Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 11. 2013.

Akulova N. Y. The motive of searching "another country" in the dramas "A sunk bell" by Gerhart Hauptmann and "On the way to the Fairy Tale" by Oleksandr Oles: two versions of anti-utopia

Abstract: The plays “On the way to the Fairy Tale” by Oleksandr Oles and “A sunk bell” by Gerhart Hauptmann have been analysed, the necessity of studying the topos of “an ideal place” in the works as a peculiar version of anti-utopia has been determined in the article. It is caused by the general instructions of the symbolism authors to remove accents in the romantic opposition of “reality / dream” in the direction of the ontological contradiction which is inwardly inherent in the second component. The typological analysis gave an opportunity to distinguish a series of common features: both the Ukrainian writer and the German dramatist use similar ways of modeling an image of “another country”. Thus, it is worth stressing both masters’ appeal to the same spatial symbolics (mountains, a forest), identical axiological dominants (the sun – happiness, night – inner impoverishment), creation of “an ideal place” with the projection on the conception of “an earth heaven” (sacrifice necessity, a difficult way to desired happiness) etc. Besides that, compar- ative reading of the works enabled also to distinguish some different features. The Ukrainian author’s originality consists, first of all, in the fact that Oleksandr Oles disposes “an ideal place” in the real physical word which persuades a reader in its true existence. According to Gerhart Hauptmann instead, “another country” is a result of the character’s metaphysical search. Nevertheless, at the end of the works both authors, though either in his own way, dissipate utopian expectations of a recipient, attaching anti-utopian sounding to the dramas. 

Keywords: symbolism, anti-utopia, motive of searching “another country”, opposition of “reality / dream”, comparative analysis.  

Akulova N. Y. The motive of searching “another country” in the dramas “A sunk bell” by Gerhart Hauptmann and “On the way to the Fairy Tale” by Oleksandr Oles: two versions of anti-utopia

Artemenko Y.O. Structural and frequency studies of dominant propositions of utterances with implicative predicates

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of propositional features of implicatures of utterances with implicative predicates in the English informal discourse on the material of modern serials and feature-length films. The definition of proposition is given and its structure from the point of view of case grammar is outlined. The list of case frames of dominant proposition P of utterances with implicative predicates is proposed from the point of view of their occurrence frequency. We registered 28 variations of case frames, nine of which are proved to be the most used ones. 96% of the examined propositions are atomic and monopredicate. The semantic analysis of predicates being able as a head of a whole proposition to take the only open right position after an implicative predicate enabled us to bind them into six main groups: 1) action predicates; 2) process predicates; 3) state predicates; 4) mental activity predi- cates; 5) perception predicates; 6) speech activity predicates. From the point of view of verb valence, the examined dominant predi- cates are one-place, two-place, three-place and four-place ones. Considering the fact that semantic nucleus and dominant proposition predicate is a verb-complement  under no requests or limits except grammatical ones, any  verb of English can become a potential predicate in our case frames. Hence we cannot affirm that utterances with implicative predicates exploit a definite, distinctive deep structure. The basic case frames of P proposition are the frames, commonly used by English speaking people give or take a certain percent. 

Keywords: implicative predicate, implicature, case, case frame, proposition, propositional features.  

Artemenko Y.O. Structural and frequency studies of dominant propositions of utterances with implicative predicates 

Balko M.V. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian on a background of Construction Grammar

Abstract: The main ideas of Construction Grammar are analyzed (presence of constructions on all linguistic levels; impossibility of finding out of general sense from semantics or form of its component parts; formation of constructions by the interpenetration of their components etc). The similarity of Construction Grammar’s ideas with other linguistic theories, in particular by cognitive and dy- namic directions, is underline. Expedience and actuality of studying of word-combinations are outlined with a help of this theory. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian are considered as a specific unit-constructions of derivate type, research of structure and  semantics  of  which  can  be  adequate  only  with  an  account  the  postulates  of  Construction  and  Dynamic  linguistics  (word- combinations must be studied it is not isolated, and in connection with other constructions – sentences, – with an account the features of interpenetration and redistribution of the semantic and structural loading of their components). It is shown, that the ideas of Con- struction Grammar can be applied for the analysis of structure and general semantics both usual and occasional word-combinations. 

Keywords: word-combination, construction, Construction Grammar, dynamic syntax, syntactic derivate. 

Balko M.V. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian on a background of Construction Grammar

Baran H.P. Websites of American and British political parties as polycode texts

Abstract:  The  article  describes  specifics  of  different  code  systems  combination  in  the  texts  of  political  discourse  of  websites  of American and British political parties and distinguishes specific characteristics of their polycode nature as a means of influence on an audience. It is considered that a text as a coherent unit made up of elements of different semiotic systems, is influenced by verbal and non-verbal elements. The findings of this paper show that the organic interaction between verbal and visual components is used in political texts as a means of enhancing their pragmatic effect on the target audience. It is concluded that information is coded with the purpose of putting it in the format convenient and easy for perception by a recipient that finally makes influence on the electorate more efficient. It is noted that coding of information is also determined by the corporate ethics, policies and regulations of the parties and the specifics of the strategies used to influence the voters. 

Keywords: political discourse, party, Internet, website, polycode text, creolized text. 

Baran H.P. Websites of American and British political parties as polycode texts 

Belous I.M. The genre diversity of fitness discourse (based on the materials of English fitness classes)

Abstract: The article deals with the genre diversity of English fitness discourse. The author works out the criteria for distinguishing the speech genres of fitness discourse, analyses their specificy. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the usage of speech  genres  in  fitness  discourse  depends on  the  type  of  discourse  (institutional/non-institutional),  the  agents  of  communication, speech intentions, the forms and the channel of communication. 

Keywords: institutional discourse, non-institutional discourse, speech intentions, speech acts, speech genres, sports discourse, fit- ness discourse. 

Belous I.M. The genre diversity of fitness discourse (based on the materials of English fitness classes)

Berezhnaya M. Stylistic Peculiarities and Translator’s Mistakes (in the Gossip Girl TV series)

Abstract: The article deals with the stylistic peculiarities of a fiction text and the problems of the rendering of such units into the tar- get text. The material for the investigation is the Gossip Girl TV series and its Russian translation. The main aim of the research is to define the stylistic dominants of the indicated audiovisual text, the peculiarities and the ways of their rendering from English into Russian,  and  the  translator’s  mistakes  which  took place  in  the  process.  The  material  is  a  modern teen  drama  which  popularity  in many  countries  is  caused  by  such  reasons  as  an  unusual  form  of  presenting  evens,  beautiful  locations  and  bright  characters.  The viewers see everything through the eyes of an anonymous blogger which describes the life of Manhattan elite and calls herself Gossip Girl.  The  internet  and  other  different  technologies  and  gadgets  which  let  people  communicate  and  share  information  easily  and quickly are not only presented in the series, but used as a stylistic marker. The text is full of the internet terms, acronyms, slang ex- pressions, neologisms and chat talk which on the one hand make the scenes more realistic and plausible but on the other make  the text more complicated for the translator. Another constituent of the series originality is  New York itself with its numerous sights, monuments, famous buildings and tourist attractions. The background in particular and life of an American young adult in general leads to the usage of many words and expressions specific only to American culture and having no equivalents in Russian. The third feature which makes the series stand out from the other similar TV shows is the variety of bright characters which very often is real- ized through peculiarities of their speech patterns. A diversity of such stylistic devices as occasional words, violations of phraseolog- ical units, euphemisms, intentional spoonerisms and play on words distinguishes one character from the other and makes their com- munication witty, funny and easy to remember. As the results show all those categories for the most part appeared difficult to render and in the Russian translation were either lost or deformed. 

