Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 4. 2013.

Kozlova T. The role of direct phonemic iconicity in form and meaning diversification of Proto-Indo-European onomatopoeic etymons and their reflexes

Abstract: This paper aims to highlight the processes linking  sound to meaning and investigate the presence of direct phonemic iconicity in Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots and their reflexes. Onomatopoeic means owe their effectiveness to the way in which they mime external (sound) reality as they are based on the approximation between imitated and imitating sounds. The article’s focus is on the phonetic structure/arrangement of the onomatopoeic roots in Proto-Indo- European and their reflexes in daughter branches. In PIE onomatopoeic structural patterns are simple (CV  and CVC as most  productive),  whereas  in  daughter  branches  they  are  more  complex.  Both  etymons  and  reflexes  are  fashioned  to copy different properties and perception of sound. They incorporate (1) phonemes that agree with the quality of imitated sounds  and  fit  into  the  phonemic  type  of  daughter  languages;  (2)  various  iconic  devices  (consonantal  and  vocalic alternation, germination, homorganic consonants and reduplication) that produce expressiveness and mirror frequency, continuity,  intensity,  vibration  etc.  of  sounds.  Despite  the  fact  that  PIE  is  a  hypothetical  reconstruction,  PIE onomatopoeic  roots  can  be  treated  as  the  preceding  invariants  of  the  diversified  reflexes  in  daughter  languages. Reference to PIE reconstructions helps to trace lexical universals, to study the development of forms and meanings of sound  imitations,  to  identify  the  semantic  distance  between  etymons  and  their  reflexes.  With  respect  to  research connected to iconicity, the development of PIE roots explains the major trends in language evolution, elucidates the role of onomatopoeia (direct phonemic iconicity) in language history and reveals the “acoustic image of the world” of the Indo-Europeans.  This  research  helps  to  find  out  about  the  ways  by  which  the  structure  of  the  basic  forms  and  its modifications  reflect  sounds  in  the  external  world,  how  they  motivate  the  semantic  continuants  of  PIE  etymons  in different daughter branches and how the latter correlate with various cognitive domains. 

Keywords: direct phonemic iconicity, etymological nest, etymon, lexical universals, Proto-Indo-European.  

Kozlova T.  The  role  of  direct  phonemic  iconicity  in  form  and  meaning  diversification  of  Proto-Indo-European onomatopoeic etymons and their reflexes 

Pasynok V. Evaluation as a Component of an Utterance

Abstract: The notions of evaluation and evaluative activity  which take part in organization of verbal communication are investigated in the article. The evaluative activity is represented in the article on the example of the pedagogical dis- course.  Such  forms  of  evaluation  are  singled  out:  partial  as  emotional  attitude  of  a  teacher  to  a  student;  informal  as evaluation of results of students’ work. Evaluative utterances are studied from the point of view of the subject and ob- ject and are based on comparison. The structure of evaluative scale reflects objective and subjective sides of evaluation. The evaluation is given on different signs, it can be true or false. Five methods are singled out. The evaluative concept is realized in language. Three types of evaluation are singled out: neutral, positive and negative. Evaluation regulates activity and behavior of a person. Various forms of evaluation are signed out in different types of discourse. Being one of the most important linguistic categories evaluation takes part in organization of verbal communication and focuses versatile  means  of  its  actualization  in  speech  –  finished  lexemes  and  phraseological  units,  structural  schemes  of  sen- tences, texts and totality of texts. Evaluation is the basic characteristics of the predicativity in the structure of valuing which is realized in two meanings – good/bad. The illocutionary aim of evaluative utterances is emotional and rational influence on the interlocutor and the perlocutionary effect is change of emotional state. The use of evaluative factors is one of the most powerful means of language argumentation.  

Keywords: evaluation, evaluative activity, verbal communication, evaluative  utterance,  forms of evaluation, scale of evaluation 

Pasynok V. Evaluation as a Component of an Utterance

Polshchykova O. Systematic of telecommunications terminology

Abstract: In article the systematic of telecommunications  terminology  is considered, it signs of internal and external communications are shown. The structure of the telecommunications terminology as a model of “core  – periphery” is presented. The features of terms that make up the core and peripheral zones are characterized. Examples to illustrate the specification of the meaning of terms from the periphery to the core are given. 

Keywords: terminology, telecommunications industry, system communication, core, periphery  

Polshchykova O. Systematic of telecommunications terminology 

Ismayilova E. Structural and semantic characteristics of English allusive anthroponyms

Abstract: The article deals with the features of the semantic structure of English anthroponyms functioning in journal- istic discourse. The phenomenon is analysed on the material of periodical English press: “The Guardian”, “The Daily Beast”,  “Financial  Times”,  “The  BBC  News”,  “The  New  Zealand  Herald”,  “Los  Angeles  Times”,  “The  Washington Post”. They are distinguished four approaches to the difinition of personal name’s  semantics: (1) the absence of mean- ing of the personal names, (2) personal names obtain their lexical meaning only in speech, (3) personal names have spe- cific  lexical  meaning  which is different  from that of common names, (4) personal  names possess  semantics  which is wider than that of common names. This research is devoted to the problem of personal names used in allusive context. Different use on the semantic structure of allusive anthroponyms are presented. Speaking about the semantic structure of such lexical units the researchers differenciate the core and periphery of the meaning; formal and substantive mean- ing; or the “nearest” and the “fathest” meanings. Semantic field of anthroponyms traditionally contains sex and nation- ality semes. These semes are parts of the conceptual centre of every anthroponym.  Additional semes can form layers which are typical for certain personalities. On the condition of these characteristics’ stability the personal name can be used in the allusive meaning. The analysed examples of allusive anthroponyms, such as Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher, Robin Hood demonstrate the ability of personal names to lose the primery identifying meaning and manifest in allusive context the ability to be used in generalized meaning, actualizing certain characteristics of famous persons they named. It is stated that in secondary nominations the anthroponyms realize not core but periphery semes of their semantic struc- ture. As a result the allusive personal names become expressive synonyms of common words. For example, clever and genius person they call Einstein; Sherlock Holmes can be used as substitutor of the name detective; people who are in love with can be called  Romeo and Juliet, Marry Poppins is associated with a nurse. It is necessary to emphasize that allusive anthroponyms are not a full-fledged equivalents of common nouns as they obtain additional connotations. Ad- ditional, periphery semes of personal names are actualized when they are used as allusive anthroponyms.  

Keywords: allusive anthroponym, semantic structure, core, periphery 

Keywords: allusive anthroponym, semantic structure, core, periphery 

Tykha U. Intertextual collage in postmodern texts: linguostylistic perspective

Abstract: The article is devoted to intertextual collage strategy in postmodern writing. Its linguostylistic aspect, the no- tion of quotation, allusion and collage are analyzed.  

Keywords: intertextuality, quotation, allusion, collage.  

