Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 08. 2013.

Furman O. Cervical mucus as a biological marker of fertility

Abstract: The cervical mucus produced by cervical canal is a unique biological substance that plays a key role in re- productive  function.  From  the  quality  of  the  mucus  and  the  possibility  of  response  to  hormonal  stimulation  cervical crypts may affect the number of sperm penetrating into the cervical canal, the selection of sperm and sperm longevity. All of these elements play a vital role in the possibility of fertilization. Mucus from lumen of the cervix appears to be a morphologically heterogeneous entity. The proportion of these types and subtype depends on the phases of the menstru- al cycle. In cervical canal are areas with glandes. Cells of this glandes produced a mucus by hormones stimulations (es- trogen, progesterone and prostaglandin, noradrinalin and relaxin). The hormone estrogen stimulates the cervical crypts to produce mucus L, S, P types. Type P appear in near ovulatory period. This type has several subtypes, the structure of the  approximation  depends  on  the  moment  of  ovulation.  In  the  estrogen-dependent  morphological  types  have  large numbers of tubules (“swimming channels” (E.Odeblad)). Sperm penetrated into the cervix depends on these channels (prevent sperm with abnormal head shape to penetration and further do not participate in the fertilization). Progesteronе stimulates the G type of the mucus is thick and dense. Unique characteristics of the cervical mucus formed the basis for determining the cervical mucus as a biomarker of women’s reproductive health. The system for determining the qualita- tive and quantitative characteristics of the vaginal discharge has been standardized (Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System, TW Hylges). This techniques is the ability to assess the mucus cycle in the woman’s menstrual cycle and calcu- late the Mucus Cycle Score (MCS). Normally it is 9.1 – 16. We have analyzed in their study of the Mucus Cycle Score in conditions which reduce reproductive health (endometriosis, adhesive disease, luteal phase deficiency, infertility) and compared with the value of MCS in women without pathological changes. Noted decrease in the value MCS in women with adhesive process (MCS  =  8.4), luteal phase deficiency (MCS =  7.5), infertility (MCS =  6.6), and endometriosis (MCS = 6.4), compared with comparison group (MCS = 9.4). What makes it possible to regard this as a marker of the women fertility.  

Keywords:  cervical  mucus,  mucus  cycle,  mucus  cycle  score,  infertility,  endometriosis,  adhesive  disease,  luteal phase deficiency. 

Furman O. Cervical mucus as a biological marker of fertility

Yatskiv O.M., Tarnovska A.V. Fertilizing ability of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology

Abstract: In this article an overview on the composition and ultrastructure of spermatozoa is presented, while empha- sizing sperm ultrastructural and anomalies and their effects on fertilization. A comprehensive high quality semen analy- sis is an essential first line investigation for the infertile couple. Semen quality is conventionally determined according to the number, motility and morphology of spermatozoa in an ejaculate. Of all semen parameters, sperm morphology turns out to be the best predictor of a man’s fertilizing potential A link has been established between sperm morphologi- cal characteristics and infertility by many investigators. 

Yatskiv O.M., Tarnovska A.V. Fertilizing ability of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology

Pokhylenko A.P., Korolev A.V. Importance of Julida (Diplopoda) trophical and biotopical characteristics for anthropogenic impact estimation of millipede habitat in forest ecosystems of Samarskyi Forest

Abstract:  Using  litter  and  soil  sampling,  seven  different  forest  ecosystems  in  Samarskyi  Forest  (Novomoskovskyi region,  Dnepropetrovskaya  oblast)  were  investigated.  Among  6  millipede  species  revealed,  Rossiulus  kessleri (Lohmander,  1927)  and  Megaphyllum  rossicum  (Timotheew,  1897)  predominated  in  all  wood  stands  they  revealed. Trophic preferences of Julida order representatives (Diplopoda) are reviewed. It is revealed millipede’s biotopical con- finedness. Interdependence between diplopod’s distribution  in  forestry ecosystems  in Samarskyi Forest and anthropo- genic transformation of the given territories is analyzed.  

Keywords: diplopoda, trophic specialty, leaf litter, forest ecosystems.  

Pokhylenko A.P., Korolev A.V. Importance of Julida (Diplopoda) trophical and biotopical characteristics for anthropogenic impact estimation of millipede habitat in forest ecosystems of Samarskyi Forest

Korzh A.P., Frolov D.A. Metapopulation management problems of the pheasant hunting ex-situ

Abstract: The metapopulation model involves the disappearance of the local groups, their renewal, the emergence of new ones, as well as the related dynamics of  the spatial structure of the metapopulation as a whole. Under the condi- tions of ex-situ and in-situ migrants are exchanged during introductions, catching individuals from the natural environ- ment, the disappearance and recovery of the small local groups. Thus, a man artificially creates and maintains the meta- population concerned, having some functional elements in natural and artificial conditions. Therefore, artificially gener- ated hunting pheasant population in the wild is a metapopulation. As birds due to the introduction into the natural envi- ronment influence in the subsequent on the properties of metapopulation pheasant hunting in general, there is a need to control this process. Pheasant hunting is considered to be challenging enough for the cultivation, so relevant is the as- sessment of its metapopulation in ex-situ. D. L. Hallett, W.R. Edwards, G. V. Burger have proposed a model of popula- tion management in pheasant hunting lands. For a natural population model displays an annual cycle of pheasant, and the mechanisms of influence of environmental factors on its life processes. The balance between exotic species and nat- ural population  size  allows us to generalize the  findings, analysis of  which shows the criticality of the  model. In our opinion, the mentioned model has some shortcomings, in particular, does not take into account the conversion of land as a result of human activity, which significantly affects the efficiency of the reproduction of birds. It is also crucial to the effectiveness of the process is the introduction of exotic species and the quality of the scheme of issuance. This raises the problem of developing such a control circuit condition metapopulation hunting pheasant in ex-situ. We have devel- oped a heuristic  model of  state  management of the  metapopulation  hunting pheasant in  ex-situ on the basis of an as- sessment of his condition in some farms of the south-east of Ukraine. It consists of four interrelated parts: two produc- tive,  one  supervisory  and  one  manager.  The  proposed  model  can  effectively  adjust  some  elements  of  the  production process, eliminating limiting exposure. The basis for its functioning is the quality of hatching eggs, which are indicators of the general population. The action of the model was tested in a hunting club “Skif” of Kherson region in 2010 – 2012 period. During three years of the research in this sector farming the quality of hatching eggs and the efficiency of the production process as a whole have been significantly increased. 

Keywords: metapopulation, pheasant hunting, management, egg, limiting the impact.  