Keywords: literary translation, unit of translation, text stylistics, translator’s mistakes, transformation 

Berezhnaya M. Stylistic Peculiarities and Translator’s Mistakes (in the Gossip Girl TV series) 

Berkuta Y. V. Critical Studies of the Cross-Cultural Communication Discourse Across Disciplines (by the example of reflecting cross-cultural conflicts in modern prose)

Abstract: This work is devoted to the study of cross-cultural conflicts, reflected in modern prose. The work consists of three parts, in which the characteristics and differences of cultures are presented, supported by quotations from Akunin, Zagrebelnyj and Crichton. The first part is devoted to the analysis of fiction in the terms of reflecting of the national image of the world, each of which suggests its own understanding of overcoming of conflict situations. In the second part the conflict situations are considered through the com- parison of language discourses and norms of cultures’ behavior. In the third part conflict situations are approached through the oppo- sition My – Other’s in the systems of cultures. 

Keywords:  cross-cultural  conflict,  model of  the  world,  national  image  of  the  world,  culture,  norms  of  behavior, picture  of the world.

Berkuta Y. V. Critical Studies of the Cross-Cultural Communication Discourse Across Disciplines (by the example of reflecting cross-cultural conflicts in modern prose) 

Bilous I.L. Modern linguistic views on Nomina Propria

Abstract:  The  article  deals  with  the  modern  linguists’  views  on  Nomina  Propria,  their  main  functions  and  criteria  of  proper  and common names distinguishing. The review of major theories and researches on the status of proper names in linguistics is made. The actuality of the theoretical survey of Nomina Propria linguistic researches is noted to be caused by the place and importance of prop- er names in the system of any language, but recently in linguistics there are some new approaches to the laws of proper names’ origin and functioning interpretation in modern onomastics. It is analyzed that modern scholars note the specificity of proper name in its own  sense,  considering  meaning’s  weakening  and  sometimes  a  complete  lack  in  the  proper  names;  while  other  researchers  have pointed  out  the  specificity  of  proper  name  because  of  its  concreteness.  Proper  names  are  stated  to  be  the  units  of  language  and speech, serving to underline the specific naming of individual items of reality, resulting in some noticeable features in the meaning, grammatical design and functioning. The purpose of the common name is stated to express the concept of a certain class of objects and denominate one or more specific objects of this class. It is concluded that the proper name denominates a concrete object, corre- lating it with the class of similar or related items. The common name is stated to have at the forefront a selection of an object, at the second – the correlation of the object with other items. The proper name certainly denominates a specific object and its optional func- tion is in conceptual correlation. 

Keywords: proper names, common name, onym, apeliatyv, anthroponymy, toponymy, onomastics, nominative function, concept, language, speech.  

Bilous I.L. Modern linguistic views on Nomina Propria

Vyshnevska G. The phenomenon of sacral-chthonic in Ukrainian lingvoculture

Abstract: Article is devoted to the elucidation of the phenomenon of sacral and chthonic in modern science, the difficulty of under- standing what caused primarily by the fact that it belongs to the sphere of ontological and does not exist in pure form. Postulated the idea that within the sacred at one pole must be sacred, and on the other  – the demonic, which together with profane delineate the boundaries between which flows the life, history, all human relationships. The study basic classification demonosyly in modern sci- entific paradigm and especially its objectification in Ukrainian lingvoculture. Established that conceptualized sacral and chthonic im- ages represent in language appropriate conceptual. 

Keywords: sacred, chthonic, Christian, demonic, conceptualization.  

Vyshnevska G. The phenomenon of sacral-chthonic in Ukrainian lingvoculture 

Chernushenko N. About some peculiarities of parceling forms in modern Ukrainian language of XX century

Abstract: The article is devoted to studying the parceling phenomena in the Ukrainian language of the second half of the twentieth century. The main opinions on the problem of parceling in the contemporary linguistic science are analyzed, a number of varied fea- tures which help to define this problem among other types of emotional language are supplemented and specified. This work is con- sidering the principal functions of parceling as means of expressive syntax, describes basic types of relation between the base com- ponent and the parted element. The structural types of parceling constructions in the Ukrainian poetical language of the latter half of the twentieth century are defined: a) parceling within a simple sentence is described; b) modified complex syntax constructions are considered; c) parceling reiteration as one of means of extension the syntax sentence structure is analyzed. The correlation between parceling and basic text categories are described, typical thematic fields of parceled items are discovered. 

Keywords: communicative dynamism, expressiveness, emotionality, objective and subjective modality, parceling, syntax construc- tion, principal and secondary parts of sentence, predicative component, the position of the parceled item. 

Chernushenko N. About some peculiarities of parceling forms in modern Ukrainian language of XX century 

Davydyuk Yu. B. Defeated expectancy in the semantic structure of the literary text

Abstract: The article deals with defeated expectancy as one of the major type of foregrounding in the semantic structure of the liter- ary text. Defeated expectancy violates established information, proposed in advance by the author, causing text suspense inside the literary text. It can be presented by different stylistic devices and has great impact on the reader as an emotive component, helping to prolong reader’s aesthic perception and causing an effect of “emotional stress”. As a mental phenomenon, defeated expectancy cre- ates the conflict between real and expected situations in the space of the literary text. The author shows the role of defeated expectan- cy in the semantic structure of the literary text on the examples, taken from the short stories by O.Henry. 

Keywords: defeated expectancy, semantic structure, literary text, text worlds, emotive component, mental phenomenon.  

Davydyuk Yu. B. Defeated expectancy in the semantic structure of the literary text 

Demchik I.L. Dialectal ideagraphical vacabulary: its pecularities in forming and composition

Abstract:  The  author  considers  the  thesaurus  of  modern  dialect-speaker,  representative  of  East  Slobozhanshchina  dialect  that reproduces system structure of vocabulary and divides it into vocabulary entries that have similar structure like semantic fields. The structure  of  the  thesaurus  that  based  on  recorded  and  analysed  texts  of  informer’s  speech  was  investigated;  the  principles  of thesaurus’s structure were revealed; the types of lexical and semantic relations (synonymic, antonymous, genus-species, causal-result etc.) among the words were determined in the article. 

Keywords: ideography, thesaurus, lexical and semantic field, thematic group, co-hyponym, hyponym.  

Demchik I.L. Dialectal ideagraphical vacabulary: its pecularities in forming and composition

Dubtsova О.V. Cognitive causes of communicative failures (on the material of the English-language cinema discourse)

Abstract: The article contains the analysis of cognitive causes of communicative failures in situations of the addressee’s complete incomprehension  of  the  addresser’s  speech-behavioral  act.  The  methodological  basis  of  the  paper  is  represented  by  the  cognitive model of the communicative act that integrates the ideas of cognitive linguists on the dynamic construal of meaning in the situation of communication on the basis of encyclopaedic knowledge and emphasises the role of context  – lingual (both an immediate – the utterance and a broader lingual context – all the previous discourse), perceptual (sensory channels of the information perception in the act of communication – body language, prosody), physical (physical state of communicants), psychological (personal relations, the degree of communication involvement), pragmatic (strategic and tactical motives, intentions), situational (time and place of the communicative act, social and communicative roles, which determine the type of a speech event and the style of communicative be- haviour), socio-cultural (the communicants’ belonging to various social groups – ethnic, social status, age, territorial, gender, inter- ests etc.). It is emphasised that all contextual factors influence the interpretation of the meaning of a language unit only becoming a part of the cognitive context, which is represented by encyclopaedic knowledge of communicants shaped on the basis of previous experience, including the experience of meaning construal. It is proved that the cause of misunderstanding is the lack of cognitive structures  of  ontological  (universal,  lingua-cultural,  shared  by  social  groups  and  individual),  ethological  and  lingua-ethological knowledge of the addressee. 