Tykha U. Intertextual collage in postmodern texts: linguostylistic perspective 

Prysyazhnyuk O. Y. Tempo as one of the regional variation criteria

Abstract: The paper is concerned with the analysis of the temporal characteristics of English regional accents. The aim of the article is to study male temporal characteristics of speech. Informants are young men, from 20 of 35 years old who live in different regions of Great Britain. The material for the research is composed of the studio record of identical text  «Cinderella»,  made  at  Phonetical  Laboratory  of  Oxford  University.  As  the  researcher  reveals,  temporal characteristics of regional speech are more individually varied compared with other components of intonation; thus, it is more difficult to generalize them. Electro-acouistic analysis was carried out at Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics of Odessa  National  University  with  the  help  of  a  special  program  WinCECIL.  According  to  the  results  of  the  electro- acouistic  analysis,  an  attempt  has  been  made  that  temporal  component  of  intonation  is  one  of  the  main  indexes characterizing regional speech. The carried out research confirmed the suggestion that according to the parameters of quantity of non-energetic parts and sound as well as non-sound meanings, and the ratio of the non-sound meanings to the  sound  ones,  the  author  forms  an  opinion  about  tempo,  prosodic  characteristics  of  speech,  and  quantity  of  non- complete pauses. The author reveals that the quantity of sound parts as well as the middle length of sound part reflect the particularities of the segmentation of speech realization. On the whole, the author draws a conclusion that knowing the ratio of the non-sound meanings to the sound ones, one can judge about: 1) informants’ speaking peculiarities (e.g. vowelization  [r]),  2)  manner  of  pronouncing  vowels  (stretching  /  cutting)  3)  special  intonation  fullness  of  sound meanings provided that non-sound meanings constitute a major part than sound ones; 4) parameters of melodic contour testify to its high variability. 

Keywords: tempo, non-energetic parts, pause, non-sound meaning, sound meaning, phonation.  

Prysyazhnyuk O.Y. Tempo as one of the regional variation criteria

Yefymchuk H. O. The Structure of Linguocultural Concept ARROGANCE in English

Abstract:  The  article  deals  with  the  structure  of  linguocultural  concept  ARROGANCE.  The  problem  is  relevant  as there is necessity to study the concept in English conceptual sphere, which is impossible without taking into considera- tion its constituents. As nowadays there are different approaches to studying the structure of concepts, the main of them are analyzed and compared in the article. In particular, it discusses the approaches to the study of the concept structure suggested by linguists I.A. Karasyk, I.A. Sternin, Yu.S. Stepanov, V.V. Kolesov, G.G. Slyshkin. Based on the position that the concept as part of a conceptual system is expressed by semantic structures of different levels, all approaches provide multiple layered concept structure. Thus, such components as etymological, associative, notional and figurative were defined within the structure of the concept ARROGANCE. Each of these is described in more details in the article, with reference to the examples of verbal representation of the concept in the English language community. The etymo- logical origin of the key representative of the concept has been traced. An approach to the study of associative field of concept structure have been suggested, as it requires more detailed research. The notional component has been deter- mined, with the interpretation of the basic vocabulary definition. The semantic core and peripheral areas have been de- fined. This helps to reveal the peculiar characteristics of the concept that are common for the members of different lan- guage communities. Particular attention is drawn to the figurative component of concept structure. In particular, the ex- amples of conceptual metaphors that implement the phenomenon of superiority in discourse have been suggested in the article. Historical level of the structure of concept ARROGANCE has been considered using examples of phraseology, which demonstrate the diachronic development of the notion of superiority. Based on the analysis of all elements of the concept the conclusions about the prospects for further research have been drawn. 

Keywords: concept, linguocultural concept, structure of concept, conceptual metaphor, conceptual sphere 

Yefymchuk H. O. The Structure of Linguocultural Concept ARROGANCE in English 

Prihodko A.I. Illocutive Typology of Evaluatory Utterances

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of  illocutive power of evaluation. The illocutive effect in different speech  acts  depends  on  the  speakers’  intention.  Illocutive  influence  can  be  marked  by  the  following  pragmatic  func- tions: constituent, representative, interactive and cognitive. Special type of evaluatory utterances expressive utterances are studied in the article. Special attention is paid to the formation of frames. The following kinds of frames can be dis- tinguished: informative-descriptive, contact-regulative, declarative-expressive and directive. Analysis shows that evalu- atory speech acts enter declarative-expressive frame.  

Keywords: illocutive, speech acts, intention, declarative-expressive frame. 

Prihodko A.I. Illocutive Typology of Evaluatory Utterances  

Baidak I. S. Ironical periphrasis in the political discourse of American media

Abstract.  This  article  focuses  on  the  research  of  periphrasis  as  a  functional-semantic  unit  of  speech  that  serves  as  a mean of figurative and descriptive characterization and contextual synonym of words (in the area of political  discourse in particular). Combination of lexical items and functioning of periphrasis in the English language are investigated in the work. The main focus is laid upon the process of formation of ironical periphrasis based on an assosiative compo- nent in the semantic structure. The author also highlights interaction between politics and language in which periphrasis is  used  as  a  method  of  verbal  aggression  serving  the  invective  function  in  order  to  manipulate  the  consciousness  of masses. 

Keywords: associative periphrasis, irony, political discourse, verbal aggression, invective function.  

Baidak I.S. Ironical periphrasis in the political discourse of American media

Ivasyuta O. B. Verbal Representation of Chinese Symbols in the Trilogy“The House of Earth” by Pearl Buck

Abstract. This article dwells upon cultural peculiarities of Chinese symbols and their functioning in the  trilogy “The House of Earth” by Pearl Buck. An attempt has been made to consider the reasons for specific cultural load of symbols. Cultural  symbols  have  been  divided  into  three  main  types:  sense-forming,  pervasive  and  limited  situational  symbols. Verbal representation of Chinese symbols has revealed wide network of all their types, they convey the main idea of the trilogy and constitute the most essential element of the trilogy’s architectonics. 

Keywords: symbol, cultural symbol, sense-forming, pervasive, Chinese, cross-cultural. 

Ivasyuta O.B. Verbal Representation of Chinese Symbols in the Trilogy“The House of Earth” by Pearl Buck

Kuzyk O. Stages of linguistic analysis underlying the study of aggressive communicative-pragmatic intentions in the English-language political discourse of mass-media

Abstract: The article views the phenomenon of speech aggression from the rhetorical perspective and outlines its dis- tinguishing  features.  The  procedure  for  the  study  of  instances  of  speech  aggression  in  the  English-language  political discourse of mass-media is elaborated 

Keywords: speech aggression, invective, invecteme, mediatized political discourse, predispositions, aggressiveness. 

Kuzyk O. Stages of linguistic analysis underlying the study of aggressive communicative-pragmatic intentions in the English-language political discourse of mass-media

Yarema O. B. Allusion through cognitive linguistics dimension

Abstract: The purpose of the article is the interpretation of allusions through the principles of cognitive linguistics. The theoretical basis is the concept of cognitive structures, mental spaces and frames. Accordingly, the value of allusions is revealed through  the actualization of cognitive  structures that activate  precedent  knowledge and understanding of the recipient. The process of decoding of the allusive context with regard to cognitive factors of stylistic unity research is described.  

Keywords: allusion, mental space, frame, cognitive structure. 