Korzh A.P., Frolov D.A. Metapopulation management problems of the pheasant hunting ex-situ

Bigaliev A.B., Zhanburshin E.T., Bigalieva R.K., Ryskulov A.R., Bildebaeva R.M., Rakhmanov G., Kozhakhmetova A. Social-economic development of Kazakhstan in present and scientific basic of ecological safety

Abstract:  Man-made  ecosystem  disturbance  represent  a  serious  threat  to  sustainable  development  in  the  Republic  of Kazakhstan. The paper presents an analysis of the problems of the current state of biodiversity, conservation of biologi- cal and mineral resources, environmental security and sustainable development of the environmental crisis zones in the area of the Caspian Sea. 

Keywords: biodiversity, sustainable development, environmental security, the region of the Caspian Sea  

Bigaliev A.B., Zhanburshin E.T., Bigalieva R.K., Ryskulov A.R., Bildebaeva R.M., Rakhmanov G., Kozhakhmetova A. Social-economic development of Kazakhstan in present and scientific basic of ecological  safety

Kirienko S. Functional role of mammal as factor influence on the respiration of soil

Abstract: Functional role of mammal as factor influence on the respiration of soil Soil “breathing” – an integral compo- nent of simultaneous passage of soil processes, where the decisive role is played by biological factors. Soil excretion of CO2 is an extremely important life process,  not only in edafotop, but also in the  whole  ecosystem, determining  with other components its main function  – biological productivity. As a result it displays the complexity of biological pro- cesses aimed to soil formation. Mammals excretory and burrowing activities are an important link of functional role of animals, especially on the processes of soil formation and soil biological activity. Under the influence of excretory and burrowing activity of different groups of mammals is shown one-way effect on soil processes and accelerate the cycling of  matter  that  allows  more  intensive  use  of  organic  and  mineral  resources  of  ecosystem.  Soil  is  intensively  enriched with nutrients, processes of decomposition of organic substances are accelerated, the physicochemical characteristics of the  soils  are  optimized,  increasing  their  overall  biological  activity.  Excretions  of  all  mammal  species  that  have  been studied increase the efficiency of breathing. In this case, it depends on the duration of the study in the set experiment. The maximum values of soil respiration reported with exposure in 3 months. The most significant increase of this index recorded under the excretion of elk (Alces alces). In general, the growth of soil “breathing” in biogeocenosis is rised by the  excretion  of  the  most  massive  omnivorous  species  like  wild  boar  ordinary  (Sus  scrofa)  and  such  phytophages  as deer (Capreolus capreolus) and hare (Lepus europaeus). The smallest changes are registered under the action of excre- tion of predator – marten (Martes martes). The influence of micromammalias on such an integral index as soil excretion of carbon dioxide is determined by such tendencies: – the effectiveness of the influence with aging of the soil destruct the animal with burrowing activities is reduced; – renewal of the soil “breathing” is increasingly happening in the areas of pollution with 1 MPC and 5 MPC, and is significantly reduced when the soil is polluted with heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni) 10 MPC; – Comparing with the intensity of soil respiration in areas that are not disturbed by the animal with burrowing activities, and with areas where of the soil destruct the animal with burrowing activities was marked a signif- icant positive impact of burrow activity of mole-rat is noted. 

Keyword: functional role, mammal, respiration of soil, excretory.  

Kirienko S. Functional role of mammal as factor influence on the respiration of soil

Kuryanova S.A. Yurasov S.M. Disadvantages of national classifications as groundwater water supply

Abstract: The article presents a critical analysis of water quality assessment by different methods on the example of the Danube River at Vilkove town. It is shown that the drawbacks of the existing methods do not make it possible to ade- quately characterize the state of water bodies as household water sources; and that the integral and average unit indices of DSTU 4808:2007 cannot be used bor classification of the sources of centralized water supply. The means for elimi- nation of these drawbacks are suggested. 

Keywords: qualityassessment, household water, the source of centralized water supply, the quality indicator, unit of indices. 

Kuryanova S.A. Yurasov S.M. Disadvantages of national classifications as groundwater water supply

Bernát N. Exploration and presentation of pollution sources of Sernye

Abstract: naturally occurring processes play an important role in people’s lives. We know that the relationship with na- ture can affect state of our environment in a negative and positive way. In this research I studied and measured the de- gree of pollution in my native village Sernye. During the research I visited places which could be sources of pollution, talked  to  local  residents  about  possible  sources,  checked  potential  sources  of  pollution,  and  conducted  various  meas- urements of water pollution. In the village everyone loves to preserve the purity of his own yard. However, my work is extended to the purity of nature throughout the village, so I had to face and realize the sad fact that the seemingly clear environment  is  actually  strongly  polluted.  Because  of  the  lack  of  services  the  villagers  throw  away  waste  from  their yards to the edge of the village. In this way they have a detrimental effect on the aesthetic details of the village, and pol- lute the environment. In large areas, you can see a huge variety of different types of waste. The next major source of pollution was the lack of a central sewage drainage system in the courts, as well as in areas of agricultural and farmer activity.  I  conducted  water  tests  for  nitrate  and  salt  to  give  more  accurate  information  about  the  quality  of  water.  It turned out  that the drinking  water  has  very  high levels of nitrates and salts,  which is a consequence of infiltration of drinking water by sewage from households and agriculture. According to the results of my  work there are two major sources of pollution: sewage water and domestic waste. 

Keywords: environment, pollution, water quality, waste  

Bernát N. Exploration and presentation of pollution sources of Sernye

Kazimir I.I., Solodky V.D., Bespalko R.I. Implementation of principles of steady development in the conditions of mountain ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians

Abstract: The thesis deals  with scientific,  methodological  and organizational principles  development of optimization use the Bukovyna Carpathians biotic resources by means of sustainable development standards implementation in terms of the Carpathian Convention Implementation Strategy. Cause-and-effect relations of biological diversity anthropogenic transformation and natural resources potential of the Bukovyna Carpathians have been determined. The highest danger to natural development of Chernivtsi Region territories and adjacent areas of Ukraine, Moldova and Rumania is caused by floods in Dnister, Prut and Siret river basins. The floods are consequences of natural peculiarities of the region as well as of forest damage of high mountain zone. Development of landscape and biotic diversity is also endangered by forestry, agriculture, tourism, recreation activities and indirect natural resources use performed not in compliance with the legal norms. Taxonomic structure of flora and fauna has been researched; protection level of rare species of vascular plants and animals of the Bukovyna Carpathians listed in the Red Book of Endangered Species of Ukraine, in the Euro- pean Red List and in Supplements to the Bern Convention has been evaluated. Special attention has been paid to condi- tion of the forests, its biological diversity and ecological role for water accumulation landscapes as well as to implemen- tation of ecological standards in the field of forestry, nature reserve fund development and ecological network. The fol- lowing has been developed for application of principles and terms of the Carpathian Convention Implementation Strate- gy: 1)  methodology of the activity (scientific,  methodological,  legal  norms base as  well as resource and organization support  have  been  defined);  2)  complex  programme  “The  Bukovyna  Carpathians”  consisting  of  goal-oriented  action plans  in  the  field  of  different  economy  branches  and  environmental  protection;  3)  areas,  stages,  algorithms,  impedi- ments, legal and institutional limits of task fulfilment; 4) procedures of social activity parties cooperation based on prin- ciples of integrated management and division according to water accumulation areas and basins. The following princi- pal schemes have been proposed: monitoring and management improvement of ecological risks in the Bukovyna Carpa- thians by means of transparent inter-regional cooperation of the offices competent in the field of natural resources use and  environmental  protection;  the  main  areas  of  ecological  risks  management  system  improvement  in  the  region  in terms  of  the  Carpathian  Convention  Principals  have  been  determined.  It  has  been  proved  that  implementation  of  the proposals developed in this thesis will create favourable conditions for organization and maintenance of balanced natu- ral resources use and development system in the Ukrainian Carpathians. 