Keywords: communicative failure, speech-behavioral act, addresser, addressee, cognitive structures.  

Dubtsova О.V. Cognitive causes of communicative failures (on the material of the English-language cinema discourse)

Fisiak I.E. Phraseological Units Denoting Interpersonal Relations in German

Abstract: This article is devoted to the research of German phraseological units combined by the common meaning of interpersonal relations. The peculiarities of semantic structure of the phraseological units and their belonging to the definite types of interpersonal relations are considered. Fundamental to the research is psycholinguistic investigation in application of constant phraseological ex- pressions in interpersonal communication and reflection of emotiveness in the phraseology of the verbalization of interpersonal rela- tions under the context condition. 

Keywords: phraseological unit, interpersonal relations, communicant, emotiveness, semantic component.

Fisiak I.E. Phraseological Units Denoting Interpersonal Relations in German

Frolova I.Ye. Discursive Strategy as the Instrument of Interpersonal Function Implementation

Abstract: The article presents the results of the study into the nature of interpersonal relations regulation in discourse. The under- standing  of  communication  as  social  interaction  involves  the  study  of  its  interpersonal  aspect,  that  is  establishing  friendly/neutral/unfriendly personal relations between interactants. The research shows that this corresponds to the language/speech interpersonal function – a type of regulation function, being aimed at regulating interpersonal relations. Regulation function is argued to be a synergic unity of cognitive and communicative ones, thus it proves to be the basic. The function of regulating interpersonal rela- tions is implemented in discourse. It can be presented as unity of resource, instrument and aim. The aim of constructing interpersonal relations presupposes the use of ideal (structures of knowledge) and material (linguistic signs) resource. The ideal resource includes the knowledge of non-linguistic and linguistic nature. To implement this resource in discourse is possible by means of strategy. Dis- cursive strategy thus is argued to be the instrument of interpersonal function implementation. The mental base of discursive strategy is provided by the knowledge about a concrete strategy or strategically actual knowledge that is part of general structured knowledge, the  access  to  which  gives  the  name  of  this  strategy  /  the  name  of  the  concept.  Discursive  strategy  mental  base  also  includes  the knowledge of the possible ways and means of the actual knowledge implementation or its actualization. Actualization of knowledge presupposes operations with different structures – individual’s general cultural and social communication experience, group activity experience,  conceptualization  of  the  communication  settings  as  well  as  the  knowledge  of  conversational  rules  and  the  language norms. The result of these operations is the use of such language units that give interactants the clue to the strategic aim through es- tablishing the link between actual and actualized knowledge. 

Keywords: interpersonal relations regulation, function, discursive strategy, actual knowledge, actualized knowledge, language units. 

Frolova I.Ye. Discursive Strategy as the Instrument of Interpersonal Function Implementation

Gargaieva O. Verbal cultural palimpsests in the Greek press

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to record and study the verbal cultural palimpsests in the Greek press, that is to say, the study of differentiated words or expressions with shared cultural charge. The research was based on titles of the Greek newspapers, during the period from 2010 to 2012. Thus, we have been given the possibility to study the linguistic phenomenon of verbal cultural palimp- sests, synchronically at the level of semantic fields and at the level of their frequency of appearance.  

Keywords: culture, cultural charge, cultural palimpsest, a title of the newspaper, semantic field  

Gargaieva O. Verbal cultural palimpsests in the Greek press

Gayovych G., Teleutsia V. Ethnic feature of secondary nomens used of Ukrainian folklore

Abstract: The article presents a research of secondary nomens on the lexicographic level of Ukrainian folklore creatures (texts, nov- els, songs, etc.). The nature of secondary nomination as well as specificity of folklore texts are defined. The entonym “woda” (water) is analyzed in the context of relationship between nomensderived from it and associating mind of the man, as well as polysemiya phenomena. Dependance of secondary nomination used in folks creatures from menthal and ethnical features of the language com- munity is proved. 

Keywords: secondary nomens, entonim, polysemija, paradigm, folklore text, linguistic commonality  

Gayovych G., Teleutsia V. Ethnic feature of secondary nomens used of Ukrainian folklore 

Gerasymchuk S.V. Artistic meanings of allegoric images in "Tale on Palm Sunday" by Cyril of Turiv

Abstract: Old Ukrainian preacher uses the Bible history about Jesus Christ entrance into Jerusalem in this text. Creative interpreta- tion of religious symbols and allegories lies in its core. The article is devoted to learning artistic meanings of allegoric images in “Tale on Palm Sunday” by Cyril of Turiv. One of the key allegorical images of the work is the image of Jerusalem, which author in- terprets according to medieval aesthetics: depending on the author’s guidelines it acquires anagogical (Kingdom of God) or tropolog- ical (soul of the righteous) meaning. Another cross-cutting image is the image of the Church, which appears in the book as a wealthy and glorious house that gives all people asylum. The article also explores the meanings of allegories of the introductory part of the work. In literal sense, it is a praise treasures, riches and gifts of the house, its builders. These images are caused by the author’s guid- ance within the selected plot to present the church and its ministers figuratively. They are the foundation for development of the con- temporary motif of spiritual feeding, spiritual treasures and spiritual abode in the theological literature. In the process of finding out the meanings of the allegorical images in the introductory part, outlines the author’s intention to present the consumption of royal meal, enrichment with royal treasures, life in the house of God as images of the highest being, understanding of which enriches a per- son spiritually. Analysis of the artistic meanings of the allegorical depiction in “Tale on Palm Sunday” gives the reasons to believe that the allegories used in a memoir helped to develop not only its didactical character, but also acting character, as focused on the scope of human emotion, they have great influence on the formation of attitude and worldview, and thereafter, predetermined the be- haviour of faithful. 

Keywords: allegory, artistic interpretation, images of Jerusalem, biblical story, biblical motive   

Gerasymchuk S.V. Artistic meanings of allegoric images in “Tale on Palm Sunday” by Cyril of Turiv 

Gladyr Y. C. The system of the conflicts of the novel of V. Vinnychenko “The precepts of fathers”

Abstract.The contents, forms, signs, functions and essence of each separate conflict of one of V. Vinnychenko’s early novels, the system correlations of basic and additional conflicts, and also more remote, s“ubsystem” conflicts is considered in the article. The author designates a degree of jointness of the conflicts by the system and “subsystem” connection and draws conclusions about the corresponding versions (types) of the conflicts.  

Keywords: the conflict, the system of the conflicts, “subsystem” conflict, conflict of the “second” (“third”) plan.  