Yarema O.B. Allusion through cognitive linguistics dimension

Demydiak I. The question of intertextuality and interdiscursivity (on the base of the cartoon “Shrek”)

Abstract: The present study analyzes the factors, especially the interaction of intertextual and interdiscursive markers, which helped the authors of the cartoon to create additional comic effect. In recent years, researchers have become in- creasingly interested in studying of the influence of both intertextuality and interdiscursivity as means of creating new texts,  the  results  described  in  the  paper  are  rather  important  for  further  research  of  the  problem.  The  diversity  of  the characters is achieved by combining different discourses with the main one – fairy tale discourse. The reflection of in- terlacement of the fundamental cartoon discourse and the social, knightly, feministic and gangster discourses underlines the interdiscursive nature of the cartoon itself. The present article deals with the attraction of the actors’ appearance who added the soundtrack to the characters of the film, while creating the cartoon characters. For adding the soundtrack to the cartoon characters one of the most popular Hollywood actors were involved, thus the audience who know the actors and the films they took part in could easily recognize actors’ gestures or mimics while looking at the characters . The at- traction of the actors’ reality and concealed references to popular films create extra influence on the cartoon perception in general. This paper focuses on analyzing of intertextual and interdiscursive markers, which help the audience to iden- tify “texts” inserted into the cartoon. The cartoon “Shrek” is investigated within intertextuality as not only textual but also extralinguistical insertion. This paper shows the main statements of V. E. Cherniavska which she offers for the in- teraction  of  intertextuality  and  interdiscursivity.  This  article  is  one  of  the  steps  of  learning  interdiscursivity  as  the change of discourse and as play of discourses which becomes obvious only while investigating the text with its different sort of intertextual signals. However, the results described are fairly general this article reveals the future opportunity of investigation of interaction of intertextuality and interdiscursivity in producing of new plot. 

Keywords: Intertextuality ,interdiscursivity, discourse, markers, interaction. 

Demydiak I. The question of intertextuality and interdiscursivity (on the base of the cartoon “Shrek”) 

Negrych N. Semantic modulations of phraseological units

Abstract:  The  article  deals  with  semantic  modulations  of  set  phrases.  Such  notions  as  compositionality,  idiomatic sense, semantic complexity, semantic motivation and semantic metalanguage are analyzed. The author also notes that an idiomatic sense is contextually specified. 

Keywords: idiom, phraseme, set phrase, compositionality, motivation, idiomatic sense. 

Negrych N. Semantic modulations of phraseological units

Huretska M. Lexico-Semantic Field “Annoyance”

Abstract: The article  deals  with a lexico-semantic field “annoyance”. The author reveals the  structure of this lexico- semantic field and presents its separate layers. The definitions of English nouns, adjectives and verbs have been ana- lyzed.

Keywords: emotional state, annoyance, lexico-semantic field, nucleus, archiseme.  

Huretska M. Lexico-Semantic Field “Annoyance”

Velyka I. Categories “logicality” and “emotivity” as semantic components of german advertising discourse

Abstract: The concept “advertising text” is considered in the article, its main criteria and peculiarities are defined. The question of the history of advertising, its role and influence on the modern society is discussed. The main requirements to the constructing of advertising messages, the aims and tasks of advertising communication are studied. The article in- forms how important is the implementation of requirements to advertising message and how much it helps to reach the main aim of advertising communication that deals with sale of goods and services. The components of advertising mes- sage are considered in the article, these are linguistic and extra-linguistic elements. Extra-linguistic component is divid- ed in some groups depending on the type of advertising and its tasks. Some peculiarities of advertising texts that help to reach the main aim of advertising communication are considered. Categories “logicality” and “emotivity” and its actual- ization in advertising discourse are described. With the help of advertising messages analysis the degree of their objec- tivation and the domination of some of these categories are shown. It depends on such factors like the choice of adver- tising object and target group. The examples of advertising messages where one category dominates and the other fully disappears are analyzed. It is explained with the specifics of the advertising object. The peculiarities of advertising mes- sage constructing, its structure, and domination of linguistic or extra-linguistic component depending on the domination of logical or emotional component are shown. The fact that not only the specifics of the advertising product but also gender factor influence the domination of categories “logicality” and “emotivity” in advertising message is proved. Be- cause gender factor is one of the main means of influence on the mass consciousness of each society. 

Keywords: advertising text, advertising message, advertising discourse, language component, extra-linguistic com- ponent, gender factor. 

Velyka I. Categories “logicality” and “emotivity” as semantic components of german advertising discourse

Misyak N. Comic context: linguistic means of its formation and ways of their structure

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis and approaches of lexical and semantic units structure that lead to the com- ical effect formation in the language of Russian and Ukrainian dramas. On the basis of the analysis it is made a conclu- sion about interconnection of such approaches. In the research the author of the article takes into account the following statements: 

– comical is the result of contrast, contradiction, disharmony that are in the object provoking laugh; – contradiction under derision embodied in a verbal form is supposed to have linguistic means that are structured in a definite way; – at the lexical and semantic level linguistic means of comical effect formation are polysemic words, homonyms and paronyms which linguistic “nature” allows consciously reflecting different meanings and definitions in the communi- cant’s cognition simultaneously. 

The  author  of  the  article  shares  the  definitions:  “comic  effect”  and  “speech  comizm”,  emphasizing  in  details  the meaning  of  the  first  definition,  on  the  basis  of  which  the  pun  is  meaning  conscious  making  the  combination  of  the words which differ in definitions but the same or similar in prounanciation. The language of dramas, as S. Balli sup- posed, is closed to colloquial, i.e. alive, that’s why it brightly reflects those tendencies of the language which appear in the speech. The character of comic effects in the language of the dramas is analyzed in the article: the stylistic usage of the outplayedpolysems, homonyms and paronyms is demonstrated: exspession of irony, ridicule – humoristic or satiric, hint and so on. The research of methods of realization of different meanings of analyzed linguistic units in the language of dramas allowed the author to highlight a traditional  model of comic context structure by  means of  mentioned lex- emes and its  modifications. The comparison of the inclusion  model of analyzed linguistic units and the nature of ap- peared comic effect (humorous hint, irony, satirical hint, etc.) leads the author of the article to the conclusion about ab- sence of clear conditionality between them. 

Keywords: comic, comic effect, lingual means, model of the realization of polysems expressing, homonyms, paro- nyms. 

Misyak N. Comic context: linguistic means of its formation and ways of their structure

Neklesova V. Yu. Prototypical Doubling In the Onomastic Associative Experiment Procedure

Abstract: The article dwells on the tasks and problems of the onomastic associative experiment. The procedure of the onomastic associative experiment includes presenting to the respondents the list of stimuli and recording their responses that first came to their mind. The list of stimuli was presented to the respondents in the printed form. All the stimuli are proper names, they are presented in the native language to the Spanish, English ad Ukrainian speakers accordingly. I chose three ways of presenting proper names to the recipients: 1. The translation to the target language; 2. The original graphic form without translation (i.e. English Baby Boom, 2001: A Space Odyssey, I suppose these proper names are widely known, hence the translation is not necessary and native speakers already have them in their mental lexicon); 3. The transliteration according to the norms of the target language (English The Roswell UFO incident  – Spanish Inci- dente OVNI de Roswell). In spite of the procedures above there were questions about the stimuli (what does this word mean?) and refuses to fill in the questionnaire. To avoid these problems and misunderstandings I propose to use proto- typical doubles on the basis of the ICMs (ideal cognitive models). A person usually has ICMs of different things, this is also true about concepts denoting proper names. To illustrate: ICM of the concept “dream city” has the following attrib- utes: perfect, centre of cultural life, famous, one wants to be there more than in any other. And these key features can be the same in various languages, but they can define different onomastic concepts, it could be Paris, London, New York, Moscow etc. In my study I propose to form questionnaire for onomastic associative experiments on the basis of ICMs which should include prototypical doubles. This procedure can make onomastic associative experiment more productive and informative. Thus, the experiment provides the necessary information to the following research instead of irrelevant phonetic associations. 

