Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 85. 2016.

Berestova A. Functional interpretation of precedent religious phenomena in the artistic discourse (based on Ukrainian prose of the late 20th - early 21st century)

Abstract. In the paper the author investigates the main functions of precedent units of religious origin in the artistic discourse on the material  of  Ukrainian  prose  of  the  late  20th  –  early  21st  century.  The  researcher  concludes  that  precedent  religious  phenomena represented  in  works  of  contemporary  Ukrainian  fiction  operate  as  means  of  tuning  and  forecasting,  metaphorization,  expressive filling,  and  traditional  and  customary  identification.  They  also  perform  informative  signaling,  nominative  and  informative,  ludic, persuasive, instructive and educational, and plot-compositional functions. 

Keywords: precedent religious phenomenon, precedent unit, artistic discourse, function.  

Berestova A. Functional interpretation of precedent religious phenomena in the artistic discourse (based on Ukrainian prose  of the late 20th – early 21st century) 

Chystiak D. The genesis of literary conceptualization in the diachronic aspect

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of literary conceptualization in the diachronic approach based on the material of Ancient Greek philosophy.  It is shown how the system of philosophical concepts in the field of aesthetics is generated from  the  worldview  of  mythic  syncretism.  Although,  there  are  new  philosophical  concepts  produced  in  the  field  of  literary conceptualization: SOUL in works of Thales of Miletus and Parmenides of Elea, UNIQUE, SOUL and NOUS in Anaxagoras’ work, EROS in Empedocles’ works, INTERNAL SOUL in Anaximander’s works, DAIMONES in Heraclitus’ and Plato’s works, EIDOS, EROS, GOOD and SOPHROSYNE in Plato’s works and DYNAMIS, FORM and ENTELECHEIA in Aristotle’s works.  

Keywords: textual concept, poetics, symbol, author’s worldview, conceptual linguistics.  

Chystiak D. The genesis of literary conceptualization in the diachronic aspect  

Deina L. The intensifiers of subjective and objective assessment in the Ukrainian diary discourse

Abstract. This article deals with an arsenal of intensifiers of subjective and objective assessment in the Ukrainian diary discourse. Communicative and pragmatic potential of amplifying means and their semantic content is also analyzed. Author finds out that the most  productive  intensifiers  in  diaries  are  amplifying,  exclamatory-amplifying,  distinctive  and  denotative  particles,  suffixal  and prefixal morphemes, quantitatively-determinative adverbs. 

Keywords: adverb, affix, assessment, diary discourse, intensifier, particle.  

Deina L. The intensifiers of subjective and objective assessment in the Ukrainian diary discourse 

Dyakiv Khr. Ukrainian deviatology: current state and research perspectives

Abstract. This paper traces the development of ideas on deviatology in Ukraine. An interdisciplinary and specialized approaches to the study of communicative failures and prospects of the research of deviatology are offered. An interdisciplinary approach is the one that is reflected in the studies of deviatology in philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, intercultural communication and journalism. It is, however, a specialized approach which enables to separate such groups within the areas of research of deviations: systematical and theoretical,  cognitive,  discursive-textual,  communicative,  didactic  and  contrastive.  This  tendency  comprises  the  attempt  of  a comprehensive approach to the phenomena of deviations, i.e. communicative and functional.  

Keywords: deviatology, deviation (failure), Ukrainian linguistics, research tendency, research perspectives. 

Dyakiv Khr. Ukrainian deviatology: current state and research perspectives

Gorbach O. Satirical-humorous value-characteristic proper names in artistic texts

Abstract. The article is devoted to satirical-humorous value-characteristic proper names of the texts of the end of XX – beginning of XXI century. Analyze their structural and semantic expression, satiric potential and author’s experiments. Satirical humorous perso- nal names classified according to the characteristics of the characters in his individual characteristics. 

Keywords: Satirical-humorous names, literature antroponyms, satiric expressions, evaluation potential.  

Gorbach O. Satirical-humorous value-characteristic proper names in artistic texts 

Kotova І. Evolution of the HERO and ANTIHERO Concepts and Their Implementation Means in American Film Discourse

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  evolution  of  the  cultural  concepts  HERO  and  ANTIHERO  viewed  as  combinations  of  their notional, evaluative, and figurative constituents. The concepts are studied in the American film discourse as their most representative implementation  sphere.  Evolutionary  tendencies  in  the  discursive  implementation  of  the  concepts  are  analyzed  using  the microdiachronic approach within the periods preceding and following 2001. 

Keywords: hero, antihero, film discourse, concept, notion, evolution.  