Keywords: the Carpathian Convention, anthropogenic and natural dangers, ecological system approach, biological diversity preservation, network.  

Kazimir I.I., Solodky V.D., Bespalko R.I. Implementation of principles of steady development in the conditions of mountain ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians

Brem V.V. Saturation of melted flux with water vapor and hydrogen

Abstract: For the selection of the optimum flux compositions that are used for remelting of steel, a series of tests on the saturation of water vapor and hydrogen of industrial liquid fluxes that are in chemical equilibrium with the gas mixture (H2O+HF) were made. As a result, it was concluded that the fusible in an industrial environment electroslag fluxes have considerable inhomogeneity. Evidently, this inhomogeneity was not persisted while remelting samples of small volume during their saturation with gases at temperatures up to 1700°C on the developed pilot plants. The latter fact may be due either to the presence of delamination in such oxide-fluoride liquid systems, or with some kind of phase transformations during their cooling doing solidified flux, even in the conditions of its instant glass is extremely heterogeneous. A series of experiments  were  made  to saturate  a  number of  melted  flux  with  water  vapor in the  condition of contact  with the equilibrium gas phase (H2O+HF). The hydrogen content in the samples o0f fluxes ANF–1, ANF–6, ANF–29, ANF–291 and “Bisra” was found to be several tens cm3/100g of flux. With greater or lesser clarity the solubility of hydrogen tends to  decrease  with  the  increasing  of  the  temperature  for  the  first  50…100°C  from  the  minimum  possible  for  the  liquid state. The theoretical estimate of the temperature dependence of the solubility of hydrogen in the molten flux, that are in contact with the equilibrium gas phase (H2O+HF), was implemented. The estimated equation for the proportion of H+ ion (x1) obtained earlier for the fluoride-oxide systems only in a general way was used, basing on the ionic theory of so- lutions with an arbitrary number of cations and anions. After substituting of the obtained values of the x1 and finding the constants of the equation has been found with the temperature increasing on 100°C maximum decrease of values of CH should occur for flux ANF–6, where it reaches 20%, the least changes CH (5÷7%) should occur for the flux “Bisra” and are assumed such for the flux AN–291 and ANF–29. A series of experiments on the saturation of the number of melted flux in a reducing atmosphere of pure hydrogen were made. It is established that values of CH have also the order of several tens of flux cm3/100 g of flux and in a known degree correlates with the points, obtained in the process of satu- ration of the same melt with water vapor. 

Keywords: saturation, water, hydrogen, flux, melt, gas phase.

Brem V.V. Saturation of melted flux with water vapor and hydrogen

Dmitrenko I. V. The permeability of hydrogen in the fluoride-oxide melts

Abstract: The analysis of all set of information in the considered area suggests that the permeability of hydrogen in the flux melts, which are used for remelting, is relatively high. The result is that an open process of melting does not pro- vide the necessary protection of remelted metal from hydrogen. We carried out firstly a systematic investigation of hy- drogen permeability of the most widely used in industry standard electroslag remelting fluxes, and then considering the results, was initiated the attempt to find new flux compositions which provide effective protection against hydrogen in remelted steels. The development of new flux compositions was based on the widely used in metallurgy components: CaF2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2. In order to reduce the permeability of hydrogen and sensitivity to flocs of remelted structural steels was investigated the efficiency of introduction to them optimal additives of fluorides, chlorides and ox- ides of some hydride-forming elements (Ca, Li, and Ce). The methodology of the research heats remained the standard. When remelting steel 08Х18Н10Т, it was found that for a given grade of steel quantity QН, depending on the basicity of flux, changes according to the extreme law with a maximum QН at the basicity within 1,5…1,7. Regarding the elec- troslag remelting of steel 08Х18Н10Т were researched hydrogen-protective properties of some research fluxes selected primarily on the basis of systems CaO – SiO2 and CaF2 – CaO – SiO2. It is shown that to ensure satisfactory hydrogen-protective properties of fluoride-oxide fluxes reducing in them CaF2 content below 25% is inappropriate. Were found two original flux compositions that reduce the value QН compared to the best standard fluxes. For the structural steels 40ХН,  15Х3НМФ  quantity  QН  are  identified  in  the  conditions  of  their  remelting,  using  both  standard  and  research fluxes, drawn up on the basis of system CaF2 – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 with the addition to them of a variety of combinations of fluoride, chloride and oxide compounds compared to the widespread strong hydride-forming elements (Li, Ce and Y). Found that for selected steels hydrogen-protective properties of standard fluxes are unsatisfactory (values QН are within 1,95 … 3,46). Found that optimal compounds of major flux components and a hydride-forming elements additivie compounds which are introduced into them, can reduce Q Н values to values significantly below 1,5. From the re- ceived materials, some research fluxes are recommended for practical use in electroslag remelting processes of studied structural steels. 

Keywords: hydrogen, flux, melt, remelting, composition, steel.      

Dmitrenko I. V. The permeability of hydrogen in the fluoride-oxide melts 

Mitsa V., Borkach E., Lovas G., Holomb R., Rosola I., Rudyko G., Gule E., Fekeshgazi I. The visible photoluminescence from aged and freshly fractured surfacees of chalcogenide glasess

Abstract: The position of PL maximum at E1=2.43 in PL spectrum of freshly fractured g-As2S3 is in good agreement with  early  found  “hot  luminescence”  g-As2S3  and  illumination  of  elemental  sulfur  species  on  the  surface  of  the  ZnS nanobelts in this region. PL radiation from long term aged fractured surfaces of GeS2-based chalcogenide glasses was assigned to the surface contaminant effect from native oxidized layer, which might have formed in the air. When have been used for PL measuring the freshly fractured surface of g-GeS2(T3V2) all PL peaks which was connected with GeOx species where disappeared in PL spectrum. 