Keywords: ideal cognitive model (ICM), onomastic associative experiment, proper name, prototypical doubling.  

Neklesova V.Yu. Prototypical Doubling In the Onomastic Associative Experiment Procedure

Shanina O.S. Speech cliches as a kind of etiquette conduct of medical discourse

Abstract: The article analyzes the speech as a kind of cliche label behavior in medical discourse.  It is noticed on that they have an important suggestive influence on the patient. 

Keywords: speech cliches, suggestive function, discourse, perlocutionary effect.    

Shanina O.S. Speech cliches as a kind of etiquette conduct of medical discourse

Kovaliova G. The role of pragmatic actualizer in uncovering the emotional sphere of speech and literary charac- ters of E. Gutsalo and A. Il'chenko

Abstract: Due to the fact that in modern linguistic studies, increasing attention is paid to specific language model, the article is devoted prahmalinhvistychnym units, including prahmemam (units of different levels of language) that reflect the regulatory properties of language is the means of manipulative influence in the speech of the characters of a literary text. Attention is paid to the fact that between pragmatic language units there are certain system connections on an equal relationship and interaction. Actually these connections and underlying allocation prahmalinhvistychnyh units. The au- thor focused on the fact that they (prahmemy) are characterized by pragmatic color and function to the regulation of be- havior. In the article special attention is given to determination of the Pragma-aktualizatoriv that operate in broadcasting literary characters quirky novels famous Ukrainian writers Hutsalo E. and A. Il’chenko. Analyzed prahmemy the entry as a standalone kind of pragmatic fields – appreciable, intellectual, during what is set to feature such units is such that they operate in a positive sense and vice versa. In other words, aktualizatoramy prahmemy is a positive (negative) emo- tional assessment that if “charge” this assessment language prahmemy with negative (positive) emotional assessment, changing  the  otsinnnyy  their  mark  on  the  pole,  creating  a  humorous  touch.  The  researcher  stresses  the  idea  that prahmemy-aktualizatory help identify a variety of feelings, expression of emotions (positive and negative) in the com- munication process, providing estimates that caused the broadcast feature characters,  serves as a  means of creating a special humorous tone and so on. We show also that prahmemy-aktualizatory penetrating the speech of the characters quirky novels Hutsalo E. and A. Il’chenko expressing personal attitudes of those who possess a certain type of broadcast to information that is transferred speaker. As a pragmatic potential as a single word and utterance as a whole depends on several factors: the manner of submitting opinions, emotional and mental state of a native speaker, the specifics of its national character, individual traits, characteristics of interpersonal relationships, etc., the author draws attention to the presence of a specific connotation that based on the estimated factor and is a feature of broadcasting literary characters fancy prose E. Hutsalo and A. Il’chenko. 

Keywords: pragmema, pragmemy-actualizer, chimeric prose, category assessment, speech act. 

Kovaliova G. The role of pragmatic actualizer in uncovering the emotional sphere of speech and literary charac- ters of E. Gutsalo and A. Il’chenko

Reshetnyak O.O. Biblionyms as a means of creating of archetypal symbolism of apocalyptic biblical imagery

Abstract: The article is devoted to the actual problem of linguistic and cultural awareness of archetypical symbolism in biblical and apocalyptic worldview. The analysis of semantic processes that contribute to the formation of these sym- bolic meanings is applied in this scientific exploration. The main symbols of biblical and apocalyptic imagery are de- termined and the boundaries of sacred concepts such as Jerusalem and New Jerusalem are also outlined. In the article the  archetypal  binary  opposition  is  represented  and  it  is  marked  with  lexemes  with  a  positive  connotation  (Eden,  the Promised  Land,  Canaan,  Jerusalem,  Mount  Zion,  the  New  Jerusalem)  and  with  lexemes  with  a  negative  connotation (Egypt,  Babylon,  Rome,  Babylon  the  Great).  The  author  involves  the  significant  facts  and  materials  of  The  Book  of Books (Scripture). The attempt to create a unified concept of parallelism of apocalyptic and demonic worlds on the ex- ample of a single symbolic paradigm is made in the article in order to enable conscious reading of the text of Holy Bi- ble. It is proved that the ability of symbol to transmit the inner essence of phenomena helps to make it polyfunctional means of fictional and figurative structure of any substance. 

Keywords: Bible, connotation, concept, archetype, symbolema, binary opposition.

Reshetnyak O.O. Biblionyms as a means of creating of archetypal symbolism of apocalyptic biblical imagery

Lakomska I.V. Representative specifics of phraseological units in the headlines of Ukrainian newspapers

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analуsis of the predicate descriptions of phraseological units in newspaper head- lines, where phraseological units attract maximum attention and influence the audience. The relevance of application of neurolinguistic programming is accentuated in this aspect. It was found that the activation of the title suggestion is done through the sensory specific markers (predicates) in the structure of the idiom. Communication between modal marked phraseological units and their suggestive power was detected. On the bases of methodological framework of neurolin- guistic programming kinesthetic, visual and auditory markers were distinguished in the phraseological units that corre- late with the representative systems stipulating the specific perception of the information received. Using the predicate characteristics  of  neurolinguistic  programming,  an  analysis  of  semantics  of  the  individual  elements  of  phraseological units (neurolinguistic predicates) was carried out. According to morphological categories of predicates and their sugges- tive potential dominant and peripheral groups of these units were established. High productivity of the using of kines- thetic predicates was recorded in comparison with visual and auditory markers. Identified predicates are implemented in different morphological categories but more often they are expressed as adjective, verb, with less dynamics  – a noun. There are also examples of predicates, that are observed in the structure of the morphological synesthesia, maximizing the impact on the reader. The features to appeal to the reader’s emotional sphere of the predicate in the structure of phra- seological units, optimizing the suggestive potential of the media messages were analyzed. 

Keywords: newspaper headlines, phraseologism, representative systems, neurolinguistic predicate, suggestion.

