Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 216. 2020.

M. B. Bulakh Peculiarities of memes as a means of political advertising 

Abstract. The article deals with the properties of memes, in particular, its formation and functioning on the Internet as a means of political advertising. Internet meme is considered as a special type of communication that is transmitted from  person to person through the Internet and becomes an information virus. Internet meme functions are defined, including communicative, emotional, manipulative, informative. the role of memes in various spheres of social activity is also considered. The material of the study selected political memes of the Ukrainian presidential election campaign 2009 and 2019. 

Keywords: political meme, Internet communication, memetics, media virus, infosphere, political advertising. 

M. B. Bulakh Peculiarities of memes as a means of political advertising

O. V. Chuyeshkova Ukrainian term system of gender linguistics (structural-semantic aspect) 

Summary. The article deals with the Ukrainian term system of gender linguistics. It is proved that the analyzed terminology is a set of synthetic and analytical nominations (with a quantitative predominance of  the latter), which reflects the concepts system of the linguistic  direction  being  studied.  It  is  found  that  most  terms  are  formed  by  transterminologisation  with  further  narrowing  of meaning. 

Keywords: gender linguistics, term, terminological phrase, terminology, transterminologisation. 

Keywords: gender linguistics, term, terminological phrase, terminology, transterminologisation. 

M. B. Dobrovolska The situation of the evaluation with low level of implicitness in English literary discourse 

Abstract. The current stage of linguistic research involves a cognitive approach to the study and analysis of the functioning of linguistic phenomena. With the help of cognitive approach, we can detect the hidden information contained in a speech act. The situations of the evaluation with low level of implicitness were considered on the basis of the scheme of the situation of implicit evaluation. The analysis of discursive fragments showed that the situations of the evaluation with low level of implicitness can be easily extracted from the microcontext.  


Keywords: evaluation, implicitness, implicit evaluation, microcontext, low level of implicitness. 

M. B. Dobrovolska The situation of the evaluation with low level of implicitness in English literary discourse 

P. N. Donets Stylistic means of expressing transhumanism in «Bot» series by Max Kidruk 

Abstract. The article examines stylistic devices in which Ukrainian science fiction writers express transhumanist ideas. The evolution and current state of transhumanist thought in Ukrainian literature is being analyzed. The series of novels “Bot” by M. I. Kidruk, which serves as one of the most typical representatives of science fiction subgenre, known as techno-thriller, has been chosen as an object to be studied. It is found out that the message translated by the author has obvious alarmist traits, which can be observed at stylistic and lexical level. Ideologically his novels rather oppose transhumanism than reproduce its techno-optimistic discourse. 

Keywords: artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, posthuman, science fiction, techno-thriller, transhumanism.  

P. N. Donets Stylistic means of expressing transhumanism in «Bot» series by Max Kidruk

N. Gasparyan Linguopolicy and the strife for independence as characteristic features of Scottish identity 

Abstract. Meta-cognitive strategies allow “Scottishness” and “Celticness” to be presented through controversial attitudes towards the status of the mother tongue (Scots, Scottish Gaelic). National identity concepts have been singled out, discussed and analyzed. The research estab- lishes: the Scottish people whose strife for independence is reflected in documents and literature, are carriers of three identities – Scottish, British, and European. Within the frames of globalization “Scottishness”, firstly, is not a matter of mother tongue, but a matter of a desire to gain independence without territorial losses. Hence, the Scottish people do not not want Britain to Brexit. They simply wish to revive their mother tongue through formal and informal communication.  

Keywords: linguoculture, Scottish people, identity, independence, declaration.  

N. Gasparyan Linguopolicy and the strife for independence as characteristic features of Scottish identity 

O. V. Gordiyenko Some approaches to classification of dictionaries in lexicography 

Abstract. This research was done in the field of theoretical lexicography and reflects the results of one stage of English medical terminography complex study.  The work highlights some main approaches to typological classification of general and specialized dictionaries. The paper analyzes traditional typological classifications in general lexicography using a classification approach. It suggests the basic principles of classification in LSP (languages for specific purposes) lexicography of the subject area medicine. The study reveals that the basic principle of the typological classification of English medical reference works is the way of specific term(s) description: the relationship of the term with the concept and the object of description, as well as, the linguistic characteristics of the term as the element of the language for specific purposes.  

Keywords: lexicography, typological classification, medical terminography, medical term, factual reference works, terminographic dictionary. 