Gladyr Y. C. The system of the conflicts of the novel of V. Vinnychenko “The precepts of fathers” 

Glavatskaya Yu.L. Image specific character of English and American fable through the development of different types of thinking

Abstract: Scientific approaches to the investigation of fable’s text is enumerated in the article. We try to establish and describe the dependence of traditional images of the fable in general and the text of English and American fable in particular from different types of thinking: from mythological to mythopoetical. In fable’s texts one can find the remnants of primitive structures of thinking – an- thropomorphism (when  man’s activities  were associated  with gods’acts), primitive  voluntarism and syllogism  – conclusions, law- governed nature of some aspects of life. Interpretive and textual analysis proves that there’s a tendency to increasing the number of characters in English and American fables that contradicts the antique fable. Moreover, the results of semantic analysis shows that English and American texts are actual objects for cognitive linguistics by using the methods of mental spaces reconstruction  as this field of linguistics is oriented into the character of interaction of language and thinking. Investigating fable’s text within methods of linguistic synergy we can conclude with assurance that grounds of image-symbol of the fable which is “above-level” of composition leads to the possibility of studying the generalized image of a human being. The latter is always the object of laughing in the fable.

Keywords: fable, mythological to mythopoetical thinking, a tendency to increasing the number of characters, cognitive linguistics, linguistic synergy, the generalized image of a human being. 

Glavatskaya  Yu.L.  Image  specific  character  of  English  and  American  fable  through  the  development  of  different  types  of thinking

Gomeniuk O. The linguocultural characteristics the concept "hourse" ("kin") in individual author’s picture by M. Vinhranovskyi of the world (on the material of prose works for children)

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the analysis of the linguocultural nature of the concept “hourse” (“kin”) in M. Vinhranovskyi’s works for children. The nominative field and the conceptual sense have been described, its semantics has been clarified, the system of trochaic means (epithets, metaphors, phraseological units, similes), through which it realizes, has been analyzed. Conceptualized image of hourse is polysemantic and ambivalent in the writer of  the sixties’ individual author’s picture of the world, the author`s prose for children has been identified. 

Keywords: the concept “hourse” (“kin”), concept verbalizers, nominative field, conceptual sense, individual author’s picture of the world by M. Vinhranovskyi’s. 

Gomeniuk  O.  The  linguocultural  characteristics  the  concept  “hourse”  (“kin”)  in  individual  author’s  picture  by M. Vinhranovskyi of the world (on the material of prose works for children)

Gryshchenko O.V. "Tango of death" by Yu. Vynychuk: urban and historical

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of urban literature in connection with historical memory. Using the example of the novel “Tango of death” by Yu. Vynychuk the process of rethinking of historical narratives and search of cultural identity is considered. The main attention is focused on the image of Lviv as a culture-historical center of Ukraine in the first half of 20th century. Lviv is analyzed from the perspective of historicism, armed conflict, heroism of the population, spatial saturation. 

Keywords: history, Lviv, “Tango of death”, urban space.  

Gryshchenko O.V. “Tango of death” by Yu. Vynychuk: urban & historical 

Horoz A.V. The hedges of epistemic modality in the anti-utopy novels “1984” by Orwell and “The wanting seed” by Burgess: lingual-cognitive aspect

Abstract:  The  article  analyses  the  usage  of  epistemic  modality,  its  linguistic  hedges  in  the  literary  text  of  the  anti-utopy  novels “1984” by George Orwell and “The wanting seed” by Anthony Burgess. The author distinguishes three levels of subject’s cognition of actual situation: the epistemic world of high level of cognition, the epistemic world of average level of cognition, the epistemic world of low level of cognition which found their shape in linguistic hedges which called modal forms in discourse. The article’s fo- cus is on the modal forms which reflect the degrees of subject’s confidence / unconfidence. These modal forms are “approaching” or “distancing” reliability of the statement towards the real world from the subject’s position. The subject who is the central figure in discourse, puts forward his hypothesizes, probabilities or doubts relatively the real picture of the actuality. 

Keywords: epistemic modality, epistemic world of high level of cognition, epistemic world of average level of cognition, epistemic world of low level of cognition, modal forms 

Horoz A.V. The hedges of epistemic modality in the anti-utopy novels “1984” by Orwell and “The wanting seed” by Burgess: lingual-cognitive aspect 

Hyzhnyak M.M. Peculiarities of Development of Metaphorical Meanings of English Rotation Verbs

Abstract:  The  purpose  of  the  article  is  to  investigate  the  study  of  metaphorization  as  a  way  of  cognition  of  various  concepts  by means of language. The fact that the metaphor contributes to the understanding of thinking stipulates the linguistic interest to the pro- cesses of metaphorization. This paper helps to reveal basic conceptual metaphors with source domain ROTATION and to determine the basis of their development. Rotation verbs can develop a variety of metaphorical meanings. The article’s focus is on the depend- ence of development of metaphorical meanings from the flexibility of some semantic parameters of rotation. This study helps to find out that metaphors with source domain ROTATION are based on the shift within the limits of only several parameters (SUBJECT, OBJECT, TRAJECTORY and ENVIRONMENT). The semantic analysis of English rotation verbs reveals the basic conceptual met- aphors, in which various conceptual target domains (MOVEMENT, CHANGE, THINKING, COMMUNICATION, GAME) are un- derstood in terms of source domain (ROTATION). Reference to the linguistic expressions of basic metaphors helps to ascertain that English rotation verbs are selectively involved in the processes of metaphorization. There is a general tendency towards gradual ab- stractivation of meanings of rotation verbs based on metaphors as abstract concepts are likely to be conceptual target domains. The basis of development of metaphorical meanings has been determined. The basis of the formation of conceptual metaphors is the asso- ciation of rotation of material objects and motion of abstract concepts, the association of rotational motion from one point to another in the physical space and social space.  

Keywords: English, rotation verbs, conceptual metaphor, source domain, target domain.

Hyzhnyak M.M. Peculiarities of Development of Metaphorical Meanings of English Rotation Verbs

Ignatieva Sv. System and functional peculiarities of the diary discourse

Abstract: The article defines some system and functional peculiarities of the diary discourse from two positions: subjective (narra- tive) and objective (recipient). Actually there were pointed out historical, esthetic, psychological, self representative, ideological and forcing functions. There was established the existence of the diary narrative model in the time diminishing and stressed to its role in the personal experience of the narrator. 

Keywords: diary discourse, functionality, diary narrative model, communicant-producent, communicat-recipient 

Ignatieva Sv. System and functional peculiarities of the diary discourse

Ivanova I.B. The effectiveness of advertising text: science, art or production technology

Abstract: This paper addresses the problems of determining the advertising discourse status in modern linguistics. Two interpreta- tion trends of advertising discourse basics are examined. They are consider the nature and specificity of advertising text from the standpoint of historical style, linguistic stylistics and pragmatics, discourse theory and art history and cultural studies. Traditional Western approach considers advertising text as a process which assumes matching the cliché as a main efficiency criterion. This ap- proach faces with different views where an important criterions are linguistic creativity and following to national traditions. Also it is necessary to consider cultural-national, mental, social and political context of being on the post-Soviet area. The leading cultural and linguistic value of advertising is formed as a result of the cultural interpretation of texts where value-emotional attitude towards the world is the foundation of advertising’s meaning and cultural significance interpretation. Leading performance criteria of advertising language are defined by considering linguistic and cultural works related to the field of advertising production. These key aspects of verbalization messages are creativity and technological core. It is also important to take into account the national cultural heritage and traditions of centuries of development of domestic advertising. 

Keywords: advertising discourse, the language of advertising, advertising text, diachronic aspect, historic style.  