Kotova І. Evolution of the HERO and ANTIHERO Concepts and Their Implementation Means in American Film Discourse 

M. Melnyk „Human-City“ relations in the novel „Adenauerplatz“ by F. Ch. Delius

Abstract. The following research is based on the analysis of the relations between a main character and a depicted city in the novel. Urban  space  presented  by  the  city  is  considered  here  as  a  kind  of  literary  space.  The  material  used  for  the  analysis  is  the  novel „Adenauerplatz“ („Adenauer  Square“) by  F.  Ch.  Delius.  With the  help  of  text  examples it  was illustrated how  the urban space is presented in this novel and how is it perceived by the main character. 

Keywords: literary space, urban space, human-city relations, big city illustrations.  

M. Melnyk „Human-City“ relations in the novel „Adenauerplatz“ by F. Ch. Delius 

Mosakovskaya K. Structural and semantic peculiarities of the latin sphragistic inscriptions

Annotation. This article is devoted to the structural-semantic peculiarities of the Latin sphragistic inscriptions on the material of the papal seals or bulls, which cover period from the IX to XIV centuries. The changes which took place in the structure of papal seals during five centuries particularly in relation to the locus of image and inscription are indicated.  

Keywords: sphragistics, bull, seal, epigraphics, Latin sphragistic inscription, lexical-semantic peculiarities.  

Mosakovskaya K. Structural and semantic peculiarities of the latin sphragistic inscriptions

Nikitiuk T. Semiotic features of the " dissatisfaction "speech genre

Abstract. The given article deals with the speech tactics of the dissatisfaction speech genre. Speech tactics and main characteristics of  the  genre  characteristics  determine  the  selection  and  use  of  lexical-semantic,  grammatical,  stylistic  and  syntactic  tools  and techniques in Turkish discourse. 

Keywords: dissatisfaction speech genre; semiotic features; sender.  

Nikitiuk T. Semiotic features of  the ” dissatisfaction “speech genre 

Oleksyn O. Contrasting Shakespeare’s wordplay bases in the original and its Ukrainian translations

Abstract.  The  article  includes  contrastive  analysis  of  Shakespeare’s  wordplay  bases  in  the  original  text  and  its  translations.  It particularly  focuses  on  typical  bases  of  wordplay  such  as  polysemi,  homonymy,  cognate  words,  paronyms,  synonyms,  antonyms, malapropisms. The article discusses convergent and divergent features which are stipulated by typological differences of the English and Ukrainian languages. It also explains the influence of wordplay divergent features on the use of a certain translation method or transformation in the process of rendering this rhetorical figure into the Ukrainian language.       

Keywords: contrastive analysis, divergent features, convergent features, Shakespeare’s wordplay, wordplay bases, translation.  

Oleksyn O. Contrasting Shakespeare’s wordplay bases in the original and its Ukrainian translations 

Ossovs’ka I., Gutsol A. The Modeling of the Cognitive Map in the Matrimonial Conflict Artistic Discourse

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with the  conceptual  system  of  matrimonial  conflict  artistic  discourse,  namely  the  systematic  relations between  concepts,  the  existence  and  nature  of  which  are  specific  features  of  the  conceptual  discourse  of  a  certain  type.  These relationships  can  be statistically  strong,  medium  and  weak, and their  complex  builds а  cognitive  map  of  the  matrimonial  conflict discourse. This article examines the strong interconceptual connections. 

Keywords: а cognitive map, interconceptual connections, the matrimonial conflict discourse.  

Ossovs’ka I., Gutsol A. The Modeling of the Cognitive Map in the Matrimonial Conflict Artistic Discourse 

V. V. Samarina, T. L. Polyakova Precedent proper nouns in genre twitting in English-language Internet-communication

Abstract. The paper focuses on the issues of the emergence of a new form of communication – computer-mediated communication which led to the appearance of new digital genres one of which is twitting – a digital genre initiated by the Internet-service Twitter. The issues of using the language in the genre twitting, and namely precedent proper nouns, are analyzed. Precedent proper nouns in the  genre  twitting  include  precedent  nouns  with  real  and  imaginary  denotations.  Precedent  proper  nouns  perform  the  following functions: evaluative function, pragmatic, aesthetic, game and attractive functions. Precedent nouns can be means of unification and organization of the text.  

Keywords:  Internet-communication,  twitting,  precedent  proper  nouns,  anthroponyms,  hrematonyms,  hrononyms,  precedent onomasticon with imaginary denotation. 

V. V. Samarina, T. L. Polyakova Precedent proper nouns in genre twitting in English-language  Internet-communication 

H. Stashko Sound symbolism in female images creation (based on American song folklore)

Abstract.  The  way  listeners  of  folk  songs  assign  meaning  to  words,  words  to  images  constitute  a  fundamental  issue  in  language development.  Phonemes  may  appear  sound  symbolic  and  possess  clear  semantic  profiles  when  properly  backed  by  other  stylistic means and relevantly interpreted. Their interpretation also depends on historical, cultural, and social issues. Lexical simplicity of folk songs is balanced by phonetic means, onomatopoeia, assonance and alliteration in particular, which develop sensory perception of images. Female images creation requires specific sound symbolic clusters stipulated by female characters’ traits.  

