Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 149. 2018.

A. G. Baghdasaryan Тhe universal and the national in the metaphorical picture of the world  

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to present the universal and the national in the metaphorical picture of the world. The mental processes of human beings are mainly metaphorical, their conceptual system is organized by the metaphor which is a powerful instrument of cognition of the world and thinking and at the same time reflects the age-old experience of the lingo-cultural community and cultural values, which gives the opportunity of claiming the close interpenetration of the universal and the national in the metaphorical image of the world. 

Keywords: metaphorical picture of the world, culture, the universal, the national, cognitive metaphor.  

A. G. Baghdasaryan Тhe universal and the national in the metaphorical picture of the world

T. S. Bosa Theoretical principles of research of speech genre  

Abstract. Modern Linguistics is characterized by the creation and formation of the new promising direction, based on the antropocentrična  theory  of  speech  genres  (TSG).  The  popularity  of  this area  lies  in  the  interest  of  scholars  of  the  phenomenon of  virtual communication, which has a structure and different mechanisms of influence on social content. Multidimensionality and the wealth they form determines the need for a diversified approach to the study of SG in genologìï. The author presents the basic theoretical framework of the study of the theory of speech genres. Taking into account the achievements of modern research, analyzed the concept of speech genres, describes the features and functions of the graphical elements of the speech genre. It is proved that modern speech genre and it’s kind of a virtual speech genre is informational and communicative environment, in which there is a particular style of design, field communications, speech behavior. Speech genres and virtual speech genre belong to written communication, and based on the most complete use of lexical, grammatical, graphical, display means language that involves making certain corrections, as well as different dialogic and monologue forms.  

Keywords: genre, speech genre, virtual speech genre. 

T. S. Bosa Theoretical principles of research of speech genre 

N. Darchuk AGAT-dictionaries as a component for automated Ukrainian text content management  

Abstract. The article views linguistic aspects for development of electronic semantic dictionary as the basis for the future-oriented automated analysis of semantic structure of Ukrainian texts. It provides available automated semantic tagging (metadata) according to taxonomic classes which is utilized in AGAT-dictionaries and enables to analyze texts at different levels of language system. The developed system enables to display as per request from the Ukrainian Corpus dictionaries of lexical and semantic groups of different parts of speech with statistical data. The text corpus with dictionaries are available at the linguistic web-site 

Keywords: AGAT-dictionaries, The Ukrainian corpus texts, taxon, semantic annotation.  

N. Darchuk AGAT-dictionaries as a component for automated Ukrainian text content management 

V. V. Kal’ko The sign character of the paremia  

Abstract. The article defines main features of paremia as a language sign: its bilateral character, systematic nature, ability for reproduction, informative content, generalized sense, collocating resource, changeable form, properly motivated ground. The paper regards paremia as a language sign marked with a special connection of the form and the content that generally is looked upon as a means to preserve, achieve, process and give the information. 

Keywords: lingual semiotics, language sign, paremia, phrase, language system, semantics, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 

V. V. Kal’ko The sign character of the paremia 

L. V. Klymenko Category of otherness in the french scientific reflection  

Abstract. The article is devoted to the modern research positions analysis relative to the category of otherness in the French scientific paradigm social and humanitarian paradigm. Thanks to the interpretation of scientific texts the French ALTÉRITÉ has been comprehended as a natural, dynamic, socially and culturally determined scientific category which creates a broad cognitive space within the framework of the national picture of the world. The conclusion stating the ALTÉRITÉ being one of the French culture’s key-concepts, the ethnical reality, and a special type of the national self-identification has been reapproved. 

Keywords: otherness, altérité, national picture of the world, Other’s category, ethnospecifical feature.  

L. V. Klymenko Category of otherness in the french scientific reflection 

N. M. Korbozerova Equivalence/No Equivalence Structural Sentence Scope (Typologycal Analyses) 

Abstract: The article deals with the sentence, as a basic unit of communication, in Spanish language in comparison to Ukrainian one. Are investigated similar and differential features in both languages, that allows to the students to study easily the foreign language. 

Keywords: semantics, form, simple sentence, complex sentence, Spanish language, Ukrainian language.  