Ivanova I.B. The effectiveness of advertising text: science, art or production technology

Kaigorodova I., Lazareva L. Verbalization of mental objects in the speech activity

Abstract: Intellectual activity – the work of consciousness, thinking – is inextricably linked to language. The capacity for mental ac- tivity leads to the accumulation of knowledge. Rechementalnaya activity is the material from which it is possible to gain knowledge about thinking, it is a method of speech representation of the world. Any state of consciousness in one form or another is expressed in speech. Mental language units represent thinking. In the article the socio-cultural stereotypes of mentality. The mental lexicon and phraseology – the result of human intellectual activity. Development of the semantics of mental language units along the line of di- rect nomination to the development of modal and emotive values. One way of expressing the inner state of the person idiomatic ex- pressions formed as a result of reflex activity of the human body, which causes the display of verbal responses to external verbal and situational stimuli. Unit values are determined by the scope of the mental mechanisms of life and human activitie. 

Keywords: speech, the mental lexicon and phraseology, language memory semantics.

Kaigorodova I., Lazareva L. Verbalization of mental objects in the speech activity

Karlova N. «Achievements Luhansk phraseology school»

Abstract: In the article attend condition of the study easternslobozhansk and easternprairie Ukrainian phraseology (phraseology of East Ukraine), analyzed achievements the researchers the of eastern phraseology and describes the most important results of the dis- sertation  research  monographs  representatives  of  the  Luhansk  phraseology  school  late  XX  –  early  XXI  century:  V. Uzhchenko, D. Uzhchenko, I. Mileva, L. Melnik, R. Minyailo, N. Skorobagatko, T. Dyakova, O. Shkuran, I. Tsaryova. There are found that the phraseological ”view of the world” in regions and forms hetero- semichnye concepts, especially the lexemes with a deep vertical cul- tural and national contexts, which act primarily as components of areal phraseology and makes explicit the cultural and national val- ues are stable component of idiomatic expressions in areal dictionaries. 

Keywords: idiom, phraseological unit, phraseology of dialects, ethnoculture, concept.  

Karlova N. «Achievements Luhansk phraseology school»

Kashchyshyn N. Rituality in Diplomacy. Terminological Embodiment

Abstract: The paper is focused on the study of the origins of English diplomatic terminology. Particular attention is given to its dual nature, in the sense that it includes elements of purely English origin, as well as terms borrowed from other European languages, French and Latin being the main ones. The study provides evidence that borrowed elements constitute its core and are crucially in- volved in the formation of the special diplomatic communication style. 

Keywords: Gallicism, diplomatic terminology, diplomatic text, Latinism, loan-word, the term.

Kashchyshyn N. Rituality in Diplomacy. Terminological Embodiment 

Kasian K.V. Deconstruction of Genre Conventions of Short Story Cycle in "Obabakoak" by B. Atxaga

Abstract: On the basis of cycle by Bernardo Atxaga «Оbabakoak» the article contains the attempt to study genre characteristics of short story cycle from the point of view of postmodern tradition and derriadian principle of deconstruction. Through the prism of genre belonging the elements of deconstruction of genre conventions of short story cycle are detected and analyzed, their application in the cycle.  

Keywords: short story cycle, genre, space, deconstruction, marginalization.   

Kasian K.V. Deconstruction of Genre Conventions of Short Story Cycle in “Obabakoak” by B. Atxaga 

G. Klyiko " The retro-detective as a postmodern historical genre".

Keywords: historical detective, retro-detective, historiographic metafiction, postmodernism, historical pastiche. 

G. Klyiko ” The retro-detective as a postmodern historical genre”. 

Kolmogorova A.V. Conceptualization of the categories of "OWN", "MYSELF" and "ALIEN" in Russian communicative con- science

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of finding the correlation between patterns of socially relevant behavior as formed in infancy and the cognitive phenomena of conceptualization. On the basis of mother-child interactions’ corpus represented in video and audio recordings it is shown that while communicating in the course of everyday life  mothers tend to provide their children with some models of how to speak to family’s members or to the “strangers”. Furthermore, by using the specific practice of “communica- tive mummery” mother shows how “others” are expected to speak to her child or to the “alien” − about her and her child. A statistic analysis of speech acts distribution in mother’s speaking in each communicative role contributes to the conceptual modeling of cate- gories of “OWN”, “MYSELF” and “ALIEN” in the communicative conscience of Russians. 

Keywords: communication, conceptualization, cognition, mother-child interaction, communicative conscience. 

Kolmogorova A.V. Conceptualization of the categories of “OWN”, “MYSELF” and “ALIEN” in Russian communicative con- science

Kovalchuk I.V. Peculiarities of verbal representation of the social values in the texts on packages

Abstract: The article deals with to the analyses of the axiologically-marked lexical items that function in the texts on packages of FMCG products, makes an attempt to map out and classify some of the dominant social values and describes the vocabulary of value concepts which are of current importance in English-speaking countries. The article also contains the description of axiological status of some lexical items and their combinability. 

Keywords: axiologically-marked lexical items, the system of social values, packaging, axiological items, value concept.  

Kovalchuk I.V. Peculiarities of verbal representation of the social values in the texts on packages 

Kovalchuk N.P. The concept of Child and Childhood in Fiction by Varvara Cherednychenko

Abstract: In the paper the contents of concept of child and the motive of childhood in fiction by Varvara Cherednychenko is ana- lyzed. The scientist pays special attention to the problem of children psychology and the principles the children characters are por- trayed. As a result, the peculiarities of artistic description of children’s world are presented. 

Keywods: concept, children literature, psychology, individuality.  

Kovalchuk N.P. The concept of Child and Childhood in Fiction by Varvara Cherednychenko

Kozlova T.O. Iconicity of reduplicated verbs in Gothic

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate Gothic strong verbs (Class VII) whose reduplicated preterite forms are the remnants of Pro- to-Indo-European (PIE) perfect. The PIE perfect was unevenly reflected in different daughter branches. It further developed into an independent category in Indo-Iranian languages, partially survived as the preterite in Q-Celtic and Tocharian groups, was lost in Р- Celtic, Baltic, Slavic, Armenian and Albanian languages, and merged with the aorist into Latin perfect and Germanic preterite. It is especially intriguing to look into the reduplicating survivals in Gothic as most of PIE reduplicated perfective forms lost their stem doubling in Germanic languages. Why did some of the Gothic reflexes not lose their original perfective shapes? Was it only due to the coincidence of vocalism in their present and preterite forms? It is hypothesized that Gothic reduplicating verbs that constitute Class VII were resistant to the process of dereduplication owing to the iconic effects. Although in many languages outside the Indo- European family reduplication is recognized as one of the most productive imitative means encoding verbal intensity as well as itera- tion in punctual or telic verbs and duration in atelic ones, its iconic functions in the perfective aspect are less transparent. The arti- cle’s focus is on the presence of iconicity in PIE reduplicated perfect and its reflexes in Gothic. It is argued that in spite of a de- iconizing drift accompanying the diversification of PIE etymons, reduplicated reflexes in Gothic gained new motivation which, how- ever, did not exhaust their iconic encoding efficiency.  

Keywords: Gothic, perfect, preterit, Proto-Indo-European, reduplicated verb.