Keywords: visible photoluminescence, chalcogenide glass, oxide phase, edge absorption, glassy GeS2 

Mitsa V., Borkach E., Lovas G., Holomb R., Rosola I., Rudyko G., Gule E., Fekeshgazi I. The visible photoluminescence from aged and freshly fractured surfacees of chalcogenide glasess

Demesh Sh.Sh., Borkach E.I., Kovtunenko V.S. Determination of the analytical expressions of interatomic interaction potentials for AsnSm crystals with density functional method

Abstract:  To  investigate  real  systems,  which  consist  of  a  few  hundred  or  thousands  of  atoms,  molecular  dynamics, Monte Carlo and other computer simulation methods have great perspectives. Their application requires the knowledge of the exact potential of many-body interatomic interaction in the investigated materials. Besides the huge variety of an- alytical expressions for such kinds of potentials, their realistic parameters have found for a few types of concrete mate- rials. We have made such kinds of investigations for the materials of As-S systems with quantum-mechanical model- ling, using DFT method. For the analysis we have chosen 7 different crystal phases from these systems. For the crystals we have calculated the dependence of the energies Е(х) from the level of deformation according to crystallographic ax- es, using the software package Quantum Espresso PWSCF. In the next step we have calculated the parameters of the analytical expressions of potentials for two-body (VM) and three-body (VEH) interactions. The fitting procedures of the parameters were performed such way, that the calculated potentials were be able to approximate accurately the energy- dependence of the 7 chosen crystals from their deformation levels. The analysis of the calculations shows, that the De parameter of the potential is very close to the experimental dissociation energy, which is 2.6 eV, and the parameter r0 also  only  to  0.02 nm  lower  than  equilibrium  interatomic  distance  between  As  and  S  atoms,  which  is  about  0.215– 0.225 nm. For the most infrequent As-As covalent bond type the  r0 parameter in fact is the same as the experimental equilibrium  interatomic  distance  between  neighbour  arsenic  atoms,  which  is  about  0.245–0.255 nm.  But  the  value  of De=0.85 eV more than two times lower than As-As binding energy (2.05 eV). Such kind of differences could be expli- cable that in the investigated crystals for the As-As interaction the De parameter shows generalized interaction between a great concentration of arsenic atoms. This hypothesis can be verified with the fact that for the interaction of sulphur atoms, all of that connected through “bridge-type” atoms of arsenic, the De parameter has still greater difference from the experimental value (0.47 eV and 2.8 eV, accordingly), while the value of r0 is closer to the equilibrium distance be- tween sulphur atoms in second neighborhood (0.32 nm). The calculated parameters of three-body potentials verify the above mentioned regularities of interatomic interactions in the crystals of As-S systems. Finally, the generalized param- eters of potentials have been approximated accurately with the binding energies, interatomic distances and angles for in- teraction  pairs  and  triplets  of  atoms  As-S,  As-As,  As-S-As,  As-As-As,  but  badly  correlate  with  local  energetical  and structural parameters of pairs and triplets S-S, S-S-S, S-As-S. 

Keywords: interatomic interaction potentials, density functional method, As-S system  

Demesh Sh.Sh., Borkach E.I., Kovtunenko V.S. Determination of the analytical expressions of interatomic interaction potentials for AsnSm crystals with density functional method

Sorokina M.M. Critical  ....-closed n -multiply ... -special formations of finite groups

Abstract:  Theory  of  classes  of  finite  groups  is  one  of  the  rapidly  developing  sections  of  the  modern  algebra.  Formations  hold  the  central  place  in  this  theory,  i.e.  classes  of  groups  closed  under  homomorphic  images  and  subdirect products. Fundamental results of formations of finite groups are set out in the book «Formations of Finite Groups» of L.A. Shemetkov and in the book «The algebra of formations» of A.N. Skiba. In the study of formations of finite groups over the past decades much attention was paid to the local formations introduced in consideration by W. Gaschutz in 1963. The notion of local formation is a functional approach. Let  P  be the set of all prime numbers,  f  – a mapping of the set  P  into the set of all formations of finite groups. 

Sorokina M.M. Critical  -closed  n -multiply   -special formations of finite groups 

Shvachych G.G., Konovalenkov V.S., Tkach M.A. Model-based parallel construction of a numerical-analytical scheme

Abstract: The aim of this work is to construct a numerical-analytical method of designing efficient algorithms for solu- tion of tasks having the parabolic type. Using a priori information about the smoothness of solutions, great attention is paid to the construction of solutions of high -order accuracy. 

Keywords: numerical-analytical method, parabolic type, solutions of high-order accuracy.  

Shvachych G.G., Konovalenkov V.S., Tkach M.A. Model-based parallel construction of a numerical-analytical scheme

Cheiliakh A.P., Kutsomelya Yu.Yu., Fedun V.I., Ryabikina M.A. The structure and properties of steel 40 Kh after pulsed plasma processing using titanium electrodes

Abstract: The results of studies on the structure of samples of steel 40Kh (40Cr) after pulse-plasma treatment (PPT)under  different  conditions,  with  the  use  of  a  titanium  electrode  are  presented  in  this  work.  Influence  of  plasma  pro- cessing parameters on the thickness, quality and resulting microhardness of the layers are considered. With the help of mathematical  modeling analysis the characteristics of  wear resistance  was carried. In an environment of air and  high temperature of plasma is a diffusion cathode titanium alloy particles deep into the substrate and its alloying. The struc- ture and properties of the modified layer is dependent on the number of pulses of plasma treatment and inputted into the discharge energy (within the limits of 3 to 12 kJ). The discharge time was ~ 1 ms. With increasing number of pulses of the PPT density and the layer thickness increases. The results of microscopic examination of cross-sections of coatings indicate that the minimum thickness is 0.014 mm (with 2 pulses and energy of 4.6 kJ). Under the influence of a power- ful pulsed plasma exposure (4 pulses and energy of 12 kJ) on the surface of 40Kh (40Cr) steel, a layer depth of 0.076 mm formed. Usually, to improve the quality of the layer and change the structure of coatings the second pass the plasma is used. PPT with 4 and 6 pulses has a significant influence on the microstructure of the steel of the modified layer. Fur- thermore,  a  layer  with  pores  and  microcracks  in  the  further  processing  becomes  more  uniform  (at  6  times  the  pro- cessing). Carbon in an amount of 0.37% in the base metal microstructure determines formation of the modified layer, presumably from martensite (solid solution Ti in the α-Fe) to the martensite-nitride that can improve the wear resistance relative steel. The maximum values of microhardness after PPT with titanium electrode – 10510 MPa were after condi- tion  with 6 pulses and energy of 12 kJ. Using the X-ray diffraction analysis to  study the nature of the structural and physical processes has shown that in the modified layer observed: Osbornite (TiN) and titanium nitride (TiN), marten- site and beta Tioxide (TiO2). Application PPT coating of titanium produces multiphase coatings which have good adhe- sion to the substrate and high mechanical properties. 