N. M. Korbozerova Equivalence/No Equivalence Structural Sentence Scope (Typologycal Analyses) 

K. A Korniyets Language purism as a social phenomenon in modern Turkey  

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the concept of linguistic purism as a means of combating borrowings and normalizing the Turkish language. The study identifies the reasons for the penetration of foreign words, emphasizes their positive and negative impact on the Turkish language and the development of culture, and also analyzes the problems of language policy, which is aimed at cleaning the literary Turkish language from foreign borrowing. 

Keywords: purism, borrowing, language policy, obsolete lexicon, neologisms. 

K. A Korniyets Language purism as a social phenomenon in modern Turkey 

Y. Kovalyuk Finding the common ground: phraseological theory and terminology revisited  

Abstract. The present paper is a state of the art review of the contemporary theory of phraseology. The field of phraseology has now been known to deal with ‘the formulaic nature of language, the psycholinguistic reality of holistically stored multi-word expressions and the importance of phraseological units in second-language acquisition’, among others [Hoffmann et al. 2015: 1]. Two major challenges, however, stand in the way: the ever-expanding list of terms pertaining to phraseology and a plethora of approaches regarding its scope. In an attempt to resolve these issues, the present paper will first focus on two major approaches to the study of phraseology: the traditional approach and the frequency-based approach. Then, a survey into phraseological terminology will be conducted. Further, connections between phraseology and four influential disciplines, i.e. construction grammar, semantics, pragmatics and cultural linguistics will be explored. It will finally be concluded with a discussion of the points under analysis.  

Keywords: phraseology, construction grammar, semantics, pragmatics, cultural linguistics.  

Y. Kovalyuk Finding the common ground: phraseological  theory and terminology revisited  

E. A. Leontieva Functioning of nominal forms of predicates with the semantics of temporality in modern Ukrainian language  

Abstract. The article presents the reasons of two-member sentences with the nominal form of predicates expressing the semantics of temporality. The paper also presents the semantic classification of the analyzed units and a brief overview of the formal means of their verbalization.  

Keywords: predicate, subject, temporality, classification, ways of expression, semantic type.  

E. A. Leontieva Functioning of nominal forms of predicates with the semantics of temporality in modern Ukrainian language  

A. V. Lepetiukha Compressed monopredicative utterances with adjectival, participial and gerundial key lexems (on the material of modern French fiction)  

Abstract.  In  this paper  the  structural  types  are  highlighted  and  the  functional  peculiarities  of  monopredicative  constructions  with syntactical synonymy at the level of syntagm and of utterance with adjectival, participial and gerundial key lexems are analyzed. By the medium of inverse reconstruction (discourse → language) they revealed the virtual (linguistic) transformational processes as a result of which the monopredicative discourse innovations are formed. The alternative linguistic experiment-language game of addressee is used to determine the level of co(n)textual pertinence of primary structure and of secondary synonymic transforms. 

Кeywords: co(n)textual pertinence, discourse innovation, кey lexem, linguistic experiment, monopredicative utterance, syntactical synonymy. 

A. V. Lepetiukha Compressed monopredicative utterances with adjectival, participial and gerundial key lexems (on the material of modern French fiction)  

O. P. Pali​ The fantastic modus of the Czech postmodern prose  

Abstract. Main peculiarities of the fantastic modus of postmodern artistic creativity are described in the article. Using of the prob- lematic field and genre structures of the fantastic tale by postmodern writers is demonstrated at the example of Czech prose writers J.Kratohvil, M.Ajvaz, M.Urban, A.Berkova, J. Kresadlo. 

Keywords: fantastic, postmodernism, Czech prose. 

O. P. Pali The fantastic modus of the Czech postmodern prose

N. V. Pasenchuk​ The means of expressing the category of evaluation in translation (case study of Ukrainian and Russian translations of the English drama of Edward Albee "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?")  

Abstract. The article focuses on the problem of the analysis of different means of verbalization of the category of evaluation in the Ukrainian and Russian translations of the English drama by E.Albee  “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”. It has been outlined that there  are  different  lexical  means  that  express  emotional  components.  The  research  has  shown  that  the phraseological  units  are  an effective means of denoting emotions and emotional state. It has been highlighted that the transformations have influenced the evalu- ative character of the source text in its translation. 

