in an urban space composition)