Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 123. 2017.

Z. K. Alieva Evolution of Azerbaijan topics in Ukrainian literature second half of XX - beginning of XXI century

Abstract.  In  the  article  described  the  evolution  of  Azeri  theme  in  Ukrainian  literature  of  the  second  half  of  the  XX  –  XXI  century. Showing the problems associated with the loss and recovery of cultural identity and Ukrainian Azerbaijanis in globalization: cultural marginalization of society; sharpening contradictions between national, ethnic, social and regional and territorial identity. Reveals the current state and development of national literature and Ukrainian Azerbaijanis in relation to their cultural identity. Show ing crucial revival of religion and traditions to restore cultural identity. 

Keywords: evolution, literature, discourse, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, novel, poetry, prose.  

Z. K. Alieva Evolution of Azerbaijan topics in Ukrainian literature second half of XX – beginning of XXI century 

V. Y. AL Qasim Graphics and orthographic levels of organization of French writing

Abstract. The paper discusses the writing system of three levels of the organization – alphabet, graphics, orthography. Details considered two basic levels of organization of the system of French writing – graphics, orthography. Each term (graphics and orthography) was studied separately from each other and a comparative analysis is carried out. It was determined that the two concepts are closely related, but between them there is a significant difference. Each of Sciences has its research object and a structural unit: alphabet – letter, graphics – grapheme, orthography – orthogram. 

Keywords: writing, alphabet, graphics, grapheme, orthography, orthogram. 

V. Y. AL Qasim Graphics and orthographic levels of organization of French writing 

U. Ya. Bylytsia Comparative Phraseological Image of a Person In the English World View Through the Prism of “Universal”, “Specific” And “Unique”

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of revealing universal, specific and unique ethno-cultural peculiarities of the semantics of comparative phraseological nominations of a person in the English world view. The main approaches to the revealing of the above- mentioned peculiarities of the semantics of these units are defined and the levels of their display are shown on the basis of comparative phraseological image of a person in the English world view. 

Keywords: English world view, comparative phraseological unit, comparative-phraseological image of a person, universality of semantics, ethno-cultural specificity / uniqueness.  

U. Ya. Bylytsia Comparative Phraseological Image of a Person In the English World View Through the Prism of “Universal”, “Specific” And “Unique” 

A. Chebotaryova Romeo and Juliet in Ukraine: the interface of semiotics and translation studies

Abstract. This article is the first one to provide its readers with the in-depth overview on the theory of semiotics as well as to analyze and compare five Ukrainian translations of the greatest tragedies of Shakespeare from the semiotic prospective. One of the key scene full of different semiotic codes is under view of this research. The analysis helps to distinguish and explain the main themes and motifs of the play, translator’s methods and decisions, as well as to figure out the role of signs in the process of translating. 

Keywords: translation, semiotics, structural analysis, code, sign, Shakespeare, Barthes 

A. Chebotaryova Romeo and Juliet in Ukraine: the interface of semiotics and translation studies 

E. V. Dovhaniuk Pre-conceptual features of the concept BEAUTY in the English worldview

Abstract. The article focuses on pre-conceptual characteristics of the archetypal base and the inner form of the name of the concept BEAUTY in the English worldview. The etymological layer of the concept BEAUTY is proven to ascend to deu (Proto Indo European) and bellus (Latin) with the meaning «to revere, to honor / decent, honest, good-looking». The inner form of the nominations of the concept BEAUTY is «good, having positive value, beautiful». The concept bases on the archetype ANIMA. These characteristics determine the cognitive characteristics of BEAUTY: positive aesthetic value and a feminine side. 

Keywords: concept, etymology, etymon, inner form of the word, archetype. 

E. V. Dovhaniuk Pre-conceptual features of the concept BEAUTY in the English worldview

N. Hrynya Antithesis as a verbal contradiction and its correlation with contrast

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of antithesis and its interpretation by modern linguists. The history of the study of antithesis as a content category of a text is considered on the works of domestic and foreign linguists. Special attention is drawn to the characteristic features of antithesis in compositional framework of the text and its correlation with contrast. Contrast is observed as semantic and functional basis of a literary text.  