Keywords: category of evaluation, emotional component, evaluative meanings, expressiveness, lexical means. 

N. V. Pasenchuk The means of expressing the category of evaluation in translation (case study of  Ukrainian and Russian translations of the English drama of Edward Albee “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”)

K. A. Razumna​ Functional and Stylistic Distribution of Nationally Marked Vocabulary Using the Data of the English Corpora  

Abstract. Nationally-marked vocabulary of the British and American variants of English is investigated in the article. The concepts of non-equivalent vocabulary, background vocabulary and realia are discussed. The definition of the national-cultural component is specified. The examples of vocabulary that reflect national and culture specifities are provided. The main areas of functional distribu- tion of nationally-marked vocabulary are established with the help of the English language corpora. 

Keywords: nationally-marked vocabulary, national-cultural component, language corpus, non-equivalent vocabulary. 

K. A. Razumna Functional and Stylistic Distribution of Nationally Marked Vocabulary Using the Data of the English Corpora

N. V. Shvets The representation of ichthyonyms hierarchic relations in the course of defining their motivation  

Abstract. In the article, the author analyzed English, French and Ukrainian ichthyonyms hierarchic relations. An attempt to classify fish names into hyper-hyponymic and equonymic types was made. Fish names motivational basis was defined on mentioned levels, etymologically vague names were interpreted, common and specific features in English, French and Ukrainian ichthyonyms motivation were revealed. 

Keywords: ichthyonym, hyperonym, hyponym, equonym, comparative method. 

N. V. Shvets The representation of ichthyonyms hierarchic relations in the course of defining their motivation

L. V. Skoryna Prometheus as a cultural hero of Ukrainian literature of 1920s  

Abstract. Titan Prometheus is one of the traditional figures in world literature. His image is also widespread in the Ukrainian literature of 1920s. It was revealed that Prometheus is most often represented as a revolutionary: the fighter for the happiness of mankind. Interpretative models where Prometheus appears as a symbol of technological progress, a fire thief, the creator of a man, a symbol of unbearable suffering, are also common. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of the Promethean myth interpretation in the poem by V. Polishchuk “Prometheus and Mankind”, as well as in the cycle of works by P.Tychyna (poetry and fairy poem “Prome- theus”). It was clear that in the literature of 1920s, along with ideologically-interpreted versions of the traditional image, the original individual author’s models coexisted. Most of the studied literature works date back to the 1920’s; obviously, interest in the figure of Prometheus was inspired by large-scale historical events. At the end of 1920s  – in early 1930s, under the pressure of collectivism tendencies, the image of Prometheus as a symbol of individual rebellion on the margins of a figurative world was ousted.  

Keywords:  traditional  images,  Prometheus,  Promethean  myth,  individual  and  author’s  interpretation,  Ukrainian  literature  of 1920s, antique literature. 

L. V. Skoryna Prometheus as a cultural hero of Ukrainian literature of 1920s 

A. A. Volovyk Fairy tale in translation studies: theoretical perspective  

Abstract. The article focuses on the analysis of the theoretical basis of translation of fairy tales. The work deals with the description of  the  principal  tendencies  in  the  analysis  of  the  fairy  tale  in  translation.  According  to the  results  of  the  conducted  research,  it  is possible to conclude that there is no complex approach to the establishing the peculiar features of fairy tales and defining the main criteria for the faithful translation of this folklore genre that requires a detailed analysis from the perspective of translation studies.  

Keywords: translation, fairy tale, adequacy, fairy-tale colouring, national and cultural component.  

A. A. Volovyk Fairy tale in translation studies: theoretical perspective

L. M. Babakova Approaces to Profession Oriented Foreign Language Teaching at a Technical University  

Abstract. The article deals with the necessity of teaching a profession oriented foreign language in modern higher education system. The main principles and features of profession oriented education have been determined. Some quality requirements to students’ knowledge in the field of information and computer technologies have been defined. 

Keywords: profession oriented teaching, information technologies, foreign language, teaching efficiency. 

L. M. Babakova Approaces to Profession Oriented Foreign Language Teaching at a Technical University