Kozlova T.O. Iconicity of reduplicated verbs in Gothic

R. Kritsberh Language variation and language standard in English

Abstract: Standard of language is conditioned by its variation. The prescriptivism tendency in English, with British variety being the only prestigious form has gradually yielded to polycentrism – first American English then those of developing countries have formed standards of their own. British and American English have high social prestige and continue to exercise influence on other World Englishes. Two trends, divergence and convergence, the drive for national identity and that for integrity are typical of regional varia- tion and crucial for changes of standard speech. British and American English both keep their distinctive markers and interact one with another. American influence on British English has been telling since the early 19th c., while now, the process is reciprocal. Of- ten, the standard of language depends on subjective evaluation due to regional and social backgrounds. Social dialects are extremely mobile, both in respect of each other and standard variety. They replenish the prestigious forms and show a trend of making their way therein. Social, regional, and other variations of language are closely connected due to interaction of territorial, socioeconomic, gen- der, ethnical, etc factors and cannot be considered in isolation. In American English, a continuum of standardness is quite extended stretching  from  Formal  or  Prescriptive  Standard  through  Informal  Standard  to  non-standard  forms,  with  vernacular  dialects  posi- tioned more closely to the prestigious forms, comparing to British English. Standard in Modern English is in a state of flux, corollary of language variations – temporal, regional, social, and can be considered both between international varieties of English and within those.

Keywords: dialect, language standard, prestigious form, regional variation, social variation. 

R. Kritsberh Language variation and language standard in English 

Krivulyak O.V. The 70's' poets aesthetic program implementation through figurative and symbolic paradigm

Abstract: The article reviews individual works of poets of the 70’s. An attempt to figure out how to implement the concept of an aes- thetic phenomenon of a “quiet” poetry through images and symbols of poetic texts. The focus is made on the writers’ use of mythol- ogems as a tool of neo-baroque sense of peace expression. It is emphasized that, modifying the basic baroque features the poets re- flect their own vision by using neo-baroque aesthetics. Poets of the 70’s ideologically close together and thematically. Drawing inspi- ration from nature, they through her images often deals with the social, moral and aesthetic perspective, the epithet “quiet” means spiritually calm, observant, which is present inside pathetic. In their works, they raise the question of dramatic contradictions of life, love, the theme of good and evil, love and hate, as in life homeland. Their poems concise, full of mystery and symbolism, longing for harmony in this contradictory world. The creators of “quiet” poetry is viewed from a purely Skovoroda interpretation of life as the universe, which is the soul and spirit, and a microcosm of the macrocosm may know. Each word is a character – image, but a symbol of the concept of expanding the image, as if beyond your limits, getting extra deep sense, therefore, the complete identity between the symbol and the image is not there. Often find original or transformed folklore and mythological images, symbols. The most active, in our opinion, is the archetypal  word-symbols. One of the cross in the work of  W. Pidpaly, P. Movchan, L. Talalay is the semantic range of the word-symbol “sun”. Fire as the earthly expression of the sun in L. Talalay is primarily national historical aspect bears the sacred value of historical memory of the nation and particular ethnic group representative. The creators of “quiet” poetry reveal the archetypal image as a symbol of the earth (parallel tangents used words such thing as a “field”, “step”, “homeland” etc.). Referring to this character poets “seventies” combines his poetic “I” of national, genetically Ukrainian.

Keywords: “silent poetry”, P. Movchan, V. Podpalyi, L. Talalay, neo-baroque, archetypаl symbols, mythologems.  

Krivulyak O.V. The 70’s’ poets aesthetic program implementation through figurative and symbolic paradigm

Kryshtaliuk A.A. Negation as change of conceptualization of the world

Abstract: In this article negation is treated as a  way of  world conceptualization that changes relations between referents. Mutual change of opposite relations between referents is based on the transformations of image schemas. The application of the theory of the embodied mind and the procedures of image-schematic analysis has allowed us to determine that negation represents the change of perceptual and force relations between the referents.The change of perceptual relations is based on the transformation of the image schema IN into the image schema OUT, that structure PERCEPTUAL CONTAINER. The change of force relations between refer- ents,  i.e.  ability  into  disability,  free  activity  into  blockage,  agreement  into  counterforce  is  based  on  the  transformations  of  image schemas, constituting these oppositional entities. Negative units represent different aspects of change of perceptual and force rela- tions. Explicit negative units indicate the beginning and the process of change of perceptual and force relations. Implicit negative units, on the other hand, represent the result of change. For example, the explicit unit disappear involves the reader into the process of transformation of the elements of opposition IN – OUT, allowing him/her to follow a referent’s moving out of the field of view. The implicit negative adjective  missing informs the reader only about the fact of disappearance, distancing him/her from the event itself. The change of ability into inability is based on the transformation of the image schema ENABLEMENT into DISABLEMENT that provides the conceptualization of ineffectiveness, incompetence and disappointment. The change of agreement into counterforce is conceptualized by means of negative units, activating the transformation of the image schema REMOVAL of COUNTERFORCE into COUNTERFORCE.  The change of  free interaction into blockage is conceptualized by  means of transformation of the image schema REMOVAL of BLOCKAGE into BLOCKAGE. The represented by negative units change of relations between referents de- termines the functions of these units in the English discourse.  

Keywords: negation, change, conceptualization, image schema, perceptual relations, force relations.

Kryshtaliuk A.A. Negation as change of conceptualization of the world

Kurbanova M.G. Transonymization in the ergonems of the modern Russian language

Abstract: The article investigates the ergonems forming with help of transonymization. Special attention was paid to anthroponyms- ergonems  and  toponyms-ergonems  as  the  most  numerous  subclasses  of  ergonems.  It  was  identified  that  such  ergonems  may  be formed not only with help of transonymization, moving from one category of onyms to another, but also with help of impersonation and derivation (the formation of new ergonems by the type of names, surnames and geographic names). 

Keywords: transonymization, ergonem, anthroponym, toponym, motivational sign.  

Kurbanova M.G. Transonymization in the ergonems of the modern Russian language

Kutsak H.M. Onomasiological aspect of the derivative items in the children’s speech

Abstract: The author raised the problem of the onomasiological aspect of derived units in the modern Ukrainian language on the example  of  children’s  speech,  including  the  tracing  in  it  the  specifity  of  orgination  of  names.  The  study  is  built  on  the  basis  of existing  linguistic  studies  on  the  features  of  the  process  of  nomination,  onomasiological  categories  and  their  representatives (onomasiological structure, onomasiological base and onomasiological feature). The concept of internal form as a certain display of imagination of named object is expanded. The kinds of nominations (generalized and individualizational) of ways of the refering to the internal form and its role in the “children” nominations are indicated. The two processes (isolation and semantic synthesis) in the cognitive and verbal child’s activity are outlined. The cases of generalization as an important component of phase of formation in the child the ability to generalize the linguistic phenomena are considered. The peculiarity of the use of analogies, associations, etc. in children’s nominative acts is described. For the analysis we selected nominative units of different grammatical classes – nouns, verbs and adjectives – out of the live children’s speech. They as consequence of classificational and cognitive process in children’s speech are the most indicative of detection of the onomasiological type in derived words. The author draws a conclusion that the close con- nection exists between children’s word creation and common mechanisms of generation of nomination in national language. Chil- dren’s speech is one of the brightest representative of corpus of nominative word-formation. 

Keywords: children’s speech, derived nominative units, process of nomination, onomasiological aspect, inner form.  