O. V. Gordiyenko Some approaches to classification of dictionaries in lexicography 

O. V. Halchuk “Love – death – beauty” in the double coded by John Galsworthy (on the novella The Apple Tree) 

The article aims to analyze The Apple Tree by John Galsworthy through the prism of intertextual poetics.  Revealed different levels – factual,  conceptual,  subtextual  –  of  literary  reception.  John  Galsworthy  prefers  intertextuality  and  paratextuality.  The  Antique  text (Hippolytus by Euripides, images and motifs of Dionysus mythology) is the most productive source of intertext in The Apple Tree and the «English» text (as an implicit dialogue between the author and Celtic myths, the works of O. Wilde, T. Hardy, W. Maugham). Therefore, the intertextual codes The Apple Tree transform the traditional thematic link of «love – death» into a «love – death – beauty» triad. 

Keywords: John Galsworthy, intertextuality, paratextuality, double coding, modernism. 

O. V. Halchuk “Love – death – beauty” in the double coded by John Galsworthy (on the novella The Apple Tree) 

K. Karpova Pre-viewing activities and discussions in small groups to improve video comprehension (classroom case study) 

Abstract. The article aims at investigating how pre-viewing activities as well as discussions in small groups are used to help students with low video comprehension skills to improve them. As a result of low level of competence in video recognition, low achievers have to listen twice or even three times to comprehend the gist of the video recording. In addition to this,  these students seem to participate less in classroom debates and have lower level of self-esteem and self-confidence. Thus, the present paper suggests that the usage of activities which precede viewing as well as group discussions can be effective tool to escalate both listening and speak- ing skills. The present investigation is based on classroom case study that has been conducted during video comprehension classes on the material of Life Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book, level B2.  

Keywords: pre-viewing activity, discussion in small group, low achiever, video comprehension, classroom case study.  

K. Karpova Pre-viewing activities and discussions in small groups to improve video comprehension (classroom case study) 

Y. Kovalyuk The Role of Metaphor in Idiom Interpretation: Further Ruminations 

Abstract. One of the primary concerns of English linguistics regarding idioms and idiomaticity consists in finding grounds for divorcing idioms from the generative grammar theory (Fraser, 1970; Katz, 1973; Swinney and Cutler, 1979; Wood, 1986). According to this strand of  thought,  idiomatic  expressions  are  semantically  non-compositional  and  fully  fixed  in  their  lexico-grammar  representations.  Quite possibly, credit is due to cognitive grammar (Langacker, 1987; 2008) and construction grammar (Fillmore, 1988; Goldberg, 1995; 2006; Hilpert,  2014;  Herbst,  2015)  for providing  the  backdrop  against  which  the  compositional  model  of  idiomaticity  (Gibbs,  1990;  1995; 2007; Cacciari and Glucksberg, 1991; Glucksberg, 1993; Cacciari, 2014) has emerged. It argues that many idioms, contrary to generative linguistics vantage point, are flexible and amenable to lexical and  syntactic transformations.  This paper explains theoretical  concepts along with practical examples, which may shed light on the role of metaphor in the analyzability and decomposability of idiomatic ex- pressions. Firstly, we explain how the concept of metaphorical regularity vs. metaphorical irregularity, applied to the study of idioms, allows distinguishing between regular and irregular metaphors incorporated by idiomatic expressions. Secondly, we analyze the notion of metaphorical asymmetry, which, as regards idioms and idiomaticity, refers to uneven distribution of figurative meanings among idiom parts. Thirdly, we focus on some particular facets of conceptual metaphor, such as cross-domain mappings, metaphorical concepts, and metaphorical entailments. We  conclude  the  discussion  with  extended  idiomatic  metaphor,  which  is  an  amalgam  of  micro-metaphors bundled around the base metaphor of an idiom in a literary text. Hence, our principal argument is that the aforementioned metaphor- based linguistic concepts are important idiom processing tools in psycholinguistics. Language users may find them advantageous when trying to work out the meaning of unfamiliar metaphor-derived idiomatic expressions in discourse. 

Keywords: idiom, interpretation, compositionality, metaphorical regularity, metaphorical asymmetry, conceptual metaphor, extended idiomatic metaphor. 

Y. Kovalyuk The Role of Metaphor in Idiom Interpretation: Further Ruminations 

L. M. Kulakevych Genre transformations in the adventure novel of V. Vinnychenko «Solar machine» 

Abstract. The results of the study of the specificity of V. Vinnychenko’s dystopian novel have been presented in the article. The orientation of  the  work  to  the  poetics  of  the  adventure  genre  has  been  emphasized.  The  specificity  of  the  combination  of  adventure  a d  social- psychological novels genre techniques has been determined. It has been found that the genre code of the adventure narrative is played over at the story level, and the socio-psychological – in the detailed presentation of the actants. The character of artistic modeling of images has been reviewed. It has been emphasized that the exclusive feature of Ukrainian dystopia is the characterization of the main characters through the bestiary images. 