Keywords: pulse-plasma treatment, structural steel, the modified layer, phase composition, coating properties, wear resistance  

Cheiliakh A.P., Kutsomelya Yu.Yu., Fedun V.I., Ryabikina M.A. The structure and properties of steel 40 Kh after pulsed plasma processing using titanium electrodes 

Tkachenko F.K., Ryabikina M.A., Tkachenko N.V. The influence of parameters of isothermal treatment on structure and properties of steel X70

Abstract: At different cooling rates of the steel X70 a typical structure is formed. This structure consists of the polygo- nal  ferrite  and  acicular  bainite.  Martensitic  transformation,  in  contrast,  occupies  a  narrow  range  of  cooling  rates  and runs almost instantly. It can be assumed that because of the high values of the Ms and Mf temperatures in the steel tem- pering processes of the acicular structure (formed upon cooling) should be observed. We have investigated the effect of different  heating  temperatures  and  parameters  of  isothermal  holding  at  temperatures  of  martensitic  transformation  on the  characteristics  of  the  resulting  structures  and  hardness  of  steel  X70.  For  this  purpose  samples  of  X70  steel  were heated to temperatures of 900-1200 °C and then put under isothermal holding in the salt at 300-450 °C temperatures for 1,  5  and  10  minutes.  The  results  showed  that  the  coarsening  of  austenite  grain  structure  is  influenced  by  the  heating temperature,  the  grain  growth  in  steel  X70  with  Ti  (0.02 wt-%),  Nb  (0.06  wt-%)  and  V(0.05  wt-%)  was  already  ob- served  at  1100  °C.  Decreasing  the  quenching  temperature  increased  the  hardness  of  specimens  due  to  production  of martensite  +  carbides  structure.  Detailed  microstructural  examinations  found  out  that  with  increasing  difference  be- tween heating temperature and the temperature of isothermal holding and the cooling rate of the steel X70 following types of structures can be formed: (pearlite + polygonal ferrite) → (ferrite + granular bainite) → (ferrite + acicular bain- ite) → acicular martensite. By increasing the holding temperature of 300 to 450 °С the diffusion processes and decom- position of bainite – martensite structure (formed during cooling) are accelerated. This leads to a monotonic decrease in hardness steel X70. Analogically the increasing isothermal holding time also causes a decrease in hardness. 

Keywords: martensitic transformation, bainite, isothermal holding, autotempering, structure formation.    

Tkachenko F.K., Ryabikina M.A., Tkachenko N.V. The influence of parameters of isothermal treatment on structure and properties of steel X70

Cheiliakh A.P., Karavaieva N.E. Influence of heat treatment on the structure, metastable austenite and wear resistance of carburized steels 12H2N4MA and 18H2N4MA

Abstract: The results of experimental research of the influence the temperature of hardening and tempering after carbu- rizing and quenching on the structure, hardness and wear resistance of steels 12Х2Н4МА and 18Х2Н4МА presented. The optimal technological regimes that improve wear resistance of steel 2,5-3 times were determined. It is shown that to improve the wear resistance of carburized steels subsequent heat treatment should be directed at getting to the surface layer of a metastable austenitic-martensitic-carbide structure in which the metastable retained austenite is capable of de- formation induced martensite transformation at wear. 

Keywords: carburizing, quenching, metastable residual austenite, wear resistance, hardness.   

Cheiliakh A.P., Karavaieva N.E. Influence  of  heat  treatment  on  the  structure,  metastable  austenite  and  wear  resistance  of  carburized  steels 12H2N4MA and 18H2N4MA

Govorun A.G., Selskiy M.P., Kutsyi P.V. Determination of RTV energy losses under transient movement modes

Abstract: This article deals with the analysis and studying of the two main hypotheses of energy loss by a wheeled vehicle under conditions of transient driving modes. According to one of them, the main reason for the loss of energy by a wheeled  vehicle  on  the  move  is  under  conditions  of  transient  modes  is  considered  the  decrease  of  an  indicator  of efficiency of the engine that is caused by changes in its thermal state (thermal inertia). According to another hypothesis, it is believed that the energy loss and increased fuel consumption by RTV engines is caused by changes in friction in the links of the transmission mechanisms as well as energy losses in them aimed at damping (resistance) of the torsional vibrations.  Evaluating  the  traction-speed  characteristics  of  the  vehicle,  it  is  accepted  that  the  center  of  gravity  of  an RTV  makes  a  plane  motion,  copying  the  longitudinal  profile  of  the  surface  on  which  the  RTV  is  moving,  without fluctuations, that are caused by its irregularities. Is made precise the mathematical model of the motion of the RTV with the above mentioned equation of the traction balance, which takes into account the vibrational motion of the RTV that is caused by surface irregularities or changes in the moment of resistance movement. To obtain a complete picture of the distribution of potential energy that is caused by the combustion of fuel in the engine and converting it into kinetic energy  (translational,  rotational  and  vibrational)  motion  of  the  RTV  must  should  be  taken  into  account  the  motor damping moment (the moment of resistance fluctuations).  Herein are presented the field tests of MTZ-80 with trailer PTS-4 with a load Q = 3,5 t. On the basis of these tests, according to the method of calculation of damping rate   . As a result of field research of the MTZ-80 tractor, it was determined that when the tractor moves over the measured section of  the  field  with  the  constant  speed  and  the  fixed  position  of  the  throttle  lever  (to  eliminate  the  subjective  factor  of influence of the results of the experiment), with a dual-mode governor, fuel loss of 15.7 ± 4% is less than with an all- mode  governor.  The  amplitude  of  the  oscillations  of  FPHP  rack,  namely  the  torque  of  the  engine  is  reduced  by  2.5 times. It was also determined an increase of the damping factor, in accordance with the proposed method, which takes into account the energy loss in the engine when an RTV is moving under conditions of transient loads with different types of governors. 

Keywords: diesel, system of automated regulation of diesel engine crankshaft rotation, fuel pump of high pressure, the amplitude of the fuel pump rail oscillations, damping factor. 

Govorun A.G., Selskiy M.P., Kutsyi P.V. Determination of RTV energy losses under transient movement modes

Volkov V.P., Komov P.B., Komov A.B., Komov E.A., Komov A.P. Analysis of factors influence of providing technical reliability of vehicles on the road transport safety

Abstract:  The  reasons  of  traffic  accidents  number  growth  in  automobile  transport  because  of  the  negative  technical state of the vehicles are given.  