Keywords: antithesis, contradiction, opposition, contrast, artistic prose text. 

N. Hrynya Antithesis as a verbal contradiction and its correlation with contrast 

S. P. Hrytsenko Time of borrowing as parameter of description of history of Ukrainian lexicon

Abstract. The actuality of time definition of the first notifying of borrowings in a language-recipient is stressed in the article opens a prespective  of  different  interpretation  of  the  language-recipient  system,  conditions  and  particularities  of  interlanguage  interaction. Relative nature of time evaluation is underlined. Non-uniform intencity of acceptance of borrowings  in different periods of Ukraini- an language development is noticed, the continuity of historical existence of some borrowings is mentioned too; time gaps in reflection of  language  units  in literal sources  are  drawn.  The  method of  time  determination  of  lexema  appearing  based  on  a  history  of noticed reality is used in the research. It is evided in the article, that time determinition of beginning of borrowing functionality in a language-recipient helps to clarify the source of the borrowing and determination of priority concerning languages-mediators. 

Keywords: borrowings, language-recipient, time of borrowing, language-mediator, polonism, germanism, interlanguage interaction, language system. 

S. P. Hrytsenko Time of borrowing as parameter of description of history of Ukrainian lexicon 

N. G. Khodakovska The Poetic Techniques of German Poetic Texts

Abstract. The article deals with the poetic techniques of German poetry texts. It is proved that the basic poetry techniques of poetic texts in  German poetry, that serve to create poetic images to achieve  an artistic  goal,  which poses a poet. Writers using poetic techniques attract the reader’s attention to the subject, giving it specific artistic vision, and reveal the inner shape depicted as an aesthetic value. 

Keywords: poetry techniques, poetic text, poetic image. 

N. G. Khodakovska The Poetic Techniques of German Poetic Texts 

H. M. Kuzenko Translation as cross-cultural communication

Abstract. The present article is aimed at revealing the main role of translation in cross-cultural communication and some difficulties that translators face in this process. Ttranslation plays an important role of crossing through different cultures and communication. Therefore translation is one of the essential, fundamental, and adequate ways in transferring culture. A good translator should simultaneously be aware of the cultural factors, views and traditions in order to consciously consider historical and religious background of the source text. Finally, it is essential to evoke the same response as the source text attempted to and avoid inserting irrelevant new words into language used by people. All these factors must be taken into account in translating process. 

Keywords: enculturation, acculturation, intercultural communication, exoticism, calque, cultural borrowing, cultural transplantation. 

H. M. Kuzenko Translation as cross-cultural communication 

I. S. Melnychenko Language game as a sign of verbal aggression in English language political discourse

Abstract. The article studies the language game as a sign of verbal aggression in English language political discourse. We investigate  the  notion  “face”  as  a  methodological  base  for  studying  verbal  aggression  and  reaching  specific  communicative  aims  by  a speaker while communicative interaction. The attack of “face” in political discourse is regarded through the breach of communicative standards of verbal behavior and the usage of the language game in the perspective of showing disrespect and disapproval of a political opponent.  

Keywords. Language game, verbal aggression, political discourse,”face”. 

I. S. Melnychenko Language game as a sign of verbal aggression in English language political discourse 

O. G. Mihailova Lekhnitska S.I. Farmaconyms of analgetic action preparations as the object of onomasiological research

Abstract. For the first time was made a complex analysis of the Greek and Latin names of analgesics groups of drugs from onomasiological aspect. Observed the theoretical grounds of the meanings “onomasiological model”, “onomasiological basis”, “onomasiological signs”. Based upon the analyzed examples were determined the strategies of nomination as well as the types of onomasiological models of the formation of the Latin pharmaconyms designating analgesics.  

Keywords:  nomenclature,  pharmaconym,  element  of  nomenclature,  component  of  nomenclature,  onomasiological  model, pharmaceutical nomenclature of the Greek and Latin origin.  