Lakomska I.V. Representative specifics of phraseological units in the headlines of Ukrainian newspapers 

Barabanova O., Gribovska D. Disclosure of Language Concepts of Ukrainian Philosophers in A.Fed’s Romantic Existential works

Abstract: For the last twenty years, the period of Independence of Ukraine, the modern Ukrainian literature has been enriched  with creative achievements of  masters of  words,  unbiased from diverse, different ideas; professional  writers who disclose in their texts not only their own memories and emotions, but also provide an professional assessment of the past, creating the further perspective of reader’s perception. Surely only consideration of full national artistic herit- age will reproduce Ukrainian literary process of the XXI century in a systematic and comprehensive way; investigate the “cultural landscapes” of the past, and reveal the greatness of literature in conditions of freedom of speech and press. Anatoly Fed’s philosophical fiction is interesting to be studied. It is a separate ideological and artistic phenomenon of aesthetic  construction  based  on  authentically  reflected  reality.  Still  he  is  a  famous  scientist,  but  in  Ukraine  he  is  not well-known as a writer, but a popular author in the Donbas. Literary art studio of A. Fed has just begun. However, a complete scientific reception of literary process of the XXI century as a distinctive national cultural phenomenon is im- possible without the ideological and artistic contribution of creative individuals like A. Fed. So the coverage of outlined problems is actually in the beginning of its entry into the operative field of scientific literature. Therefore the relevance of the proposed article is determined, on the one hand – by insufficient analysis of the array of A. Fed’s philosophical prose, on the other hand – by the lack of specific system works on the creative individuality of the artist. A. Fed’s emo- tive fiction heritage achievements is the boundary blending of romantic realism and explosive existence of modern lit- erary  trends  that  reveals  new  perspectives  for  Ukrainian  prose  texts  with  philosophical  content.  Imagery  pragmatism and compositional structure emphasize the author’s narrative of the highest quality that gives birth to the intelligent and intellectual  reader.  A. Fed’s  creative  heritage  formed  and  interpreted  in  various  ways  is  an  important  component  of modern Ukrainian literary process. The artist realize his talent as a  writer primarily in philosophical  text that reflects deep historical and social conflicts of the day, reveals features of “collective” and individual life of Ukrainian people of the last century. Quite broad problems of A. Fed’s prose, the narrated urgency of reflected existential phenomena of life determine the specific literary simulation of reality. 

Keywords: language, existential, philosophical novel, literature, A. Fed.  

Barabanova O., Gribovska D. Disclosure of Language Concepts of Ukrainian Philosophers in A.Fed’s Romantic Existential works

Kulbabskaya E. Homogeneous parts of the sentence as a means of interpreting of a literary text

Abstract: The article shows the variety of stylistic functions of homogeneous parts of the sentence in the structure of the simple complicated sentences. In particular, in the Ukrainian writer’s literary language using of homogeneous parts of the sentence is the favorite means of intensification of its expressiveness. Units of primary or secondary homogene- ous terms of close semantics are often used as an important means of description of objects, their properties, and the various  phenomena,  processes,  etc.  In  this  case,  the  greatest  stylistic  effect  reaches  enumeration,  which  is  intensified with semantic graduation. Open or closed ranks homogeneous parts of the sentence, with the help of the semantic re- semblance and enumeration of logically incompatible words allow to create a comic effect and even highly satirical im- age. It attaches the description of emotionality, expressiveness. Incompatible concepts or (general and particular), some- times  combine  in  a  number  of  homogeneous  members  which  makes  the  statement  ridiculous  and  illogical.  With  the homogeneous parts of the sentence, you can create expressive semantic correlation. Firstly is used undistributed homo- geneous terms, and after – the same words are repeated with a detailed explanation. As a result – the symmetry of syn- tax construction appears. The antithesis is made by antonyms emphasizes of expression of homogeneous members. Au- thors  use  colorful  epithets  (coordinated  or  uncoordinated  concepts)  with  the  concrete-shaped  definition  in  a  detailed portrayal of nature, life, portrait characteristics of characters, etc. When enumerate homogeneous concepts in works of art author uses isolation of part of the sentence. The writer separates from the dominant part of the statement syntacti- cally independent segments, strengthening their semantic weight and giving a special emotional speech. This is easily seen by transforming the sentence and improving intonation (on the letter replacing full stop to semicolon). Homogene- ous series of verbal predicates not only express the dynamics of the narrative, but also temporal relationship – the sim- ultaneity or temporal sequence of several actions. Using of homogeneous parts of the sentence affects to the intonation pattern of phrase. In artistic style enumeration  creates a special harmony of the text, creates phrasal ordering. Writers giving aesthetic  meaning of sound design of speech eager to compose a series of three-term constructions; the fourth and following components of such series prefer to replace by the Participle Complex. 

Keywords: text, homogeneous parts of the sentence, temporal relations, function.  

Kulbabskaya E. Homogeneous parts of the sentence as a means of interpreting of a literary text

Voloshynova M.O. General Names of Food in Ukrainian East Sloboda Patois

Abstract: The article deals with one of the most topical problems of modern linguistics, i.e. the analysis of the local ter- ritorial dialects. A significant interest of linguists to a profound and complex study of the vocabulary of folk patois is preconditioned by a number of reasons among which we would mention the concernment of scholars about the material and spiritual culture of their  nations, the  history of the development of the  native language. The East Sloboda patois which  belong  to  the  new  formations  and  which  appeared as  a  result  of  the  occupation  and  settlement  in  the  Sloboda Ukraine,  are  supposed  to  be  little  studied  and  that  is  why  their  thorough  investigation  remains  a  topical  task  for  the Ukrainian dialectology today, in particular the problems of the systemic description of different thematic groups of the vocabulary. Food as a  man’s  everyday  need reveals  most fully people’s everyday life, their characters and traditions, their alimentary preferences, limitations and prohibitions, therefore it is a valuable source for researchers. Based on the factual material found in the villages of East Sloboda, the author makes a lexical and semantic analysis of the general names of the nourishing and innutritious food, the names connected with the processes of cooking, with the activities of a  man that cooks, etc. During the research, the quantitative composition of the representatives of the analyzed semes and their functional activity were revealed. Special attention was paid to the lexical and semantic parallels in distant and related patois of other dialectal continuums, for the genetic basis of the appearance and formation  of East Sloboda pat- ois were the Poltava, Podolye and Central Sloboda dialects. With the discovery of the dynamic processes in the vocabu- lary as a mobile component of language, the nomens of the lexical and semantic group of “General names of food” were analyzed from the point of view of defining the static and the dynamic in them, as well as the transformation processes that take place in the semantics of the analyzed linguistic units. In order to realize it, a comparative analysis of the found manifestations with the historical lexicographic and ethnographic sources was made which allowed retracing the spatial behavior of the lexems on the following two time samples, i.e. synchronic and diachronic. 

Keywords: food, seme, nomen, dialects, East Sloboda patois.  

Voloshynova M.O. General Names of Food in Ukrainian East Sloboda Patois

Shevchenko M. Scientific Approaches to the Genre Classification of the Press Discourse

Abstract: The article discusses main scientific approaches to the genre classification of the media discourse, on basis of which was made an attempt to single out the basic primary media discourse genre. All examined classifications have the common feature which testifies that despite of the chosen division criterion the leading role in the mass-media belongs to the conception of the information genre or news genre of journalism. In terms of speech act theory it can be consid- ered as primary genre. 

Keywords: medialinguistics, linguistic genology, information genre, primary genre, media discourse.  