Kutsak H.M. Onomasiological aspect of the derivative items in the children’s speech 

Leshchenko A.V. Correlation of concepts discourse and text

Abstract:  This article  focuses on different approaches to defining correlation between the two essential linguistic concepts  – dis- course and text. The author sides with those who consider the text to be an inherent constituent part of the discourse as a whole, and argues that text, being an autonomous unit, interacts with discourse via reflection principle. As a result, text includes two kinds of information – factual information (concerned with the object of the message) and discourse information (reflecting the discourse set- ting). 

Keywords: discourse, text, reflection principle, factual information, discourse information. 

Leshchenko A.V. Correlation of concepts discourse and text 

Lilik O.O. The modification of female character in Maria Matios’s intimate lyrics

Abstract: The author attempts to analyze the artistic features of intimate lyrics of contemporary Ukrainian writer Maria Matios. The object of the analysis is poetries from a collected volume “Women’s arkan in the garden of impatience”, which are conventionally divided into themed groups. While exploring the writer’s lyrical works the author concludes that the ideological and thematic domi- nant of works is the opening of the lyrical heroine’s inner existence, the coexistence and confrontation of a woman and the world, different incarnations of a woman in relationships with beloveds, in nature. M.Matios shows a variety of women’s images such as a woman-mother, a woman-beloved, a woman-victim, a woman-hermit. Also the writer depicts various love models such as forbidden love, love-passion, love-illness, love-poison, love-war, love-addiction. Various images of a man such as a representative of animal world, a male, a master, a hunter, a vampire, a thief, an organic part of a woman, a strong-willed and uncontrollable wind are de- scribed. 

Keywords: intimate lyrics, a woman, lyrical character, image, poetry, love.  

Lilik O.O. The modification of female character in Maria Matios’s intimate lyrics

Yefymenko T. Linguostylistic analysis of Clara Reeve's novel "The Old English Baron"

Abstract.  This article is devoted to the analysis of the stylistic units on lexical-semantic,  morphologic and syntactic levels of the gothic novel by Clara Reeve “The old English baron”. 

Keywords: linguistic units, individual style, expressiveness, stylistic means. 

Yefymenko T. Linguostylistic analysis of Clara Reeve’s novel “The Old English Baron” 

Lototska K.Ya. “Revival” of verbal imagery in prose and poetry (based on the use of the somatic lexeme “heart”)

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of the process of reconstruction and revival of conventionalized verbal images in prose and poetic contexts conducted on the example of tropes with the conceptually rich core element “heart”. 

Keywords: metaphor, emotion, concept, somatic lexeme “heart”, conventionalized image, “revived” image.  

Lototska K.Ya. “Revival” of verbal imagery in prose and poetry (based on the use of the somatic lexeme “heart”)  

Lytvynova N.B. Discursive potential of grammatical units of dialectal narration-reminiscence

Abstract: In the article on text material of narration-reminiscences of one of Ukrainian East-Steppe dialects is considered discursive functions  of  the  one-predicate  personal  constructions-utterances  that  in  the  composition  have  specific  markers  of  attention actualization  of  addressee,  providing  “active  listener”,  contextual  autocommentation,  psychological  synchronization  and  tuning  of dialogue  teller  /  addressee  in  the  process  of  narration  development.  In  the  dialectal  utterances’  structure  there  are  such  typical discursive  markers  as  predicate  units  з|найеш,  с|лухаĭ,  |бач’іш,  гл’а|ди,  |думайеіш.  Constructions-utterances  with  the  personal pronouns I, you, we, they, he, she are also discursively saturated. They show world-view position of dialectal narrator: contrasting by himself  to  dialectal  society,  identifying  or  co-operating  with  this  society.  Depending  on  grammatical  position  in  an  utterance  the personal  pronouns  are  able  to  form  discursive  semantics  of  maintenance  after  the  listener  of  active  role  of  participant  of communication,  the  communicative  intension of  dialectal  narrator  to  the  relatedness  with  the  community,  emotive  and  expressive estimations by him of events, to the permanent address of narrator to dialectal group’s collective experience. Functioning of the one- predicate  personal  constructions-utterances  and  constructions  with  the  personal  pronouns  in  speech  of  dialectal  narration- reminiscence  specifies  on  such  its  communicative  parameters  as  interactiveness,  dialogue,  structural  and  semantic  openness,  on grammatical level confirming the dependence of dialectal speech on the context of its development as well as in the field of dialectal vocabulary. 

Keywords: discourse, dialectal text-narration, utterance, personal pronoun, speech context.  

Lytvynova N.B. Discursive potential of grammatical units of dialectal narration-reminiscence 

Makaruk L. Multidimensional Approaches to the Study of Written Communication

Abstract: This paper presents the results of our research into the aspects of communication which involve graphic linguistics, para- language and visualization. The tasks which it was possible to carry out by the use of these respective branches of linguistic science have been described, and possible directions for future development have been suggested. A clear distinction has been drawn be- tween the linguistic fields involved in the analyses. Attention has been devoted to multimodal discourse, which has links to  all the approaches mentioned above because of its broad sphere of application. 

Keywords: communication, visual, multimodal, verbal, non-verbal, paralinguistics.

Makaruk L. Multidimensional Approaches to the Study of Written Communication 

Manaenko G. The specificity of language as a sign system

Abstract: The article discusses the traditional concepts of the linguistic sign and highlights their differences. From the standpoint of cognitive-discursive paradigm the author shows the specifics of language as a semiotic system and justify the status of expression as a linguistic sign. 

Keywords: value, character, word, sentence, statement 

Manaenko G. The specificity of language as a sign system

Manokhina U.E. Features of collective nouns’ compatibility with qualitative adjectives

Abstract: This article discusses the features of collective nouns’ compatibility with qualitative adjectives. 

Keywords: collective nouns, qualitative adjective, compatibility.  

Manokhina U.E. Features of collective nouns’ compatibility with qualitative adjectives

Marina E.S. Paradoxical Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anglophone Poetic Discourse: Types of Emotional Resonance

Abstract: The article focuses on revealing the types of emotional resonance, evoked from reading or watching contemporary Anglo- phone  poetic  texts,  within  which  paradoxical  poetic  imagery  functions.  It  is  determined  that  peculiarities  of  emotional  resonance emergence are predetermined by cognitive, extralingual and lingual factors. The research is carried out from the standpoint of cogni- tive poetics, multimodal cognitive poetics and mobile stylistics. We view paradoxicality as a literary category realized in four dimen- sions: ontological, gnoseological, epistemological and semiotic. In the paper a poetic paradoxical image is defined as cognitive and semiotic entity structured by preconceptual, conceptual and verbal planes, characterized by variable and dynamic conceptual and se- mantic structure actualized in poetry as multimodal construal. Considering cognitive mechanisms of paradoxical poetic imagery for- mation among cognitive factors of emotional resonance emergence, within the framework of mobile stylistics we explain specificity of  their  creation  via  mobility  of  paradoxicality  boundaries,  i.e.  their  moveability,  changeability,  flexibility  and  adaptability.  The boundaries of paradoxicality are viewed as borders of paradoxical poetic imagery, textual worlds, conceptual borders. It is claimed that the main cognitive process of paradoxical poetic imagery formation is conceptual transgression, which results in cognitive mech- anisms of conceptual blending and conceptual amalgam. It is proved that conceptual amalgam is accompanied by cognitive opera- tions of conceptual absorption and conceptual extrusion. Proceeding from the outcome of semantic, conceptual, inferential, interpre- tative and textual analysis of the poetic texts under study, the latter are classified into texts of pleasure, texts of bliss (Barthes’ terms) and texts of suffering. The first two types evoke readers’ “purification of the soul, catharsis”. On the contrary, texts of suffering give rise to resentment, instability of the state of mind. Extent of emotional resonance is amplified while perceiving a multimodal poetic text. 