Keywords: adventure genre, adventures, bestiary images. 

L. M. Kulakevych Genre transformations in the adventure novel of V. Vinnychenko «Solar machine»  

O. Novikova Status of isolation in the system of syntactic connections 

Abstract. The content of isolation is identified in the article; its status in the system of syntactic links between members of a sentence is specified. Semantic connections of the isolated member are multidirectional; formal connection can be either unidirectional or bilateral. The purpose of isolation is to express, with the help of an isolated member, any additional message concerning one of the words  or  the  entire  sentence.  The  means  of  isolation  are  changes  in  pitch,  pronunciation,  rhythm,  pauses,  and  changes  in  the  arrangement of members. Isolation is an accessory to a simple sentence, despite the certain similarity of isolated members with pre- dicative parts of a complex sentence.  

Keywords: isolation, sentence, expression, complex sentence, intonation, expressive means. 

O. Novikova Status of isolation in the system of syntactic connections 

L. O. Petrenko The term concept and conceptual analysis of artistic text 

Abstract. The article deals with the method of conceptual analysis at the present stage of the linguistic development. Some views on the definition and features of the concept structure are given. An attempt is made to clarify the methodology of conceptual analysis of poetic text on the basis of an integrative approach, which takes into account the cognitive and cultural. This technique involves the discovery of new meanings of concept verbalizers, due to the specificity of the author’s outlook, and the contextual compatibility of the respective linguistic units in the artistic text. 

Keywords: cognitive linguistics, concept, structure of concept, methodology of conceptual analysis.  

L. O. Petrenko The term concept and conceptual analysis of artistic text 

N. Stefanova Modern semantic structure of names of matrix axioconcepts Benefit/Користь in the English and Ukrainian languages 

The  article  is  devoted  to  studying  the  semantic  structure  of  the  names  of  matrix  axioconcepts  Benefit/Користь  in  the  English  and Ukrainian languages by analyzing diachronic and synchronic connections, starting from the Indo-European etymons, when the primary meanings were formed, to acquisition of value, moral and ethical, social and other modern senses. All available meanings, lexical and semantic  variants  of  the  lexeme  benefit  in  the  English  language  and  lexeme  користь  in  the  Ukrainian  language  in  explanatory  and special sources are analyzed and the differential and integral semes are identified. Semantic transitions and transformations of abstract syncretic meanings of Indo-European roots *dhe-, *deu-2 “to do”, “to perform” are demonstrated. These roots are reconstructed for the borrowed from Latin to English lexeme benefit and on the basis of which the understanding of the concept “activity” as a positive factor and at the same time a motivator for obtaining spiritual and material benefits, and therefore, pleasure and enjoyment was instilled in the consciousness of Indo-Europeans in the distant times. Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian language we observe etymological connections of the lexeme користь with the Proto Slavic forms *koristь/ *koristъ/*korystь, *koristati/*koristiti, the original semantics of which ” to grab, to get” was associated with the designation of these lexemes ideas about material prey as a result of aggressive military actions and, accordingly, predetermined the further development of mainly negative vector of evaluation in their semantic structure. On the basis of the reconstructed primary meanings in each linguo-culture their own dominant ideas of the concepts benefit and користь (benefit and profit) were developed, they were fixed in the integral semes of modern meanings of each lexeme. 

Keywords: matrix axioconcept, semantic structure, semantic transitions, ethnosemiometry.  

N. Stefanova Modern semantic structure of names of matrix axioconcepts Benefit/Користь in the English and Ukrainian languages 

M. Vozna Teaching Professional Language at University Level 

Abstract. The article looks into the history of teaching English for Special Purposes in the West and in Ukraine and the related issue of the current understanding of the term ‘professional language’, otherwise known as English for Special Purposes. The study is an attempt to determine the place of the academic discipline called ‘Professional Language’ taught to linguistic and non-linguistic students of English in Ukraine, who are non-native speakers, its purpose and objectives, as well as the principles used to select teaching materials for the discipline. The article tries to differentiate this particular discipline from Terminology and English for Academic Purposes by specifying the subject matter of these neighboring disciplines and the teaching focus given in each particular case. 

Keywords: English for Special Purposes, professional language, terminology, teaching materials, professional communication.  

M. Vozna Teaching Professional Language at University Level