Shevchenko M. Scientific Approaches to the Genre Classification of the Press Discourse

Lesnova V.V. Means of Expressing Evaluation in Ukrainian Dialectal Speech

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of evaluation as a linguistic category revealed at different levels  of lan- guage, i.e. phonetic, word-building, lexical, and syntactical. It has been stressed that modern linguistics one of the main characteristics of which is a strongly marked anthropocentrism, pays a significant interest to axiology: linguists study the essence of the category of evaluation, the formal means of its expression in the texts of different styles and genres as well as the related to evaluation phenomena of emotiveness, expressiveness and  figurativeness.  At the same time the specificity of the expression of evaluation based on the examples of the Ukrainian patois in particular remains scantily studied which preconditions the topicality of the suggested article. The factual material of the analysis has been taken from dictionaries and readers in modern dialectal texts from different regions of Ukraine. It has been accentuated that dialectal speech which exists in the oral form and cannot be codified, includes a great deal of expressive and evaluative means characteristic of every personality. Whereas dialectal speech in many instances outruns literary speech regarding the degree of expressive saturation and emotionality, evaluation in it can be expressed with the help of the speaker’s in- tonation. The  word-building means of expression of evaluation often depend directly upon the contexts in  which one and the same word-building formant may possess opposite evaluative semes, i.e. positive or negative. A characteristic feature  of  dialectal  speech  is  that  evaluation  can  be  expressed  by  means  of  pejorative  or  meliorative  suffixes  in  the structure of pronouns. It has  been proved on the basis of concrete  examples that  words  in dialectal speech  which are semantically related to the notions of a negative plane, exceed greatly in their quantity the words with the semes of posi- tive evaluation. The author has analyzed the examples of expressing evaluation with the help of metaphors and similes, words-intensifiers, the combination of rationally evaluative lexical units with pleonastic words such as так, такой, gra- dations and repetitions of different structure. It has been stated that one microtext can simultaneously represent several means of expression of evaluation on different levels of language. 

Keywords: category of evaluation, dialectal speech, positive evaluation, negative evaluation, means of expression of evaluation. 

Lesnova V.V. Means of Expressing Evaluation in Ukrainian Dialectal Speech

Shvydka A.V. Infinitive in the context of other uncategorial proponents of attributive relations

Abstract: The use of infinitive in the syntactic area of adjective and its implement of attributive function at the phrase level and the formal and syntactic level of sentence is explored in the article. The semantic types of signified noun with infinitive attribute are determined. 

Keywords: infinitive, attributive relations, defined noun, infinitive attribute, adjective syntactic derivation.  

Shvydka A.V. Infinitive in the context of other uncategorial proponents of attributive relations

Vinnykova T.S. Terms connected with the researching of the problem of parts of speech transposition

Abstract: The article deals with the results of terms’ constellation investigation on indication of the phenomena of parts of  speech  transposition  which  are  functioning  in  linguistic  fieldwork,  specifically,  the  matter  is  about  corresponding terminology`s abuse (over 100 terminological formations are analyzed). Basic tendencies are described namely terms` oversaturation, unreasonable usage of descriptive terms, unjustified replacement of current terms, etc. 

Keywords: parts of speech transposition, term, terminological system, term stable, term conditional.    

Nera N.Y. Hedging strategy in the gender aspect of free-indirect speech

Abstract. The article deals with the notion of hedging in free-indirect speech. It is investigated through gender aspect. We differentiate between feminine and  masculine communicative styles and the usage of hedges in authoress’  verbal behavior.  Women’s  speech  is  more  variable,  women  often  resort  to  euphemisms,  they  use  more  expressive  language forms, they often use interrogative intonation, expressing uncertainty or need for approval, women are less straightfor- ward and more polite in communication than men, and women’s communicative style is more focused on cooperation, not competition. One of the typical female communicative strategies is hedging. Its main purpose is to show intentional- ly noncommittal or ambiguous statement, to avoid fulfilling or answering a question completely, to be confidently un- certain. Thus, hedging is a pragmatic tool that serves as a means of monitoring relations between sender/recipient and relationship to  what is being  discussed / reported. One of the  most systematic approaches to the analysis of this phe- nomenon is “theory of politeness”. We differentiate between its two functions: 1) epistemic that conveys the speaker’s degree of confidence (positive politeness), 2) affective, reflecting the speaker’s desire to establish and maintain commu- nicatively-friendly interaction (negative politeness). The quantitative analysis demonstrates that women use more hedg- ing devices (56%) in comparison with men 44%. Verbal female behaviour is full of modal phrases (suppose, believe, think)  and  their  synonymous  constructions  (modals  +  Perfect  Infinitive),  verbal-nominal  combinations  (I  fear,  I’m afraid, let me), adverbs of degree (rather, sort of, quite, perhaps, probably), expressive language forms. Male characters are more likely to use such modal forms that convey a degree of confidence and reliability of the information (I know / suppose). In general men’s communicative strategy is more of authoritative and effective character while women’s is more emotional and metaphorical. Thus, our analysis confirms that communicative strategy of hedging is indeed peculi- ar women’s characters rather than men. 

Keywords: hedging, free-indirect speech, gender, feminine and masculine styles, politeness, discourse. 

Nera N.Y. Hedging strategy in the gender aspect of free-indirect speech

Tytiuk A. The novels of Sue Grafton and Sara Paretsky as the example of women “hard-boiled” detective

Abstract. In offered article we address to the one of the genres of popular literature – detective. The article is devoted to the study of the works of American female writers Sue Grafton and Sara Paretsky. The purpose of this paper is to de- termine the status of the genre of “women’s detective” in literary criticism. The topicality and urgency of this theme is stipulated by the aroused for the last years interest in the gender issues. 

Keywords: women’s detective, detective novel, hero, Sue Grafton, Sara Paretsky.  

Tytiuk A. The novels of Sue Grafton and Sara Paretsky as the example of women “hard-boiled” detective

Mykhasiv T.S. Poetic Picture of the World of Walt Whitman in the Projection of Philosophy of the American Transcendentalism

Abstract. The recent paradigm shift within modern linguistic study has made it possible to bridge the divide between literary and linguistic approaches to language. Modern sciences such as cognitive linguistics, linguo-stylistics and linguo-poetics concentrate on the study of the conceptual space of a literary work. The focus of attention in shifted to such three main notions: linguistic picture of the world, poetic picture of the world, individual picture of the world. The linguistic picture of the world presents a complex unity of the national-cultural characteristics of the human community re-flected in the language. At the same time the individual picture of the world is considered to be the one that is gradually influenced not only by the author’s general knowledge but also by the writer’s personal experience and viewpoints expressed in his literary texts. To reconstruct the conceptual priorities, world outlook and the peculiarities of the individu- al picture of the world one should deal with the interpretation of the concepts in a literary  text. They are treated as the main textual categories that effectively help to perceive and comprehend the author’s individual picture of the world.  The componential analysis employed by many scholars is aimed at studying the structure of a word’s meaning as well as revealing  the  individually  important  features  of  the  author’s  literary  concept  the  word  formally  conveys.  It  is  proved that the most effective way of textual concept analysis is to study the key words which are regarded as a category of high-frequency vocabulary that fully nominates the concept and is considered to be the most important vector of the lit- erary text interpretation. The article aims at revealing the peculiarities of Walt Whitman’s poetic picture of the world which was gradually influenced by the philosophy of American transcendentalism and defined the focal text concepts in the book of poetry “Leaves of Grass”. 