Keywords: Technical condition, serviceability, safety, culture exploitation, technical inspection, the system of tech- nical operation, the intelligent transportation system. 

Volkov V.P., Komov P.B., Komov A.B., Komov E.A., Komov A.P. Analysis of factors influence of providing technical reliability of vehicles on the road transport safety

Vinogradov S.A., Konsurov N.O., Hritsyna I.N. Liquid high-speed jets as a mechanism destruction of elements building construction during rescue operations

Abstract: To rescue people in accidents, usually necessary to make breaches in the walls or overlapping’s. It needs to use rescue tool. Modern requirements for it are such that the  rescue tool needed to create the breaches should provide enough productivity, be compact, portable, work as possible without vibration and ensure a minimum of dust. Prefera- bly, such tool should be non-sparking. The main modern building materials  – concrete, reinforced concrete and brick. Any of these materials is much better resists compression than tension. However, the alternation in structures compres- sion and extension stresses above the limit values in creating the breaches and these things increasing productivity of tool. To realize alternating tensions in design is possible using impulse liquid high-speed jets. When liquid high-speed jet exposed on a concrete  slab, a dynamic  funnel  formed  on its  surface  – destruction due to compression.  Loosening zone formed by the active formation of cracks in the concrete under alternating loads. The majority of particulate mate- rial carried from the zone using tailpiece of jet. In some cases, the formation of spalling zone is possible. The presence this zone is typically for concrete structures and will lead that the construction may break at a lower energy costs.  The analysis of the theoretical results show that for breaking concrete walls up to 0.5 m thick fluid charge 100-150 g weight is necessary to ensure the jet velocity at the contact with a barrier about 1000 m/s. To provide such speeds appropriate to use hydrocannon. The principal feature of hydrocannon is getting pulse jets, which dynamic pressure is much higher than the static pressure in the barrel installation. Setting for holding rescue operations should have some autonomy, and these requirements are met by hydrocannon with gunpowder drive. To compensate for the impact with the creation of firearms adhere to the ratio at which the mass of firearms 100 times heavier than the charge. With this ratio, the weight of the installation should be 20-25 kg. The installation of such weight applies to portable and shall not exceed two per- sons. Thus, the creation of portable devices pulse destruction of building structures liquid is possible and promising di- rection of development of emergency rescue tools. 

Keywords: rescue operations, rescue tool, destruction, liquid high-speed jet, hydrocannon. 

Vinogradov S.A., Konsurov N.O., Hritsyna I.N. Liquid high-speed jets as a mechanism destruction of elements building construction during rescue operations

Lipovoy V. A. A solution of the heat transfer problem occurring at blasting cleaning of the petroleum product residuum in the tanks

 Abstract: The paper deals with the numerical solution of the heat transfer problem occurring at blasting cleaning of the petroleum product residuum in the tanks by the heated technical cleaning compositions, that allows to define the param- eters  highly  explosive  cleaning  process.  Cleaning  of  tanks  from  the  petroleum  product  residuum  is  highly  repetitive technological operation, so safety and operation efficiency of the Ukrainian tank farm are strongly depends on the pecu- liarities of this cleaning procedure. Cleaning of tanks of oil residues usually performed manually or mechanically. There are no methodologies for the fire and explosion safety assessment at these processes. The chemico-mechanical methods of tank cleaning are more effective due to the complex combined physical, chemical, thermal and mechanical effects, which are influenced on residues of petroleum products under the action of cleaning fluid. An intensification of the pro- cesses  of  evaporation  of  petroleum  products  residuum  into  the  free  volume  of  the  tank  is  realised  at  the  chemico- mechanical  method  of  cleaning.  These  process  additionally  amplifying  due  to  the  heating  by  the  hot  cleaning  liquid. The thermal  impact jet of the cleaning liquid leads to increasing of the concentration of  explosive  vapours inside the tank. Fire and explosion hazard is directly relates to the level of petroleum products vapour saturation in the tank vol- ume. Thus, a quantify assessment of the process of the vapour saturation in the space of the tank is an important practi- cal problem. The process of thermal heating in the tank during the cleaning are described by the equations of thermal process which are taken place in cleaning liquid together with petroleum products residuum, equations of thermal con- vection in gases inside the tank volume (petroleum steam and air mixture) and also of the heat exchange between tank body with environment. As a result, the system of differential equations describing thermal parameters of mixture of pe- troleum products residuum with cleaning liquid as a processes in time. Solution of these equations has given a relation between the temperature of mixture on the duration of the heating process. Thus, it is possible to determine the period of time, which will needs for petroleum products residuum being heated to a predetermined value of temperature and al- so a process of temperature changing in the petroleum products residuum at this time. The resulting numerical values of the parameters have given a possibility to predict risk level of the cleaning work and to develop effective arrangements for the prevention of emergency situations. 

Keywords: highly explosive, heat exchange, the concentration of petroleum products vapour.    

Lipovoy V. A. A solution of the heat transfer problem occurring at blasting cleaning of the petroleum product residuum in the tanks

Lagutin V. L. The distinctive features of the second-stage suspension of propelled trolley for transportation of the dangerous goods

Abstract: The paper deals with the possibility of nonlinear spring suspension usage to provide a high level of move- ment smoothing at the transportation of dangerous goods. A specialized vehicle with a nonlinear spring suspension is developed. The  vehicle  has  the  features  that  satisfy  the  conditions  of  safe  transportation  of  dangerous  and  especially dangerously explosive goods from the place of detection to the point of utilization. In addition developed specialized vehicle is propelled trolley, so it has not an engine and transmission that makes it design simple, reliable and inexpen- sive. The main feature of the design scheme of specialized vehicle is a presence of additional level of cushioning, with the nonlinear characteristic, which has quasi-zero stiffness in the equilibrium position. This peculiarity makes it differ- ent from the classical trolley with traditional single-stage automotive spring suspension. The additional second stage has a  corrector  of  stiffness,  so  dynamic  characteristics  of  proposed  trolley  are  provide  good  enough  conditions  for  safe transportation of dangerous goods. A preparation for transportation of dangerous goods sometimes is very difficult in the conditions of real practice due to some features of this design. The proposed design of specialized trolley has opti- mum vibro-isolated characteristics when corrector’s springs are in horizontal position, which could be realized only on the  fixed  level  of  load.  The  situation  is  typical  for  non-linear  suspensions,  but  makes  some  problems  in  the  stage  of preparation for the transport of hazardous goods. Such problem could be solved by the improvement of the design. We propose three variant of the design of the second stage spring suspension to solve this problem: 

– to put a control devices at the reference points of the corrector spring stiffness; 

– the usage in the second-stage suspension single-crimping air-legs at the reference points of the loading platform; 

– the usage in the second-stage suspension air-legs, which consists of double-crimping rubber shells and the valve that adjusts the height of loading platform. 