Keywords: sound symbolism, onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, female images, American folk songs.  

H. Stashko Sound symbolism in female images creation  (based on American song folklore) 

Sushko-Bezdenezhnykh M. Content analysis of German constitutional discourse: diachronic aspect

Abstract. The article investigates diachronic changes of propositional aspect of German constitutional discourse. Content analysis method  was  employed  in  this  research.  The  summarized  ranking  of  main  macro-tropics  in  each  constitution  under  analysis  was calculated based on such criteria as topic representativeness in the table of contents, its position in the linear structure of the text, the amount  of  topic  verbal  realizations  as  well  absolute  frequency  references  in the text. It was proved that German constitutional discourse is thematically homogeneous. 

Keywords:  content-analysis, sociopragmatics, constitution, semantic structure  of text, propositional  structure  of  text,  discourse macro-topic.  

Sushko-Bezdenezhnykh M. Content analysis of German constitutional discourse: diachronic aspect

Tishechkina K. Agricultural terminology: etymology and features of translation

Abstract. The article deals with some agriculture terminology. Concept “term” is considered. Etymology and lexical peculiarities of some single-root agrarian terms (agrarian, agronomy, agriculture etc.) are analyzed with used Ukrainian and English dictionaries. 

Keywords: term, terminology, etymology, translation, agriculture, dictionary.  

Tishechkina K. Agricultural terminology: etymology and features of translation  

Tkalych I. From the Utopia to the Dystopia: the Novel "Valdshnepy" by M. Khvyliovyi in the Context of the Genre Identification

Abstract. The article is devoted to the defining of the genre of “Valdshnepy” by M. Khvyliovyi. The author of the research believes that this is a novel dystopia formed constantly as a parody of the literary or social utopia. In the pamphlets Khvyliovyi creates a new society theory, but in the novel “Valdshnepy” denies the Bolshevik utopia in a totalitarian state. Khvyliovyi had used all features of the dystopia in the novel. They are: totalitarian territory, denial of the past, the spiritual slavery of man, the love story line, the herorebel.  

Keywords: dystopia, utopia, totalitarianism, rioter, irony. 

Tkalych I. From the Utopia to the Dystopia: the Novel “Valdshnepy” by M. Khvyliovyi in the Context of the Genre Identification 

А. A. Yumrukuz Frequency pattern of speech act of categorical/non-categorical consent in business discourse

Abstract.  The  article  presents the  results  of  an  electro-acoustic  analysis  of  frequency  pattern  of  the  speech  act  of  consent  in  the English business discourse. Then author argues that the speech act of consent is a preferred act in business discourse since the key goal of this type of discourse is achieving an agreement; that means that speech acts of consent are more or less categorical in their nature as compared to those of disconsent. However, depending on the communicative situation the subjective and modal meaning of categoricalness  can be intensified,  neutralized  or eliminated;  in this  case  speech  acts  are perceived  as  categorical, neutral  or non- categorical correspondingly. Melodic, or pitch component of intonation is the one easily perceived by a listener’s ear and having a maximum  functional  load.  Thus,  acoustic  correlate  of  the  pitch  component  –  fundamental  frequency,  namely,  the  level  and  the interval of fundamental frequency, the direction of tone movement are analyzed from the standpoint of their power to differentiate various degrees of categoricalness.  

Keywords: speech act of consent, business discourse, categorical, non-categorical. 

А. A. Yumrukuz Frequency pattern of speech act of categorical/non-categorical consent   in business discourse 

Yuzhakova O. Semantic deformation of the words in the Ukrainian language in the XX century on the basis of the semantic research of the units ploscha and maidan

Abstract. The  article investigates  the problem  of  semantic  deformation  of  the  words  in the  Ukrainian language,  in  particular, the units ploscha and maidan that occurred as a result of the russification policy of the Soviet government from 1933 to 1991. On the basis of the data of the Russian and Ukrainian dictionaries published in different periods of time the article displays the way the seme contents of the words maidan and ploscha were gradually changing in Russian and Ukrainian as well as proves that in the Ukrainian language sense transformations of the considered units were caused exceptionally by the extralinguistic factors.  

Keywords: seme, seme contents of the word, onym, agoronym.    

Yuzhakova O. Semantic deformation of the words in the Ukrainian language in the XX century  on the basis of the semantic research of the units ploscha and maidan

Zakalska Y. Internetlore of the Revolution of dignity: tradition and innovation

Absract. Analyzed here is the folklore process of the Revolution of dignity. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Internet, which connected traditional folklore genres and caused the appearance of new folklore forms. 

Keywords: Internetlore, Revolution of dignity, tradition, transmission, «photozhaba». 

Zakalska Y. Internetlore of the Revolution of dignity: tradition and innovation