Keywords: linguistic picture of the world, individual picture of the world, text concept, transcendentalism. 

Mykhasiv T.S.  Poetic Picture of the World of Walt Whitman in the Projection of Philosophy of the American Transcendentalism

Meshkova V.E. Shtetl as a "location of memory" of the generation Y (on the basis of the novel by J.S.Foer "Everything is Illuminated")

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  problem  of  representation  of  shtetl’s  image  and  its  role  in  the  opening  of  the moral potential of the youth in one of the most popular novels of the modern American literature. In distinction from a traditional  realistic  representation  of  a  shtetl  (Sholom  Aleichem,  Mendele  Moicher  Sforim,  Isaak  Bashevis  Singer, Shmuel Agnon and etc.) J. S. Foer appeals to a creation of the image of his ancestry’s native land from the positions of the postmodernistic aesthetics. The history of Trachimbrod, existing two hundred years ago, is depicted by the author with the help of a postmodernistic play which demonstrates ironic world perception of the writer. With the help of irony Foer overwhelms the tragedy of his ancestors’ life, as, from his viewpoint and one of his characters, the humor is the on- ly  way  to  tell  about  something  sad.  That  is  why  in  the  novel,  descriptions  of  shtetl,  provincial  and  dull  town  with  a complicated way of living, challenging earning of the staff of life, as  well as with difficult relationship between resi- dents, sound ironically. The insight into the history of Trachimbrod is finished with a tragic death of the shtetl in the year 1942. The events of the World War II, experienced, comprehended by the characters, who are  representatives of the generation Y, are depicted by Foer in another emotional perspective. The dead shtetl became the  foundation of a youth’s moral growing-up for a young characters of the novel. The characters estimate the past through their own per- ception of concepts “friendship/treason”, “own/alien”. The function of the shtetl image in the novel “Everything is Illu- minated” by J.S.Foer is more tremendous than one in works by writer’s forerunners. The shtetl in the novel is not a sim- ple toponym, but it is a “location of memory” which influences the youth’s world perception and their place in the life very much. 

Keywords: shtetl, generation Y, postmodernism, postmodernistic play, artistic-geographic space, place of memory.    

Meshkova V.E.  Shtetl as a “location of memory” of the generation Y (on the basis of the novel by J.S.Foer “Everything is Illuminated”)

Borenko V.  Genre Matrix of Epic Novel and “Notre Dame de Paris” by Victor Hugo: points of contact

Abstract. The article highlights genre peculiarities of the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” by Victor Hugo. It is pointed out that the genre originality of this literary work is the result of the synthesis of the novel (prosaic – W. Scott) and epic (highly  poetic  –  Homer)  principles,  the  need  for  which  was  manifested  in  the  French  romantic’s  article  “Sur  Walter Scott”. The article is focused on the identification of correlation aspects of this writing with genre canon of epic novel. The  author  dwells  on  the  characteristics  of  the  novel  “Notre  Dame  de  Paris”  as  Victor  Hugo’s  attempt  to  recreate  a three-dimensional picture of French society at a critical historical juncture, tight interweaving of individual and histori- cally conditioned in the characters’ fate, depicting of characters’ traits in development; glorification of folk elements, the large number of characters and plot branching, etc. The author emphasizes that the main conflict of the novel and the characters’ personal lives are defined by a clash of values, specific for the European Middle Ages and Renaissance. The peculiarities of the characters system organization both as a means of “historical flavor” creating and as a way to reflect the global conflict of the era are deeply analyzed. The article deals with the image of the Cathedral in correlation with the matrix of the epic novel genre. The author states that the Cathedral itself organizes a world created by Hugo and absorbs heroes by itself (pulls them geographically, dominates socially and spiritually, relates to their fates in the philosophical and historical way). The author emphasizes the role of the Cathedral as time movement and time changes materialized in stone, and connects the attempts to recreate the people’s past and present and look into their future with this image-symbol; skyward tendency of cathedral spires is considered as a symbol of spiritual awakening of both peo- ple in general and a particular individual and historical progress. The article reveals such epic novel feature as the glori- fication  of  the  people,  their  role  as  a  history  maker.  The  author  points  out  and  characterizes  the  levels  of  “people’s thought” disclosure (L. Tolstoy) in the novel: philosophical synthesis and concrete historical. It is also noted that Es- meralda and Quasimodo as representatives of the people combine these two levels. In this case, Esmeralda is interpreted by Hugo as an embodiment of beauty, goodness, love (like Raphael’s Madonna), Quasimodo as the greatness and pow- er of the people’s spiritual energy. 

Keywords: epic novel, novelized epos, genre, genre matrix.    

Borenko V.  Genre Matrix of Epic Novel and “Notre Dame de Paris” by Victor Hugo: points of contact

Solomakhina J.F. The modification of images of the Slavic pantheon of gods in the poetry of O. Lyaturynska

Abstract. The author of the article deals with the modification of images of the Slavic pantheon of gods in the poetry of O. Lyaturynska. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the artistic meanings and features of the author’s Slavic herit- age. The transformation of pagan’s myth, images, symbols in the poetical texts of the poetess and  principles of its per- sonification, truth or subjectivity of its representation are actual questions of the article The article identifies the object of research as collected volumes of O. Lyaturynska (“Psaltery”, “Prince’s enamel”). The subject of scientific research were qualified as peculiarities of embodiment of pagan’s gods in the texts of the poetess. Gods are considered as posi- tive and negative divinities and showed equally in literary texts. The poetry lines are based on world harmony as well as characters of the poems. Analyzing the poetry, it could be said that the writer looked back and used in literary language names of historical relic, pagan objects of worship to create the spirit of the age, to bring back to mind our history. The Researcher analyzed poetry of a Ukrainian writer and distinguished fundamental principles of incarnation of Slavic di- vine pantheon, its modifications. The main motivation of her appeal to sacred images were her great concern Slavic her- itage during all her life. It is proved that O. Lyaturynska incarnated and materialized gods subconsciously and it looks like her recollection. Such approach makes an impression that she herself was considered to be Slavic goddess. Thus, the writer grouped gods in one single unit and create mythological conception of the world. It should be mentioned that the pencraft of poetess filled with tropes, for example, “Slavic” epithets, simile, metaphor, personifications, anthropo- morphism, asyndeton etc. There are a lot of pagan’s symbols in poetry (hoarse, sun, rain, wind). The writer modified sacred images of mythical creatures that let us speak about and intricate social phenomenon as political repression. The article concludes that O. Lyaturynska portrayed world of gods and demons, brought them  up to date, sometimes kept traditional perception of divinities.  

Keywords: Slavic pantheon of gods, sacral and mythological ritua, fundamental principles of incarnation, magic be- liefs, symbol-guardian, pagan’s symbols. 