Each of the proposed design of the second stage suspension of the specialized trolley for the transportation of hazard goods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the design of the second stage suspension and it rational characteristics requires a corresponding theoretical and experimental investigations. The usage of the proposed design of  trolley  with  the  improved  second  stage  suspension  as  specialized  vehicle  for  the  transportation  of  the  dangerous goods is promising for upgrading of the safety of transportation. 

Keywords: highly explosive goods, the second stage suspension, correctors of stiffness, rubber-shell.   

Lagutin V. L. The distinctive features of the second-stage suspension of propelled trolley for transportation of the dangerous goods

Larin O.M., Larin O.O., Chygrin V. V. A diagnosis of the technical state of the supports of fire pump by the spectra of its vibrations

Abstract: Fire pump of the emergency vehicle is an important element that provides the functionality of this specialized car. Among the main requirements for the fire pump is the requirement of its reliability. Fire pump life-time is set by the manufacturer company at the design stage and on the basis of statistics. However, for each particular pump its life-time, of course, determined by a large number of operational factors. Thus, depending on the operating conditions fire pumps could more intensively used up its life time. In this case, an important actual scientific task will be a problem of for- mation  of  reasonable  recommendations  on  the  procedures  for  assessing  of  the  technical  state  of  the  elements  of  fire pump in service. Common fire pumps are centrifugal, i.e. a fire-extinguishing liquid is pushed out by the working bod- ies, which have a rotation motion with high angular velocity. This circumstance makes the car fire pumps highly dy- namic system, so pumps have a high level of vibrations. It should be noted that the performance decrement of pump re- sults in magnification of the level of vibrations. This could be effectively used as a criterion of assessment of technical condition, i.e. the parameters of pump vibration could be used for the purpose of diagnosis of the current technical state and predict the residual life-time. This study presents an analysis of the results of experimental investigations of pump vibration which has weakened supports of the pump with the holding frame. Here, physically modelled different situa- tions with varying of the level of weakness. The studies were carried out on a pump that was installed on specialized vehicles.  Experiments were carried out on the base of a measurement system “Ultra-V-I», which has been developed at the Department of the dynamics and strength of machines of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkov, Ukraine). The measuring system consists of: vibration acceleration sensor, which is equipped with a MEMS sensor, analogue-to-digital converter and a portable computer. “Ultra-V-I» has a valid certificate of state met- rological certification and allows to make a measurement of vibration acceleration at the point of investigated object on two directions. Analysis of the experimental data shows that a substantial increasing in the vibrations at the frequency range (350-400) Hz can be considered as a criteria of reduced bolted support of the pump. 

Keywords: fire pump, vibration monitoring, weakened of bolting supports. 

Larin O.M., Larin O.O., Chygrin V. V. A diagnosis of the technical state of the supports of fire pump by the spectra of its vibrations

Savytskyi A. Determination of reinforced concrete bending structures strength by test load

Summary: in this article method of determining the strength of reinforced concrete bending structures by test load, in which by the expense of features performing basic operations it is possible to determine strength of bending reinforced concrete  structures  without  destroying  them  during  the  test,  is  proposed.  Also,  described  its  approbation  on  experi- mental samples. 

Keywords:  test  load,  strength,  reinforced  concrete  bending  structure,  stress-strain  state  indicators,  deformation model calculation. 

Savytskyi A. Determination of reinforced concrete bending structures strength by test load

Gutarevich Y.F., Gritsuk I.V., Dobrovolskiy A.S., Adrov D.S., Verbovsky V.S., Krasnokutskaya Z.I. Analysis of the survey results fuel economy and environmental performance of the gas internal combustion en- gine equipped with a pre-heating system in the process of starting and warm-up

Abstract: The paper presents the results of a study of gas engine preheating the internal combustion, which includes a system of accelerated warming and heat recovery system heat storage in the device during warm to ambient temperature to “hot start” and the possibility of loading. A study on the mathematical model of the system engine preheating the in- ternal combustion at different temperature environments. Studies have confirmed the reduction of fuel consumption by warming the engine of internal of combustion, reduced emissions and reduce warm-up time before the possibility load- ing of internal combustion engine, equipped with a heating system plugs. 

Keywords: heat the battery, the system pre-start warm-up, warm-up time, waste heat of the exhaust gases.  

Gutarevich Y.F., Gritsuk I.V., Dobrovolskiy A.S., Adrov D.S., Verbovsky V.S., Krasnokutskaya Z.I. Analysis of the survey results fuel economy and environmental performance of the gas internal combustion en- gine equipped with a pre-heating system in the process of starting and warm-up

Nenov A. Approaches to the Identification and Classification of Factors Influencing the Dependability of Telecommunica- tions Network

Abstract: The article gives a detailed analysis of the problem of classification of factors determining the reliability of generalized telecommunications  network,  shows the importance of  the classification in the task of reliability analysis and in the construction of an integrated system reliability analysis, highlights the major approaches to the implementa- tion of the dependability factors classification. The types of problems encountered in the analysis of the telecommunica- tion networks reliability. Variants classification of the factors determine the reliability of the network, on the basis of the following classifications: stage of the life cycle of the telecommunications network, the naturalness of the impact, the localization of the source of exposure relative to the boundaries of the system, the corresponding component relia- bility, the extent of the impact of laws, the nature of the objects of the telecommunications network, the localization of sources of exposure in relation to conditions of functioning of the telecommunications network, are described. The advantages,  disadvantages,  construction  peculiarities  of  the  corresponding  classifiers  are  specified.  For  individual  cases the examples of border placement factors in the overall classification scheme are shown. The presentation of material il- lustrates by generalized flowchart. A variant of the specific identification and classification of factors suitable for use in the implementation of the collection and processing of information about telecommunication  network  failures is pro- posed. It presents three major categories of factors affecting dependability: equipment failures, software errors, and hu- man errors. In addition, the classification of the source data that are appropriate to base of the reliability analysis of the telecommunication networks,  and destabilizing  factors relevant  these data  with brief description are proposed. In this classification there were eight categories of data: a) the internal structure of the communication center; b) the character- istics  of  the  software  used  host,  subsystem  or  all  network;  c)  the  methods  and  characteristics  of  the  communication channels; d) the nature of the formation and transmission of network traffic; e) modes and conditions of operation of the network;  f)  information  about  the  relative  importance  of  sites  in  the  network;  g)  the  characteristics  of  the  network maintenance and repair organization; h) the characteristics of staff for the network. 

Keywords:  dependability;  communication  network;  factors  influenced  on  dependability;  classification;  method  of dependability estimation. 