O. G. Mihailova Lekhnitska S.I. Farmaconyms of analgetic action preparations as the object of onomasiological research 

N. V. Pasenchuk The concept of discourse as a communicative event and a textual category

The article is devoted to the theoretical view of the concept of “discourse” from the perspective of translation. It highlights different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “discourse” as it requires a special approach of the translator to achieve the pragmatic adequacy of a target text. Discourse is justified by its understanding as a communicative event and a textual category. It is also analyzed as a general category of speech activity.  

Keywords: translation, discourse, text, speech, extralinguistic factors, socio-cultural aspect, communication. 

N. V. Pasenchuk The concept of discourse as a communicative event and a textual category

A. V. Perminova The pragmasynergetic nature of variability of translators’ decisions

Abstract. The article deals with the nature of variability of translators’ decisions in line with pragmasynergetic approach. The research is based on Russian and Ukrainian translations of a poem by Sylvia Plath. The objective of the study is met with the help of the method of stereoscopic analysis of multiple multilingual translations of a source text. 

Keywords: pragmatics, synergetics, variability, translators’ decisions, meaning and source unity. 

A. V. Perminova The pragmasynergetic nature of variability of translators’ decisions 

A. B. Pozhar Theoretical bases of linguistic study of the category of “person’s age”

Annotation.  The  article  deals  with  theoretical  basis  of  study  of  verbal  and  non-verbal  signs  of  person’s  age  in  English  literary discourse.  The  phenomenon  of  age  symbolism  is  illustrated  on  the  examples  of  nominations  of  different  age  stereotypes  of characters. 

Keywords: the category of “person’s age”, age symbolism, age stereotypes. 

A. B. Pozhar Theoretical bases of linguistic study of the category of “person’s age” 

E. V. Prokhorova Didactic essence intensive training in oral professional speech of students of the faculty of choreographic education

Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of intensive training with the aim of developing skills of speech culture of students of the faculty of choreographic education in the classroom for oral practice. Based on the General provisions of didactics, linguistics and psychology developed the basic principles of intensive methods of language teaching. 

Keywords: competence, communicative activity, speech culture, methodology of teaching, skills, speaking. 

E. V. Prokhorova Didactic essence intensive training in oral professional speech of students of the faculty of choreographic education 

A. V. Shuhaiev The UN positive image formation in English media-discourse: tactical aspect

The article deals with the research of exemplification and supplication discourse tactics. Their significance as means of the United Nations positive image formation is defined in news articles. The functioning of lexical units within each tactics is specified. The article presents an attempt of highlighting the interrelation of exemplification and supplication tactics with the self-presentation strategy. The perspectives of further investigations are outlined according to the field of study. 

Keywords: exemplification, supplication, image, tactics, self-presentation. 

A. V. Shuhaiev The UN positive image formation in English media-discourse: tactical aspect 

N. V. Skybytska Word-formation in Internet discourse

Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the description of word-formation in Internet discourse. It analyses productivity of morphological (affixation and blending) and semantic types (metaphorisation) of coining neologisms. The article also studies the role of shortenings, which enable fast exchange of information by using minimum of signs and improve at the same time messages. Stylistic neologization of cyberdomain communication, which is witnessed by appearance of lolspeak, is described. The latter arose at the confluence of language game and youth slang as deliberate and consistent distortion of morphological structure of words and is a display of a new standard. 

Keywords: neologization, morphological and semantic word-formation, abbreviation, lolspeak. 

N. V. Skybytska Word-formation in Internet discourse 

O. M. Strokal Poetic of individual-author's word-formation neologisms-verbs

Abstract.  In  article  the  question  of  individual-author’s  word-formation  neologisms-verbs  in  Vladimir  Kolomijets’s  and  Pavlo Movchan’s language poetic is investigated. It is investigated mechanisms of a derivation of derivative verbs and the analysis of their functions in individual style of writers. It is investigated the parts of speech being bases of new words and a role of transposition in semantic structure of the text. It is determined, by use of a comparative method, the basic semantic fields of affixes in individual style of writers and in norm of modern Ukrainian language. 

Keywords: idiastyle, verb, the occasional word, forming base, a word-formation affix. 

O. M. Strokal Poetic of individual-author’s word-formation neologisms-verbs