Solomakhina J.F.  The modification of images of the Slavic pantheon of gods in the poetry of O. Lyaturynska

Tischenko O.O. Stylistically-aesthetically function of comparisons in the language creation of Emma Andievska

 Abstract. The modern level of research of artistic idiostyles, bringing in of the proper methods of analysis is allowed to enter in a turn high-quality the new linguistic phenomena. Such is poetic creation of Emma Andievska, prominent rep- resentative  of  the  Ukrainian  diaspore,  member  of  the  New  York  group,  whose  artistic  work  only  last  time  finds  the proper illumination on the territory of Ukraine.  Linguistic studios devoted to the poetic creation of Emma Andievska are absents in Ukrainian linguistics practically. Bringing in to the poetics of authoress is predefined that an authoress is considered to the founder of experimental-intelektual directions of the modern Ukrainian poetry, fully new by stylish and by the language creation signs of the artistic phenomenon. In the article the different types of comparisons are ex- amined in the lyric poetry of Emma Andievska.  

Keywords: experiment, idiostil, language creation, diaspore, semantics.  

Tischenko O.O. Stylistically-aesthetically function of comparisons in the language creation of Emma Andievska

Fetisova О. The peculiarity of the combination of real and infernal space in the novel by M. Hrymych "Do you hear, Margot?.."

Abstract.  The  article  investigates  Marina  Hrymych’s  novel  “Do  you  hear,  Margot?..”.  The  subject  of  analysis  is  the features of artistic space, including its separation of real and infernal. In postmodern literature using custom space is a means of understanding the complexity of human life, its loneliness and absurdity. In the Hrymych’s novel heroes travel in the real and the fictional worlds. The real space represented in the novel by heroine’s Kievan flat, her  office, home- stead  in  Lviv,  Ukrainian  villages.  These  locations  are  periodically  changed  to  infernal  “land  Obretena”,  where  is  the kingdom of women. Hrymych’s unreal space characterized by lack of time and pretentiousness of events taking place there. It looks like a perfect  pastoral town, arranged according  to the plan of Queen Margot.  To get into the infernal world have to pass a peculiar labyrinth, whose image is archetypal. Movement down, which is often accompanied by transition to infernal world, in our opinion, like the mythological journey into the underworld, which is associated with the world of spirits, otherworldly realm Navi. Journey into such a world is necessarily accompanied by a change in the hero’s personality. Through in the novel is the archetype of the home. Archetype home is the main in the novel. In the real world it takes the form of Margot’s apartments, and in the infernal world it turns into a whole kingdom, which she governs. The author creates a model “female” universe where the woman dominates over the man and ensured her free- dom of the individual. Artistic reality of novel “Do you hear, Margot?..” to takes on signs of magical realism, and de- stroys the boundary between the real and the infernal. This is why the characters are forced to doubt the authenticity of the real world and escape to the infernal space Mythological image of the Cossack-harakternyk becomes dominant in the freakish world of the novel. It has acquires traditional for it folk features, but the author interprets it not as the embodiment of warrior and the image of perfect protector of the protagonist. Construction of the perfect infernal space in the Hrymych’s novel is the model for creating a real family world for the characters of the novel. 

Keywords: novel, myth, time-space, real and infernal space, archetype. 

Fetisova О. The peculiarity of the combination of real and infernal space in the  novel by M. Hrymych “Do you hear, Margot?..”

Romaniuk L.M. The chronicle of tragic discussion (the literary discussion in Ukraine in 1925-1928)

Abstract. The twenties of the twentieth century, the age of mature Ukrainian modernism, are notable for its particularly active artistic self-reflection, attention to the matters of form, the development of new styles and trends, methodologies of literary studies etc. At that time the strong arguments have been focused on the problem art / ideology, the slogan of self-sufficiency of art and creativity was contrasted to the appeals to put aesthetics and literature at the service of the political issues of the day. This confrontation was clearly revealed during the literary discussion of the 1925-1928. Despite of the ending the discussion by applying political pressure, censorial pressure and persecution, in the twenties some authoritative and interesting schools and trends of literary studies and criticism were determined. Ukrainian literary studies and criticism developed very rapidly. At the same time, the tension struggle between different literary organizations and groups has increased. This had caused and intensified the acuity of the famous literary discussion. It was an attempt to modernize Ukrainian literature and culture. By that time the main programs and points of view of the members of the literary process had been determined. The main representatives of modernism were the so called «neoclassicists» and «vaplityany» who didn’t admit mass character and ideological ideas in literature. The avant-gardists occupied a special position against modernism and populism, the fu- turists denied any connection with traditions and tried to start the history of the literature from the new page. Hartivtsi represented the mass character and determined that the main task of art was to serve the ruling regime. The discussion was started by Mykola Khvylovy, who published the pamphlet  «Satan in a barrel», or on graphomaniacs,  speculators and other Prosvita-types» in the newspaper «Culture and Life» on the April 30, 1925. The author determined the main problems of the literary development of that time. Lots of writers, critics, political and government leaders joined the discussion.  It  was  about  whether  the  Ukrainian  culture  can  get  rid  of  its  colonial  /  postcolonial  status  and  become  a modern culture of the modern nation. 

Keywords: literary studies, criticism, discussion, modernism, style, pamphlet.  

Romaniuk L.M. The chronicle of tragic discussion (the literary discussion in Ukraine in 1925-1928)

Filatova O.S. Ukrainian romance philology of the twenties: thematic diapason and genre-stylistic modifications

Abstract. Political cataclysms, rapid rate of technological progress, social and cultural changes in Ukraine at the begin- ning of the XXth century required new comprehension reflected in dimension of artistic reality. Atmosphere of “ideo- logical  mixture,  social  pressure,  and  spirituality”  (K.Klark)  updates  intensive  researches  of  new  art  forms, principles  of  perception,  ideological,  and  aesthetic  guides  in  Ukrainian  literature  of  the  twenties   of  the XXth century. National writing, striving renewal of poetics artwork, refers courageously to redefining achievements of previous cultural and stylistic systems, adopting European creation models, famous  motives, and narrative structures.  Ukrainian  novel as  holistic artistic phenomenon, based on potential opportunities  for playing  all  facets of a complex and ambiguous reality, becomes productive genre in the first post-revolutionary decade. This process is character- ized by expanding the range of themed romance philology, updated figurative-expressive means, and improved methods of image. The literature introduces new genre modifications. The trends growth towards complex combination of interpene- tration and overlapping forms of literary genre to model other related arts and more. Demonstrating traditional and innova- tive and experimental streams, existential, intellectual, psychological, social, historical, adventurous, satirical, fantastical, and utopian novels appear in  Ukrainian literature.  And every text is a unique blend of several  varieties of  genre.  In  the harsh conditions of normativity and regulation, creative power of Ukrainian writers gradually fades. Implementation of the method of socialist realism leads to restriction of creative freedom, narrowing the thematic range, leveling individu- alism,  subjective  principles  and  ets.  Romance  philology  of  early  Soviet  era  was  based  on  ideological  principles  that clearly traced in the literature and in social and cultural discourse in general. Among the literary attempts at that time there were real creative findings, but they did not stand the test of time, became the things of the past, leaving no visible trace in the history of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. 

Keywords: novel, thematic range, genre-stylistic modification, tradition, experiment.  

Filatova O.S. Ukrainian romance philology of the twenties: thematic diapason and genre-stylistic modifications