Keywords: emotional resonance, the text of pleasure, the text of bliss, the text of suffering, mobility of boundaries. 

Marina E.S. Paradoxical Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anglophone Poetic Discourse: Types of Emotional Resonance

Yasinska, O.V. Cyberneologisms as the Object of the Linguistic World Picture

Abstract. The given article analyzes the computer neologisms, namely cyberneologisms as the object of the linguistic world picture. It was defined the role of the cybernetics as relatively new branch of scientific knowledge. It was investi- gated the role of lexical innovations in the sphere of informational technologies in English linguistic system; it was also researched  the  functional  status  of  the  given  units;  it  was  characterized  the  terminological  definitions  of  neologisms (part of them-neologisms) in modern linguistics. It was established that cyberneologisms have the required parameters- concretizators in linguistics that are common for neologisms in general: time, linguistic space, actualization of the given units that are evaluated from the position of their novelty, defining the structural characteristic of new word.  

Keywords: English, neology, cybernetics, cyberneologism, lexical system. 

Yasinska, O.V. Cyberneologisms as the Object of the Linguistic World Picture 

Mayboroda R. Theatricality as the system of means of theatrical expression

Abstract: This article examines the theatricality as the system of means of theatrical expression in the analysis of a literary text, as well as the aspect of the interaction of theatre and literature. The author emphasizes that the interaction between theater and literature is expressed primarily in a distinct orientation of the literature on purely theatrical art modeling tools. The analysis of the expressive structure defined by the author, from the point of view of the theater allows you to build a special system images, an imaginary world that exists under other laws – the laws of the theatrical performance. So to read the novel as a performance (in the metaphorical sense) is the interpretation of the components of its structure, which are expressed by specific artistic means – a system of means of theatri- cal expression. The study of this aspect of the literary works is justified and necessary, that it is capable of theatrical expression to give a clear idea of the features of the interaction between literature and theatre aesthetics, the interaction that is resistant to the usual description  of  literary  terms  and  concepts.  Theatrical  performance  is  a  concept of  reality,  a  world  view,  expressed  in  a  particular stage action. Theatrical performance in the literary text is the imaginary ( implicit ) performance, constructed by the author, which has its own individual images, conveying the idea of the performance. Thus, the literary text can be read and seen as an implicit the- atrical  performance.  The  study  of  the  various  theories  of  theatricality  convinces  us  that  it  has  a  number  of  permanent  and  non- permanent  features,  allowing  to  consider  theatricality  as  a  system  of  means  of  theatrical  expression.  The  specificity  of  theatre  is based on the following aspects (levels): playing (a world – theatre), communicative and receptive (author – actor – the viewer ); effi- cient and stylistic. Theatricality is expressed at different levels: at the level of themes and contents, in the stylistic manner of narra- tion about the outside world. Theatrical expression is the actualization of the system of permanent and non-permanent means of the- atrical performance, falling through the reception of illusion into the structure of a literary work as its stylistic and structure-forming component. 

Keywords: theatre, theatre expression, theatre aesthetics, theatrical text,, theatrical code 

Mayboroda R. Theatricality as the system of means of theatrical expression 

Мedved N.S. Will modality in business XVII – XVIII centuries writing

Abstract: The article studies the willl modality and means of its expression in the business XVII – XVIII centuries writing. The con- cept of “willl modality” is proved, lexical and grammatical means of modality realization in business documents of specified period are defined. Due to linguistic material the will modality types are illustrated: real will modality that provides the affirmative expres- sion of the reality predicate relations, reports are not accompanied by subjective evaluation from the the speaker’s side; real and po- tential will modality, which includes a substrate of realistically possible events.  

Keywords: will modality, modal meaning, modal modificators, modal modificators, real will modality, real and potential will mo- dality. 

Мedved N.S. Will modality in business XVII – XVIII centuries writing  

Menshiy A. Typological features of M. Kotsyubynsky’s "school of thought" in the creative work of H. Myhailychenko

Abstract: The issue of creative borrowing, influence, continuation of traditions by representatives of various artistic formations is topical for the research of the XX century Ukrainian literature. Hence, it is logical to turn to artistic works of M. Kotsyubinsky and Ukrainian writers of early twentieth, who are representatives of M. Kotsyubynsky’s school of thought. The latter is only vaguely out- lined  by  the  researchers  (A. Golovko,  M. Ivchenko,  H. Kosynka,  H. Mykhailychenko,  V. Pidmohylny,  M. Hvylyovy).  The  author focused on M. Kotsyubynsky’s and H. Mykhailychenko’s poetical systems. Their artistic works reflect major trends of the spiritual life determined by philosophical stands of A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche at the break of the XX century. Their works are charac- terized by stylistic eclecticism. Inner plot, colour, light and mood are essentials of the writers’ artistic systems. Their prose is domi- nated by subjective narratives. Their genres are innovative: a “watercolor”, a “sketch”, a “miniature”, a “scene” etc. Complex and harmonious synthesis of fine arts and fiction is the feature of the authors’ poetic systems. They developed a genre of poetry in prose in  Ukrainian  literature.  It  is  impossible  not  to  notice  the  similarities  in  the  subject  matter  of  the  narratives  “Unknown”  by M. Kotsyubynsky and “The Threat of the Unknown” by H. Mykhailychenko. The XX century mainstream topic of loneliness domi- nates their works. M. Kotsyubynsky was one of the first Ukrainian writers to address urban issues. In his artistic system the city ex- ists as a full-fledged image, as a separate being that brings people under its laws. A protagonist of novels, H. Mykhailychenko is at- tracted by disharmonious manifestations of urbanity: the city nourishes the hero as much as it causes pain. H. Mykhailychenko owes M. Kotsyubynskiy the types of characters as well (a blind beggar-woman from the short story “Starchyha” and Esterka, the heroine from the story “He is coming!”). Thus, H. Mykhailychenko learned M. Kotsyubynsky’s lessons in a creative way without rejecting the nature of his own artistic talent. 

Keywords: M. Kotsyubinsky’s “school”, poetry in prose, dominants of a poetical system, genres, stylistic eclecticism.  

Menshiy A. Typological features of M. Kotsyubynsky’s “school of thought” in the creative work of H. Myhailychenko

Minina O.V. Bibliopoetonyms as a component of the poetonymosphere of Ken Follett’s "The Pillars of the Earth" and "World without end"

Abstract: The article is devoted to bibliopoetonyms as a component of the poetonymosphere of Ken Follett’s historical sagas “The Pillars of the Earth” and “World without end”. Different approaches to the naming biblical vocabulary are studied, the term biblio- poetonym is singled out for naming poetonyms borrowed from the Bible. Structural models and semantic types of bibliopoetonyms are analyzed, their etymology, semantic and structural specific features revealing the writer’s idea are focused on. 

Keywords: literary onomastics, poetonymosphere, bibliopoetonym, semantic type, structural model.  

Minina  O.V.  Bibliopoetonyms  as  a  component  of  the  poetonymosphere  of  Ken  Follett’s  “The  Pillars  of  the  Earth”  and “World without end”