Nenov A. Approaches to the Identification and Classification of Factors Influencing the Dependability of Telecommunica- tions Network

Polshchykov K.O. General models of neuro-fuzzy systems control the intensity of data flows in a mobile radio network

Abstract: General models of neuro-fuzzy systems control the intensity of data flows in a mobile radio network. In the article the general models of neuro-fuzzy systems control the intensity of data flows in a mobile radio network are pro- posed. Advantages of mobile radio networks to facilitate their use in the interest of the military forces are listed. Expe- diency of neuro-fuzzy control of the intensity data flows to improve the efficiency of information delivery in the mobile radio network is founded. To perform the functions of the neuro-fuzzy control traffic at the proposed generic models of hybrid intelligent systems based on the use of neural networks and fuzzy inference algorithms Sugeno 0th and 1st order. The structure of these models is determined by the functionality of the layers of artificial neurons, and is adapted to per- form the procedures of fuzzy inference (fuzzification, aggregation, activation, and defuzzification). It is concluded that the presented model can be used for the synthesis of neuro-fuzzy systems for controlling the intensity of sending the da- ta source nodes, the intensity of retransmissions and packet drops in the intensity of transit nodes in a mobile radio net- work. 

Keywords: neuro-fuzzy systems, mobile radio network, the intensity of the data flows, model, control.    

Polshchykov K.O.  General models of neuro-fuzzy systems control the intensity of data flows in a mobile radio network

Manokha L., Limanska N. Management by work of equipment of bakery production by construction of optimal chart of preventive-maintenance repairs

Abstract: The modern equipment of bakery enterprise has high enough reliability indexes. But in the process of exploi- tation the state of equipment constantly is under the action of different factors, modes and terms of work. It reduces his operating  reliability  and  increases  probability  of  origin  of  refuses.  Reliability  of  equipment  depends  not  only  on  the quality making and correct exploitation but also from the scientifically-reasonable chart of technical service and timely repair. The system of preventive-maintenance repairs envisages totality of organizational and technical events on a care, service and repair of equipment, conducted prophylactic, on beforehand worked out a plan with the purpose of preven- tion  of  unexpected  exit  of  equipment  from  a  line-up  and  maintenance  of  him  in  permanent  operating  readiness.  All works  on  service  and  repair  of  equipment  are  subdivided  into:  TBO  service,  periodic  prophylactic  operations  and плановые repairs An equipment looks around periodically according to a chart and is the important stage of prophylac- tic events. Reviews are conducted between плановыми repairs and combine with the change of the worn out details and light maintenance without that an equipment can not be exploited to next планового repair. An equipment examines a repair  personnel  during  technological  dwells  equipment  or  in  non-working  time.  The  built  chart  of  preventive- maintenance repairs allows to promote efficiency and reliability of work of productive equipment. And it will result in reduction  of  outages  of  production  and  charges  of  material  resources  and  will  provide  implementation  of  working charts.  Thus  the  use  of  the  system  of  preventive-maintenance  repairs  for  a  bakery  enterprise  will  provide  continuous work of productive equipment and trouble-free process of making of products. 

Keywords: optimization, chart of workovers, preventive-maintenance repairs, bakery production.    

Manokha L., Limanska N. Management by work of equipment of bakery production by construction of optimal chart of preventive-maintenance repairs

Gryshchenko І.V. Survivability of infocommunication networks through the use of intelligent systems

Abstract: Survivability of communication networks after causing damage to the network and is a problem of Infocom- munications. This paper explores the creation of intellectual systems, the persistence of  which can be protected from damage and suppression, protection against unintentional all kinds of interference, as well as a number of organizational and technical measures, that provides fast restoration of the functioning of the infocommunication network. 

Keywords: network, survivability, infocommunications, intelligent system.    

Gryshchenko І.V. Survivability of infocommunication networks through the use of intelligent systems

Shvachych G.G., Kholod E.G. Object oriented model for distributed database engineering in conditions of fuzzy sets

Abstract: The proposed work considers object oriented model of the system that provides solution for enterprise plan- ning  and  reporting  task  complex  in  conditions  of  fuzzy  sets  based  on  symmetric  pairs  of  cryptographic  keys.  Object identifiers (cryptographic keys) describing the enterprise structure are generated automatically based on full (standard- ized) names of structural  units. To generate  the keys  CRC32 one-way  hash function (NIST standard) is used  making possible creation of 232 no repetitive keys. The population of cryptographic keys is the title of the problem being solved. The problem solution is made by relations processor described with macrofunctions. Relations processor represents a server module providing both single and batch problem processing. From the standpoint of relations processor all tasks are concurrent. Thus the key feature of the developed system lies in the fact that tasks may be connected to the system when they are necessary. In this connection each task is described by CDS linear information table (binary representa- tion of XML format) providing compact  files of non-kernel data  base. Flexible description of the enterprise structure permits concurrent change of data in all tasks being solved by the system. In contrast to traditional relational data bases the object oriented model makes possible effective solving for a complex of automatic transaction tasks such as inher- itance of past period design parameters in the parameters of new period, inheritance of previously described structures, removal and addition of new structures subject to interactive description to the new period detailed design, automatic information posting for the required time period, etc. The system  model is powered by the latest  SET-oriented (non- kernel)  technology  and  grid  computing  (MIDAS).  Unified  task  standardization  and  accepted  open  architecture  make possible unlimited system developing depending on informational needs and performing parallel tasks by independent architects in the state-of-art Delphi and С++Builder environment. 

Keywords: data  bases, fuzzy sets, cryptographic keys, relations processor, server  module, kernel-free technology, grid computing, transactions. 

Shvachych G.G., Kholod E.G. Object oriented model for distributed database engineering in conditions of fuzzy sets

Cherednichenko O., Yanholenko O. Towards Web-Based Monitoring Framework for Performance Measurement in Higher Education

Abstract:  The given  work represents  web-based  monitoring framework for  measuring performance of functioning of higher education establishment. High-level key performance measures for higher education are suggested. The models forming the basis for web-based monitoring framework and their goals are presented. Multi-agent architecture is sug- gested for implementation of the framework.  

Keywords: Performance measurement, higher education, web-based monitoring, information retrieval 

Cherednichenko O., Yanholenko O. Towards Web-Based Monitoring Framework for Performance Measurement in Higher Education

Kniasieva N., Kalchenko A. Estimation of the quality of communication services in terms of customer satisfaction

Abstract: The article is devoted to the modern methodologies for identification of QoS. Three models for definition the QoS criterias relevant to the users are considered. The example of QoS assessment for multimedia service is given. 

Keywords: Next generation networks , quality of services.

Kniasieva N., Kalchenko A. Estimation of the quality of communication services in terms of customer satisfaction